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Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

OOC: I'm not Canadian, but happy thanksgiving! And all this talk makes me want some celery soup. My father make some that would knock your guy's socks off.

Freddy had arrived at the place where the party was. There was a fire pit and wood that had to be cut up. Freddy took it upon himself to cut it, there was an axe in a old stump, he grabbed that and started to cut. One, then another, then another. He was cutting the wood.

Tag me if I have to see it
OOC: Yes, indeed, Turkey, mashed potatoes and all the other regular Thanksgiving things... just a month earlier. It always seemed weird to me that the American Thanksgiving is so close to Christmas, I'm sure that's just a bias cause I'm not used to it, but I like to spread my turkey eating out :P

Cole raised an eyebrow "Why would my sister be talking about you?" he asked, slow to catch Geoff's drift.

"Really, you got Julia to 'hang out' with you?" Nathan interjected. He couldn't help but blurt out the statement, but Cole's posture instantly stiffened at the idea. Nathan wasn't jealous or anything, but he was genuinely surprised. He had witnessed how quickly the guy had ruined any chance with Celina in about fifteen minutes, and Julia was quite a bit less tolerant of the cocky jock personality. Celina was really right, she needed a guy who was perfect, and from what Nathan had seen of this Geoff guy, he wasn't it.

"No. My little sister has said nothing about 'hanging around' with you." Cole said bluntly. "Let's get going." he said, beginning to walk forward.

"Glad to hear it." Julia said appreciatively when Celina said she would try and behave. "Yeah, I've noticed you and Nathan have been hanging around a lot, with play practices and everything. I still can't believe he signed up for that." she shook her head. "Smart choice to keep Nate in the friend zone though." she said, sighing slightly, but pushing her memories away. She was going to have a good time tonight. "Alright, I'm ready. Just let me grab my coat and we can go grab Margo and Robin." she said, and they walked out of the bathroom together. She walked in her room's open door and picked her coat off of her desk chair.
OOC: The mutual feeling of weirdness can be felt by myself, at least. I am use to having Turkey, then a month later having a Christmas ham. But that happens when it comes to different places that people come from.

Geoff scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, we hung out... That's it. Nothing really happened. We went out, got some food, walked around the mall. After we went out for some dessert, and I drove us back to Rockwell." He stated. Geoff knew that everyone deserved a chance to prove themselves. It took time for people to know a person, and it took longer then fifteen minutes to get to know someone. That was how Geoff saw it at least. He opened the door, and walked outside, still holding the door. "I should make sure there is some music at this party... Maybe if I back my car up, and let down the convertible top... That might work." He thought.

OOC: We don't even have thanksgiving in England... That's the holiday with the pilgrims and the turkey, right?

Camelia pulled her hair back and tied it into a ponytail, fumbling with her hair. She would surely be able to focus more without her hair falling in her face and blocking her vision. She rummaged through her bags and found her cellphone, buried deep in one of them. Messages. Her heart beating, Camelia scrawled through them. There were a series of good luck messages from her siblings, plus some messages from Cas demanding to know how she was. Nothing from Chloe. Nothing at all. Tears forming in her eyes, Camelia threw her phone across the room and retrieved her book.

It was even harder to read with salty tears drowning her vision but she tried her hardest to focus on the page. She didn't even make it through one line before she gave up and just stared at the page. She wanted to go home.
Ooc: In America yes, pilgrims and stuff. Native Americans, the whole deal. And we eat ham for Christmas so we don't overload on turkey! Some people down south fry their turkey, probably why everyone thinks Americans are so fat. That's only down south, North is where all the cool people are. I know nothing about Canadian history, other than that Canada and America are bros. Hahaha

Celina followed Julia diligently, thinking about Nathan. It was true Nathan was a very good friend, but could there be something else there? The very flaws that made him not right for Julia could be what makes him perfect for Celina. She shook her head to get rid of the thoughts. She couldn't do that to Julia, despite all she said she still wasn't quite over Nathan, and Celina wasn't about to screw up her only real friendship for some guy. Even if the guy was Nathan. They walked to Robin's room in companionable silence, which of course was broken by Celina. "So any new boys on your radar yet?" She asked as they approached the door and Julia knocked.
Julia shook her head, maybe a tad bit too quickly. "Relationships are a 'later' problem." Julia commented. "I'm going to be busy with school and sports this year, junior year is the year they start caring about grades and things.", they being the omnipresent college admissions boards. "I can't waste any time on worrying about holding together a relationship that is bound to fail either a) because highschool relationships inevitably fail , b) over long distances in the summer or c) at the end of senior year when we go our separate ways." Julia wasn't sure why she was being so cynical tonight, and in truth she didn't think that relationships were destined to fail or that her time with Nathan was a waste of time, but as much as she hated to admit it, she wasn't over her break up with Nathan and didn't know what to do next.

Cole and Nathan said nothing as they walked out of the dorm hall towards the party. Nathan wasn't sure what to make of this development. He was kind of relieved and happy that Julia was maybe moving forward, but he was also surprised because Geoff, at least his persona around the guys, didn't seem much like Julia's type at all. Then again, who was he to define her as having a type? It clearly wasn't the class clown afterall. Cole was contemplating how to ask his sister about this. He found it a little strange that she hadn't mentioned anything, even though Julia would claim that it's really none of his business. His protective older brother instincts were kicking in, which he hadn't had to worry about since Julia was in grade 9, when he set Nathan straight. He was a bit worried about how rumours might spread. She should really know better than to try and keep any kind of hanging out, even if it was innocent, secret.
OOC: I think we all need to realize that America and Canada are Country friends with Benefits.

Geoff started to make his way towards the party. It was going to be good. It was a good way to relax. He was about halfway to the party when he realized that he was going need one thing. He turned around. "Hey guys, I will meet you at the party there is one thing that I think were going to need." He walked back to his room and grabbed his keys.

Barbara made her way out of lobby. She wanted to go out and get there just a little bit early. She didn't care, she just wanted to get there.
Nathan nodded in reply as Geoff left suddenly. They made their way casually across the lawns, not yet in danger of being caught out past curfew.

"So how's the play going guys?" Cole asked Nathan and Trent, with only a hint of mocking, as a change in subject.

"Practices are kind of brutal, the director is an ass. But I guess I need all the practice I can get to pull off a mediocre performance." Nathan grinned.
OOC: I've been to american and canadian thanksgivings, both are pretty great. But in my family we always have steaks or turkey again for christmas dinner. Funny, eh? :P

Trent nodded in agreement with Nathan's comment. "It is pretty difficult. I have a lot more respect for people who do this all the time. I don't think I could handle doing this on the regular. Did you know the director banned me from drinking milk, because apparently it messes up your throat? I think he'd murder me if he found out I was drinking booze tonight." He laughed. "I'm just glad there's a reason to celebrate."

Robin heard someone knock at the door, and walked over to it. She opened it up and saw Julia and Celina standing there, and she smiled. "Hey guys! Come on in, we're just warming up before we head out." She went back into the room, and called out to Margo. "Do we have any more cider?" Robin got a sudden thought- she should text Dean, see if he wanted to come out. She pulled out her phone and texted him, asking if he was coming out.


Teddy walked along with the others quietly, thinking about the night ahead. He wasn't really a drinker, and more often than none he had to fireman-carry some poor drunk girl back to her dorm at other parties. He hoped that wouldn't be the case tonight.
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Margo raised her eyebrow when Celina walked in too, but she bit her tongue and smiled. "What do you think, ladies? That new girl, Camelia? Yay or nay? I got the impression she didn't like us, but I suppose it couldn't hurt to swing by her room and invite her." Margo said, summing it up simply while she reached into a suitcase full of thermals.of the coder and passed Julia and Celina both one.

Celina eyed the cider, but took a sip and licked her lips. It was delicious, damn. "I don't even know who you're talking about." she shrugged, referring to Camelia. "Never heard that name in my life. But if she's new why not? She probably feels real alone right now." Celina said, surprising herself by being almost kind.
OOC: Sorry to hold things up, midterms and such kept me busy last week

Nathan grinned "No theatre success if worth not being able to celebrate when you win the homecoming football game!" he laughed, as they approached the party.


"Mmmm. This is delicious." Julia said, taking a sip of the cider. Julia was surprised by Celina's comments, 'she's being nice to Margo and inviting newbies along to a party.. wow.' she thought. "We should definitely at least ask her... maybe she's not a party person, but we should make sure she feels invited." Julia decreed. "I don't really know her, at all, though so... who want to go ask?" she asked, Robin and Margo.

Barbara walked up to the the room that Julia and Margo and celina were in. She knew them from rehearsal, and nothing else. "I couldn't help but overhear, but I don't know her as well."

Tag me if I have to see it
Margo nodded. "Alright but don't get your hopes up. Be right back." Margo said, and flounced out of the room.

Celina sighed. "We are going to be very late. The boys will be devastated." she said dramatically.

Margo hurried to Camelia's door, finding it easily since it was right next to hers. She knocked quietly, then again louder. "Hello, Camelia?" She called.

@Fallen from Heaven
There was a knock at the door so Camelia wiped her eyes on the back of her hand and glanced over. Who would be coming to see her? Slowly, she closed her book and got up from her bed. She went over to the door and didn't open it but leaned against it.

"W-who is it? W-what d-do you want?" she called out, leaning against the door. She wondered if whoever it was could hear in Camelia's voice that she'd been crying. She rubbed her temples with her fingers and sighed. She thought everyone was going out and that she'd get some peace and quiet.
Margo wasn't startled by the lack of kindness, she rather expected it. "Just Margo. Do you want to come to the party?" she asked, pressing her ear to the door and biting her lip. "You're not the only new one. We have to stick together, otherwise this will be an awfully long, lonely year. What do you have to lose?" Margo called, unsure where the encouraging words were coming from.
"I d-don't do p-parties. And I'm n-not lonely." She glanced across the room at her phone, "I'm fine, r-really." It would certainly be a long year, there was no doubt about that. And she already knew that nobody really liked her. But on the bright side, nobody had shoved her into a water fountain either. So, things were going well. But Margo was right: what did she have to lose? Other than studying time and waiting for text messages that would never come? She pulled the door open and stepped out, shutting it behind her.

"I'll c-come with y-you." Camelia decided, "It w-will be a very u-unique l-learn-learning experience if n-nothing else."
Margo smiled, bright and genuine. "Oh I'm sure. You'll get to watch all those meat-head football players make fools of themselves. It will be lovely." Margo grinned, and thought about compatibly looping her arm through Camelia's, but the girl seemed on edge and she wasn't sure how she would react, even to affection. She led her back to Robin's room and let herself in. "Alright ladies, are we ready to go?" she called to Robin, Julia and Celina. "Camelia this is Celina." Margo introduced and Celina offered her a fleeting smile.


It sounded less educational when Margo put it like that. She was lead back to some room where a group of girls were waiting. Camelia couldn't even pretend that she knew who any of them were and she looked down, letting her hair fall in front of her face.

"Celina. Okay." Camelia mumbled, "You're the o-one that was s-sh-showing off, w-weren't you?" Then, she clapped a hand over her mouth. That was a horrible thing to say. Now, everybody would hate her.

"I'm s-sorry..." she added, quietly, "P-please, don't hate m-me..."
OOC: I just finished midterms too! they've been kicking my ass all week.

Trent laughed. "You got that right." He pulled out his mickey of rum and took a swig. It burned a little going down, but the aftertaste was sweet and he enjoyed it. He offered some to both Nathan and Cole, and then to Teddy.


Teddy shook his head. "Just beer for me tonight, man. I'll be right back." He headed over to the nearby keg and grabbed a solo cup of the beer, then came back to the guys. "Girls heading over soon?" He asked no one in particular.

Robin smiled at Camelia when she came into the room. "Hi there. Joining us for tonight?" She took another sip of cider, and had to swallow hard when Camelia called out Celina for showing off. "Burn." She thought quietly, both on the remark and on the scalding cider going down her throat.
OOC: It wasn't to long a go that was me. So glad I'm done... for now.

After Barbara had interjected, she left. He turned out the door leading out into the dark night. She made her way to the party, which from the looks of it, she was the first girl there. She looked around hearing some light music playing, but there was nothing there that looked like it was playing music.

Ten minutes earlier.

Geoff who had just left the group, decided that this after party was going to need some music. He walked back into his dorm room and grabbed his keys, that were laying on his desk. After he had grabbed what he needed from the room, he made his way outside. He started up his car and took it out, and down a path that was just wide enough for him to make it down the road. The top was down with AC/DC's "Shoot to thrill" playing at a controllable level.

He parked in a way that people could make it past his car without it being in the way. He walked over to the group. "Sorry, but I thought this thing could use some tunes." He said looking at the fire. It wasn't a bad looking one.

Freddy kept on feeding the flames.
Ooc: really? I'm already almost done with my semester, finals time for me!

Margo snorted at Camelia's comment and Celina raised an eyebrow. "More like acting, as is the world of theater." Celina said, a little icy. "Let's go, we are already late." she added and Margo patted Camelia's shoulder reassuringly. So they headed out to the party together, a gaggle of girls.

Margo saw Trent and beamed, dropping her cider thermals and running up behind him and wrapping her arms around his waist. "Good job, you!" she went and retrieved one of the thermals she had so haphazardly discarded and handed it to him. "Try it,warmed apple cider with butter shots, fireball, cinnamon, orange liquor and caramel." she murmured.
Great, so Camelia had accidently irritated someone. The evening could only go downhill from here. Since she didn't actually know anyone and she was bad at talking to people, Camelia felt out of place at the party. She'd never actually been to a party before so she wasn't sure what was going to happen. And she was pretty sure that parties were violating some school rule or another. God, she hoped she didn't get kicked out of school for being here. Slowly, she began to feel more worried about this whole situation. She chewed her lip as she looked around at everyone and everything, unsure of what exactly she should be doing. She wondered if it was too late to change her mind. She fiddled with the small hole that she found in the bottom left of her t-shirt. Her eyes followed Margo as the girl practically leapt on Trent. Camelia wished she had as much confidence as Margo. In fact, Camelia wished that she could have confidence, period- just a little would be enough. She sighed, crossing her arms.
Trent grinned as he felt someone hug him from behind. Margo. Before he could hug her back she was bounding towards the thermoses she had dropped. He finally got to plant a kiss on her forehead when she came back, and give her a big squeeze of a hug. "Thanks, beautiful. It was awesome to have you there." He took a swig of the drink and licked his lips. "Sweet jesus, Mar. You should open a lemonade stand, sell this in dixie cups, and become a millionaire. It's tasty."

Robin grabbed one of the thermoses that Margo had dropped on the ground, and took a sip. She glanced around and saw Freddy, the guy who played her romantic co-star in the show, feeding the flames of the bonfire by himself. She came over, a nervous smile on her lips. "Hi, Freddy." She offered him the thermos. "Want something warm to drink?"


Teddy waved at the group of girls that approached, feeling a little bit of red coming to his cheeks when he saw Celina. He'd had a bit of a crush on her last year, and he still had some feelings for her, but she never seemed interested in him. He then noticed a new girl, petite, with white blonde hair, looking left out and uncomfortable. He set down his beer and came over to her, hoping he was giving off a friendly big teddy bear vibe, and not a scary huge guy vibe. "Hi there. I, uh, I haven't seen you around before. What's your name?"

@Fallen from Heaven
OOC: Yep I have graduated from high school, so I don't have to deal with semesters for some time. I would love to go to college, but I don't has the money. If everything goes good with the Navy, then I would gladly go to college. @Fallen from Heaven Babymetal?

Freddy was really focused on keeping the flame going. So focused on feeding the flames he didn't really notice Robin walk up to him. He had heard her voice and looked around a little till he noticed her offering him something to drink. "Sure why not, it's not like it's spiked or anything." He mocked. Freddy thought it was kind of her to offer him something to drink. He hadn't really known her that long, but it felt nice to have someone that he didn't know that much about being so kind. She was the romantic interest in the play that they were in so they had to have to know each other a little bit better.


Geoff looked around for Julia. He was with her this morning when they worked out together. That varsity work out thing was different, but it was a good excuse to work out, even thought he didn't really need a excuse to work out. He looked around for a bit. He had finally noticed her. He snuck up as best he could, even thought he wasn't really the best sneaker there was. He had managed to get behind her, snapping a couple of twigs in the process. "I wouldn't, perchance, be aloud to have any of that, would I?"

Robin blushed as Freddy teased her. They didn't know each other too well, and she didn't know how to engage him in conversation, what to talk about. She felt a little awkward, but she knew that she couldn't really be shy with someone she'd have to kiss in front of a crowd of people. They hadn't got to that part in the rehearsals yet, and it was making her nervous. "So... um, how do you think the rehearsals are going?" She asked timidly.

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