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Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

"W-what a show off..." Camelia muttered to herself, busying her hands with flipping through a few pages of her book so she didn't have to clap. Theatre people were always show offs and sometimes, it was a good thing. It suited some people and made them really fun to hang around with. And then there was... Celina's type. A show off that clearly thought she was above everyone else here and that they should all look up to her. Looking back down to her book, Camelia wondered when this would all be over. She wasn't much of a theatre person and would rather study somewhere quieter. Oh, well. She had to wait for the others to come back and show her around, she guessed.
Geoff could only laugh at what Margo had said. Geoff might have been an ass before. Looks like he was going to have to play to the stereotype of being a jock and an ass. He walked out of the theater in a little bit of a huff. "Dumb shits." He mumbled under his breathe. He got in his car and made his way to his house. When he got there he grabbed his Bari sax and put it in his car. His mother wasn't home so she wouldn't ask what he was doing. He put his bari in his car and began to drive.

Freddy watched Geoff leave in his huff. "What a douchebag!" He mumbled. Freddy was a boxer, but he was also an actor so he would fit in this crowd better then that one. He watched as Celina auditioned. She was pretty good. Freddy couldn't sing worth a damn, but he could act. It was his second passion. 
A girl with long baby blue hair walked into the theatre. She wasn't lost, even thought she looked it. She could see that people were auditioning. SHe had arrived at the right moment. She was Barbra Von Helsing, Daughter to Brad and Heather Von Helsing, two of Hollywood's B-list celebrities. She smirked. SHe was an actor, like her parents even thought she didn't like her parents. She walked up to the group of people waiting to audition. "Hello." She said.
Trent looked over at Margo. "It looks like its your turn, Mar. Ready to knock em' dead?" He approached the stage cautiously, allowing Margo to go ahead of him.

"Go Margo!" Robin cheered quietly, excited to see how well her friend would do. She smiled over at Dean. "Kind of exciting, huh?"
Margo flashed him a smile and nodded, taking his hand and grasping it while she stepped through the curtain. "I'm Margo, and this is Trent. He will be helping me with my song." Margo said, and Adam waved her forward impatiently. Margo took Trent's hand and placed her other hand on his shoulder. She leaned the side of her face into his chest, away from the meager audience and started in first position, waiting for the music. When the music started, their tango was electric. Paramore's "One of those crazy girls" was a good choice, and Margo was the perfect, lovesick, crazy girl to play it. She slowly became more hysterical as Trent ceased tangoing with her and she was left on her own. And in the final part where she shot him instead of herself and sang the chorus to his body she looked absolutely insane, in the best possible way. It was believable, to say the least. And she tried hard to relate to the character she created. A stage hand came and handed her the ukulele when the song ended, and she sang her comical song to Trent's body, laying her head on his chest at the end of it. She had done well, and even Celina, though she would never admit it, was impressed. "Interesting, Margo right?" Adam said, but didn't wait for a response. "A very old name, means pearl. Anyway, good job, now go away. I'll call you when I need you." he said and Margo flitted off stage. "Break a leg." she whispered to Trent and grinned as she left the stage.
Freddy was impressed what Margo had done. She was more comically then anyone that was there. 'She'll do good.' He thought to himself. Next was this trent guy who he hadn't really meet. "Yeah. wooow!" He said after Margo was done.

Barbra was impressed to say the least. Margo was good, probably just as good as Barbra.
Dean turned towards Robin upon hearing her ask him something. "In a way that I can't really understand, yeah it is" he admitted before yet another girl was in the stage along with a boy. The pair was a strange one, and so far they resembled Dean's status more then anyone he had seen so far, so automatically he knew he'd like them.

The music began and they gave their performance, which was extraordinary. That WS the difference between Dean and everyone else, he wasn't extremely talented like the rest. He was good, but not to that extent. By now it was pretty clear to Dean that he had to ask the man who offered him a place at the school why he had done that.
Trent smiled at Margo. She had been electric, and their chemistry onstage was incredibly intense. But now it was his turn to wow the audience. He already felt his palms start to sweat as Margo left the stage. "Don't think, just go." He thought nervously, not wanting to recall the reason why he'd stopped singing before. He took a deep breath, and looked into the audience, and saw the two most important people to him at that very moment, Margo and Robin, smiling brightly at them. He saw Robin mouth the words "You can do this." And just like that, the backing track began. A few girls catcalled and a couple guys laughed when they recognized the Frozen song, but Trent just got into character. He started to sing, his voice low and musical. It grew stronger and stronger, and as it did, his confidence grew as well, until he could feel the music carrying him away. He moved around the stage, growing more and more excited as the song progressed. He planted his feet in a rock stance centre stage, just in time for the high note.... and he hit it perfectly. He exhaled and let his shoulders slump down, waiting for the director to give his feedback.

Robin was absolutely shocked, and thrilled, after watching Trent's performance. He had done it. He was singing again. Her brother was finally back. She whispered excitedly to Dean. "That was my brother! Isn't he incredible?"
Margo grinned, incredibly proud, and had her hands clasped over her mouth so she wouldn't let out the ecstatic squeal that was building up in her. She jogged in place and waited for him to step back stage again before she embraced him happily. "You're awesome." she laughed quietly.
Dean, like everyone else in the auditorium, bursted into applause when he was done. "Incredible? That doesn't even come close. Damn, he was insanely good" he admitted and looked over at Robin. He could tell it made her happy to have her brother do so well and that kind of made him happy too. "I bet talent runs in the family and you got a little of something in you too, Birdy" Dean told Robin with a laugh.
Nathan clapped, along with the others each time another of their friends went. It wasn't very long until he grew bored, Cole was quick to ditch him, with the excuse that he needed to call home to wish his dad luck on the game tonight. There were quite a few people auditioning, Nathan wondered if this meant there were lots of characters or that the competitions was stiff. He sighed and discretely pulled out his phone to play 2048 while he waited for this process to be over. He was sure that if you were a part of the auditions it was probably a lot of fun, but watching them wasn't the most exhilarating.

Julia galloped Chief all out across an open portion of the cross country course. The wind was rushing in her ears and the only other noise that she heard was the steady rhythmic sound of hooves on the hard dirt path. When they reached the trees again she sat back in the saddle, and Chief quickly transitioned to a trot and then walk. She was beaming as she bent down to pat him on the neck. "Great ride boy." she murmured to him, giving him a long rein and enjoying the ride back to the stables. His hooves clattered onto the cobblestone path and Julia hopped off. She spent a long time cooling him out and brushing his golden coat until it shined, before putting a sheet on him and turning him out in his paddock.
After Trent was finished his performance, Freddy just watched. His jaw was dropped. This guy had basically pulled this piece of gold out of nowhere. He was amazed. Freddy, of course couldn't help but laugh at it. But it was the kind of laugh that was encouraging. This guy was good, hell Freddy thought this guy could be the male lead. After he was finished Freddy figured it was his turn. He walked up on stage. " I got to tell you out here, makes me wish I was home, sweet home." He pulled out a guitar. He started playing "home sweet home" by Montly Crue. After the second chours. Freddy stepped away from the mic, and delivered a heart warming solo. The passion could be heard ringing through the whole theater. His voice wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst either.

Barb watched as another guy started. It was more of an audition for a band, rather then an audition for a musical. He was good on the guitar, but his voice could use a little work, but he was still good. Not as good as the last guy, but still good non the less.

Geoff made his way back to the campus. He saw a girl on a horse riding. She was cute. He parked back on campus and walked to the stables. He was in luck, she was still here. It looks like she just put her horse in. He knocked on one of the post. "Hello?" He said a little bit cautiously. The track record that he had meant that she might blow up in his face aswell.
Julia heard a hesitant 'hello' and knocking as she latched the paddock gate. She had a slight involuntary jump, because she hadn't seen anyone around here in a while and thought she was alone. "Hey, how's it going?" she waved as she turned around and recovered, mostly gracefully. "Geoff, right?" she asked when she recognized him, remembering an introduction last night, just not remembering it particularly well. "What brings you to this neck of the woods?" she asked with a grin. "Most people never actually end up finding the mythical stables hidden back here on the edge of campus in four years, and you've done it in a day. Impressive." she added. She mindlessly played with the leather lead shank in her hand, from turning Chief out, as she waited for him to respond.
"Yeah… Julia right? We meet at that party last night." His memory came back to him. "You were one of the first people I meet last night." He said. "Sorry for scaring you. I saw you riding and wanted to come and talk." After she had complimented him, he scratched his chin. "Thanks. To be honest I saw you from the road and made my way over here. So what's his name?" He was talking about the horse.

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Julia nodded. "That's me." she said with a smile. "Did you have a good time at the party last night?" she asked, curiously. He asked about Chief and she grinned proudly in response. "This is Mischief Managed, but I call him Chief. I gave him his registered name when I was 12, so it's a Harry Potter reference." she laughed "He's a 5 year old Palomino thoroughbred, with fairly successful racehorses in his pedigree. We're on the Polo team at the school, and that was originally what he was purchased for, but I've done everything from rodeo and western games to cross country jumping with him. He's pretty versatile." she said, patting Chief's neck. She winced slightly "Sorry, I'm rambling. You asked for a name, not a horsey background check. It's fairly difficult to find many people that will deal with my horsie ramblings here, though." she commented.

He understood about a third of what she was talking about, but he just nodded and said. "Yes." And. "Alright." When she apologized he chuckled and ran his hand through his hair. "Sweet. And you don't have to apologize for anything. If your passionate about something then talk away. I don't mind listening." He said, moving to a post and leaned against it. "I didn't really have a good of a time at the party. I was basically told out by celina for something I did, even trough I have no clue what I did."

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"Oh, yeah. I remember that happening. "Maybe it was just because we were all drinking." she shrugged. "I know a lot of guys around here that act all macho when they're drunk, but otherwise are really nice guys. I also know a lot of girls that tend to overreact when they're drunk, and Celina definitely counts as one of them." she chuckled. "It's not really my place to say much, though. Celina is one of my best friends." she added

"Yeah then you'll remember that the last interaction I had with Celine wasn't the best." He chuckled. "Hell maybe you could ask her what the hell I did to piss her off." He scratched his chin. "Anyway what else do you do around her to have a little fun?" It was his second day out in this place, and he really didn't have any clue what could be fun out in Colorado. He had never really been out in Arizona.

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OOC: The Rp is set in Colorado.

Julia raised her eyebrow slightly, apparently Geoff hadn't gotten the subtle hint that he acted like an ass last night. What more explanation was needed than that? "Uh... There are all kinds of trails and that sort of thing on campus that you can go hiking on, swimming out to the island on the lake is fun. All of the athletics facilities are open on the weekend, if you're into sports. If you catch the bus into town on the weekends there's a small mall, movie theatre, arcade, bowling alley, 50's style diner... those kind of small town things." she shrugged. "I'm from Albany, so everything is really small in comparison to New York, but I like it, it's a nice change."
OOC: I thought I saw Arizona someplace, but I will edit it.

"A New Yorker aeh. We see a few of you guys from where I come from." He said with a hint of his mainer accent. He remembers well enough that there where a few New York license plates on the road in Maine. "Wanna head into town?" He asked.

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Julia pulled out her cell phone and looked at the time as she thought about his question. She knew everyone would still be at auditions. "Sure, why not. The shuttle bus comes on the hour, so we have a bit of time. I'd rather not go into town smelling like horse though, so I better change first." she said.

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He smiled." Sweet… but you do know I got a car, we don't have to take the bus." His car wasn't in sight so he couldn't point to it, but if it was he would be pointing to it. "And when you want to head into town just meet me over near the middle of campus." He said walking towards the door.

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"Okay." Julia agreed, and she headed into the dressing room in the barn. She showered and changed into jeans and a t-shirt. She laughed when she realized that her non-riding outfit happened to be far less fancy than what she had been wearing, and a lot less expensive too, but she was totally okay with going into town like this- because at least she didn't smell like horse. Julia wandered back from the barn, wondering what Geoff had meant by the middle of campus. She figured he hadn't parked in the middle of the administration building, but she walked over to the closest parking lot. Luckily, she happened to find Geoff, standing near a pretty nice car.

"Hey." she smiled as she approached. "Nice ride." she complimented.
Geoff walked out of the barn. He made his way to his car was, which wasn't parked that far from the administration building. He was sitting on the hood of the car. He would shine it later. The cherry red paint shined in the sun, and the black racing stripes added a accent. "Thanks… me and my father basically restored her from nothing." He said sliding off the hood. He walked over to the passenger side door, and opened it. "After you." He said holding open the door.

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Julia cringed slightly at the overly chauvinistic gesture, but forced herself not to say anything, in hopes that it was done in irony. After all, 1) no where had they agreed that this was a date of any kind, which might warrant this kind of behaviour and 2) it isn't the 1950s (though the old refurbished car may suggest it). She slid onto the seat with a slightly forced smile and fumbled with the buckle as Geoff shut the door and walked over to the driver's side. "That's pretty cool that you restored the car with your dad." she commented, and looked around the interior, but realistically she knew nothing about cars.

"So, have you been into town yet, or do you need directions?" she asked.

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After she had slid in he closed the door. His mother and father had told him to treat women with respect, if that kent holding open the door for a friend, or some who was heading into town with him, he would. After he walking over to the driver side and got in. He got in and started up his 1969 BOSS 429 mustang. The engine purred. He buckled up, safety first, and got on the road to leave the campus. "I haven't really… I've gone into town once really."

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