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Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

"You two could have fooled me." He said before answering them. "Well my other hobbies other then Scaring the crap out of helpless teens is acting, and boxing." Freddy had said. When the other guy walked in he couldn't help but laugh. This guy was old school, and was marching around at night looking for the deans office.
(Ooc: I'm going to be busy all day tomorrow. If the rp progresses and everyone wants to fast forward- I'm cool with it!)
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"Here. We'll sneak you in. Come on!" Trent gestured for Margo to get onto his back, then hoisted her up and piggy backed her all the way to the dorms. "My lady, your sleeping chambers await? He scanned the side of the building. "Lets find your window, I'll boost you up." He smiled at her. "Bit of a crazy night, huh?"


Robin fiddled with her glass as she looked around. She was starting to get tired, and she wanted to read her book. She turned to Julia. "Hey, I think I'm gonna go to bed. I'll see you around?" She said, smiling at her new friend. "You hold onto that dress for awhile, it looks awesome on you." She started to make her way back to the dorms, a little nervous at how dark it was. She started to whistle, a habit that she picked up whenever she was scared, when she suddenly bumped into someone, trailing a bit behind who seemed to be Celina and Nathan, plus someone else she had never met before. She jumped, nervous. "Oh my gosh! You startled me." She blushed at the guy, embarassed. "Sorry about that."

Dean turned towards the person that had bumped into him a menacing look on his face as he prepared to tell off the douchebag. However, to his surprise, it was a gentle looking girl instead of a meathead. Instantly, Dean's look faded and was replaced by a mischievous, warm smile as he fixed the strap that kept his guitar slung on his back.

"It's cool, don't worry about it. Besides, I am kind of scary looking, damn genetics for giving me this face" he joked as he tried to make her comfortable. He had to admit, she was a beautiful girl, which was strange in Dean's mind. He had met a lot of hot girls, pretty girls, but a beautiful girl was something else entirely. Shaking these thoughts away, Dean extended his hand towards the girl as he looked down at her. She appeared to be about five inches shorter then him.

"I'm Dean, by the way, and like my entire being screams, I'm new here" he told her attempting to make a joke about the fact that he stuck out like a lit up Christmas tree.
Robin smiled a little nervously at Dean, but she took his hand anyway and shook it. "Robin. Nice to meet you. Don't worry, I'm new too. Just came earlier today actually. I don't think you look scary, by the way. It's just that in the dark everything is a little bit ominous." She tilted her head. "Did you just come here? You must be pretty tired. Where are you from?"
"Robin, huh?" Dean said as he tried out the name. "Nah, I'm use to staying up late for work. Well, Birdy, I'm from New York. I know I'm missing an accent but that's only because I lived all over New York so not one accent stuck" he explained. What about you? Where are you from?" he asked her.
Robin smiled. "New York? That sounds awesome. My family moved around a lot when I was younger, but for a majority of my life we've been in Washington." She shrugged. "Not as excited as the Big Apple, but it has it's perks." She pointed at his guitar. "What sort of stuff do you play?"
"Meh, it's not as great as it's cut out to be, but it's home" Dean said as he listened to her talk about where she came from. "Washington, huh, I've never been there. I'd like to go sometime" he told her and looked back at his without guitar when she asked him what he played. "Classic Rock is really all I play, actually" he told her. Dean wondered if he should tell her about what else he liked playing. Nah, it didn't matter, plus he didn't like doing it in front of people. "To be completely honest, I'm pretty good, but not enough to get in here so I have no idea why they invited me" Dean admitted.
Margo laughed and pointed out her window. She had left a light on, and could see one of her drawings. She tried very delicately to stand on his shoulders, but there really is no delicate way to stand on anyone, unless you're an acrobat or something. So she did her best and took her shoes off so they wouldn't hurt. "Really glad I'm not wearing a skirt." Margo snickered. She pulled her window open, then slid it all the way before she pulled herself up onto her windowsill and pulled the screen up. "Oh Romeo oh Romeo, where for art thou Romeo?" Margo whispered quietly, smiling down at him.

Celina shrugged, and noticed Robin joined their group but pretended she didn't. "Long night is all. I need to sleep it off so I can rock my audition tomorrow." Celina told him. "Gosh you're acting how I act around the new girls." Celina noted with a spark in her eye, grinning as if she caught him doing something naughty.
Freddy was tired, plus that girl that he was talking to basically blew him off. To be honest he was tired and wouldn't mind just going back to his dorm and going to bed. "I need some sleep." It was one of those days he would go to bed at a earlier hour. Not at like 4 in the morning, which was his usual. He started to make his way to the boys dorm.

Tag me if I have to see it
Nathan noticed that Robin had managed to bump into them and he acknowledged her with a wave but she was chatting with new guy number 2, so he didn't say any more. Nathan grinned slightly sheepishly. "It's been a long day." Nathan replied to Celina, both in agreement to her comment and as an explanation for his slightly less than usually friendly demeanour. "The tour guide thing is getting a bit old, I'm actually excited for classes to start and everything to kind of get into a routine." he admitted.
Celina nodded in agreement. "Well, let's get these suckers tucked in." she said, tapping on a first floor window and grinning when Kevin, notorious nerd, opened. He'd had a crush on her for years, and she constantly had him doing her science homework. "Hey Kev, mind if we sneak through?" she asked and he nodded. Celina watched as the boys snuck in, then grabbed Robin. "Come along lady, you can talk to the fresh meat tomorrow. We have to go to bed." she said, waving goodbye to Kevin and all the others. "See you tomorrow!" she called, and headed off to the girls dorm with Robin. When she got to her dorm she passed out, having had enough of this ridiculous day.

"Cole, you have practice in the morning. You're going to bed." Julia commanded, half dragging her brother away from the fire. As usual, he stubbornly stopped and refused when she phrased it as a command. "Fine. Truth is I actually don't want to walk back through the creepy woods at three in the morning." she said, which wasn't a total lie, but she was also too independent to ask her brother to walk her home on any given day.

"Oh, okay then." he grunted, saying his goodbyes to the team. "Don't forget to put the fire out tonight and we'll be cleaning up the solo cups after practice in the morning, so don't make plans." he told the rest of his teammates, who nodded agreeably. Cole and Julia walked back through the forest, Cole stumbling and tripping over tree branches.

"You don't hold your liquor very well bro." Julia joked as they reached the edge of the clearing.

"How do you know how much I've had?" he retorted.

Julia sighed at his overreaction "Whatever, I'll see you tomorrow." she said, stalking off towards the girls dorm. Cole went off towards the boys dorm and pushed his propped up window open, a first floor senior-privilege, and stepped through easily. It was as if he had been sneaking into windows for years.

"Night ladies, stay safe, sleep tight, and don't let the deer bite." Nathan joked, quietly, as Celina and Robin walked away. "Night Kev, thanks for letting us through." he said, slapping him on the back.

He looked a little irate that they had disturbed his studying, now that Celina wasn't around, but the three of them left quickly. "Night boys." Nathan said, walking up the stairs to the second floor silently. He carefully opened his door just enough to sneak in and shut it softly. He sat down on his bed and actually ended up passing out before even changing out of his alcohol smelling clothes.
Trent grinned up at her. "The envious moon is mad jealous of you tonight, o gorgeous one." He winked at her. "Sweet dreams. I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled at her and walked off to his dorm window, propping it open and sneaking inside, closing it shut behind him. He quickly stripped off his shirt and fell into bed, exhausted.

Robin laughed. "Good to hear. That's pretty much the best kind of music to play on a guitar, anyway. Aside from the blues." She suddenly saw everyone departing. "Well, I guess this is goodnight. Maybe I'll see you around?" She smiled and made her way into her room, through the window which she had thankfully left open. She put on her silky pajamas and started to read her book, but soon enough, a sense of tiredness took over and she drifted off, her book tumbling from her fingers and onto her lap.
Ooc: well, I was gunna wakeup and go to auditions but yes.

Margo woke with a start the next morning, a bird having flown into her window and made a loud thud noise. She groaned and rolled out of bed. "Stupid rats with wings." she grumbled, getting up and going to the bathroom for a shower. After she showered she nervously dressed for her audition, the same red dress from before with black heels, but she put a big t shirt on over so the dress wouldn't get dirty. She did her hair into the loose bun and her makeup, the whole while afraid her shaking hand would cause her to get mascara in her brain. After she was dressed she kicked off the heels and ran to the boys dorm, flew through the door, and went straight to Trent's room. It helped that the dorm leaders had put names on the doors for everyone. His door was unlocked, so she ran in and pounced on his sleeping form. "Wakeup! Audition fay audition day! Lazy lazy lazy get up!" she yelled, standing on his bed and bouncing.

Celina had been up for hours doing vocal exercises that sounded like a strange cross between a pheasant and a drowning cat. That's not to say she wasn't a great singer, but the exercises were certainly odd. She dressed in a simple little black dress and black pumps and did her hair and makeup elegantly but lightly, ready for her own one woman show. Satisfied with her appearance, she grabbed an apple from her mini fridge and headed down to the theater to set up.
Trent groaned as he felt someone tackle him, then realized that it was Margo, in a flash he had wrestled her down and pinned her on the bed. "Slow down, gorgeous, I need a second to rejoin the land of the living." He grinned at her wickedly and planted a kiss on her forehead, then got up, rummaging around for a better shirt to wear, but still wearing his jeans from last night. He threw on a black t-shirt, hoping that showing off his tattoos might help with the image of Roger, along with a pair of black dock martens. He ran a finger through his hair and turned to Margo. "Alright, I'm set. You ready?"

Robin fiddled with her shirt buttons as she got ready for the audition. She was nervous, but it was a good kind of nervousness, one that got her excited. She brushed out her hair one last time, looked in the mirror, and gave herself a smile. "You can do this." She said quietly, then she stepped out the door and began to walk down the hallway.
"Am I ready, he asks if I'm ready." Margo muttered with a smile and rolled her eyes. "You remember all the dance moves?" she asked him, standing up to join him, placing one hand on his shoulder, the other in his hand and kissing him lightly. "Too bad if you don't, let's go." she grinned. "The theater is a dynamic and ever changing world, at least 50% of it is improvisation." she said, sauntering out of the room and trusting he would keep up.
Nathan groaned a little when his alarm went off the next morning and blindly reached for his phone to shut it off. He wasn't thrilled with getting up early on a Sunday to go attend the musical auditions, he didn't even like musicals (of the non- high school musical variety), but a promise was a promise. He grudgingly got out of bed and went to shower, figuring he should get rid of the stale alcohol and lake water smell before going out in public. "Morning." he said to Trent and Margo, when they walked out of his room. "Best of luck with the auditions both of you." he said politely, before proceeding into the bathroom. The shower was a great way to wake up, and he was much more lively. He walked downstairs after getting changed and over to the dining hall to grab a breakfast sandwich to take with him to the theatre.

He ran into Julia, literally, who appeared to be off to the barn, judging by the riding attire.

"Off to see your favourite guy?" he asked jokingly as they waited in line for food.

"Of course." she replied with a grin. "Celina woke me up at like 7 because of her pheasant noises as she got ready for the auditions, so I thought i'd make use of the day." she explained. "I'm avoiding getting into the middle of any inevitable cat fights that will occur today, is the other reason for going far away." she laughed.

Nathan admitted that she had a good point. "I'll text you a progress report of how long you should go into hiding, based on the results." he grinned and then they split off as Nathan headed towards the drama building, and Julia back towards the barn.

Nathan walked to the theatre casually, checking to make sure he was still on time, and he was actually early. He took a seat at the back of the empty auditorium and waited for the show. He texted Celina 'good luck :) ', since he hadn't seen her today.

Julia skipped along the path to the barn. Chief saw her coming from his paddock and whinnied happily. "Hey buddy." she laughed, walking over to feed him an apple she had snuck out of the dining hall. There was a lead hanging on the fence, so she hooked it to his halter and led him into the cross ties in the barn. She ran into one of the grooms, who offered to tack him up for her, but she declined. Often with the other sports she did, she didn't have many free days to visit during the week, so she always tried to help out as much as possible during the weekend. She decided to take him out to the cross country course for a trail ride, not feeling up to the demands of a polo practice today.
Dean woke in some random person's dorm room to them screaming at him in confusion. It seemed like they had let him while they were drunk out of their mind and had forgotten about that. Grabbing his stuff quickly he stumbled out of the room cursing she did so. Next stop was the office.
Geoff had awoken in his room, on a bed that wasn't his. It was his roommates bed. He wasn't really happy about it, but he had to get up. He made a promise that he would go to auditions, even though he was not fully auditioning. He could try for a tech position, but he wouldn't ruin his chances with the football team. He also knew he needed to talk to Celina, and to show that he isn't an asshole. He needed to prove that he kept his promises.

Freddy was awake at four. He was out running. Running was his way of getting in the right state of mind. He ran around the whole campus. But he made his way to his room. he showered and got ready for auditions. He wasn't the best actor, but he wasn't the worst. He got took a shower and changed. He was now ready for auditions.
OOC: I'm bad at introduction posts. So I apologise.

IC: The thing Camelia had been most worried about was the fact that she was late. And she wasn't late, as in, she'd overslept and was half an hour later for school. She was days late for school; this was all due to the fact that she was upset. Originally, she was going to come to school on the first day alongside everyone else. But she'd point blank refused to leave the house and clung to her mother, sobbing. Eventually, her parents had decided that she wasn't quite emotionally ready to leave and let her stay at home a little longer. As a result, she was late for school, which would give her school life a much more difficult beginning.

"It's going to be fine, Cam." said her twin, who was sitting beside her. Cassius was thrilled for his slightly younger sister and had insisted on coming to drop her off; plus, he added once they were already on the road, he was missing Math for this. He'd not made it into what he was calling the "Super Duper Genius School" despite being pretty intelligent and not half bad at sports. Not that he minded. As he'd pointed out, he'd get to stay at home in a familiar setting whilst Camelia was thrust into a world of confusing and unsettling, new things. That was when their parents had snapped at him to be quiet because he was upsetting his sister.

"We're here." Cassius told his sister, who had her eyes shut. She didn't wanna go. She opened one eye and peered out of the car window; the school was huge! She hugged her knees to her chest.

"Ready, Camelia?" Her mother turned to her from the driver's seat, offering a gentle smile.

"Yes, M-mother." Camelia lied.

"Very good, ma cherie." said her mother, who wasn't French but was fluent in several languages; she often used foreign pet names for her children, instead of the mainstream English ones.

"I'll help you with your stuff." Cassius said, but their father also turned to them, shaking his head.

"Cam-chan needs to learn to stand on her own two feet." Their father, who was also a fan of foriegn culture, smiled at his daughter, "Out you hop, Camelia." Slowly as she could, Camelia got out of the car and her brother handed her her suitcase and helped her sling her bag over her shoulder.

"Good luck, 'Melia." Cassius said. Camelia smiled the best she could, picking up her violin case. She shut the car door, struggling with her bag and suitcase and violin. She turned to the school and began forwards, looking so obviously new. Hopefully, somebody would help her. Because she was not going to get very far on her own.

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