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Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

OOC: You do not want to know about my unhealthy Babymetal obsession, believe me. @dakup

To her surprise, Camelia was addressed. She looked up to find herself being towered over by a half giant and nearly shrieked in fear. Then, she got a hold of herself and took several deep breaths.

"H-hi." she squeaked, "Um, I, uh, I'm C-Camelia." She cursed her height. It wasn't fair. It seemed like everybody else was huge, like giant compared to her. And it so wasn't fair. She had enough wrong with her without being short too.

"Um, y-y-you don't have to t-talk to m-me." Camelia chewed her lip, "There- there's probably something b-better you c-c-could be doing, I'm s-sure." In other words: go away, go away now. The last time she saw a guy like this, she was being shoved into a locker. @TheOneAndOnly
Teddy turned a little red, embarrassed. The girl seemed terrified of him. Then again, he had probably over a foot in height over her. Should he kneel down? No, that would make things more uncomfortable. He suddenly spied a log behind her and quickly sat down. He was now a bit shorter than her. "Well, I've really got nothing to do here. Parties aren't exactly my thing, at least drinking isn't." He paused. "But if you want me to leave you alone, that's okay too. I just wanted to introduce myself."
"Oh. I- I don't do p-parties either." Camelia shrugged, "Um, I, uh... I'm n-not good at s-social-socialising." She turned so that she could look at him but was careful not to make eye contact. Eye contact lead quickly to awkwardness.

"I just- I'm just here b-because..." Otherwise, she'd be sitting in her room crying. But she couldn't say that. That would sound pathetic. She changed the subject quickly.

"I... I don't t-th-think I g-got your name..."
Teddy blushed a little. "I used to be pretty bad at socializing too. Seems like I still haven't got the hang of it." He held out his hand, calloused and a little bruised from the game, offering it to shake. "I'm Theodore, but most people call me Teddy. Call me whatever one you prefer. What's your name?" He blushed again, and winced. "Right, Camelia. Sorry, I guess getting knocked around earlier today hasn't helped my memory."
"S'okay." Camelia shook his hand for less than a second before abruptly letting go and pulling her hand back, "So... Y-you-you're one of those 'football' p-players? I... I w-watched your g-g-game. It was v-very dull." Then, she backtracked, "I'm s-sorry! I mean... I mean, it is d-dull for someone l-like m-me. Someone with n-no interest in s-sports." She shrugged. God, she was awful at talking to people. Offending people left, right and centre. She should've just stayed in her room. This was a mistake. Oh god, oh god, oh god. She was panicking a little now, picking at the skin on her thumb.
Teddy couldn't help but laugh. "We've all got our opinions. But I think football can get pretty boring to watch, too. It's definitely more fun to play. What sort of stuff are you interested in?"
She had to think about it for a moment. A few moments actually.

"Um, I... Books. Music. Y-you know. N-nor-normal stuff." She shrugged, "I... I don't have an aw-awful lot of t-time for interests. I- I have to study a l-lot." She crossed her arms, "I like TV too but m-my parents d-don't really let me watch it. Th-they think it's b-bad for my b-brain."
Margo grinned and pulled Trent back in for a kiss, grinning stupidly when she pulled away. "What can I say, I was born to be a bartender." she joked and stretched. She wanted nothing more than to curl up in his embrace, but she didn't want to come off too sting too fast so she kept a safe distance after the kiss and pretended to be interested in Teddy approaching Camelia. "I convinced the new girl to come. She is super nervous." she said, chatting idly.

Celina flounced around the party, swigging a stolen thermos and flirting randomly as was her way.
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OOC: Awkward! I thought everyone had given up on this Roleplay, turns out I wasn't getting notifications :P . Sorry for my unexplained absence, which I will credit to Midterm season again. I will make an effort to check on here more often!!

Julia jumped when Geoff snuck up behind her, spilling some of her thermos. Being surprised in the creepy dark forest was definitely not something she was okay with. "Jerk." she exclaimed unintentionally, but resisted smacking him, like she would have if it was Nathan or her brother. They'd been hanging out a fair bit, especially in the varsity class, but she still didn't know the guy that well. "You're insane if you think you deserve this delicious Hot Apple Cider after that! You can go die in a hole from hypothermia for all I care!" she retorted, but as her heart beat slowed she shook her head and grinned, offering him the thermos.

When Margo ran over to Trent, Nathan looked around to see where her other usual group was. He saw Julia being startled by Geoff and smirked a little at her reaction, typical Julia. Robin was with that Freddy guy, who he had a couple classes with but didn't know all that well. Teddy had wandered off to go talk to some girl sitting off by herself that Nathan had definitely seen before, but appeared to have come with Julia and Margo. He was a bit puzzled by the fact he hadn't seen Celina yet. She was usually the first one to venture away from the pack of girls.

Cole mumbled something about needing another drink and walked over to the Keg to fill up his red solo cup. He found some of his teammates sitting by the fire with some of the senior football players, and stopped to chat with them for a while.
Geoff felt bad. "Hey, listen. I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He said with a small frown on his face. Geoff was an asshole for doing that. He was a little reluctant to take the thermo because he felt as thought he didn't deserve it. He walked over to the fire and sat on a stump a few feet from the fire. He didn't like what he had done, which made his shoulder hurt a little more. If he was stressed, or if he felt bad it would always multiply the feeling in his shoulder. Not his gut.
Julia was surprised when Geoff quickly backed off and walked away. Now she felt bad, sighing slightly she walked over to him. "Your reply was invalid, nobody sneaks up behind someone for any other purpose than to scare them." she pointed out. "BUT, a) I also understand that it was a joke and b) I can most certainly be persuaded to forgive you." she said with a smile, sitting on the end of a log beside his stump. "Now, do you want some of this delicious cider or not? Better get some quickly, or I may change my mind about the offer." she said with an amused smile.
Geoff started to smile. The pain in his shoulders started to go away, other then the pain from the unseen tackle he took earlier. He looked at the fire, then towards Julia. "And what would it take to persuade you into forgiving me?" He said with a innocent smile.
Julia's face turned red as a fire engine, and she was sure glad it was too dark for anyone to see her. She looked back at the fire, seriously hoping that he didn't mean anything like that, though it was clearly her fault for being so vague in her statement. "Uhh, ice cream and candy are usually good options." she said, trying to regain her composure and act like she wasn't the most awkward person in the world.
Geoff looked back at the fire. "Alright. Hows about you and I head into town tomorrow and lunch is on me. What ever you like. It's on me." He said with a smile his face. He liked her. She was easy to talk to, and she was fun to be around. It helped that she was kind of cute. She wouldn't think of him like that. They were friends, and that was about as far as their friendship would go.
"Sounds good." Julia smiled back, slightly sheepishly. She decided a change of topic was in order "You played really well today." she complimented him. "How's your shoulder feeling? That tackle after the play was so uncalled for... you had everyone worried when you got pulled from the game." she added.
Geoff chuckled. "You know me, at least enough, to know that I like to start drama." He said with a joking tone. "I hope I didn't scare you though." He said rubbing his shoulder. "I am a little sad because I won't be able to do much for a while. But I guess I can learn to live with it." He said taking a sip from one of the thermos. "God, that's pretty good."
Julia frowned "Oh gosh. I didn't realize you were that injured. That's really disappointing... did they tell you exactly what it is you hurt? How long are you going to be benched for?" she asked, with a look of concern. Sports injuries were the worst, and she felt really bad for Geoff.
Geoff licked his lips. "I won't be on the bench for long. I am on the bench for about a week. I bruised my shoulder... They don't want me doing anything that could hurt my shoulder." He took another drink. He sighed. "Don't you worry about me. I'm nothing if not strong." He looked at her. "Are you cold?"
"Well good. We're going to need some more of those pretty incredible long passes to make it to state." she said with a wink.

When Geoff asked her if she was cold Julia smiled a little, "how considerate" she thought. To be honest, Julia hadn't been thinking about the cold much. The cider was warm, the bubbly alcohol feeling gave you a false sense of warmth and it was fairly warm sitting by the fire. "Nah, I'm warm enough, for now. I could use a stretch though. Do you feel like going for a walk?" she asked curiously.
"I wouldn't be opposed to a walk." He said standing up. He turned to face Julia. He held his hand to help her up. "Would you like some help?" It was his other arm so his shoulder wouldn't be hurt.
Julia laughed shaking her head, but let Geoff help her up anyway. "How polite." she said with a smile. She led the way zig zagging through the party until at last they departed from the crowds, down near the lake shore. You could still hear the rock music clearly behind them, but the individual voices became indistinguishable. Once they were out of the crowds, Julia stopped to admire the brilliant starry night. She could see her breath, but the lack of wind made the cold comfortable. "Wow. So many stars." she commented quietly, as if the beautiful night sky was enforcing a silence on the human specks below.
Geoff followed her out. He looked at the water. The reflection from the night sky gleamed off of the water. He looked up at the night sky. "Yeah." He said with sigh. "Makes you think about how small we are in the universe." He looked down at the water. "Look at the water. Look how the sky reflects off of the water. How the sky shines off of the water, like there are two night skies."
"It's pretty amazing." Julia agreed, there was a poetic beauty in realizing how small and insignificant a human was in comparison to the universe. "Did you know there are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on earth? But, that there are more atoms in a single grain of sand than the number of stars in the whole galaxy? I thought that fact was pretty amazing, even though I'm not much of a science person." she grinned, kicking at the sand on the shoreline. "It makes me think about how as humans we are both so significant and insignificant." she commented, thoughtfully.
"I've had that feeling." He scratched his would be beard. "The feeling that your so small, and yet so big at the same time." He started to walk towards the other side of the lake. "It makes you think about where we are in life." He sighed. "I guess you could call me being philosophical or crazy but do you get that feeling?" He looked over at her. He could feel a light breeze that added to the chill. "Here." He took off his sweatshirt and put it on her. "I'm not take no for an answer, it's cold so I think your gonna need this more then I am."
"Right! I get that feeling all the time. It's one of the reasons I involve myself in a million different things, to the point of driving myself crazy. Now I don't want to sound like one of those #Yolo using idiots, because most of the time they use the phrase to do something stupid and not something worthwhile, but they've got a point when it comes to living your life to the fullest. It's weird to think we are already approaching the quarter mark of our 'race'." she rambled, it was good to realize she wasn't alone in these worries.

Julia shook her head when Geoff insisted on her wearing his sweater, but also didn't protest. "If you insist, though I don't know how I feel about your math abilities. Now I have two sweaters and you have none, which doesn't sound nearly as equal as having one each." she grinned.

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