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Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

Margo grinned broadly at the part, though she had the feeling that if it wasn't for the natural chemistry she had with Trent she might have been Joanne instead. Directors not only cast people based on their talents, but also their chemistry. Her and Trent were a good pair. She squeezed Trent's hand as the director talked about "accepting" a role, you had 24 hours to agree to the part, and rehearsals were every weeknight from 6-9.

Celina was pleased. Maureen was a catalyst in the play, and even though she isn't even in the first hour, she is mentioned and a lot of the action revolves around her. Plus she has some of the best songs. Maureen would do nicely, though she was sure she would have gotten Mimi if she had been 18. Mimi was a very sexy character, well, a stripper. Would probably be frowned upon to cast a 17 year old in that role if he intended to keep Mimi true to her nature. "Good job everyone." Celina said coolly after Adam gave his spiel. "You're all very talented, and I look forward to working with you." she said, as if the words physically pained her. "Nathan you have to accept the role." she whispered to him. "Please. All these newbies, I can't work like this. I know you probably auditioned as a joke, but you were good, and Mark is a great character. Please please please stay, keep me sane." she begged him.
Dean clapped and yelled louder teh anyone else when Robin's audition was finished. When she ws casted, you culd hear is voice from the crowd cheering her on. He was happy that she was able to get the part that she wanted and gave her a big smile when she looked over at him.
OOC: I guess tomorrow I'll be watching Rent :P

"Yeah, since way back when Rockwell was a boys only school, my grandpa was in the first graduating class and my great grandpa was friends with the Rockwell family. Sometimes that's a curse and not a blessing though, some of the more ancient teachers knew my dad when he was here and he had a bit of a reputation." she laughed.

"Oh that's really cool, I'm completely musically challenged. Are you going to audition for the Jazz band?" she asked, when he mentioned his musical talents.

Maggie walked back with their food and drinks. "Thanks Maggie!" Julia said with a grin, she had missed Maggie's Diner's food over the summer.

"Definitely. Football is a pretty big deal at Rockwell, so most people go to the game, but the rest go to the afterparty. Besides, Celina wouldn't let me miss her first performance as cheer captain." she chuckled.

Adam released all of the people on stage after explaining that they all had 24 hours to accept the position and that practices were nightly from 6-9pm. Nathan scratched his head, wondering what he should do about this mess he got himself into. Celina walked over to him after they were released and practically pleaded with him to stay. A grin crossed his face "Yeah, I definitely wasn't expecting this to happen." he admitted with a laugh. He thought about it for a moment "Alright, you're in luck. Swim practice is in the morning and we all know I don't do three quarters of my homework, so I really have no good excuse to get out of it." he admitted, the pushover side in him was feeling strong today and he wouldn't say no to spending more time hanging with Celina, and the others. "I'm gonna need a lot of extra work to pull off a mediocre performance... what's this play we're doing again?" he asked, with a slightly sheepish grin.
He chuckled again. He chuckled at her story about how her family was apart of Rockwell Academy since the beginning. "Wow! That's pretty cool." Sometimes having family in a school could be better then having no family. "Like you said it could be a curse, but then again you have your brother there to back you up, and you know the teachers already know you, and you know them so you wouldn't be afraid of them." The food had arrived. "Smells good." He picked up his burger and took a bite. "OH. MY. LAWD. This is the best burger ever." He wiped off some of the Mayo form the burger that was on his face. " I was thinking about it auditioning. But could tell me how good the band is?" He knew that being in a jazz band meant being better then a concert band. He didn't mind being in a concert band, but he would rather be in a jazz band then a concert band.
Celina laughed and rolled her eyes, relieved. "A sort of rock musical. I was never fond for it. I mean, I know it was released to spread awareness of AIDS and stuff, but I never cared for the songs." Celina shrugged. "You'll see. Well, actually, you should see. Want to watch the movie tonight or something? You're the blonde, Jewish, forever alone guy. Literally, everyone couples off and you're left alone. And they make a lot of Jew jokes. It's actually borderline insulting." Celina laughed.
Julia laughed at Geoff's reaction "I wasn't joking when I said the food was the best you know."

She sipped some of her strawberry shake and ate a few fries. "Sorry, I don't know all that much about the Jazz Band, so I couldn't tell you if they are any good or not. I know a few people in the band from classes, but they're not exactly part of the crowd I hang with." she said with a shrug. "Has the football coach assigned positions yet?" she asked when the thought popped into her head.

Nathan laughed "What kind of morally corrupt theatrical performance did I get myself into? This don't sound like no Camp Rock style family friendly musical to me." he grinned, rather pleased to find out that the performance at least wasn't going to be dull. "This Mark guy sure sounds a lot like me with my current relationship prospects, but I guess i'll have to learn how to pretend to be insulted by Jewish jokes." he joked.

"Watching this thing sounds like a good first step." he agreed. "Sure, when do you want to watch it?" he asked Celina.
Geoff took another bite from his burger. 'Damn, If I could get the recipe for this I would die happy.' He thought. He took a sip from his shake. "I got an email from the coach... Hold on I'm gonna check it out real quick." He said pulling out the new windows phone. He opened his email. It was a roster of all the players and there position. He looked for a second. "Ah here we are... Oh I'm not a captain. But I got what I wanted. I'm a wide receiver which is what I wanted... I'm even a starter.. I guess I did good."
Excellent. They were finished. Camelia shoved her Latin book back in her bag and wandered over to the group, approaching them nervously.

"Y-you said y-y-you'd show m-me-me around whe-when you were d-done." she said, directing it at Margo, "S-s-so can w-we...?" She gestured to the door, unsure of how to phrase the question exactly. She looked down, letting her hair falling in front of her face, so she didn't have to look at anyone. She wasn't very good at eye contact.
OOC: I've been meaning to post this for forever now, but the RP has been moving slow enough that it hasn't been a problem. I'm still not quite finished by list of courses that sound more fun than the ones I took in highschool, if someone has some free time and wants to fill in times for the 12th grade courses/ check to make sure there are no conflicts that would be wonderful. Also- If someone wants their character to take another course that's not listed, or a schedule will conflict- let me know. We can change things around.

Admission services had been busy that Saturday afternoon and sent out the following email.

Dear Student,

We are pleased that you have accepted our admission offer or have chosen to continue your studies here at Rockwell. Please confirm, by replying to this email, which of the offered courses you intend to enroll in for the fall semester.

Please remember that full time students are expected to earn a minimum of 2 credits (usually 4 credits) per semester, though exceptions can be made for course credit through experiential learning opportunities in the arts or athletic. If you would like to apply for course credit by completing an extracurricular activity, please advise admission services in writing.

10th Grade Courses:

*Grade 10 English MWF 8:30-10am

*Grade 10 Math TTh 9:30-11am

*Grade 10 Science MWF 10-11:30am

*Grade 10 History TTh 12:30-2pm

Introduction to Dramatic and Performing Arts T 7-10pm

Introductory French, Spanish or German MWF 2-3:30

An Introduction to Practical Business M 7-10pm

Instrumental Band II MWF 3:30-5pm

Visual Arts II MWF 3:30-5pm

Grade 10 Gym TTh 5-7pm

Intermediate Woodworking, Metalworking and Auto TTh 12:30-2pm

11th Grade Courses:

*11th Grade English

-What Makes a Literary Classic? TTh 10-11:30 am

-Introduction to Creative Writing TTh 10-11:30am

-The Art of Essay Writing TTh 10-11:30am

*11th Grade Math

-Pre-Calculus MWF 8:30-10am

-Introduction to Probability and Statistics MWF 8:30-10am

-Principles of Accounting for Practical Business Decisions TTh 9-11am

11th Grade Languages

-Intermediate French, Spanish or German MWF 2-3:30pm

- Introduction to Ancient Greek or Latin TTh 9-11am

- Language and Customs for the World Traveller TTh 10am-12pm

*11th Grade Sciences

- The Science of Sport (1.5 credit- biology, chemistry, physics) MWF 12-3pm

-Grade 11 Biology MWF 12-1:30pm

-Grade 11 Chemistry MWF 2-3:30pm

-Grade 11 Physics TTh 2-4pm

11th Grade Arts

-Performing Arts II W 7-10pm

-Instrumental Band III W 7-10pm

-Visual Arts III W 7-10pm

11th Grade Social Studies

-Introduction to Sociology, Psychology and Anthropology MWF 10-11:30pm

-American Legal and Political Systems MWF 12-1:30

-World History TTh 4-6pm

-World Geography TTh 8-10am

11th Grade Gym and Health

-Personal Health and Fitness TTh 2-4pm

-Fitness for Team Sports TTh 2-4pm

11th Grade Business

-Entrepreneurship MWF 11-12:30pm

-Accounting MWF 1-3:30pm

-Marketing MWF 4-5:30pm

-Travel and Tourism Th 7-10pm

11th Grade Shop Classes

-Automotive Mechanics MWF 10-11:30am

-Applied Metalwork MWF 10-11:30am

-Practical Woodwork MWF 10-11:30am

12th Grade Courses:

*12th Grade English

-Introduction to Journalism MWF 11am-12:30pm

-Public Speaking MWF 11am-12:30pm

-Advanced Grammar MWF 2-3:30pm

-Advanced Creative Writing TTh 10am-12pm

-Poetry and Performances TTh 10am-12pm

12th Grade Math


-Intermediate Statistics and Probability

-Economic Theory and Business

12th Grade Sciences


*Exercise Science

* Principles of Human Health and Physiology


*Introduction to Animal Physiology, Genetics and Behaviour

*Introduction to Forensic Studies


*Biochemical Principles and Nutrition


*Laboratory Methods for Chemistry Students


*How Things Work? The Physics of Automotives and Other Machines


12th Grade Languages

-Practical Languages for Everyday Life

-Advanced French, Spanish, German, Ancient Greek, Latin

-Introductory Mandarin



12th Grade Social Studies

-International Law

-Contemporary Issues in a Globalized World

-Case Studies in Cultural Practices

-Psychology of Gender

-Abnormal and Criminal Psychology

-Introductory Philosophy

-The History of Science and Technology

12th Grade Arts

-Behind the Scenes: An Introduction to Production Management

-Advanced Theatrics

-Cinematography and Photography

-Graphic Design

-Advanced Visual Arts

-Advanced Instrumentals

12th Grade Business

-Business Leadership and Management

-International Business

-Advanced Economic Theory

-Practical Entrepreneurship

12th Grade Gym

-Leadership Gym

-Outdoor Adventures

-Fun Ways to be Physically Active

Open Electives:

**Fitness and Health for Varsity Athletes MWF 7-10 am

Beginner Horseback Riding MWF 11-12:30pm

Intermediate Horseback Riding and Stable Management MWF 5-7pm

Competitive Horseback Riding and Equine Health and Management TTh 7-10am

*Required Courses

** Required for all varsity athletes
Ooc: Awesome!!!

Celina shrugged at Nathan. "Whatever works around your busy schedule." She grinned. "I'm sure I must have cheer practice at some point. The game is Friday, after all. I heard the coach wanted to mix it up, add some vocals. But that's probably just a rumor." she shrugged. "It's a long movie. But you and I are ex lovers in it." she said, waggling her eyebrows. "I believe there's a kiss too. At least, in the movie there is. There's a lot of kissing, but you get kissed by Maureen I believe. I'm Maureen." Celina laughed.

Margo nodded to the new girl. "Right, sorry Camelia, you probably didn't want to sit through all that. Let's go." she said, helping her with her stuff again. "The admin building is this way." she said, walking out the doors of the theatre.
OOC: Why are schools in roleplay fun but hell in real life?

"I-it's okay. I-I-I-uh-I liked it. Y-y-you were g-good." Camelia nodded, "D-did you g-ge-get the part you wa-wanted?" She didn't know much about theatre- or plays or musicals or music or singing or dancing. Or anything outside of studying, really. But she was trying her hardest to take an interest, for the sake of being polite.
Ooc: Lol I hated high school too. I love college though. It gets better.

Margo smiled and Camelia and shrugged. "Yeah, Mimi is a good part. She's a stripper, so I wonder what they're going to have the high school version be like." Margo smiled, pleased she liked it. "You should look into their music club. Jazz club? I'm new, I don't really know what clubs they have here." Margo grinned, leading her to the admin building and into the housing office. They got Camelia's room number and key, and Margo helped walk her to the girls dorm. "Oh neat you're right next to me." Margo smiled.
Ooc: We call it "secondary school" over here in England. Which is basically middle school and high school crammed together -.-

"T-that's g-good. But.. Uh, I- I don't j-join clubs." Camelia said. Clubs would involve extra social interaction. No, thank you. Just talking to people during school hours was difficult enough for Camelia.

"Uh, d-do you... H-how'd you g-get into t-this school? Are you... Are you c-cl-clever?" She looked down, fiddling with her dorm key for a second before putting it in the door.

"Or d-do you d-do sport?" Camelia said, pushing the door open.
Margo grinned at her and shrugged, helping her put her stuff in her room. "Yeah, I'm clever I guess. But I guess I'm probably here for theater. Or I'm just here to represent some of the poorer families with talented children. Maybe Rockwell just wanted a new charity project." Margo suggested with a laugh. Money was always a worry in her family, but Margo was at Rockwell for free, free! She felt like she had no worries here. "What about you?" Margo asked.
"Oh." Camelia said, "M-me? I'm... C-clever, I g-g-guess..." That wasn't a guess. She knew she was clever. Her parents had been telling her day after day for years.

"A-and I n-n-needed to ch-change s-sc-schools." she sighed, "Um, uh... It's o-okay, you kn-know. If you e-ever n-n-need any m-money, I can l-lend you s-s-some. I, uh, I have n-no use for m-m-money." Then, she realised that she'd probably offended Margo and she flushed pink.

"I... I mean..." she stammered, "S-sorry if I up-upset you. P-p-please don't h-hate me!"
Freddy saw Margo and a girl that she didn't know talking. He walked over to them. "Hey Margo! Hope I didn't scare you too much." He said looking at her. He hen turned to the girl he didn't know. "Hello… I don't think we've meet…" He offered out his hand. "My name is Frederick Santos... But people call me Freddy… I don't think I know you… what is your name?"

Tag me if I have to see it
"Uh, um, I... N-no. We h-ha-haven't met. I'm C-C-Camelia." she eyed his hand nervously, putting both of her hands behind her back. Hand shaking was another thing she didn't really like, alongside eye contact, social interaction and popcorn.

"C-Camelia V-Vaccaria." she said, "Um... I, I, uh..." She looked down, feeling awkward.
Margo raised her eyebrow at the money comment. "No. I'm not a charity case." she shrugged, then chuckled at her hurried apology. "Relax." she grinned. Margo looked at Freddy and frowned. Scare her? She had only just met him at auditions. Whatever. "Alright, well I'm probably going to go draw or something. See you guys later. Congrats on the part, kid!" Margo said, waving as she went into her room to grab her drawing stuff and her ukulele. She knew she had to officially sign up for classes at some point, but it was such a lively fall day. She took her stuff outside with a sandwich and rested in the shade outside.
OOC: To be honest, half of the courses I made up are complete nonsense that sounded more fun than normal courses. Most of the others are university courses I've heard about haha.

"Congratulations." she said, genuinely happy for him. Julia was one of those people who took almost as much pleasure is good things happening to herself as she did when good things happened to others. "I wouldn't feel too bad about not being a captain, I'm sure the coaches have hand picked people since freshman year for those roles, so it would be tough to be a transfer and win that spot in what... 4 days on campus. Even starting in the homecoming game is quite an honour, you should be proud." she smiled. "Tryouts haven't finished for soccer or hockey yet, though I'm fairly certain I'll be left mid for soccer and left wing for hockey. Tryouts are really a formality once you make it on a team once though, it seems. I'm also waiting for riding tryouts to begin next week." she said, more because she was thinking out loud than any other reason. She took another bite of her burger as she thought about how busy she was going to be this year. Fall was a funny season when your favourite sports were hockey and soccer. Hockey began with practices and quickly got into games, while the fall was spent mainly on conditioning practices and exhibition games for soccer players. It seemed odd to be playing one sport while condi Then in the spring when you got super busy with hockey finals, soccer games began again, making everything extra hectic.

"Ha, my 'busy' schedule, was that a joke I heard Celina say or do my ears deceive me?" Nathan grinned. "I do need to put in some laps at the pool sometime this afternoon, how does after dinner sound to watch the movie?" he asked. "Okay, good to know. So forever alone Jewish guy gets kissed by Maureen. Got it, see Nathan, learning this thing can't be that hard." he assured himself. "But seriously, how did this performance get by the Rockwell Admins with promiscuity and religious discrimination." He laughed. "I guess it's not going to be boring..." he thought aloud.
"Would have never pegged you for a hockey player." He had said. All the hockey players that he had known were all guys. It was odd, he had never given it a thought. "By god. Your gonna have a very busy schedule this year." He said before taking one of the last bites of his burger. He also took a sip from his shake. 'I wonder if this towns got a auto shop, or at least a napa auto store.'

Tag me if I have to see it
"Cue the condescending remarks about female hockey players." Julia retorted with a slight scowl, Geoff had hit a bit of a nerve. Julia wouldn't consider herself a feminist, but gender equality was one of her more notable activist causes, along with literacy, access to safe drinking water and environmentalism. "Why exactly is it that guys don't understand that women are just as capable of playing sports?" she asked with a look of annoyance. "Of course I play hockey, my dad was an NHL first round draft pick. I almost literally learned to skate before I could run." she said, more civilly, and she cooled back off as quickly as she had been irritated.
Celina winked, then laughed. "Yeah that sounds good. I mean, our school is fairly liberal as it comes. I bet they will cut out the jew jokes though, just unnecessary." Celina shrugged. "Where is our mysterious pool? I've gone here 3 years and never used to pool. Maybe I'll come with while I choose my classes." Celina mused, pulling out her cell phone.
Geoff could tell that he hit a bit of a nerve. "sorry, didn't mean for it to come out like that." Geoff only knew about guy hockey players. "I was just trying to say that I have never really meet a female hockey player." He thought about that that statement. "I'm just gonna stop talking now." He said taking a sip from his shake.
ooc: sorry I missed so much. i wasn't getting notifications!

Trent smiled and waved as Margo and Camelia set off on their tour. He figured this would be a good time to get some drawing done- he felt like he hadn't done that in forever. Before he could though, he felt his sister tackle him with the full force of a small and adorable meteor. "Congrats!! I knew you could do it, Trent!" She grinned up at him, and he smiled back. "Thanks sis. And congrats to you too! Angel, huh? That'll be fun." He stepped back. "Anyway, I'm gonna brush up on my brushes. See you in awhile." He headed out to his dorm room and grabbed his sketchbook and charcoal. Heading back out, he seated himself on the grass outside the dorm rooms, and began to sketch the scene. He suddenly got a text, and glanced down at his phone. It was an email, from the coach. He opened it and started reading it to himself, then nearly dropped it in shock when he got to the body of the email. He had been named starting quarterback, and, to top it off, the old captain of the team had been kicked out of Rockwell, and he was in the running to be considered for the position, along with Chris McGill. He couldn't believe it. He quickly texted Geoff. Just got our positions, dude... check your email!


Robin bounded up to where Dean was sitting. "Wow! I can't believe I got the part! Thanks for watching, I didn't mean to drag you along." Her words came out in a breathless rush, she was so excited. "Sorry! I'm usually not this hyperactive." She blushed. "So what're you up to now?"

Margo was happily drawing from behind a tree when she heard an excited gasp. Peering around she saw Trent, clearly having had the same thought as she, with his phone across the yard. She grinned and started subtly sketching him, the relaxed droop of his shoulder, his materials spread out around him. The intense set of his jaw and the hinted surprise in his eyes. It was quick, and the best she could do from far away. She quickly took a picture of her sketch and sent it to Trent with the caption "I see you." she giggled and waited while he got the text, then tried to stifle her laugh from behind her tree while he looked around for her.

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