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Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

Celina chewed on this information for a moment. She thought Julia would probably mind, a lot. But all that was clouded by the spiked Cider, cold air, and Nathan. "I don't have an answer for you right now. All I know is that we have right now. Tomorrow may be different, so let's just enjoy right now." she said boldly, entering the boys dorm with him and waiting impatiently while he unlocked his door. She didn't want to think about it, not really. Tomorrow she may wake up and feel terrible about the whole thing and cry and apologize to Julia. But right now her endorphins were running and she was drunk on cider, the fall air, and Nathan. Julia could wait until tomorrow. Celina rarely did exactly what she wanted, she always weighed what other people thought, needed, like her mother. But right now she just wanted Nathan, and she found it very difficult to care about what anyone else needed. When they got inside she sat on his bed, her hands shaking, and pulled him down next to her. She kissed him, tenderly at first, but she soon found her passions leading it further. Maybe she was moving fast, but she didn't really care. Time was limited. "Can we... Is that weird? Am I too fast? I don't care if I am." she declared.
Nathan sighed, though all he really wanted to do was answer with a resounding yes. He fell back on his bed, staring at the ceiling and taking a moment to collect his thoughts, which was unbearably difficult when he was sitting so close to Celina. It was a shame that he wasn't a little more drunk, it would make his answer a whole lot easier.

He sat back up, with a decision. "Our friendship is worth more to me than a one night stand, and it has been a crazy night. I can tell you're still conflicted, and I don't want you to wake up in the morning regretting anything..." he said reluctantly, even though it was the right thing to do. He gently wiped a stray piece of hair away from her face, and kissed her cheek once, softly.

"Now that we've established that I'm an old fashioned prude, Miss Celina, may I take you on a lunch date tomorrow afternoon?" he asked with a smile. "We can go off campus, and avoid running into anyone." he added.
Celina looked at him, obviously disappointed, but sighed. "Fine, but I am certainly NOT an old fashioned prude so eventually you and I will have to find some common ground." she teased, though she felt suddenly very embarrassed. "I do care about you, Nate. Just because I was willing to sleep with you doesn't mean I don't care. I would still be your friend, even if I did wake up tomorrow and give myself the guilt trip of a life time. That is probably going to happen regardless of what happens now." she admitted, flopping down next to him and staring up at the ceiling as well. "I just don't if there will be an us tomorrow. I want to talk to Julia about it, I'm going to. God tomorrow is going to suck." she muttered, already feeling the pinpricks of nerves and doubts settle in her stomach now that she had nothing to distract herself from them. "We can do lunch tomorrow. Whether or not it is a date depends on how my talk with Julia goes." she stated, not unkindly. It was important he knew, and she knew, where they stood. And where they stood was on very shaky ground at the moment. She reached down and took his hand, giving it a compatible squeeze. "I should go, give me some time to wipe the egg off my face." she laughed half-heartedly.
Nathan visibly winced when Celina said that she had to talk to Julia about this. He was very aware at how horribly this would probably go. "Guess it was a mistake to play the nice, considerate, boy part eh?" he said with a dramatic sigh, as Celina mentioned leaving. "Old habits die hard I suppose, I was with Julia too long. Her relationship expectations were very, very, different and I became accustomed to acting a certain way to keep her happy." Nathan explained with a shrug.

"If you really must leave, I hope when we see each other tomorrow, things will be less conflicted." he said, smiling half-heartedly.
"Mononoke's fantastic. I love Kiki's flying delivery service too, and spirited away is probably his masterpiece. I'll get the pizza if you choose the movie. Come on, let's get out of here." He slung his arm around her shoulder as they walked back to the dorms. "You know, I've got a surprise for you in the dorms. Kind of a thank you present for coming to the game today." They walked into the guys dorms and made it into Trent's room. "First and foremost, what kind of pizza do you want? And you got any preference for where? I'm a dominoes guy myself."

@Fallen from Heaven
Geoff took a couple of moments to understand what she was trying to say. He knew that in the long run, she was right. "Alright. I will take a step back... I'll let you be your own person." He looked at the fire again. "I've been a bit overbearing, and overprotective..."Maybe it was the spiked cider but he was being more philosophical than he normally would. "I've been an ass, and I've been blind to the obvious." He finally looked at Julia. "But if you ever need any help... I'll help you."

She chewed on the skin of her thumb, looking at Teddy nervously. She moved a little bit closer.

"Y-you're not g-going to ma-make fun of me, a-are you?" Camelia sniffed. Her eyes were slowly beginning to well up with tears- for the second time today. She wiped her eyes on the back of her hand, determined not to cry.
Celina watched Nathan for a few moments, hovering over the bed and preparing to go. This was a lot more complicated than she intended, and very different from how she had thought her evening was going to go. "I don't really want to go." she murmured. "Can I stay? We don't have to do anything, we can just exist together. See how it feels. You turned my whole world upside down in a matter of hours, Nathan. Excuse me if I'm a little scattered emotionally." she said, sitting back on the bed, but half expecting him to tell her to leave. She lay back down next to him on the tiny twin size bed, shifting to her side and slinging her arm over his waist.

Margo raised an eyebrow when he said he had a surprise. "What, why? Trent!" she laughed, scolding him playfully. "Let's watch Princess, I like new movies. And if it is new to me maybe I'll actually be tempted to watch it instead of just jumping your bones." she teased with a snicker. "Dominos is great, half veggie for me. Should we check on Robin before we go?" Margo asked, looking back and spotting her with Teddy and Camelia.
"I thought you'd never ask, of course you can stay." Nathan smiled as Celina laid back down beside him, he shifted over as much as he could to give her more room, and slid his arm behind her, so that she could use his shoulder as a pillow. The quiet was comfortable, and Nathan was glad to have the opportunity just to exist alongside her. He began to think about how he could be a better person, how their friendship had made him a better person, and how he could try to avoid screwing up whatever this was.

After a little while Nathan began to get too warm. He fidgeted with his free hand to undo the buttons on his flannel shirt. "Don't be getting any ideas, it's just really hot in here." Nathan teased.

Julia smiled at Geoff "That's perfect... thanks." she said happily. "So, what are your thoughts on math homework, because I could sure use some help with that." she joked.
Geoff let out a fake sigh. "Jeez." He said leaning back, obviously faking that he wasn't ready for her to use it right off the bat. "It's not my strong suit, but if you really need the help... Then sure, I'll help you." He said. He couldn't help but think to himself.

"Dude. She doesn't deserve you. She deserves someone else, someone better. You've been a complete ass, and she has shown you nothing but kindness and compassion. If she just wants to be friends, you'd be fine with that. Just being with her makes you a different person." Geoff thought. He realized that he was deep in his own thought and shook it off.
Celina snickered and rolled her eyes. "I've seen you shirtless before, Nathan. You won't burn my 'virgin' eyes." she grinned, but was rather warm under her sweater as well. "You, on the other hand, may want to avert your gaze." she grinned, but she was wearing a tank top under her sweater. She slid out of the sweater, and skillfully removed her bra from under her tank top. No one wants under wire stabbing them in the night. She still had on her leggings, and decided she could sleep in them even if they were knit and a little warm. At least they weren't jeans. "Better?" she asked, running her fingertips down his side playfully, searching for a tickle spot.
Julia grinned "That's alright, I'll have to get my brother to give me some help with math. After all, he's the future economics major of the family." Julia said.

"You okay?" Julia asked, when she noticed Geoff was staring off at the fire, in a semi-dazed state.

Nathan laughed "Yeah, but seeing me shirtless, or even in a speedo for that matter, when swimming in public is a rather different scenario, isn't it?" he joked, finally managing to untangle his arm from his shirt. "Much better." he grinned. "If you want a shirt or shorts to sleep in, I think I did my laundry recently enough that there's probably some clean gym clothes in my closet." he offered, since it would probably be more comfortable.

"I'm not tickle-ish, if that's what you're trying to figure out." he announced when Celina ran her fingertips down her side, "Are you?" he asked with a mischievous grin.
(Sorry about this, I start a new job that's got me working third shift so I will try and post if I'm not asleep.)

"Yeah. Sorry about that. I was just lost in my mind... I was just thinking... Umm.. Something." He said stretching. "I hate saying this but I think that it's time to get some sleep." He did a lot of things that day. Like win a football game, and get hurt in the process.
"Made of stone." Celina said defiantly. "All in your mind." she teased, but shrugged off his offer. "I'll be fine. Besides, you probably won't have any colors that compliment my skin tone." she grinned, sliding on top of him casually and kissing his forehead. "Tired?" she murmured.
(OOC: No need to hurry to post @dakup!)

Julia nodded "Fair enough, it has been a long day." Julia agreed, when Geoff said he was tired. "Hmm... I know Celina is gone, but I should go check and see if anyone else is ready to head back to the dorms." she decided. "I had fun hanging with you tonight, I hope your arm is feeling better tomorrow." Julia smiled. "See you tomorrow! Text me when you're ready to head into town for lunch." she said, before leaving Geoff to walk over and talk to Robin and that other girl, who was sitting nearby.

"Hey guys, having fun?" she asked, she noticed that Teddy was there talking to Camelia. Julia was happy to see she had been left in good hands, Teddy was by far the nicest guy at Rockwell. "I was thinking of heading back to the dorms, just wondering if anyone wants to join me?" she inquired.

@Fallen from Heaven

"I disagree, you're good looking in anything and everything." Nathan countered. "Especially when you're freezing your ass off in your Rockwell Green coloured cheerleading outfit, and at least 40% of my wardrobe consists of green athletic t-shirts; but whatever be uncomfortable if you want." he teased shrugging slightly.

Celina asked if he was tired, which wasn't something he had been thinking about at all with all the adrenaline pumping. "Today feels like it has lasted weeks, not hours." he conceded. "I certainly didn't expect to have to share my bed tonight when I woke up this morning." he laughed jokingly, rolling over so that he was now over top of her and kissing her once on the lips. "Yet, strangely, no. I'm not the least bit tired, but if you are that's alright, I'll just stare at the ceiling for a while and you can sleep." he murmured, turning back on his side.
Celina rolled her eyes when he mentioned her cheerleading outfit. "Sexist frocks, that's all they are." she laughed, entwining her fingers together in his hair and kissing him deeply. "No, I'm not tired at all. If I sleep, then I'll have to wake up. And when I wake up, I'll have to talk to Julia. No I don't think I'm very tired at all." she mumbled against his lips, sliding her hands down his back. She was good at this, or so she'd been told by the few lovers she'd had. Of course, just because she was good didn't mean they were. But she was enjoying being close to him, regardless of all the added stress. She wrapped her legs around him and flipped him over as if he weighed nothing at all. People always underestimated the muscles of dancers and cheerleaders. Girl was strong.
"Mhm?" Camelia looked up to see- what was her name, again? Julia?- standing over her. She lowered her thumb from her mouth.

"N-No, I'm not ha-having fun. I w-want to go h-home." she wound a strand of her long hair around her finger and stood up, tugging on her hair. She rubbed her eyes.

"I'll g-go back w-with y-you." she said, before adding quickly, "Please. If t-th-hat's o-okay. I don't w-want to bother y-you or anything."
Geoff shrugged. "Alright, goodnight.... I'll text you for lunch." He said, getting up from the stump. He knew a lot of people were going to be angry with him because he was going to have to take away the music. He couldn't just leave his car out near a lake. It deserved to be in it's parking spot. Geoff liked to think of it as another person. He walked towards his car. The key's were still in it because they needed to be to play music. He hopped in and started it up. "Good night everybody!" He said loud enough for everyone to hear. He drove down the little pathway. It was just big enough for him to fit his car down.

After a couple minutes of driving, he made his way back to the paved road. He drove it over to the designated parking spot that he had to parked in. It wasn't that far from the boys dorm. It was a couple minute walked to the door. He made his way up the stairs. Being a senior meant he was on the top floor. But thanks to the spiked cider, Geoff stumbled onto the Junior floor. He stumbled around looking for his door, which was 413. His vision was so blurred all the 3s looked like 4s. He tried his dorm key on 313, which didn't work. "Is this the right level?" He asked himself.

Eventually he realized that he was on the wrong level. He stumbled back to the stairwell. He made his way up the Senior level. He found his door, and his bed. When his head hit his pillow, he clocked out.

Barbara was with one of the other football players. She was talking with him about the game. She did like to watch football, and would watch it with her cousin. After a bit she got bored and just hung out. She over heard Julia talking with Robin and Camleia. To be honest she was a little tired. "Mind if I join in?" She asked.

"Yeah some people and their drama!" Freddy said, chuckling.


(Sorry for being late with a freddy post.)
Julia looked up and frowned when she saw Geoff start up the engine on his car. He had had enough to drink tonight, and she didn't the least bit approve of drinking and driving. If she had known that was his intention, she would have insisted on walking back to campus with him.

"Sure, you can join." Julia said to Barbara and Camelia. "Sorry, give me one second." she said to them, pulling out her phone. She found Geoff's number

I hope you made it back to campus in one piece. You shouldn't have been driving. she texted him.

While she had her phone out she saw Celina's name at the top of her recent messages list, she hesitated before deciding to text her, after all- she had had a rough night.

Hey there, I hope your night was better than expected. If you need someone to talk to though, I'm heading back to my room now :) . she wrote, though she wasn't sure if she would get the message until morning if she was already asleep.

"Okay, ready to go?" she asked the other girls.

Nathan lost what little sense he usually had as he and Celina continued to passionately kiss. He ought to have known this was a bad idea, Julia was going to be furious, unless Celina left out certain key details in their conversation. However, he was not prepared to be rational at this very moment.
Celina pulled away and laughed, rolling off Nathan with a chuckle. She heard her phone buzz, and idly wondered how it was even still alive. But she didn't answer, that would have been rude. "How do we know this isn't just the novelty? For all you know I may only like you because I can't have you." Celina teased, turning on her side to face him again. Her lips were red and swollen from kissing, and she had a tousled bed head look. She kissed his neck and bit his ear, but pulled away when he went in for another kiss. She giggled, feeling very peculiar but enjoying her time. It was probably just the buzz wearing off.
"Of course I'm not gonna make fun of you, Camelia." He said softly. Jeez, what happened to this girl that made her this way? He shook that thought off and smiled at her. "What always cheers me up is having my favourite food. And what tastes even better than that is your favourite food cooked by someone other than you. Would it cheer you up if I... made you something?" Again, a flush to his cheeks. He usually didn't tell people about his cooking skills. When Julia came over to ask how they were doing, and Camelia said she wanted to go home, he felt discouraged, to say the least. "Here, I'll walk along, too." He suddenly noticed that Camelia seemed cold, either that or crossing her arms was just a habit. He decided to try and be nice in case the former was true. "Hey, are you cold? Do you want to borrow my jacket for the walk?"

@Fallen from Heaven

Trent laughed. "Fair enough." He glanced over at Robin, who was sitting next to Freddy, the guy who was playing Tom in the show, and Julia was hovering nearby with Teddy and Camelia. "I think she's alright." He said cautiously, and they started to walk away. "I'm trying not to be too overprotective of her. She's gotta live her own life." They made their way into the guys dorms, and he opened his door, flopping on the bed and pulling out his phone. "Hi, Dominoes? Yeah. Delivery, please. The Rockwell male dorms. Yeah. Can I get a large deep dish with half veggie, and half pepperoni? Uh, throw an order of cheesy bread on there too, please." That was his kryptonite when he was high. "Okay. Okay. Great, see you then." He hung up. "Alright, food should be here soon." He pulled out his laptop, and his carved wooden box, holding his stash. It'd been hard to find dealers he liked here yet, plus there was also the risk of getting caught bringing stuff into the school. He cracked open the window a little and grabbed a smoke buddy. "You have a preferred method of space travel, babe?" He teased, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

Freddy looked up. "Yeah sure. This party is dying down." He said standing up. The party was starting to die down. The tunes were gone, the fire was dying, and people were leaving. It was time to go. Plus after being up at five for a morning run, and working at 7 with the varsity people he could definitely use some sleep.
"I-I, um, don't really h-have a favourite f-food." she mumbled, "Um...." She picked at her thumb. Then, he asked if she was cold. Which was definitely a mistake. Her face heated up in anger or maybe shame. Most likely, a mix of both.

"I... I'm not c-cold. I-I-I'm fine!" Camelia snapped, "Don't b-be so h-hor-horrible! There's no-nothing wrong with m-me!" She took the gesture entirely the wrong way and thought that she was being mocked about her stammer. It wouldn't be the first time. She looked down, trying to stop the tears that were dripping down her face.
(OOC: A friendly reminder that this is a high school roleplay, there are rules against partying, curfews etc. Making a scene when re-entering the dorms after a party is a good way to get a detention!)

"I think I like it better when you aren't talking." Nathan teased, as Celina brought up another 'what if' question. He sighed overdramatically as she dodged his attempt to kiss her again, and then rolled onto his side, thinking about her question.

"I'm not the best person to ask when it comes to considering consequences." he admitted. "You must know me well enough to realize this. Evidence A, the fact that I joined the school play on impulse. Evidence B, how horribly and perfectly I screwed up my last relationship by being a dick. Evidence C, the fact that despite this being against our better judgement, we're enjoying ourselves, or at least I am." He grinned sheepishly, listing a few of the many examples in which his gut decision did not include much foresight into the consequences of his actions.

"Not to say that I don't care what happens in the future, I do honestly hope that after tomorrow you are no longer conflicted, and we can make a proper go out of this." he added quickly, hoping she didn't take this to mean that their relationship was insignificant to him.

Julia got the feeling she had interrupted something when she walked over. Julia was shocked by this Camelia girl's response to Teddy's kind gesture... she really didn't understand her at all. Was she incapable of realizing that at least a small portion of the students here were really nice people? This reminded her of earlier and she looked down and realized she was still wearing Geoff's sweater. She made a quick mental note to return it tomorrow. Tears streamed down Camelia's face, but she had absolutely no desire to comfort her in anyway, because her response was just plain irrational. Her heart did ache for Teddy's sake, she felt bad seeing the disappointed look on his face.

Julia had half a mind to say something to her, but she didn't think it would do anyone any good, instead she pursed her lips and stayed quiet.

Cole was still enjoying himself with some of the guys from the hockey team by the dying fire. He was pretty hammered, and didn't much notice everyone starting to get up and leave, or even the fact that the music had come to an abrupt end.
Teddy turned bright red when Camelia turned on him. He wasn't very good at comforting girls at all. He didn't feel so good. "I'm sorry. I just noticed you weren't wearing a jacket and thought you might want to warm up. I didn't mean to come across that way. I'm sorry." He felt awkward and felt Julia's eyes on him, and turned even redder. He suddenly saw Cole hanging out by the fire, and decided to get out of there. "Uh, Julia, I gotta go talk to Cole. Do you mind walking Camelia back for me?" He turned to Camelia. "Again, I'm sorry I upset you. It was nice to meet you, I mean that." Face burning with shame, he walked over to Cole, cursing himself inwardly. He could never talk to girls, ever. It was hopeless. "Yo, Cole." He said, giving him a friendly pat on the back. "Haven't seen you all night. How've you been?"

Robin started to walk along the path, Freddy joining her. "So.... um, how do you feel about everyone having to practice stage kissing tomorrow?" As soon as the words left her lips she turned red. What kind of a conversation starter was that?

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