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Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

Trent followed her out of the room. "I'm pretty sure I remembered all the moves. Thankfully neither of us got blackout drunk last night, so it wasn't wiped from our memories." He smiled. "You're right about improvisation, though. That's kind of what I admire about full time actors and comedy, so much of your mental capacity is taken up with doing things on the fly." He cracked his neck, wishing he had had time to stretch a bit. Maybe he could get it in before he auditioned. He suddenly felt a bout of nervousness settle over him. "So, um.... we just have to sing, right?" He said, trying to sound as casual as possible. "There's nothing else we have to do, right?"

Robin walked out of the dorms and into the main building, humming along as she made her way to where the auditions were being held. On the way there, she passed by Celina, giving her a small wave. As she continued further she also spotted Dean, who was evidently in a bit of a rush. She smiled at him as she passed by, wiggling her fingers in greeting.
As soon as Dean saw the familiar face, he turned the direction of his walking and walked along side her. "Morning, Birdy, where are you headed?" he asked her as they walked. He knew that he should've been going to the office, but that could wait. I mean, it wasn't like it was going anywhere. If Sam was here, Dean knew he'd give him an earful. Oh, well.
Margo chuckled at Trent and shrugged. "You know about as much as I do. I'd guess some cold readings, that's how it is generally done. Oh look, another new girl!" Margo said, suddenly stopping and jerking her head to a girl with a suitcase and a violin. "Let's pay it forward. The others are probably sick of playing tour guide." Margo said, jogging up to the girl and smiling. "Hey, I'm Margo." she said with a smile. She realized she probably looked ridiculous, all done up with her hair and makeup, black pumps, and then a ratty t shirt. And Trent would probably be intimidating to those with a little less gumption than Margo. And she had a feeling this girl was one of those delicate feminine flower types. "Welcome to Rockwell. You must be new, we are too actually. This is Trent. Don't worry. He's a big softie who dances to footloose and watches frozen, don't let the tats fool you." Margo said with a wink. "Anyway, we are heading to auditions. Why don't you come and meet everyone? We will help you find your room after." she promised, crossing her fingers over her heart.
She was approached suddenly by a pair of frightening looking teenagers- at least, she considered them to look frightening. The girl started talking, a little too loud and a little too fast.

"Um..." Camelia backed away, sharpish. Her eyes widened and she nearly toppled over backwards, squeaking as she quickly regained her balance. This was all very sudden and Margo was very... Loud and... Confident.

"H-hello." she said, "Uh, I, uh... I... I'm C-Camelia." She hoped that they could understand what she was saying. Caught between an accent and a bad stammer, Camelia struggled to make herself clear to other people.

"I, uh, I... Y-yeah. I'll... I'll c-c-come with y-you." she tried to smile but she still a little shocked. She knew this school was a bad idea! She was way out of her depth here with all these people and loudness and... School-ness. Her eyes flicked between Margo and Trent nervously, taking in their appearances. Why were they being so nice to her? It had to be a trick. Surely, they wouldn't just be nice to her for the sake of it?
Trent laughed. "Good idea. Maybe it'll give us good karma for the auditions." He grinned at Margo's description of him when he introduced him to the new person, a petite, cute looking girl. "Like a teddy bear with body art."

Robin giggled at his nickname for her. Sure, she had heard it before, but it was still a little sweet to hear it. "I'm off to the auditions for the musical, I'm very excited. How about you? You settling in alright?"
Geoff saw Margo and Trent. He walked over. "Morning." He said before he noticed the girl that they were talking with. "And who is this?" He said with a little excitement. "It is nice to meet you... My name is Geoffry. But you may call me Geoff." He said before turning to Margo and Trent. "So you two Aduitioning for what ever this thing is?"
Margo nodded and tried not to laugh at the new girl. She couldn't quite hear her name, but she heard the Cam part. "Relax. You won't be up on stage. Know what, Robin would be a lot better at this." Margo said suddenly to Trent, looking at him over her shoulder. When Geoff came over she smiled politely, but really wasn't in the mood for any more of his peacocking. "Sure are, we are heading there now. This is Cam. She's new, so be nice." Margo said, then offered to help Cam carry her bags as they started walking.
Geoff smiled at her. "It's a pleasure to meet you." He took one of her bags. He wanted to prove that he wasn't such an ass and that he could actually help out. "So this play is it like a play or a musical?"

Tag me if I have to see it
Dean looked over at her as he pondered on how he'd answer the question. "Well, besides waking up to screaming, not having a dorm yet, and being completely lost, I'm alright. I mean I got a bed to sleep in and a shower so things are pretty good" he said honestly. Anyone who had seen the kind of clothes he wore and how he acted could tell he was use to living in a rougher environment so these things were luxuries to him.

"So you act, huh? That's cool. I could never do that. I mean, I'm a good lier but the whole showing emotion stuff ain't really down my alley, you know?" Dean told her, trying to make conversation as they walked. "Anyways, what's this musical about and what part are you hoping to get?" he asked her.
"Aright rookies, you're in charge of cleaning up from the party last night. Rockwell is pretty strict against hazing, but let's call it 'paying your dues' to the team." Cole ordered as if it was second nature, which it was. The Rockwell hockey team had just had it's first practice with the full team, the last of the cuts had been made on Thursday. Cole was pretty happy with the line ups. They had a much better goalie this year than last year and he was confident they could make it to state. There were 6 new additions to the team, 3 freshman and 3 transfers who were sophomores and juniors. The rookies groaned at the request, but nodded their heads in agreement as they finished unlacing their skates. Cole handed them a box of garbage bags and they trudged out of the dressing room.

Cole grinned as he watched them leave. "Veteran perks." he laughed to the agreement of those left in the dressing room.

He and the rest of the guys finished changing and then left the arena. Cole wondered what he should do the rest of the day, since class hadn't yet started he had no homework, and he wasn't used to having so much free time.

He spotted Margo and Trent walking across the grass with yet another new student and decided to go wish them luck, when he remembered that the play auditions were today.

"Hey theatre geeks." he said jokingly as he approached. "All ready for the big day?" he asked.
Camelia focused on keeping up with Margo and Trent as they set off across the grass. She wasn't a fast walker, she was more of a... Slowish wandering type of person. So, she tried her best to keep up and not fall behind. She didn't want to get lost in this phenomenally large school.

"C-c-c-Camelia...." she corrected under her breath, pretty sure that nobody was listening. Oh well, she wasn't really that bothered. People got her name wrong an awful lot. That's what comes of having a strange name. At her last school, people kept calling her "Amelia" and she just went along with it.

"T-thanks." she said, as they took her bags, "Uh..." She was incredibly bad and incredibly inexperienced at making conversation. Luckily, she was saved when another boy came over to talk. She looked down to avoid eye contact and just listened. Theatre geeks? Oh no, she was not a theatre geek. Just because she was standing with a pair of them, did not make her one. She was much too quiet and reclusive to be a theatre geek; less of a theatre geek and more of a... Geek. She was going to say so but then she realised that they probably didn't care and that she should probably keep quiet. Camelia was lucky that they hadn't ditched her bags in the trash or something yet.
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Geoff heard her faintly correct Margo on her name. "It is a pleasure to meet you Camelia." He said taking her bag and slinging the bag over his back so it looks like he has a little bit of a hunchback. Then when the other guy came over Geoff kind of laughed. This guy was bigger, about Geoff's size, but hadn't seen him before. He looked like an athlete but Geoff hadn't seen him on the football field. Growing up in Maine, where in the winter, ice is pretty much abundant, Geoff could make an educated guess that this guy was a hockey player. "Hockey?" He said with a little bit of a questionable tone. @Emem
Margo grinned at Cole and shrugged. "We're ready to kill it. This is Camelia." Margo said, hearing Geoff say her name. "She's not a theater nerd like us. I'm guessing violin?" Margo asked with a smile, nodding to the violin case. It wasn't long before they showed up to the theater and Margo hesitated before opening the door. The theater was massive, and beautiful. It had balcony seats, and beautiful custom designs on the chairs. "Well, certainly don't see this is Boston public schools." she said, letting out a low whistle.
OOC: I've deleted all of the random spam posts. Hopefully we have no more random interruptions!

Cole looked at the guy who spoke to him, he vaguely recognized him from the party last night, but his memory was a little sketchy of the events last night. He nodded in answer to his question "Hey. I'm Cole, Harper." he said, extending his hand for him to shake. "I'm captain of the hockey team and a senior and you must be new?" he added.

He then turned to make a second introduction to Camelia. "Pleasure to meet you, Camelia. I'm still Cole." he said more softly, sensing that she seemed uncomfortable around the loud group with her.

They reached the theatre and Margo commented on how picturesque it was. Cole had never really noticed, then again, he'd only been in the auditorium for assemblies a few times in his three years here. "If you're impressed by this you should see the athletics buildings, that's where the real alumni money gets invested." he grinned. He had intended to just walk with them to the theatre and then ditch, though he was bored, he wasn't bored enough to sit through hours of auditions for play he would undoubtedly never see. However, he saw Nate sitting in the back row and decided to investigated what he was doing here, so he followed them in.
It wasn't a random spam post. I wanted to enter the roleplay. I wasn't even interrupting anyone. 
I was just asking why I was deleted, it wasn't a random spam post, geez. Okay, okay, I read why it was deleted. Where do I sign up o3o (but it wasn't a random spam post tho. I blame you for interrupting my entering of this roleplay.)
Ooc: dude, you're being really rude... This is no way to get he game master to like you... Quit while you're behind.
Camelia followed them, gazing into the distance, her eyes glazed over. She was caught up in memories: Chloe had played hockey and she'd been awfully good at it to. Give that girl a hockey stick and she'd knock out somebody's permanent teeth, kicking people over violently for no reason at all. And that was before the game even started.

"Y-y-you hit p-people?" Camelia had been horrified at the very idea. Her girlfriend had given her a shrug and a smirk.

"Only the ones that deserve it, Cam." Chloe had replied, "Come on, I'll race you back to the house..." The house being Camelia's because they always hung out there; or at the library or the coffee shop that Chloe worked at or occasionally, the school field where a group of them would kick a football around. Camelia wasn't very good at football- or any sports, actually- so she normally just watched. She felt a tear forming in the corner of her eye and looked down. She shouldn't be thinking about this, not today. Today was her chance to forget the past and make a fresh start.

She looked around, frowning at Cole's remark about the school's budget mainly going towards sport. She drank in the beauty of the place, her eyes a little wide in awe.

"I t-t-think it's b-beautiful." Camelia admired, "I..." She looked around again, in wonder, "We h-have n-n-nothing like t-th-this in R-Romania." She said her home country's name with a sort of pride, a faint smile on tugging at her lips.

"Um... I t-think... S-should I g-go sit?" Camelia gestured to the seats with a slightly anxious look, confused about what she should do, "And.. C-can I have my s-stuff, p-p-please?" she looked towards the others. hopefully. She was hoping that they wouldn't snap NO and run off with her stuff. That... That had happened before...

"Pretty p-please?" Camelia added.
Margo raised her eyebrow at Camelia and tried not to laugh. "Honey, we aren't going to bite." she laughed and set her stuff down in the aisle. "Well, I think us actor folk need to get backstage. I'm sure Celina is already there, planning our demise." Margo grinned and offered a little wave before she ran up the steps to the stage and disappeared behind the curtain. She had remembered to bring a small flash drive with her songs on them, and even had her ukulele stashed, tuned and good to go. The little water gun she had in her bag, but she made sure to clear with the crew that it was okay. You never knew, some schools were so up tight about anything even resembling a weapon. She saw Celina and smiled. Margo was a quick to anger, quick to forgive, quick to love, quick to hate kind of girl. Her emotions were fleeting but real and raw, and often threw her lovers and friends into vertigo.

Celina continued to ignore everyone else, she was in the zone and god help the poor fool who interrupted her. With her phone off and her ear buds in, she listened to the song she would be performing over and over again on her iPod. She had opted for minimal dance moves for this audition, the director knew her and knew what she could do. There was no reason. But she had worked all summer on improving her vocal style and she was very excited to show it off.
Trenton smiled as they entered the large auditorium. "Man, nice set up." He waved back at Margo when she dashed off to the curtain, and then turned to Camelia with what he hoped was a friendly smiled. "My uncle used to play the violin. He was pretty good at it." He glanced over at Cole. "How'd practice go? I've yet to hear from the football coach about positions yet."

Robin gave Dean a sympathetic smile. "I'm sorry to hear that. Sounds like a bit of a crazy adventure." She shrugged. "I do it from time to time, I mostly just sing and act less." She paused. She hadn't really thought of what role she'd want to be. "Well... the musical is Rent. I haven't actually given much thought to it. Personally, I really love Angel's character, and what she represents. But her role is traditionally played by a guy." She paused. "Although, if the auditions are the way they are in most schools, there will be a much bigger population of girls to guys, so maybe... ah, we'll see." She smiled brightly as they reached the doors. "I... wouldn't suppose you'd want to come watch, would you?"
"That's pretty cool, that you're from Romania, i'd be interested to hear what it's like there sometime." Cole commented, when Camelia mentioned it. "Practice was good," he said, turning back to talk to Trent, because obviously sports were more important than learning of other cultures. "I think my rookies have some potential. There are a couple loud mouths who think they're God's gift to Rockwell. I think they'll be knocked down a few pegs when they realize they won't start games because our coach knows that my starting line up works together too well to split up." he laughed. "Weird that the football coach hasn't gotten back to anyone, isn't there a game next friday?" he asked, vaguely remembering the schedule posted in the dressing room.

Nathan spotted Cole and waved at him, giving him a curious look. "Secretly auditioning for the musical Troy Bolton?" he said with a grin.

(Ooc: High School Musical reference, for anyone that's confused who Troy Bolton is... it's not a character :P )
Geoff interrupted Trent. "Yeah there is a game this Friday." His phone went off. It was from the coach. He would wait to read what he was going to be. He hopped he would become the starting wide receiver. When he saw Celina he kind of was ashamed of himself. His and Celina's last meeting didn't go as good as it could of. He turned to Margo. "Can you talk with Celina to see what the hell I did to make her angry at me. Because honestly I have no damn clue." He really didn't know.
There were too many people talking all at the same time and it was beginning to freak Camelia out. She bit her lip nervously as several different people addressed her about several different topics. Thankfully, they all turned away to talk to other people or to do other things so Camelia didn't have to try and talk to anyone. She wasn't very good at talking to people. She was more... Reclusive and solitary.

"I'll... I'll... Be o-over th-there..." she muttered, in case anybody was listening. Then, she picked up her bags and her violin case before going to sit down as far back as she could. Hopefully, nobody would bother her here. She rummaged through her bag and found her Latin book, flipping it open open to where she'd left off.
"Trent, we gotta get ready!" Margo called to him, peeling off her shirt to reveal the elegant red cocktail dress underneath. She snorted when Geoff talked to her.

"Celina and I aren't friends. She hates my guts. Don't bother. She probably doesn't like you because you come off as a huge tool. Douchebag. Asshole. Pick an insult." Margo told him, not bothering to look at him as she busied herself. She gave her music to a stage hand and then licked up her ukulele, strumming it a little to see that it was in tune. She reached in her purse and reapplied her lipstick, busying her hands so she didn't have to focus on anything else.

An older, balding man with gray wisps of hair stepped into the theater. "Alright ladies and gentlemen, take your seats! If you are auditioning you should be back stage please, chop chop! After you do you song I will call each of you out, together or separately, to do some cold readings. CELINA! I know you're back there. Start us off, show the new kids how it's done." The director called.

Celina grinned. "Yes Adam!" she chirped. She nodded to the stage hand to cue her music and she stepped through the curtain. She sang the song Secrets by Mary Lambert and it was fun, playful, sweet, everything Celina naturally wasn't. Oddly enough, most of the secrets she revealed in the song Celina could relate to. She danced, she flounces, she sang and rocked it, and when she was finished she laughed and flushed with excitement at a job well done.

"Excellent Ce-diva, as usual." The director called, using her nickname. "NEXT."
"Are you kidding? I'd love to" Dean said as he walked inside with Robin. She headed off o the backstage while he looked at the room in awe. "Damn, I could eat off the floor of this placed' he mumbled to himself, clearly impressed. He then went ahead and took a seat,putting all his stuff down as he did so.

Yet again, Dean stuck out from the rest. It s clear that he wasn't part of this crowd or any crowd really. The teared jeans, beat up combat boots, warm brown leather jacket, and old plaid shirt told everyone that he was an outsider. People looked over, some with curiosity but most with discust. However, Dean ignored those around him and played attention to the first performance. It was incredible, his abilities weren't even near what the kids could do, so what the hell was he doing here? Throwing that though aside, he played attention to the stage and patiently waited for Robin's turn.
Nathan shook his head, grinning to himself about Geoff's inability to understand that he came off as an ass, and not the funny but annoying kind, but the high and mighty 'i'm so special' type. Nathan knew this because he himself was all too familiar with the former category. Most people could put up with you being insensitive and a bit of a jerk over a laugh, but a lot were put off by the former category. Nathan was a bit surprised that Celina had been so quick to 'dislike', or so it seemed, Geoff for that reason. After all, her Rockwell track record showed a history of being with many jocks who were jerks.

For once, Nathan kept his thoughts to himself. Namely because the auditions began, and the director ordered the audience to silence. Celina was first, and Nathan was fairly impressed by the audition. That wasn't saying much as he knew nothing about musical theatre, but it seemed good to him and the director agreed.

Along with the rest of the sparse audience members, he clapped politely, but then his obedience to the director's orders changed and he couldn't help but yelling "We love you Celina!", that oh so stereotypical after high school theatre performance saying.

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