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Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

Geoff noticed that she had gotten out of the water. He took a couple of minutes to figure out why. "Shit... What did I say?" He said before he made his way to the shore. He got out of the water and dried off, and grabbed his stuff and his shirt. He made his way over to Celina and pulled her over to where he knew they were alone. "Hey what the hell did I say? Was it something I did?"
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Celina jerked her hand away. "Don't pull me away from my friends, don't act like you own me. You're just an asshole, and I don't like you. You're like a perpetual 12 year old show off jerk. So get the fuck away." Celina said, shoving him away from her and stalking off. As if he had any right to chase after her, as if he knew her enough to dare. Such a typical man.

She was pissed, and no one ruffles this princess's feathers. She was in the mood to make trouble now, it didn't take much to push her buttons. She stalked up to where she saw Trent, alone this time and smirked. She walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder, and when he turned around she grabbed him by his shirt collar and kissed him fiercely.

Meanwhile Margo had gone off to find some drinks for her and Trent. She was returned with one beer and one hard cider, she wasn't much of a beer fan herself. When she saw Celina and Trent she stopped in her tracks, but unlike Celina Margo wasn't one to lose her cool. She walked up to them and watched as Celina pulled away, smiling triumphantly, as of she won some grand prize. Margo handed the drinks to Trent and smiled at her. "Trent, if you wanted a threesome, you only had to ask. Bitch isn't really my type, but I suppose she will do." Margo said, then grabbed Celina by the hair as the nape of her neck and kissed her, running her hand down Celina's spine. Celina's eyes went wide and she was stunned, but only for a second before she shoved Margo off her. "Dyke!" she shrieked, spitting on the ground and Margo laughed. "Well you're half right." she said, and Celina stalked off angrily.

OOC- Oops, missed the last page of posts, edited.

Nathan watched as Celina swam back to shore, but turned away as she left the water."You're quite the lady repellent Geoff." he said, casting him an amused smirk. "A word of advice? The high and mighty bull shit might work back home, but most of the girls here are too strong willed and well off to fall for any kind of peacocking." He said, continuing to tread water. He figured there was about a 30% chance that Geoff would try and drown him after a comment like that, but Nathan literally could not avoid speaking his mind. It was an incurable disease, his lack of filter, but the way he saw it was that you found out who quickly who was truly worth your time when you saw how they responded to brutal honesty. Geoff didn't react and swam after Celina back to shore. Nathan remained in the water for a while, figuring that Celina was more than capable of taking care of and dealing with Geoff herself.

"Yeah, I know right, Nathan can be such an ass." Julia agreed with Celina, making a half hearted attempt at a joke. Julia let Celina steal her drink, and quickly found herself with another. "But seriously, who does that guy think he is?" she muttered, and watched disapprovingly as he walked over to her. Celina pulled away and stormed off, she watched her cross the dance floor and kiss Trent. "Sorry... I have to deal with this." she apologized to Robin and jogged after Celina as she stalked off. "Celina, what the hell was that?" she confronted her. "If you don't like someone, cool, but find something better to insult than something they can't change, like their sexuality. You won't get any sympathy from me when you're trying to blatantly ruin relationships and carelessly insulting people." she snapped.
"Julia, I'm not a nice person." Celina said simply. "All I have going for me is my talent. Doesn't mean I have to put up with assholes like Geoff, but also means I need to take down threats like Margo. I am not, and never have been, a nice person. I'm not funny, I'm barely smart, all I have is my talent. And I will ALWAYS protect it." She stated viciously. "Miss hot shot comes in here and acts like she owns the place, I worked too damn hard for this, for some nobody from nowhere to come and take it from me." She was shouting now, and though they were on the edge of the party and closer to the woods, she was drawing a crowd. "You know all this I don't need to tell you this shit. But if you're going to analyze me, analyze yourself too. You, knowing all this, still chose to be my friend. Now what does that say about you?" Celina said, not unkindly. Julia was the only friend who ever put up with her crap, and Celina never quite understood why. "God I need to get laid or something, calm my damn nerves." she grumbled, running a hand through her hair and messing it up, past the point of caring.
"Fine... I'll remember that." He said as he walked past her. He wasn't happy with had just happened, but had to get it through his thick skull that people here are the same as people in Maine. He started up his car and took off. Well took off was an understatement. He revved his engine, and spun his wheels for a second. "What the hell have I done?" He asked himself. He made his way to the dorm, and up to his room. There was nothing in there really. He would have to move all his stuff into this tiny dorm. 'I'm gonna take care of this tomorrow.' He thought to himself. All that was in the room was a bed that didn't have any sheets. He plopped down on the bed and stared the ceiling.
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Ooc: @dakup, there's no way to respond to what you put, man. You have to be able to follow the plot and what other characters are doing if you're going to RP. Otherwise none of your posts will make sense.
OOC: Alright so what is the Plot.I have never really done one with a plot where people actually follow, so would you mind informing me on the plot?
@dakup, I think @AngieG means that you kind of 'posted over' what I had posted to draw the attention back to Geoff and Celina, when she had clearly walked away. It's fine if you already had a post started when I posted, because obviously you can't tell that happened, but usually most people edit their posts a bit to make sense once they see what happened. There is no 'over-arching plot', but it's really best if you pay attention to what others are posting and respond. Otherwise it's pretty hard for a coherent 'story line' to form.

Why be friends with Celina?
Easy. It was partially the Harper Hero Factor, the desire to protect people, make them better or down right save the day, that ran in her family. It was the same reason that if someone so much as looked at her the wrong way that Cole would be by her side. Similarly, it was why their dad had chosen to play hockey for average state schools and lesser known professional organizations; so that he could save the day with a goal to tie up the score late in the third period and win in overtime. The second reason was that, contrary to Celina's insistence, she really wasn't always a bad person. Competitive, yes, cruel- rarely. It seemed that Margo arriving at the school had really pushed her buttons.

"I'm not saying you shouldn't be competitive or use your talent, but play your game and win on the ice- er... stage, not on the bench." she said evenly, quoting one of her favourite hockey coaches. "You just prove that you're a lesser person by attacking people personally instead of their talent. And sorry to burst your bubble, you lost that round by taking the low road because Margo wasn't bothered by your little stunt at all." Julia said bluntly, not the slight bit bothered by Celina's insults.

"Fine... I'll remember that." He said as he walked past her. He wasn't happy with had just happened, but had to get it through his thick skull that people here are the same as people in Maine. He started up his car and took off. Well took off was an understatement. He revved his engine, and spun his wheels for a second. "What the hell have I done?" He asked himself. He made his way to the dorm, and up to his room. There was nothing in there really. He would have to move all his stuff into this tiny dorm. 'I'm gonna take care of this tomorrow.' He thought to himself. All that was in the room was a bed that didn't have any sheets. He plopped down on the bed and stared the ceiling.
"Yeah yeah, and I double lost because Trent wasn't even a good kisser. And actually, Margo kinda was." Celina muttered, always able to find the trivial within the serious. "Thanks Jules." she finally sighed. "Would it only be further admitting defeat if I went to bed? I think I made enough of a scene. Ruined my own homecoming experience." she declared dramatically, leaning against a tree then getting her hair stuck on a branch.
OOC: Would guys mind after everyone goes to bed, we fast travel to the first Rockwell academy football game? If you guys agree would you mind if I did the announcing?

Geoff was still staring at the ceil. He felt something in the room. He was the only living thing in the room. "Hello?" There was no reply. After a minute the feeling started to subside. 'That was strange.' He thought. He kept looking at the ceiling. He took a deep breathe. "Hey dad... I know your watching over me... I.. I need some advice. I screwed things up." A light breeze came in through the window. "I don't understand." There was no reply. "I don't know if you can hear me, but if feels nice just to talk to you." Geoff had done this at times. He knew his dad couldn't listen, but it kind of cheered him up to pretend he was talking to his dad.
Ooc: Auditions are tomorrow, it depends. Plus we should probably wait for TheOneAndOnly before we jump to any football game. Or do any auditioning.
OOC: Yes, auditions have been agreed to be tomorrow, so we have to get through that. But I'm fine with jumping to the football game after that- let's say the game is next Friday, which allows for an after party. The game has been moving fairly slow, which is good for character building, but we don't want things to become boring! So if nobody is actively in the middle of conversing or whatever, everyone feel free to fast forward (if there is something in the works, kindly ask those involved to fast forward when they are finished). Fair enough?

Julia chuckled at Celina's comment about the kiss. "It's karma." she added, pointedly, but quickly moved past the conversation they had just had. "It would be a little sad if you went to bed early, but you do have auditions to rock tomorrow, so that is a fairly acceptable reason to leave a Rockwell party without a crazy story." she grinned. "Unlike you, I have no commitments tomorrow and will be taking full advantage of all the party has to offer, so you're on your own for finding a buddy to walk back with." she said.

Nathan swam out to the island and back before coming back into shore. He slipped on his flip flops and wrung out his shorts, as best as possible, because walking with wet shorts was never a good idea. He decided to wait until he dried off a bit before putting his shirt back on, and let's be honest, he wanted to show off his tan, so he slung it over his shoulder and proceeded to weave back through the party goers. His friend group had dispersed from where they had been between the fire and dance floor, so he wandered around looking for some of them, picking up a beer on his way past the drink table.
Ooc: works for me!

Celina nodded shook her hair out, figuring it was a mess and there was no reason to have it up anyway. "Nathan!" she called, spotting him through the crowd. "Walk me home? The deer might maul me." she joked half-heartedly and gave Julia a quick, grateful hug before walking over to him.
"Best of luck if I don't see you tomorrow." Julia called after Celina as she asked Nathan to walk her home. He was a good choice to ask for an escort home, never so drunk that he was more annoying than usual after parties and amusing enough that he could make bad situations better. Julia wandered around until she found Robin again "Hey, sorry I ditched you!" she apologized.


"Sure." Nathan replied to Celina's comment with a genuine smile. "You can't be too careful about those ferocious deer. They look cute, but man, those antlers are basically weapons of mass destruction." he joked.
"Can't have them damaging the money maker." Celina said, gesturing to her face. "Having fun at the party?" she asked him, falling into stride beside him for the walk home.
"Yeah...It was alright." Nathan shrugged. "It's not as exciting as the big homecoming party usually is. I don't know if that's just me, but either parties are becoming too routine or I haven't had enough to drink to enjoy it." he grinned. "To be honest, i'll probably head back to my room once you're safe from all the murderous deer." he smiled. "You seem to have had a more interesting night." he commented, it was a question somewhat disguised as a statement, but he also said it lightly incase it was too much of a sore spot right now. The faint trail back from the lake was only wide enough for two people to walk side by side in some places, and it didn't leave much room. Nathan's lanky stature was not advantageous to the trek, fairly frequently he had to duck under tree branches.
OOC: Hey, sorry i've been so absent. moving into your own place and helping your siblings move takes a ton of time. i'm ready to fast forward after the auditions if you guys are!

Robin smiled at Julia, a little drunk. "Hey, it's no problem. Having fun?" She looked around. "Hey, where's your brother at? Haven't seen him around for awhile."

Trent pulled Margo over to the waters edge and spun her around. "I know, I know. But Robin was obsessed with disney princesses, so she taught me how to dance." He smiled at her. "How're you feeling?"
OOC: @TheOneAndOnly There might be a small amount of bunnying.But is small little motions, Like I figured that trent would be a captain, and it' something like he, and the other captains of the Offense would run over to the coach to get their next play. This is taking place in a time out.
Ooc: NBD! I've been doing that all summer. You missed Celina pulling a stunt to kiss Trent a few posts back, but Margo skeeved her out by kissing her.

Margo shrugged. The party was fun and all, but the sad thoughts always had a way of creeping in, and she never knew when it was going to happen. "Fine, but now we have both kissed Celina, and we need to live with that forever." she said with mock sincerity.

Celina shrugged. "When I snap I snap. I need to learn to laugh at myself better. I take everything too seriously." Celina sighed, surprising even herself to admitting to the possibility of her having flaws. "I know it wasn't cool. Still doesn't mean I want to say sorry."
OOC: Welcome back! @TheOneAndOnly

Nathan nodded his head in agreement. "I'm not one to preach and don't claim to have any kind of higher morality, but if you need someone to vent to, I'm always around." he offered. "If you want a sober second opinion though, you should be talking to Julia. We all know she won't hesitate to knock anyone down a peg." he said with a laugh.

"I think you're a lost cause when it comes to being too serious. You competitive people and your 'ambition', take all the fun out of everything why dontcha." he grinned.
Celina smiled and wrinkled her nose at him. "Don't worry, Jules already gave me quite the pep talk. Well, if you could call it that." she muttered. "Well see you wouldn't get it Nate. You're well liked and funny. I'm just good at stuff, like singing and acting and dancing. Personality wise I fall pretty flat, so it's really all I have." she shrugged. "It's fine. I'm fine. Just grumpy."
OOC: I'd be down for that. And I just noticed that, hah!

Trent pulled her in closely. "Hey. Don't let that bother you, okay? Here, let me wash the bitch away from you.." "He pulled her in for a deep kiss, placing hand on her hip. "She does not define your mood, okay? Only you can choose." He held onto her hand. "Come on. Lets get out of here."

Robin sipped her drink, standing next to Julia and Cole, feeling a little awkward. "So..." She said, turning to Cole. "What sort of stuff do you do?"
Geoff got up from laying down on his bed and walked to the window and opened it. It was a dark night. He checked his phone it was about 12, but it felt like it was about 2 in the morning. He needed sleep. It was only a half hour since he was in the lake, but that didn't matter. He was so tired that he could only focus on sleep. He fell on his bed. As soon as his head hit the pillow he was out like a log.

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