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Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

Trent was putting his phone his phone away when he suddenly felt it buzz again. Glancing down he saw that it was a text from Margo, and he grinned. He opened it up and, to his surprise, he received a very well drawn picture of himself, sitting exactly where he was. It was obvious that she could see him. He looked around for her, but couldn't see her immediately. So he sent her a text. "Dun dun.... dun dun...." He got up quickly and prowled across the grass, humming the Jaws theme, when he suddenly saw a flash of her curly hair behind a tree. "Dunn- duh-dah-dun-dahhh!" He cried, and jumped next to her, wrestling her into a hug. "You are so clever." He teased, tickling her neck.
"Well, now you have." Julia said simply, realizing Geoff hadn't meant to be offensive in anyway. "Hopefully you don't believe the stereotype that all girls hockey players are terrifyingly tank-ish, though, if we were on skates I could totally knock you on your ass. I've played hockey with my brother and his friends for too many years to have not picked up how to check, even though girls hockey is non-contact." she laughed, mostly joking.

"I'm not sure about an auto store, if there is one, i've never noticed it. Then again, I wouldn't actively look out for one, as I'm not much of a car person." she shrugged, finishing up her lunch and pushing her plate to the middle of the table. Maggie took this as a sign that they were done and came to collect plates.

"All done?" she asked Geoff, after picking up Julia's empty dishes.

"Really, you don't know where the pool is?" Nathan said, raising an eyebrow. "You're welcome to come, though it won't be particularly interesting watching me do laps . It is pretty nice sitting on the pool deck under the glass roof in the sun though, your call. I have to go back to my room and grab a pair of swim trunks and goggles first." Nathan said, pleasantly surprised Celina had taken an interest.
Margo screamed and laughed, rolling on top of him and sitting defiantly on his chest. " And so the hunter becomes the hunted." she grinned. "We had the same idea." she grinned, gesturing to all her art supplies now strewn about as if a catastrophe rocked their little pastel and Bristol paper world. "What were ya looking at so intently on your phone?" She asked, rolling off and laying on her stomach next to him, her head cradled in her arm. "You looked like you won the lottery."

Celina nodded. "Sure sounds nice. I probably won't swim though, I worked hard on my hair." she laughed, knowing how trivial it sounded but not really caring. Her hair was her masterpiece. And so were her eyes. Her complexion. Oh and her butt. All very important features. "I'll wait here." she said with a smile, then went back to looking at her classes intently.
"No, don't worry about it, I had a good time watching you guys preform. I'm glad you got the role you wanted" Dean said with a friendly smiled on his face. He chuckled when she apologized. "It's alright, I think its cute when you're hyperactive and excited" he admitted.
Geoff chuckled. "You wouldn't need that much help if we were on skates… I can't skate if my life counted on it." He joked. He couldn't skate worth a damn. "I'll check it out and see if there is a auto shop in town. But that can be another day." Geoff got out of the way for Maggie. "Yes… what is the total?"

Tag me if I have to see it
Nathan agreed and left Celina to jog back to rez and grab swim trunks. He passed Cole on the way back, he was wandering back to Rez. "What the hell did you get yourself into Hunter?" he asked with a laugh.

Nathan shrugged "No idea. I may have to admit that this joke went too far." he laughed. "I'll stick it out though... who knows what may come of it. It'll look good on college applications too, if I don't get into the Coast Guard Academy." he said thoughtfully. "Anyways, I'm meeting back up with Celina, she's coming to watch me practice at the pool before we watch the movie of this Rent thing, so I should get going." he said casually.

Cole raised an eyebrow slightly, but true to his nature, said nothing. "Alright, see you later man." he said, waving him off.

Nathan went back to the theatre and found Celina. "Ready! Figured out your courses yet?" he asked.

"Let me get the bills for you." Maggie said as she shuffled back to the kitchen. She appeared a few seconds later. "There you are Miss Julia." she said, handing Julia one bill. She then turned and handed Geoff a second. "Thanks for stopping by, hopefully you enjoyed the food." she said to him, before wandering off.

Julia looked at her bill momentarily and then pulled out her wallet and placed the amount owing and a generous tip on top of it.

"So, where do you want to head now?" she asked Geoff as she put her wallet back in her bag.
Celina nodded, her brow furrowed in concentration. "Yeah, mostly arts classes. I think I'd like a directing class, I like telling people what to do. But I need another history before I can graduate, so I'll probably get that out of the way." she sighed, then looked up at Nathan and grinned. "Do you wear little speedos for competition?" she asked with a smirk. As much as Celina had travelled and seen, she could never understand the need for speedos. They did no one any favors. She understood they were necessary in swimming sports and such for speed, but they were ridiculous. "And do I get to see?"
Nathan nodded "I'm trying to get a bunch of science credits out of the way this semester so I can graduate, also." he said.

He laughed when Celina asked about wearing Speedos. "I've never been asked that one before." he said sarcastically before grinning. "As soon as people find out your a speed swimmer, it's the very first thing you're asked. Yes, I have to wear one for competitions. I fought with my dad for a really long time over it when I was younger, so finally we put it to a time trial. Turns out people nearly being able to se see your junk improves your time by a good few seconds over a long distance event." he joked. "I brought a normal pair of swim trunks today though, unless I'm being timed I avoid it at all costs still, sorry to break it to you. If you come to one of my swim meets you can see about 30 guys walking around in speedos, you learn to forget about your dignity when swimming is concerned." he laughed, leading the way towards the pool.
Trent grinned at her. "I suppose we did. Sorry I made a mess." He sat next to her. "Close to it. I've been named the starting quarterback for the football team, and apparently I'm being considered as a candidate for the captain position. I'm pumped, for sure." He paused. "Are you gonna come to the game? I know it's not exactly your thing, but it'd be nice to see you there.

Robin blushed again, feeling a bit shy. "Well... thank you." She picked up her book bag and slung it around her shoulder. "Are you up to much now? Wait, I've got an idea. We've both got to find out where everything is, do you want to go explore for a bit?"
Celina chuckled at Nathan and followed along. It was easy hanging out with Nathan, she didn't have to put on an act, and he kept her from being too serious. It is a dangerous thing when girls like Celina take themselves too seriously, people get hurt. "So why did you and Julia break up? I'm curious about your side." Celina said, walking along the curb on the walkway with her arms out to her side, like a tight rope walker.

Margo grinned. "Trent! That's so great! Captain, wow really? That's crazy." Margo said wonderingly. "Of course I'll come. It'll be awesome! Gosh you're so eclectic. Theater and football. How are you going to fit it all in?" Margo asked him, ever the realist.
Trent shrugged. "Honestly, I don't know. I never planned being in a show, much less playing a lead role. It's kind of a lot to take in. And then there's schoolwork all on top of that. But I feel like if I just take it a day at a time, and try to have fun with it, it'll go pretty smoothly." He leaned against the tree, smiling over at Margo. "You know something? I never thought I'd feel this at home, so soon, at a school that I've been dreading going to. It's great."
"Right?" Margo agreed, flopping over onto her back and tugging her curls out of her eyes. She stared up at the sunlight filtering through the still green leaves of autumn in the tree above them and smiled. She closed her eyes and stretched. "It's worry free, at least for me. Money has always been a worry in my family. But I'm here for free, even my food is free. I don't even care if Rockwell picked me to fill their diverse, appreciative, street-smart genius girl quota. A diploma from here will mean any college I want, for practically peanuts. And then I'll become a billionaire and move my family to the south of France and start a wine and cheese farm. Nothing can stop me! I'll teach all the cute little French babies English! Or Spanish. I'm pretty fluent in that too." she giggled.
Geoff looked at the bill. It wasn't bad for a burger and some fires and a shake. He pulled out his wallet and left the amount he owed and a good tip as well. After he got up and moved to the door. "I don't know … does this town have any interesting stores?"

Tag me if I have to see it
"What is this question period?" Nathan said with a laugh as they walked towards the pool, but the way he rubbed the back of his neck was one of Nathan's tells and secretly indicated that he was caught off guard by the question. He thought for a moment. "It was at least 98% to do with my obnoxious personality." Nathan admitted very openly. "Even I realize that I can be a bit of a jerk if I think it'll make someone laugh, not to mention my unfortunate inability to take anything serious. You know Julia almost as well as I do, so you know that she's one of the most tolerant people you will meet. She put up with me being an ass for almost two full years before she finally couldn't take it anymore and broke up with me. It was 100% percent my fault, I knew what irritated her and would always make jokes on those topics to tick her off, you make one too many jokes about regional stereotypes or gender inequality, or about some kind of first world problem and you're out." he said sheepishly "I thought it was in good fun, but I realize now it was a pretty obvious way to get dumped." he shrugged. I guess I need to find a girlfriend who can keep me in line from the start, so I don't become too unbearable." he joked. "But yeah, that's my side of the story... I'm assuming Julia's isn't too different, we ended on pretty upfront terms. She's always going to be my first serious girlfriend and one of my best friends, but that chapter is over, I screwed it up, and I've moved on... I'm not so sure if Julia has though." he said out loud, but instantly wished he hadn't. "Sorry, that was oversharing, I shouldn't have mentioned that." he frowned.

Julia raised an eyebrow slightly "There aren't too many more than what I listed earlier, it's a pretty small town. If you're looking for unusual-interesting they are on the main drag, the more stereotypically interesting to teenager stores are in the mall. Your call, I don't care where we go."
Celina shrugged. "Naw I remember her rollercoaster emotions. I was the one who told her to either yell at you or just be friends. And since Julia is unable to yell, well..." Celina trailed off. "Although maybe no one should listen to me, I've only ever had flings. Two years is like..... Wow two years.... I can't even imagine myself being content with any one person for that long." she mused. "You were good for her in the beginning though. It's not all your fault. She wasn't always honest with you about how she felt. You have to be in something that.... Committed. Better believe if I ever date anyone and they piss me off, they're going to hear it. And keep hearing it, until they deal with it. I'm a nag, like my mother." She snorted, suddenly realizing the similarity. They got nearer to what Celina guessed was the building that contained the pool and she jumped off the curb. "Julia is a gentle soul, except in the rink. She needs a guy who is just naturally perfect. Of course she deserves it. She puts up with my shit she deserves a God. I never minded much of a fixer upper though."
Geoff shrugged. He had to think what he needed. He had all his stuff at his house, which was on the outskirts of town. The thing that he was debating was over if he wanted to bring his stuff from his house to his dorm room. He had enough money to buy stuff, like sheets and comforter. It was nice having a mother who would pay for things that Geoff needed. "I might need some new stuff for my room." He said walking down the street in the oppisite direction then the way they needed to take.
"Oh, so I have you to thank for a delightfully long distance... and commitment free... summer. Thanks." Nathan said, amused. "It's kind of funny that you manage to still be the relationship expert without having ever been in one." he laughed. "You shouldn't tell me things are not my fault though, it isn't wise to inflate my ego." he said playfully. "I agree, Julia does deserve someone perfect. The problem is, I sure doubt she'll find more than a work in progress at Rockwell." he shrugged.

"Well, here we are." he announced, when they reached the pool. The smell of chlorine welcomed them as Nathan held open the door for Celina. "There are two pools in here, one for laps and the other for recreation hours, canoeing, and diving and stuff like that, because it has a deep end, the other one is the same depth the whole length." he explained. "I'll show you the deck before going to the change room." he said. The pool was well set up to host events, walking straight down the hallway led you past the girls and boys change rooms on either side and onto the visitors deck area, which was a large space with interlocking granite tiles between the two pools. There were white plastic lawn chairs and tables set up facing both directions and assorted tropical plants for show. During events, a white vinyl fence separated the competitors from fans and bleachers replaced the tables and chairs. The entire roof of the building was made of windows, which on nice days like today meant that they could be opened to let in some fresh air, and let out the chlorine smell. The pool on the left was the competitive swimming pool, which had brightly coloured buoy lines separating the lanes, colour coded based on swimmer speed. The right lane had diving boards of several heights and only one buoy line, indicating the deep end. "The decor is a little tacky for the Rockwell standard, but the pool facility leaves a lot of universities speechless here." Nathan grinned.

Julia stopped when she realized Geoff was going the wrong direction. She let him get a good ten feet in front of her before mentioning anything. "Unless you want to steal some sheep to make wool blankets for your room, I suggest we go the other way." she said, and amused smile on her face as she tried to keep from laughing, realizing that she was new once too.
OOC: Hey guys. I won't be on that much today, seeing that it's my birthday. I am going to go and hang out with my family. I'll check back in later tonight!!!

Geoff face palmed. "I don't know some wool blankets are pretty nice in the winter time." He said before turning around. He caught up with her. She was smiling. "But I guess I shouldn't get in trouble my second day out here..." He said walking up to her. "Thanks." He said catching up to her. He pulled out his phone. He got an Email from the administration. "Looks like they want us to pick classes." He said scrolling through some of the options.
OOC: Happy Birthday :)

Julia grinned "Good try though." she chuckled as they walked back in towards town. "Oh yeah, I saw that email earlier. I have no idea what I want to take." she said, frowning slightly. Indecisivity was one of Julia's worst traits and the pressure to specialize classes towards a specific college major, now that she was a junior, really freaked her out. "I know I have to take the VarAth gym course, I assume you'll have to take it also. It's basically a glorified way for the coaches to take turns sleeping in while we do conditioning practices. Friday is fun though, you get to try a different sport for half of it and the other half is usually like dodgeball or some kind of game." she explained. "I also have to do English, Math and at least one Science at some point this year to fulfill grade 11 graduation requirements. Other than that I'm completely lost... whether to take more english or science courses... that is the the question." she sighed.

Cole had just gotten off the phone with his dad, after wishing him good luck on the game tonight. He opened his email and saw he had received one from the administration about course selection. Cole had already planned out the grade 12 courses he wanted to take, he just had to make sure to find five that didn't conflict for this semester. He looked through the files on his Macbook until he found the list of courses he was hoping to take. There was a pretty even split between math/business courses and gym courses. Despite plan A being to become a NHL star, he wasn't one of those jocks that was going to let his whole future ride on whether or not he got a contract. His plan B was to get good enough grades to get into a good business school with a decent NCAA I level hockey program. He finally located the file and cross checked what he had written with the course offerings for the semester.

1. Fitness and Health for Varsity Athletes- Only have to take this one more time...

2. Introduction to Journalism - Seems like an easy way to get my last English credit.

3. Economic Theory and Business- Need this to get into an Economics program.

4. Business Leadership and Management- I'm sure I can manage a course on leadership.. as a captain and president of the Athletic Association

5. International Business- Related to my eventual life goals.

6. Practical Entrepreneurship- Heard it was a bird course

7. Leadership Gym- Looks good on a resume.

8. Outdoor Adventures- Grade 12 camping trip!

He decided on getting English out of the way this semester, and Var Fit was mandatory this semester. It would be a lot more fun camping in the fall than it would be in the winter, so he decided to take Outdoor Adventures this semester. As well as Economics, because he knew it would be a difficult course and it was better to do it on the easy semester. He sent an email to the registrar's office, happy that he was going to have a pretty awesome semester.
Geoff looked at the list. There was a lot of classes, especially for seniors. The first thing that popped out at him was advanced instrumentals. He didn't know what it was about, but it sounded like he would be good at it. "Oh that's going to be good." He said, looking at "how things work? The physics of automotive and other machines. "I know a lot of things about automotives... which brings the question is there a shop, or a garage on campus?" He really wanted to know. If there was he could work on his car there, and if he is feeling lucky, his bike. He also needed a english, He choose poetry and performance. He looked at the list, and there it was The class that Julia was talking about. "So we basically get to work out and they count that as a course credit... Hell that seems easier then I thought."
"I would say 'have to' not 'get to' work out." Julia said with a grimace, it was no secret that Julia hated the fitness room. "But yeah, basically." she nodded. "The only catch is that if you skip the 7am Friday class after a party on Thursday not only do you get detention, your coach also hears abouts it... and that's usually worse. The other thing you should know is that if you don't maintain at least a 80 in that class, and 70 in all others, you become ineligible for varsity sports and the grading scheme is pretty ambiguous." she explained.

"I'm not exactly sure where the shop is, I've never taken any shop classes, but there is definitely one on campus somewhere, because shop classes and that physics course, which is apparently a bird course, are always offered." she said.
Celina grinned at him, and could see how proud he was. It reminded her of how she felt when she showed other people her theater. She wandered a moment without saying anything and stepped up on to the viewing deck. "It's nice." she said finally, her voice echoing against the tile floors and walls. She smiled genuinely, something she wasn't really used to doing, and picked a seat. "Go get changed, Aquaman, your fish are waiting."
Geoff chuckled when she basically said she wasn't a fan of working out. He loved working out, it was a way of him to think about what was going on. "How about the next time you and I are in that class together we work out together?... Sometimes it just comes down to who your with." They walked past a few alleyways, and backroads. "I think I'm gonna have to ask around... Maybe I could find out about it."
Nathan grinned, the fact that Celina was joking around pleased him. She tried to pretend she was unlikable, but really she was fun to hang around if you weren't on her hit list. "Okay, be prepared to be bored out of your mind, watching someone do laps is like watching paint dry, but I won't stay too long." he promised, some days he would stay in the pool for several hours until his skin seemed permanently wrinkled, but he was actually kind of looking forward to watching the movie with Celina.

He walked to the change room and put on his forest green coloured swim trunks. When he walked out onto the deck he looked over and Celina was staring intently at her phone. He walked over to his favourite lane, tested the water with his foot and then dove in. He swam back to the surface, truly enjoying his time in the water. He casually front crawled over to the other end for a warm up and took a minute to examine the board at the other end that listed the training routine for the swim team for the day. It was a fairly easy one, first was a 600m medley, three laps of butterfly, 3 laps of backstroke, 3 laps of breaststroke and 3 laps of freestyle. Then 200m of freestyle.

He readied himself on the edge of the pool and waited for the red hand on the giant timing clock to reach the 12 before beginning. He launched forward into the pool with a splash and dolphin kicked about 15m before resurfacing and beginning butterfly, his weakest stroke. He finished the first lap in about 5o seconds, a little slow. The second and third were a bit better. Then he got into backstroke, his favourite, which took almost no time at all. Soon he started breaststroke and ended with three laps of front crawl. His time was about average for what he had been getting this week. He took a break and swam over to the side of the pool. "Got your classes figured out yet?" he asked Celina, resting his chin on his crossed arms on the side of the pool.

"That could be a nice change. The best way to motivate me to do something is to make it a competition, which none of my teammates get because they, similarly, hate cross training." she said. "Fair warning, I suck at anything related to the weight room. I do okay with swimming, practicing with Nate last year improved that skill a lot, and I'm a fairly good jogging partner." she said, turning slightly pink when she accidently mentioned her ex-boyfriend. "Someone must know where this elusive shop class is." she agreed, but it wasn't something she knew.
Geoff scratched his would-be beard. It was more of peach fuzz than anything. There were a lot of things on his mind, from this new school, to his father, to his future. It was the beginning of his senior year so he had till the end of the year to make a plan and put said plan into action. What was he going to do, he didn't want to be one of those people that lived at home with mom, whose 35. He wanted to be out on his own, to make decisions on his own. He could go to college, but he would have to start applying to colleges now. Why was he thinking about this, he's walking around, well more like being lead around town by a very beautiful girl and he should be focussed on her. "So your a pretty good jogger... Alright, how about a race. You and me... You win you can drive my car home... I win we do this again... What do you say?" He said.

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