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Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

Celina spotted Nathan from a ways away and snuck up behind him. "Guess who?" she giggled, already buzzed from the spiced cider. Margo sure was heavy handed in her pouring. "Having fun?" she asked, sidling up next to him.
"Hey there, where have you been hiding? I thought maybe you decided against the party, but that didn't sound much like the Celina I know." Nathan grinned. "Good cheering today, you all looked rather frozen, but it was a good performance." Nathan joked, moving over on the log to give her some more room.
Geoff listened to her ramble. He kind of liked it, listening to her talk. "I agree. You only have one life so you should definitely live it to the fullest... Take the bull by the horns and drive it into the ground... Or something like that." He said chuckling. He then thought of Julia being one of those people that overuse Yolo.

Geoff lifted his finger in protest. "Oh contraire mesame. It might not look it but I actually have a few layers on under this flannel shirt" He lifted the flannel shirt to reveal a long john undershirt. "I got some long johns... What I would wear Ice fishing back in Maine..." He dropped another shirt. "I got a long sleeve shirt that is very warm..." He dropped it to reveal the flannel. "And this flannel... Not to mention the air in between all the layers... So I got about 6 layers of warmth. Not to mention, just a little more bone mass, so I am actually very warm."
Celina nodded and smiled. "Yes, absolutely frozen. But this helps, you want some?" she said, offering him some of the cider. "Margo made it. I don't even know what is in it but I'm warm all over." she laughed. "Interesting game. Good new recruits I suppose. Though I can't really pretend to care. I'm only there for the half time show." she joked. She didn't care much for football, or cheerleading for that matter. She generally did what was expected of her, and she was good at it so why not?
"Okay, okay, I concede. I'll be quiet, take your gesture as kindness and not patronizing, and enjoy the added warmth." Julia grinned, putting her hands up in front of her with a look of defeat, jokingly. "Ice fishing eh? That's the thing where you sit in little huts on the middle of a frozen lake for hours on end without anything exciting happening, right?" she asked with a smirk.

"A mysterious some-kind-of-alcohol-containing beverage? Of course I'd like to try." He laughed, accepting the Thermos. He took a drink, Celina was right, it did make you instantly warm all over. He sat there pondering what exactly this concoction contained, but soon gave up. "It's certainly good at making you all warm and tingly, but a little sweet for my tastes." He admitted, handing her the Thermos back. "Yeah... I know we won, yay team,- but I really wasn't paying much attention to the game. Only enough to make snide remarks and irritate Cole as he muttered and yelled about how they were doing things wrong." he shrugged and grinned. "Your halftime show, on the other hand, was really gripping. I liked that one part where you all shook your pom poms and did that thing in the formation with the thing." he joked.
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Geoff laughed. "yeah, you could say that's what we did when we were waiting for a fish. It was a thing my mother and father and I would do..." Geoff chuckled. "I remember this one time, my father bursted into my room at 2 in the morning on the first day of Ice fishing. The night before he joked about how he would walk into my room with a bucket of Ice cold water and wake me up by dumping it on me. You think he'd be joking but I was splashed with water that had bits of snow floating in it." He looked over a Julia. "I think you would like ice fishing. I'd take you out on the lake." He said.
Julia grimaced, shivering at the very thought of a freezing cold bucket of water being dumped on her. Julia chuckled at his suggestion that she would like ice fishing. "I'm not so sure about that. We have a cottage in the Hamptons, and when I was younger my dad tried to teach me how to fish. I was nearly bored to death sitting on the edge of the dock holding a fishing rod for a good hour, before I finally sort-of caught a fish. And then when my dad helped me reel it in I was mortified by the poor fish stuck on the hook and ran back into the cottage. That was, not-surprisingly, the last time my dad or brother tried to encourage me to go fishing with them. I played with Chief in the stable and went riding instead." Julia grinned. "But since we were just talking about living your life to the fullest, I guess it wouldn't be bad to give it another shot." she admitted "Hashtag Yolo." she said ironically, with a nearly contained smirk.
"I agree with you on the type of fishing that your father tried teaching you... No disrespect to your father but I feel that ice fishing and pole fishing are two different things for me atleast." He smiled when she said that she would give it another try. Then laughed when she said Yolo. "Alright so when it gets to the first day of Ice fishing then you, me, and maybe a couple of other people could go." He said looking at the fire from the party in the distance. "So did you really feel bad about catching a fish on a hook?" He said with a bit of interest in his voice.
"Sounds like a plan! I'd like to see the rest of our city slicker friends out standing in the cold on a lake all day." Julia grinned at the idea. "Well, yeah. I don't know what naive pre-conceived notion I had of what fishing involved, but it certainly wasn't injuring, slash, killing poor little fish for sport!" she explained, with a sheepish grin.

To Julia's surprise, she realized that they had walked nearly halfway around the lake in what felt like a few minutes of chatting and casually strolling around the shore. She liked the fact that the time passed so easily when the two of them were talking. She looked across the water, back at the party. You could spot the party easily, because of the large roaring campfire illuminating the shadows of people on the trees, but it was silent from here.

Julia opened the thermos of liquid warmth back up and took a drink, before offering it to Geoff again.

"Thanks for walking with me, it's nice to get away from the obnoxious drunks and just enjoy the scenery with good company for a little while." she commented with a smile.
Celina chuckled and rolled her eyes. "My personal favorite is all the various ways we can say Go Team without actually saying Go Team." she smirked. "At least we come up with different routines. Well, I do. Better than swimming back and forth until the competition drowns." she teased. "Did you always want to swim? Did you wake up one day as a little five year old Nathan and decide to be a champion swimmer?"
"I think your brother would be into it. He seems like the type that would be up to it." He thought of something, and started to laugh. "But if I could see Celina out on the ice I would die happy." He enjoyed his time with her. She was easy to talk to. "It's my pleasure... but if I could say something... I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else."
Nathan grinned at Celina's joke, 'maybe I am teaching her to lighten up after all' he thought. Nathan scratched his head, he had never really thought about that question. "Hm, I'd like to say that I just naturally liked swimming, but the truth is, if I hadn't known that my dad was a state champion swimmer, I probably wouldn't have been nearly as dedicated to it. On the other hand, I'd like to think that there is some genetic component, I have always enjoyed swimming, and I guess my lanky build and good lung capacity probably contributes to a lot of my success." he shrugged. "We're feeling awfully philosophical today aren't we?" he chucked, nudging Celina playfully.

Julia nodded "If you can make a competition out of it- Cole will make a competition out of it." she laughed. "Celina on the other hand, will have to be kidnapped- blind folded and hog tied, the whole nine yards- and pulled out onto the ice." she joked.

Julia listened to his comment, her head tilted and a slightly bashful look on her face. Her heartbeat quickened and she felt the feeling of butterflies in her stomach. She looked back forward and kept walking, biting her lip, for a second as she tried to decide how to respond. Finally, after what felt like a million seconds, she turned back to look at Geoff and simply said "I think I would have to agree."
Geoff smiled. "Well there was also the 1 dollar competition... Depending on how you wanna go there is either 1 dollar for the first fish or the biggest." Geoff looked back at the stars. "But I think he would enjoy it... Thing is you guys would need some traps. I got some but not enough." Geoff was talking about fishing a lot. He needed to change the subject. She probably didn't want to talk about fishing all night. He cleared his throat. "So are there any competitions for horseback riding?"
"Yeah? Books are pretty cool." Teddy hoped she couldn't notice the red creeping into his cheeks. He did like books, but he wasn't that good at reading. Books on tape made it easier, but he felt like an idiot for finding difficulty in reading words on a page. He changed the subject. "A study bug, huh? What are you taking? And well, too much of anything is bad for your brain. My grandpa always said 'Everything in moderation, including moderation.'" He smiled.

@Fallen from Heaven

"You were born to be a lot of things, Mar." He came up behind her when she pulled away, observing Teddy and Camelia. "She seems like it. Good on Teddy for talking to her. Kind of funny how big he is compared to her. Or is it how small she is compared to him?" He wound his arm around her waist, resting his hand on her hip. "All warmed up from the game? Sucks how cold it was. I got worried about you and the group, at least me and the guys were moving around.

Freddy grunted. "Rehearsals are rehearsals. But with a few of the people that are acting... hell even the stage crew are a little crazy. I would rather be the ring then have to deal with them." A lot of people wouldn't get the feeling that Freddy was a fighter, but he was. "In the ring there is no lines, there is no stepping on people's lines. There's you and your opponent. After that it's elementary." He said still looking at the fire, it flickered and danced around the place.

Freddy snapped back to reality. "Sorry about that. My mind went into boxing mode. Yeah rehearsals are going good. You're not to bad yourself."
Julia raised an eyebrow slightly at the sudden change in conversation. "Uh.. yeah. All kinds. You must have heard of the Kentucky derby? That's Thoroughbred racing. There's also harness racing, where they pull a little cart thing behind that a driver sits on. Then there are competitions for both English and Western riding, the two main disciplines. The english ones are show jumping, where you jump over a bunch of obstacles, cross country, where you jump over things on a trail like ditches, and dressage, which is like horse dancing, and then there are other classes that just judge your ability to ride. Then western riding, is where you've got the cowboys, they do rodeo events roping and sorting cattle, race around barrels and do other speed events, as well as reining, which is a pattern you have to ride and those sort of things. These are just the basics too, there are all kinds more competitions. And then, off in the land of events that nobody really knows about, is polo, which I compete in. It's kind of like crochet and soccer, while hanging from the side of a horse." she grinned.

"If you're going to take me ice fishing, I think you should come with me for a trail ride. What da ya say?" she asked, hopefully.
Geoff listened to all the event's and competitions that there were. "That's a lot of things that you can do for just one thing." Geoff nodded. "Alright. You're on." He said before putting his hand out for her to shake it. That was how he made deals. If it doesn't end in a hand shake then he won't hold people to it.
"My m-mother always said that y-you have t-to sacrifice if y-you want to get somewhere." Camelia shot back, on instinct, "I-I've sacrificed a l-lot to get to wh-where I am and I-I'm proud of that!" A kind of fiery determination was burning in her eyes. Then, Teddy brought up her favourite subject: schoolwork. She smiled softly and the fierceness in her eyes died down.

"W-what am I ta-taking?" Camelia asked, "Um... Y-you know, n-nor-normal stuff: Introduction to creative writing, Pre-Calculus, World History, Latin, etc, etc. Honestly, I w-was really confused b-by the whole 'picking classes' a-affair. Very c-confusing. Y-you know? I... I struggled." She looked down and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. She hated it when she struggled with something, especially something that was meant to be easy. Picking classes was meant to be easy! But she'd found it very difficult, indeed.
Celina shrugged as if to say 'who knows' and stared off at the party. Problem was Celina did think a lot, too much. Despite want people thought there was a lot going on in that head of hers, some of them were schemes but most were worries, questions, solutions, answers. She enjoyed knowledge, every time she mastered a new subject she thought it was just one more thing to add to her repertoire as a renaissance woman. Although, now she had been drinking, and her thoughts were a little less coherent. One guy came up, presumably from the football team, who said her name and sat down next to her, trying to put his arm around her. She brushed him off as if he were nothing but an ugly sweater, avoiding the cross look in his eyes. She didn't even remember meeting him. "Let's move." she muttered, standing and leaving the thermos behind, she had had enough. Of course, she wasn't blind to the little pill the other guy slipped in it. She grabbed the thermos and dumped it out on the ground, throwing the empty container back in his face.

"Worried about me? I wasn't the one running around in a jock strap and teeny tight pants." Margo teased, tilting her head back and kissing the stubble along his jaw. "I feel good leaving her with Teddy though. He'll make sure no asshole messes with her here." Margo agreed. She turned around to face him again and buried her hands in his back pockets and her face in the crook of his neck. " You're so warmmmmmm." she murmured.
OOC: @AngieG- I took the liberty of adding to the drama, but if you had a different scenario in mind, just post it and I will delete the extra stuff!

Nathan wasn't abnormally drunk, but it took him longer than it would when he was sober to understand what was happening all of a sudden. A drunk football player- Nathan knew his name was Jack, but he hadn't ever really talked to him much- approached Celina and placed his arm around her. Celina jumped up, and in a flash the thermos full of cider was dumped on the ground and the container, thrown at the guy. His cross look was replaced with a seethingly furious one. He jumped up and started yelling a number of choice words at Celina. At that moment, Nathan got his head wrapped around the situation and stood between Celina and Jack, ready to be tackled by the wasted football player.

"It's Jack, right?" he said questioningly. "You should walk away now, and maybe evaluate your life choices." he insisted, calmly.

Jack gritted his teeth "You've got no place in this, buddy." he spat.

That was all of the persuasion Nathan needed. "Walk away now, unless you want all of the Rockwell student body to know that you're a douchebag." he threatened, quietly, but changed his mind and decided he wasn't going to keep this to himself no matter what the outcome. "Seriously though, are you that undatable that you think it's necessary to drug a girl to get laid? That's called rape, my friend, it's illegal and pathetic." Nathan retorted, at a fairly audible level of speech, at least for those around the campfire.

Julia smiled at Geoff's insistence on shaking on their deal. She put her hand out and they shook on the promise to go trail riding. "The next time my dad is in town I'll have to introduce you to him. He has always insisted that you can't trust someone with a bad hand-shake, I think you'd get along well." she commented.

"I can't wait to see you on a horse." she grinned.
Geoff chuckled as he shook her hand. "I'd have to say that he is right. A firm handshake is a trusting one." He looked over at the party in the distance. The time passed by so quick that they had gone around the whole lake in what had seemed like minutes. Geoff looked over at the party to see Jack, the right tackle getting in someone's face. Being the right tackle was an important job so it had to go to someone that big enough to handle it. He covered the quarterback's blind side. Geoff sighed. "Something tells me that tonight is going to a bit more interesting than just a victory party... Wanna go and check it out?"
Celina watched, mouth agape, and when Jack finally walked off she gently touched the back of Nate's neck. "Nate, what, thank you." she said, stuttering over her own words. "I mean, I can take care of myself but thank you." she said again repeating herself. "You know he assaulted on of my cheer leader girls last year. She filed for sexual assault, but they only suspended him. He's still here on football scholarship. She transferred." Celina muttered, shaking her head in disgust.
Nathan watched as Jack stomped off, frowning and hoping that was the end of this. Celina touched the back of his neck and he turned around, pulling her gently into a friendly one armed hug of support. "I'm sorry, I know you can take care of yourself, hell, I'm glad I'm on your good side." he smiled. "But, honestly, you shouldn't have to. The testosterone overdosed of our species need to know that the rest of us guys think they're just as pathetic as the girls they're misleading. The fact that something like that occurs at all is a black mark on my side of the species, and it's the social acceptance that causes it; I couldn't stand by and unintentionally lend my support."

Celina recalled a story about Jack and another of the cheerleaders. "Oh, Rockwell, sometimes even the jocks have to admit that your priorities are out of line." Nathan sighed.

Whatever it was that Geoff had been pointing out, quickly dispersed as some guy Julia didn't recognize went storming off through the party. Julia watched a he weaved between people, and eventually was out of sight. Julia looked back to where the guy had been standing, and of course Nathan and Celina appeared to be in the middle of it. 'Leave it to them to cause some kind of drama.' She thought. Julia watched as Nathan hugged Celina, not sure how she felt about that.

"I guess we have a moral responsibility to go see what has happened, but I would much rather avoid the drama." she sighed, walking over towards the fire slowly.
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Geoff walked over towards the fire. Geoff noticed Nathan hug Celina. Celina was definitely not Geoff's number 1 fan after what happened the last time they both were at a party. He didn't know if he should say something or not. It might be weird for Geoff to ask Celina if she was doing ok. She had exploded on him the last time.
Robin reddened. "Thanks. I, uh, I didn't know you were a boxer. It sounds..." Scary? Dangerous? "...Fun. I mean, I don't know too much about it, so I guess I can't really say. How long have you been doing it?'"


Trent laughed. "There is a risk of having your nuts kicked skyward. But the pants make us aerodynamic or whatever, so we can outrun any threat to our balls." He smiled over at Teddy. "He's a good kid. That's why he's so good on defence, he wants to protect everyone the best he can." He smoothed back her hair when she nuzzled into his neck. "And you're so cold. Better not catch anything, come on in here." He hugged her closer and grinned down at her.

@Fallen from Heaven

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