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Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

Ooc: are we moving to the game, guys? Sorry I am lacking creativity with my posts as of the moment lol
OOC: Sorry for the long wait, work and family stuff. Fast forwarding in 3...2...1 *Makes fast forwarding sound with his mouth.*

Geoff’s mother couldn’t make it to the game. She needed the money so that Geoff could attend Rockwell. She knew that the school did an online radio broadcast as well as an airwave radio transmission as well. She went to the Rockwell site and pressed a button that played in the radio broadcast.

“Welcome folks. If you just tuning in then you missed a very exciting first half. The Rockwell Rangers are at a stalemate with the Beacon Bees in the third quarter with five minutes and twelve seconds left. The score is currently 14-14... The Rangers being last years western Champs has given the new seniors something to live up to.” Another voice came over the radio. “Thats right Jim.” Gavin said. “And this is Gavin Jones. But people seem to forget that the Bees had one of the best defenses in the high school leagues last year.”

“You are correct Gavin. The Bees did have some of the best defensive ends in the Class A league. But the Rangers had something that set them apart... They had Derek Longhand as wide receiver. He was the all-american MVP last year... He could make it in the pros.”

“Yes, The Rangers lost a few great player. But can they make up that lost... It seems that they can with players like Trent [insert last name]. This kid has a cannon for an arm, and the targeting systems to match... He is a very valuable asset to have... He’s a senior, but he has the potential to go on and do so much more in the pros... I got a chance to see this kid at practice one day, and boy oh boy he was just launching one after another at his targets. Hitting his mark.”

“Then there is this Geoffrey Hullman kid from Maine... I don’t know if it’s the lobstah(Sorry, it’s the Mainer in me), or the clams but this kid can run...” Geoff’s mother laughed. “That’s my boy!” She said going through some paperwork.“Just from what we’ve seen in the first half. He knew the plays, and he can see his lane and run... If this kid doesn’t go on to break a few records this year then I will ride into next years first game on a donkey.” “That goes double for Trent.” Jim said. “Right you are.”

“Looks like the coach from the Rangers is calling a timeout... Looks like the Bees are taking the opportunity to meet up with there coach and get a couple plays ready.”

Geoff was sweating, the game was a tough one fought but those are the ones that are the funnest. He grabbed a water bottle and squeezed as hard as he could, and drank some water. Geoff wasn’t a captain so he didn’t get to give his input on what they should do. Geoff was still a little pissed about not being picked to be a captain. He had to realize that he wasn’t going to be captain just because he was a senior. It was very petty but it was how his mind worked. It also gave him chance to look at the cheerleaders and Celina. It had been a while since the lake, about a week.

Geoff snapped back to attention when the Captains of the offense ran back over. “So what’s the plan?” He said walking into the huddle.

The Bees were now in their team huddle. The captains were telling the players the play, and what they were planning on it. After about twenty seconds the Bees had broken from their huddle, and were waiting for the Rangers.

Freddy wasn’t really a football guy. He didn’t really watch it. He couldn’t see the point in two lines of at least ten guys lining up and full on tackling each other over a football. He had heard stories about how people would walk away with some serious brain damage. It was haunting that people were allowing young people to full on tackle someone in full gear.

Then again Freddy didn’t really have an argument seeing as he was a boxer, and they basically fight until one is called officially knocked out. Both had rules, but there were people just hitting other people for what, glory, bragging rights. He sighed. He wasn’t this philosophic, but it was something that still came to his mind.

But he was still at the football game.Cheering on Rockwell, an academy he knew shouldn’t of accepted him, and yet they did. It wasn’t that hard in the Bronx. There were people, just like Freddy and Joe, trying to make a living. But he couldn’t help but think about his parents. Dealing with Freddy being thrown in juvey.

Freddy remembers what he did to get thrown away.

It was a colder day then what was normal for the Bronx in October. Freddy had to ware his thick coat over his hoodie. At the time Freddy was only 13, but his father tried to install some morals in him. It was his fathers way of saying. “Do this and you’ll become a man.” They were things that a gentleman would do, like treating a lady with respect, helping out people that needed it. That type of thing.

This 18 year old guy decided that he wanted this old ladies purse. Freddy wouldn’t let that happen. It was against the moral code that his father tried to install in him. Freddy was faster, and somewhat trained. The guy didn’t really have a chance. After a broken wrist and broken forearm, as well as a broken leg, and so much legal crap that could last a life time, Freddy was sent away.

When Freddy came back, he was bigger, stronger. People always thought that Freddy was scary cause he looked like he could crush their spine just by giving them a hug. But Freddy was still kind, he was still a human being. He had enough time to think about what he did, and he wanted to funnel his aggression into something. Something that he knew could fight back, and could hurt him.

Back to the game, as Freddie’s train of thought went from his past to his present. The team was now huddled, and it was the third quarter with 5:12 left in the quarter.
Julia looked back at the field as it appeared that something was about to happen, not that she understood football all that well. Compared to her preferred sports it was basically as boring as watching paint dry, in her humble opinion. Really, what's the point of running at each other, moving like ten feet, stopping, repeat 400 times she thought. At least the company was good, she was sitting with the usual gang in the stands at exactly centre. Below Celina and her cheer squad were doing cheerleader things, they looked rather cold. The rain yesterday had led to a dramatic change from summer temperatures to late October weather, with a brisk wind and partial cloud cover. Julia thought about how cold it was going to be at the party tonight, and promised herself that she would wear a snow suit. Okay, that was a bit extreme, but she knew that she was wearing jeans and a hoodie for sure. Impressing people was certainly not worth hypothermia, it was really not worth much at all, in Julia's opinion.

Around her was a mix of the usual returners to Rockwell and her new friends. It was a fun group to be with. As usual, Cole stared intently at the field during plays. Even if it wasn't his sport, he still knew football inside and out. Periodically he would shout out something like "Is this ref blind, that was totally a hold!" Nathan's strategy to watching football was more lighthearted. He liked to make up stupid jokes like "Why did the Bees choose Orange as their jersey colour? You can wear it to the game on Saturday, hunting on Sunday, and picking up trash along the highways the rest of the week." He also liked to make up his own commentary, that was insulting to both the opponents, Rockwell and Football as a sport.

"Trent is doing really great this game!" Julia commented to Margo and Robin.
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Camelia was confused, chewing on the tips of her fingernails. Mainly by the fact that people were calling it football when it was quite clearly rugby. And then they called football soccer. Why America felt they had to change everything around to confuse people, Camelia wasn't sure. She sat quietly, shivering a little and wishing she'd brought a book. This sport was incredibly dull to watch and looked painful to play. She fiddled with one of the holes torn into her jeans. Could she leave yet? Would anyone notice if she left? She glanced to her left at the other students and bit down hard on her fingernail. So far, she'd not spent much time with anyone at all and she was glad about that. If she had friends, how would she fit all her studying?
Trent came up behind Geoff, sweating and breathing a little hard, but exhilarated. He hadn't done a good bout of physical activity in awhile, it felt good to get the blood going. The team was huddled in a formation, and all the candidates for captain were arguing, along with a few other members, about what play they should run.

"We're doing a kamikaze, guys. That's our best shot." Chris argued, sounding pretty high and mighty. "Are you nuts? They'd rush us and take us over in a heartbeat. Their defence has been killing us." Brandon, a burly offensive tackle, interjected. "Our defence can take them." Teddy, Trent's friend, said slowly. "But Brandon's right. We can't do a handoff, we'll need to do a pass play. We need someone who can chuck it and someone who can huck it." The whole team glanced around, and eventually their eyes turned to where Trent and Geoff were standing. "You've got to be kidding me." Chris fumed. "The newbies? I've been on this team for 3 effing years and you're going to rest the fate of the games on their shoulders?" Teddy, ever the honest one, turned to him. "Chris, you've seen these guys in practice. Trent's dead on with his aim, Geoff's great at dodging, and they're both fast. You've been doing nearly all the plays this game, and you're getting worn out." His voice became a bit more gentle. "You're pushing yourself too hard. What if you mess up and hurt yourself?" Chris sneered at him. "Why don't you f*ck off, you fa-"

"Hey!" Trent fairly shouted, and everyone turned to face him, even Chris. "We're killing time here. And every second we waste, the other team is thinking 'They're taking too long. They're panicking, we can beat their shit easily. We're not gonna let them think that." He looked at the offensive linemen. "Jackson, Nino, Brandon, you take your guys and you hold them down. Dave, you join them too. We need a big push to keep them back. Louis, you run deep and to the left. Greg, you stick close to me, do a mo-cut. Make it look like I'm gonna hand off to you. Chris, you go deep and get anyone to go after you. Geoff, while everyone's focused on the linemen and Chris, I want you to go hard, out and up. Find any spots free you can. Whoever's broken off, make sure those spaces stay clear. You guys with me?" Everyone nodded, except for Chris, who was still angry, but he gave a jerk of the head. "Alright, rangers on three. One, two, three...." "RANGERS!" The whole team shouted, and then ran into formation.

Robin cheered happily, watching her brother on the field. She was never much of a sports person, but it was always fun to watch her brother play. "I know, right?" She said to Julia. She pulled out her thermos full of hot cocoa and offered it to Julia and Margo. "Want some?"

OOC: I'm really tempted to make Teddy a character. Would that make for too many people?
Barbara was sitting with Robin, Margo, and Julia. "Mind if I get some of that?" She asked. It was a little bit more chilly then she had thought that it was suppose to be. She was wearing a thin sweatshirt, and some old blue jeans.

Geoff nodded. He ran over to his position. He put in his mouth guard. He could hear the other team. One of the defensive ends on the other team was trash talking. "You sally's ready to lose?" Another one started to say something. "Come on pansies! We all know you rich kids don't have what it takes." They said. Geoff looked at Trent, then to the scoreboard. The play clock was running down, he knew that Trent was going to have to throw it sooner rather then later. Geoff turned back to Trent and nodded, signaling him to hike the ball.
Margo was watching with as much interest as she could muster. She knew it wasn't really fair, Trent had shown so much interest in theater, although he actually liked it, but Margo couldn't make herself appreciate the sport. Back at her old high school there had been a girl on the football team, a total beast, and it had only been the feminist in her that made her go to those games.but, she supposed she was here, and she was being supportive and cheering and doing all that jazz. She leaned compatibly in to Robin and Julia, then smiled at Barbara. "Sure." she said, handing Barbara her share.

Celina was freezing her damn ass off in that tiny skirt and shirt, even with the thermal leggings underneath. With her hair pulled high in that signature cheer leader pony tail, she led her ladies in another cheer for the home team.
OOC: @TheOneAndOnly - You can never have too many RP characters!

Julia accepted the cup appreciatively when Robin offered. She wasn't all that cold, mainly because she had her fleece lined windbreaker from hockey on, but the warm cup was welcome for her slightly numb fingers. "Thanks, nice idea!" she said. "Soo... how much longer is this game. I need a hot shower, some blankets and a Netflix session before the party tonight." she grinned.
"Agreed." Margo laughed, keeping an eye on the game, but it looked like they were all just standing around talking. Margo was looking forward to the party. To surprise Trent she had worked it out with dear old Teddy, what a sweet guy, and had used the combination of their hot pots to make enough hot, spiced, and spiked apple cider for everyone. It was one thing she cooked really well, and she often topped it off with whipped cream and caramel. She was feeling good about their relationship, plus she figured he could use a warm alcoholic drink after the game as it was. "I hope the cider I made stays hot. So many thermal cups are piled around my room right now. I'll probably heat them up again before we go." she laughed.
OOC: Alright, i think i'll throw him in soon, as soon as I type up and throw him in either in this post, or the next one.

Trent nodded back at Geoff, his heart pounding. "Red, 72!" He shouted. "Red, 67! Hut, hut, hut!" And with that, the ball was snapped back to him, and the offensive line surged forward to give him space. The faster players dashed forward, confusing the other teams defensive line. Trent searched for Geoff, and saw him sprinting towards the endzone. It was gonna be a long shot. He curled his fingers around the ball, arched back his arm, summoning all his strength, and he threw it up into the arm. It arched beautifully, rotating smoothly, heading towards Geoff...
OOC: You guys want to fast forward to the after party?

Geoff's heart was beating a mile a minute until Hike was called. The adrenaline surging, basically causing things to move in slow motion. 1 Mississippi. Geoff starts running down the field watching a few of the corner backs rushing over towards Chris and Louis. 2 Mississippi. Geoff is past the line of scrimmage with a corner back, who Geoff saw as a wide receiver earlier, about 5 yards behind him. This guy could see what they were doing but couldn't say anything in time. 3 Mississippi, 4 Mississippi, 5 Mississippi. Geoff is open, the corner back is still 5 yards behind him... Trent throws the ball in a perfect spiral. Geoff puts up his right hand as if to catch it. He leaps in the air seeing as it's just a tad high.... The Pigskin has landed, right in Geoff's hand. He brings it to his chest. He can't focus on the crowd right now, but they must be on their feet, some with excitement, others with anticipation. Geoff has open field in front of him.

Gavin's in the announcers box. "Theres a catch by Hullman. He's at the 20. He's at the 15. The 10. The 5. TOUCHDOWN RANGERS." He almost screams at the top of his lungs.

Geoff's in the end zone, ball in hand. Touchdown. He's being loud, he's hollering. Everything that someone who had just scored would have done. He isn't over celebrating. That doesn't last long. That corner back, angry, plows right into Geoff, driving Geoff's shoulder into the ground.

"There's a red flag down on the play.... Look's like it's going to be on 47 from the Bee's for tackling after the play has finished... And that's going to get him ejected from the game." "And that's just unsportsmanlike."

After a couple of seconds Geoff gets back up. He's moving his shoulder, making sure everything is alright. He ran over to the side line to have one of the assistant coaches look at it.
The Rockwell bleachers roared from the time Trent threw the ball to Geoff until several minutes after the touchdown was scored. The football team all ran onto the field to congratulate Trent, but before they got to Geoff he had run in to see the assistant coach, appearing to have injured his arm. Julia didn't really see what had happened, she was paying too much attention to the team's celebrations, but the announcer described that there had been a tackle after the play. Julia hoped he was alright, there was nothing worse than getting taken out of the season after the very first game, well, except maybe getting taken out during the playoff finals.

"Go home 47, you're just a sore loser." Nathan yelled after Cole had pointed the foul out with an outraged "What the hell was that?"

"You guys are going to get yourselves kicked out of the game or detentions." Julia said, disapprovingly. Rockwell was very strict about making sure that other school's athletes were treated with respect and wouldn't hesitate to give them both detentions. There was one more play, which Geoff missed out on, before the Ref called the game a win for Rockwell as the scoreboard ticked down to zero. The noise in the stands rose again as everyone cheered as the win was announced. Julia grinned and cheered along, a home game win always meant a better afterparty. She made a note to ask Geoff about his arm if she saw him later, and of course congratulate him and Trent on a good play that landed the team a win.

******* Fast Forward: The evening of the Friday football game, everyone is getting ready or heading to the party*******

Julia found it took surprisingly more effort to tear herself away from the movie she was watching on Netflix to get ready for the party than she thought it would. She went into the bathroom to shower and straighten her hair. She had already made plans with Margo and Robin to walk to the party together, but she ran into Celina in the bathroom and decided to invite her to join them. "Hey. Did you freeze out there today?" she asked jokingly. "Margo, Robin and I made plans to walk over to the party in 20 minutes, if you want to join us." she added.

When Nathan noticed that it was 8:30pm he happily put down the science textbook he had been studying in favour of getting ready for the party. He shut the door to his room to make sure none of the residence staff would walk by and see him with his alcohol stash before he reached under his bed and moved around some boxes until he found the one he was looking for. He didn't really feel like lugging beer out to the party in his coat, so he decided to settle on drinking rye and coke. He grabbed two bottles of coke and drank some out of each before topping them up with alcohol. He closed the lids tightly so that it looked as if they had never been open and stashed one in either side of his jacket. He then decided to get changed. After hearing so many people complain about the temperature at the football game, he knew he wanted to dress warmly. He went to his closet and pulled open the door, his newest medals from a successful meet yesterday jingled welcomingly, which caused Nathan to grin slightly to himself. He found a pair of jeans, a white T-shirt with his favourite surfboard company's logo, and a blue plaid longsleeve shirt. Then he decided that probably still wasn't warm enough, so he found one of his Rockwell green sweaters and pulled that on overtop. He also planned on bringing his jacket, but he could do without it if somebody needed to borrow some clothes to stay warm. Nathan knew one thing for certain, he wasn't going to end up doing a midnight swim at this week's party. Last but not least, he sprayed himself lightly with some Axe, just to the point that you could smell it, but far from making the freshman mistake of dousing yourself in it as if it was some kind of girl attractant.

There was a knock on his door, he opened it to find Cole. He was wearing splash pants and the matching Rockwell windbreaker jacket, clearly going for a casual style tonight.

"Hey, what's up?" Nathan asked.

"Hey. I just came upstairs to see if anyone was ready. I knocked on your door first, but I figured I'd ask along Trent, Teddy, Geoff, and some of the others also (who am I forgetting :/ ."

"I'm ready whenever." Nathan said in agreement, so he and Cole walked down the hall to see who else was ready to walk to the party. Cole found one of his friend's, Adam, so he invited him and a few of his teammates along, but most had plans. They next knocked on Trent and Geoff's doors, and waited for either of them to answer.
OOC: Teddy's bio is up on the character sign up if anyone wants to see!

"Be out in a sec!" Trent called when he heard the knocking on his door. He was already dressed in jeans and sneakers, having already cleaned off the sweat and dirt from the game. He threw on a black t-shirt and a red flannel button up, and grabbed his motorcycle jacket in case he got cold. He slipped a mickey of rum into his back pocket and stepped out the door, seeing Cole and Nathan outside the door. "Hey guys. Looking forward to celebrating the victory?" He grinned, and quickly pulled out his phone, texting both Teddy, Margo, and Robin, asking if they were heading towards the party soon.

Teddy glanced down at the text message Trent sent him and sighed. He wasn't that much of a party guy, but he supposed he could join the festivities for awhile. The team DID win. He threw on one of his clean jerseys, some jeans and sneakers, and his letterman jacket, and stepped out of his room and down the hall. He eventually came up to all the guys, and waved. "Hey y'all." He said, his slight southern twang tinging his voice. "Pretty good game, right?"

Robin glanced at her phone and saw that Trent had texted her. "The boys want to head out soon." She called over to Margo, whom she was getting ready with. She was dressed up in one of her favourite fall outfits, a flowy green dress with a lacy shrug and fleecy leggings. She decided to send a text to Dean, and ask if he was coming along to the party.

Camelia did NOT do parties. She never had and she didn't think she ever would. They made her feel even more anxious then usual and she'd get panicked and her stammer would ramble out of control. Which is why she was slightly irritated that everyone was going to a party. Because she couldn't go. She ran her fingers through her messy hair and tried her best to focus on her book. Her eyes raced across the page and took absolutely none of it in. Her eyes were aching. Camelia normally neglected sleep in favour of work.

Slowly, she began to droop like an unwatered flower. Her head fell forward and her eyes began to close. But she hit her head on her book and sat bolt upright again, her eyes wide. She crossed her legs and held the book in her lap. She would NOT fall asleep. Camelia looked back down at her page and realised that she had no idea what she was reading. She'd read about fifty pages but was completely lost in what was going on. She was turning the pages and looking at the words as if they were pretty patterns.

Camelia got up and put the book away. She glanced at the bed across the room from her. She'd not been given a roommate; her mother had insisted upon it. Because her precious Camelia couldn't be distracted from her studies. Her mother had always been a little overboard. Camelia missed her. But not as much as she missed Cas and, as much as she hated to admit it, Chloe. Camelia paced back and forth, trying to rid the thoughts from her mind.
Geoff had wrap on his shoulder. Not his choice. The assistant coach that he ran to said that he should have to take it easy with his shoulder. To keep it wrapped up and to not try and use it as much. It didn't really hurt Geoff that much when he moved it. Geoff had put on some old worn blue jeans. He put a long sleeve long john shirt, that he would use when he was ice fishing. After that he had a shoulder brace that he had put on. He also got that from the coach. He slipped it on. After that he put on a flannel shirt. After that came the last thing, his sweat shirt, well not his but his fathers. It was a bit big on Geoff. It was an extra large when all Geoff needed was a large. On the upper left shoulder area there was the word "Navy" in gold lettering, and a big N behind that, and on the right arm was an american flag. He walked out of his dorm, and bumped into the door with his right shoulder.

He walked over to the guys, grumbling under his breathe. "Bastard!" He mumbled. He held up his left hand. "Hell yeah. Who dominated in a game of football... That's right, we did."

Freddy was already on his way to the party. He wasn't going to drink thought. He preferred to keep a calm, and clear mind. He thought that if he drank his mind would become cloudy, and worsen his judgement. He had the same thing he had on from the game. A leather jacket, and and long sleeve flannel shirt, and some blue jeans.

Barbara was still in her dorm. She was just finishing up getting ready. She had already gotten dressed. She had a shirt on with a NES controller on it that said "Old school" written on it. She had the sweat shirt she had on earlier on. It was warm, and her cousins. She thought of him often. After she had some blue jeans and some calf high boots. She made her way out the door, and towards the lounge. She wasn't going to walk down alone.
"Good game guys. It's nice to see a win the first home game of the season." Cole congratulated Trent Geoff and Teddy with a grin. "That was a pretty intense final play... I wasn't sure you'd have enough time for the run." he admitted.

"Yeah, nice game." Nathan chimed in.
Geoff laughed. "Trust me... when it comes down to it. We'll always have time to run." He rubbed his shoulder. " Gotta' say I missed out on the last run." He was talking about his shoulder. He was basically taken off of the field. There's no doubt that he will return but it might not be the next game. "But still winning by 4 points." The final score was 21-17 after the Bee's got in field goal range.
Ooc: Sorry guys, I took a mini vacation! I'm back though! I'll play catchup reaaaal quick.

Celina raised her eyebrow at Julia but sighed. She was going to have to work with both Margo and Robin very closely, with the play and everything. She may as well try, what could it hurt? "Alright but only because you're going." Celina said to Julia with a grin. She was already ready, looking cute in a pale pink sweater, some jeans, and of course uggs. She had let her hair down, and it softened her usually harsh eyes. "I'm ready when you are lady."


Margo grinned at Robin and gave her a little hip check before darting back across the room and jumping up on a bed, bounding like a graceful gazelle on crack. "Yeah I'm ready, but we should wait for Julia. Dude. This cider is delicious, try some." she said, pushing a thermal full of the spiked cider her way. It was warm and refreshing. "Are you pumped? I'm pumped, if you didn't notice." she laughed. "Should we invite that new girl, Camelia? I was under the impression she didn't like us." Margo rambled, the drink was also high in sugar. "Do you think your brother likes me? Is that weird to ask? I'm sorry." Margo giggled, flopping down dramatically on the bed and draping her arm over her eyes. Despite the hype, she looked lovely. She had pulled her hair, simply because curls are ridiculous at parties, but it showed off her finer features like her widows peak and high cheek bones. She had settled on some jeans and a red flannel shirt with her cowboy boots, going country for the night.

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OOC: Sorry for being MIA this weekend, Happy Thanksgiving to any fellow Canadians :)

"Yeah, I saw that. What happened to your shoulder?" Cole asked, and then as the typical jock, rephrased the question not to ask about the potential pain he was in, but the inconvenience of an injury, "Are you going to miss any games?"


"Whoops. Guess I better hurry up!" Julia grinned, picking up the now warmed straightener and biting her lip in concentration as she quickly straightened her hair. She looked back at Celina in the mirror "Imagine that, I'm the one holding us up tonight! I never thought I'd see the day when I was last to get ready." she laughed. "Of course it wasn't because I was trying on a million different outfits... I just spent too long watching Netflix." she admitted, slightly sheepishly. "So, any plans for the party, any guys on the radar?" she asked, raising an eyebrow slightly. "Hopefully we can avoid any brawls or cat fights tonight?" she worded it as a statement, but really she was asking a question.

"I think he was trying to take me out of the season." He said rubbing his shoulder. "The couch that I went to go see said that it might be nothing more then a bruise. He said to take it easy and not use the shoulder, and the arm as much. He also said that they were going to check it out on monday, and see if I can play in that week's game.... If worse comes to worse, I might be out for one game." He stopped rubbing his shoulder. After a couple of moments he cleared his throat. "So.. has your sister said anything about me?" He asked Cole. He could easily make the connection that Cole and Julia were related. His biggest clue, the last name. Second they were into hockey.

It had been about a week since Geoff and Julia had hung out, and he wanted to know if she had talked about him.

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Celina wrinkled her nose at Julia, but giggled. "Hopefully not." She smirked. "I'll behave." she shrugged, and frowned bout the boys. "Not really, no one has caught my interest. I've been hanging out with Nathan, but I mean, he's Nathan. You know." Celina gestured vaguely.
OOC: Happy canadian thanksgiving! so much turkey... :)

Teddy shrugged at Geoff. "It's no biggie if you're out for one game. We're playing some Wyoming team next week, it should be a shut out."


Robin laughed at Margo's enthusiasm, taking a sip of the cider. "Are you kidding? Of course he likes you! He talks about you all the time, and he's super excited to do the play with you." She paused. "Do you have Camelia's number? We should at least offer her an invite."
Ooc: Do you eat Turkey for Canadian thanksgiving? Ugh I wish I was Canadian. I want potatoes.

Margo shook her head. "No, she was super shy, I didn't want to pry. But her room is right next to mine, I helped her bring her stuff in. We can always knock." she suggested.

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