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Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

"I'm always down for a little friendly competition." Julia admitted. "But 1) why on earth would I want to drive your car back to the school when I could be chauffeured? and 2) Win or lose I'd be happy to hang out with you again." she grinned.
Celina looked down at Nathan and smiled. "I guess so." she shrugged, disinterested. She would take her artsy classes and a history. Maybe even throw a math in there. Secretively, she liked math. It was easy and there was almost always a right answer. She may never know the answers when it came to people and real world problems, but math was easy. "You looked good, faster than me. Although that probably isn't saying much." she joked. Despite growing up near the ocean, she had never developed real skill for swimming.
"I get it, admitting you've chosen classes makes it seem oh-so- much more real that classes, unfortunately, start in two days." Nathan smiled. "I suppose this year we won't have many classes together, there are too many choices for juniors." he contemplated, knowing Celina wouldn't take gym and probably wouldn't take the sport science.

"I'll be sure to inform the college scouts of that compliment, 'sir, you should really let me into your school because my friend Celina said I'm faster than her'." he teased. "My time was about average today, not all that impressive. I have 4 more laps of front crawl to do, and then we can get out of here and go watch the movie." he said.
Geoff smiled. "Awesome." He said looking at the stop sign that was a couple of blocks a head. It was about 50 feet away. "Alright, See that stop sign that's about 2 blocks away. I'll race you to there. YOu ready?" He said before taking off on her.
"Sounds great. I have a microwave in my room for popcorn, don't tattle on me." Celina smiled. For whatever reasons, while college kids were trusted with microwaves, high schoolers could not be depended upon.plus they wanted the kids to eat the food provided foe them and discourage in dorm snacking. "How long can you hold your breath?" she asked randomly.
"Tsk tsk. That's not allowed!" Nathan said with a grin, breaking stupid rules was one of his favourite pastimes. She asked how long he could hold his breath and he scratched his head "I'm not really sure. I imagine a fairly decent length of time, probably longer than you, but I've never timed myself. That's a really random question, why do you ask?" he laughed. 
"Does this guy not listen?" Julia grumbled under her breath as Geoff took off towards a stop sign. She hesitated a second, deciding whether to refuse the challenge out of principle because he clearly didn't listen to her complaint about the stakes, or give in to her overly competitive side and chase after him. In the end, she couldn't help but joining in, despite the fact she was wearing jeans, which were hardly the right running attire. She sprinted after Geoff and got fairly close to catching him, but the distance wasn't long enough to close the gap after her initial hesitation. As they both slowed down to a walk at the stop sign Julia grinned. "If you wouldn't have cheated I might have won!" she protested, but couldn't help but smile.
Geoff had gotten to the stop sign. He had one, but she was right he was a cheater. "Sorry." He said itching his neck. He wasn't really a cheater, but it was something he had just done on impulse. He didn't know what he was going to do to make it up to her, but he knew he had to make it up to her. "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" He said looking down all the street, trying to see if there was anything of interest down them.
"Chill out, it's fine... I was just joking around. In no way does not winning that race harm me in anyway." she said, putting her hands up quickly in a 'slow down, you're over reacting' kind of way. She frowned slightly, 'that sounded just like something Nathan would say' she thought.

"Anyways, do you still want to do some shopping, or are you ready to head back to campus?" she asked, recovering from the awkwardness quickly.
Geoff sighed. He was acting stupid, he just needed to calm down and take a breathe. He took a deep breathe. First in then out, then back in. After a couple more times he was calm. "Well I have to just get a few things for my room which reminds me." He pulled out his phone and texted his mother. 'Hey mom, I am gonna get some stuff for my room.' He sent her. A couple seconds later he got a reply. 'k' Geoff shook his head.
Celina shrugged. "No reason. Just seems like a handy talent. Thinking of a short story I read. Random." Celina said, waving it away airily. "Go on and do your laps."
Julia raised her eyebrow slightly, but true to her nature, questioned nothing. "Okay... so to the mall?" she asked.

"Alright, alright, i'm going." Nathan laughed. "You'd make a good hardass coach." he joked, swimming off before she could retaliate, though in all honesty, he was the one already wet so there wasn't too much she could do to him. He swam back under the buoy lines, back to him favourite lane. Within five minutes he was done the last of his laps, his times were remarkably fast, must have been the fact he was eager to be doing other things.

Once he was finished, Nathan climbed out of the pool and walked back to the change room. He showered quickly to get rid of the chlorine smell and got changed, before walking back over to the viewing deck to get Celina.

"Ready?" he asked with a smile, as he approached the table.
OOC: Do you guys want to move ahead to the football game on friday? I have everything that I need. I have the post all finished I am just waiting for @TheOneAndOnly to post so I know he is still in this.

Geoff nodded. After a couple minutes of following Julia they had arrived. The mall was a little bigger then what Geoff had originally thought. He walked into the side entrance. "I hope you know this place, cause I might get lost in here."
OOC: hey guys, i'm sorry i haven't been posting for awhile. I've had some family issues recently that i need to deal with. I'll be posting soon in the next two days! miss you all
Ooc: no worries man! There's your answer dakup, we should wait.

Celina nodded with a grin and stood, stretching. "Let's go." she flounced down and tousled his still wet hair playfully.
OOC: I didn't mean to sound like a dick. When it comes to family take as much time as you need. Family is family, take care of that first.

Tag me if I have to see it
OOC: No worries @TheOneAndOnly , hope everything is better soon!

Nathan cocked his head slightly and gave Celina a look when he tousled his hair "Do I remind you of your dear old beloved pet dog or something? What was that all about?" he laughed. Nathan, the part-time gentleman that he was, held the door open for her as they left the pool.

Julia chuckled "Really? You think you could get lost in here? Come on, there are only like 20 stores... it's not that complicated! Did you spend a lot of time in the middle of nowhere as a kid or something?" she asked.
"If Portland Maine counts as nowhere then I guess so." Geoff kind of laughed. "But I went from nowhere to now here." Word play wasn't his thing, but he couldn't help but laugh at himself. He looked at some of the store names. Some where punny others were to the point. He only needed a couple of things like a new comforter and sheet set. He walked into the Macy's that was in the mall. "I'm surprised that you guys have a macy's here." He walked over to the bedding area and started to look at some of the comforters and sheets. He didn't really have a proper bed in his room. 'Later I think I might stop by my house and pick up a couple of my things.' He thought.
"That was really bad." Julia said with a slight smile at how horrible Geoff's joke was. They went into the Macy's, which wasn't really Julia's kind of store. She much preferred buying from individuals than giant box store corporations, but she admitted that they were more efficient. Julia followed Geoff over to the bedding area and wandered around as he looked for sheets.

"Found some you might like! What do you think of these?" she said with a grin, as she appeared back from around an aisle with a Pixar Cars themed bedroom set.
Geoff smiled. "Oh. Mah. Gawd... I love it." He said trying to hide his laughter. "I've dreamed about having a race car bed, and that would just add onto it." He said with a smile. There was the laughter. He was laughing. After a couple of minutes, and getting up off of the floor which he was currently on, he moved to the a dorm style aisle. He moved a couple of comforters till he found one that he liked, it was a darker blue, almost like navy blue with strips. The lining on the other side was a soft fur type material. After that was done, he moved over to the sheets to see if he could find anything that would match the comforter that he had. "See anything?"
Celina rolled her eyes and laughed. "Well, you do smell like wet dog." she retorted as she walked through the door. She led the way back to the dorms, enjoying compatible silence with nothing to say, it was refreshing. "Need to grab anything before we watch the movie?" she asked him.
Nathan smiled, appreciating Celina's quick witted comeback. They walked back towards the dorms silently, Nathan was thinking about balancing this audition business, school and swim practices. It was going to be a busy semester "Nope, I'm good." Nathan replied, so they turned left towards the girls dorm. He checked his watch, it was only 5pm, so there was no need to sneak into the dorms. The girls dorm was off limits to the guys after 7pm, a rather double standard practice, but it was the rule nevertheless.

Julia looked at the comforter Geoff had chosen, Navy with pinstripes. "These will work. A boring blue sheet set to match your boring blue comforter. You sure you don't want to go with the one I picked out?" she teased, as she handed him the sheet set for his approval.
"Hey, blue happens to be my favorite color." He said. "Plus I happen to thing that I look rather... dashing in blue." He looked at the sheets that Julia had picked out, the blue one. "Yeah that will do." He said as he nodded. "I guess that's everything I need... You need anything?"
OOC: I'm back! Ready to fast forward to the game when everyone else is.

"That is pretty true." Trent remarked. He laughed when she described her plan to him. "And then I'll move to Ibiza and open a tattoo shop, and go out every night. You could teach me Spanish before I go. Que pasa?" He grinned. "And I'll come visit you in your wine and cheese paradise." He leaned back. "But for now, I hope you don't mind if the wine we share is a little cheaper than what you can find in France."

Robin grabbed Dean's hand and pulled him out of the auditorium. "Here, we should find the office." She bounced up a flight of stairs, through some hallways, until they finally arrived. "I'll wait outside for you if you still want to explore." She smiled at him.

"Woah, easy, Birdy" Dean said with a laugh as he was dragged away. As they ran, a smile was splattered through his face. It was a weird feeling, smiling so much. finally, they arrived at the office. "Awesome, thanks. And wait a bit, I do wanna explore a bit" he admitted to her before entering the office. Several minutes passed and Dean emerged holding some papers. "Alright, I'm officially a student. What now?" he asked her.
"Hmm... I guess I'll have to refrain my judgement on that statement for another day." Julia said with a slightly sheepish grin, noting that Geoff's shirt was today blue. "It so happens that blue is my favourite colour too," she commented. "though not the dark navy blue you like, more of a light blue. The colour of the sky on a perfect spring afternoon." she said, genuinely smiling at the thought.

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