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Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

Margo grinned and wrapped her arms around Trent's neck from behind while he crouched. "Bowl is fine. Or a one-hitter, if you don't like to share." she teased. "Anything nicer I'm always terrified I will break." she smiled, planting kisses along the back of his neck until she got distracted by his movies. "Definitely want to watch Princess. I hadn't even heard of this one." she said, picking it up and inspecting it casually.

Celina shrugged. "You weren't a dick. You and Julia are just two very different people. Even when she was telling me the worst of it I didn't think it was that bad. Hell, compared to every guy I've ever dated, you're a fricken angel." she laughed, leaning in to kiss him again. "Well, Nate. If you don't want to talk, and you don't want to screw me, what do you want to do?" she smirked, raising an eyebrow and pulling him closer by his hips.
"What!? Ummm. Okay..." Julia muttered when Teddy ditched really quickly in favour of going to talk to her brother. Poor guy. she thought. "Can we go, then?" she asked Camelia, rather abruptly.

"Heyy Teddddy." Cole said, slurring his words considerably. "I'm alright, brooo, this party is much better than the lasttt, I give your captain props, but I know you don't care much about that." Cole said. "Who's the girl you were chatting too? I don't recognize her from around here." he asked curiously, not that it was any of his business.

"The answer to that question is always, play Mario Kart." Nathan joked, when Celina asked him what he wanted to do. "But since we can't do that, I suppose this will do as a distant second option. Unless you have any other ideas?" he added.
"Y-yeah." Camelia sniffed. She couldn't shake the feeling that she'd done something wrong. But she wasn't sure what, exactly. She might've hurt Teddy's feelings or something. But he'd hurt hers first. Ugh, this was why she didn't have friends!

"L-lead the way." she mumbled.
"Distant second?" Celina laughed. "Yeah, okay." she chuckled. "You clearly didn't see Chris's face when you left with me. I'm no distant second in his book." she said with a stretch. Her and the jerk captain of the football team had been an off and on thing since freshmen year. Celina only really kept at it because it was expected of her, and in her defense, Chris was an asshole to everyone except Celina. They always managed to be homecoming king and queen, and this year she thought they would probably be prom king and queen too. That's usually when they were on again, during the dances and the courting. He was just a lot more attached than she was. But, hell she didn't even know if they were on again right now. Ah, high school. Never quite sure who you're dating. Celina wasn't sure what to do now, or whether he even wanted her there anymore. She was briefly glad she didn't sleep with him. She wasn't sure what this meant, or if she was being an idiot and it really meant nothing. She debated putting her sweater back on and leaving, but at this point she had gone too far and there was no turning back unless he forced her.
"Well that depends." Freddy said. "It can be both good and bad... If you have a boyfriend, or girlfriend, and they're the jealous type then your screwed." Freddy said laughing. "Then you could be like me, with no girlfriend, and I am awkward as hell..." His thoughts went to when he saw her with some guy. "Weren't you talking to some guy?"

Julia silently led the way to the edge of the clearing and down the path towards campus, it was an incredibly awkward silence, and Julia was going to be glad when the ten minute walk was finished.

"So..." aside from hurting very nice people's feelings, "do you guys have any hobbies?" she asked weakly, trying to spark some conversation.

"You're overthinking things again." Nathan murmured sleepily, when Celina looked contemplative over his comment, pulling her closer to him and kissing her forehead gently. "It was a joke, in no way are my priorities determined relative to Mario Kart, C." he corrected her, though his slight smile suggested he was amused she would believe such a thing.

"If Chris was really so concerned about your well being though, I don't see why he wasn't the one to confront an attempted assault, especially by one of his own players." he said, scratching his head. Nathan had never liked the guy, he was one of the few people he did not get along with. It wasn't even that he was arrogant or bull headed, there wasn't anyone as bull headed as Cole Harper, and they were best friends. He was cruel, manipulative, and willing to stab your back at a moment's notice to get any kind of advantage possible from it. Nathan really just didn't trust him.

He thought it was a little weird that Celina would bring up another guy when they were laying in bed together, but then thought maybe she thought she was adding to the joke? Nathan thought it was a lot less funny to bring up a priority to a living person than an inanimate object though.

"I hate to say this, but I think we're both getting over tired, and it's time for sleep." he said with a slight smile. "I know you don't want morning to come, but you could also just sleep really late to avoid the problem." he added. "Speaking of which, I have practice at eight, ugh. You're more than welcome to sleep as long as you'd like, but if I'm not here when you wake up, that's why." he said.
"Alright, let me grab my Gandalf pipe." He rummaged around under the bed, and pulled out the long, slender wooden pipe, a dead ringer for the one the grey wizard smoked in the LOTR movies. "Long-bottom leaf. Finest weed in the South Farthing." He joked, filling the bowl. He turned to her looking at the movies. "It's one of his finest. Gorgeous story and animation, a little heart breaking too." He rummaged around again and found a lighter. He moved closer to the window, lighting the pipe and taking a deep inhale. He held in the smoke and leaned down to Margo's face, pulling her close to him gently and blowing the smoke into her mouth. He grinned at her when he finished, his smile lopsided. He suddenly felt his phone buzz. "Wow, that was fast." He handed the pipe to Margo and kissed his forehead. "You go ahead, I'm gonna go get the pizza." He walked out of the room, down the stairs, and outside of the dorm to the parking lot where the pizza guy was waiting. He paid for the food, already starting to feel a little buzzed, and went back up to the room where Margo was waiting. "Well, Margo, our feast has arrived."

@dakup @Gh0st
"Yeah. That wouldn't be weird, having someone stalking you." He said walking down the path to the girls dorm. He wanted to make sure that she had got there safely. He wasn't nothing if he wasn't a gentleman. "So your brother is Trent, Right?" He cleared his throat. "I did not know that."
"I s-s-study." Camelia said, "I-I read. I listen to m-m-music. I, um-" There were other things, of course. But she wasn't sure if therapy sessions counted as a hobby and besides, she didn't have to attend them anymore. That was one bonus to starting at Rockwell, she supposed. No more therapy sessions.

"I, um, I... That's it." she said, sheepishly, "I, uh, I used to spend time with my br-brothers but, uh, I guess I c-can't anymore. Not n-now that I'm h-here."
Cole blinked a few times and looked around, noticing how everyone seemed to be disappearing. He looked at the guys around the fire, who were still going drink for drink.

"Yeah... okay." he said slowly. "I think I have practice in the morning, I think. Should probably get some sleep." he said, nodding his head vigorously.

He stood up, feeling a little dizzy, but managed to walk in a mostly straight line.

"I t-hink I had o-ne too many tonight." he decided.

"Camelia eh?" he said. "There sure are a lot of rookies around here this year." he commented.

"Studying is more of a job requirement as a student than a hobby... isn't it?" Julia mentioned. "Why don't your brothers go here?" she added, curiously.
"N-no. I d-do extra w-work and I try ex-extra hard. It t-takes up a lot of m-my t-ti-time." Camelia said, "And, um, m-my eldest brother g-graduated from sc-school a while b-back and n-now he just la-lazes around at home, d-doing nothing with h-his l-life. And Cas... I'm not sure about. He s-said he d-didn't get in 'cos h-he's not as smart as m-me but that c-can't be true..." She thought hard, "Maybe our p-parents j-just wanted to s-seperate us? I... I don't know..."
Celina nodded sleepily and shrugged. "Fine. I have practice at 5pm for cheerleading. Then we have rehearsal tomorrow too, at 6:30. And I'm pretty sure my dance partner wants to meet in the morning. He's flaky." she grumbled, snuggling into him, her mind still running a mile a minute as it did before bed. "K gnight." she grinned, kissing him playfully.

"Nerd." Margo said without looking up from the movie. She looked up and laughed. "Oh, man. This is a lot. I don't know if that curtain of yourself should have been unveiled so early on." Margo teased, laughing at him until he blew smoke in her mouth. She responded by taking another hit, and blowing Os at him while he left the room. While he was gone she got good and stoned, and was giggly by the time he came back. "PIZZAAAAA!"
Geoff's phone kept going off. So much that it woke him up. He unlocked his phone and unlocked it. He opened his messages.

I hope you made it back to campus in one piece. You shouldn't have been driving[I].[/I]
Yeah, I made it back in one piece. Sorry about that, but I couldn't just my car out there. It means a lot to me. I promise that I won't do that agan.

He pressed send on his phone.

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ooc: Hey guys, I generally reply using tapatalk on my smart phone but that is down so I may not post a lot. Plus, opening night for my show tonight. Forgive me if I don't reply for awhile!
OOC: No worries, @AngieG! Are we fairly close to being ready to fast forward guys? I think everything is basically winding down, isn't it?

Julia couldn't relate to this 'studying for fun' business Camelia spoke about. Julia worked hard at school, and was well rewarded for her efforts, but there were so many other things you should be doing with your time, like playing sports, volunteering, being part of clubs. It was a foreign concept to her that studying should take precedence over these responsibilities, she was too busy for it. `

"Have you joined any clubs? They have them for everything here.." she asked, though suspected the answer to be no.

Julia listened to her speaking about her family. Cole could sometimes be overbearing, but she was glad he was around most of the time, and wouldn't want to go to a different school than him. Julia vaguely wondered if the rest of Camelia's family was the same. Were they all so shy, defensive and blatantly unaware of social norms, or had something happened to cause this?

"Night, sleep well." Nathan mumbled, leaning over to kiss Celina's cheek once.
OOC: I'm fine with fast forwarding whenever.

Her shoelace was coming untied and it was bothering her. She was trying her hardest not to trip over it.

"I d-don't have m-much time for clubs... Besides, I enjoy s-st-studying. I don't need a-any c-cl-clubs..." Camelia trailed off, knowing she was making a bad impression somehow. She looked down and tried to focus on not falling on her face.

"I-I'm sorry if I-I-I said s-something wrong..." Camelia said, chewing her lip, "I just... I'm j-just a little b-bad at s-so-social interaction. You know?" She stopped suddenly and bent over to tie her shoelace, huffing in annoyance. Damned shoelaces.
Julia shrugged, it wasn't any of her business and she wasn't one to judge. "A word of advice? Teddy is the nicest guy there is at Rockwell, whatever he said that upset you, I seriously doubt was intended to be mean at all." she commented. "There are a lot of stuck up, spoiled, kids at Rockwell that are best avoided, but I wouldn't go around assuming everyone is mean, because there are also a lot of really nice people here too." she added,she realized all of the sudden that Camelia had stopped, so she stopped too, along with Barbara, to wait for her.
It took her two tries to successfully tie her laces because her hands were shaking a little.

"I know I o-o-overreacted... Well, I kn-know now. But I thought... I thought... Nevermind." Camelia straightened up, her face bright pink with embarrassment, "I'm s-sorry. I... People don't n-normally t-talk to m-me." she admitted, sheepishly, "And, uh, the p-peo-people that do aren't n-normally very n-nice. And I... I..." She ran out of words and closed her mouth, shutting up abruptly. She was a terrible, terrible person.
**** The next morning, Saturday, sometime in Early September. The cold front has moved through, making it a very pleasant sunny morning.****

Julia woke up early to the sound of chirping birds. One look outside told her it was going to be a nice day, which made her decision to get out of bed a whole lot easier as it meant it was a good day for a ride! Technically, she could wait and go later in the day, but she didn't know how long her lunch with Geoff would take, and she didn't want to be stuck riding in the arena on such a nice day. She was feeling surprisingly chipper, with no hangover to speak of.

She hopped out of bed and changed into a plaid shirt and jeans, it wasn't a lesson or practice day, so she could get away with wearing whatever she wanted, and only the stable hands would be around to scoff as everyone else was probably sleeping in.

She made her way to the bathrooms, pulled her hair up in a ponytail and brushed her teeth, before putting on her paddock boots and leaving a Gone to the Barn note on her door.

She then walked to the cafeteria to grab something to eat on the way. As suspected, the campus was quiet, with only a few people here and there, mostly people she recognized as jocks, with wet hair from showering after early morning practices. In the cafeteria she settled on grabbing a breakfast sandwich and a couple apples, one for her and two for Chief.

Finally, she arrived at the barn. Some of the stable hands were busy turning horses out, while others had begun their set of stalls. "Hey Nick." she waved, as she walked by one of the barn staff she knew best walking Splash, a big paint gelding. Nick was a graduate of Rockwell a few years older than her, and had decided to stick around as a working student for the head trainer for the year while he figured out what to do with his life.

"Hey Julia, Chief is still in his stall, he should be finished his breakfast though." he said, Julia thanked him and walked over to Chief's stall.

"Morning boy." she murmured, Julia handed him a chunk of apple, but Chief was still eating the last of his hay, so she decided to organize her tack locker while she waited for him.

Nathan woke up to his phone alarm and quickly shut it off, trying not to wake Celina up. He smiled seeing her sleeping. It took him a solid five minutes to worm his arm out from under her head, and we winced several times as he thought she was waking up. Finally, he was free and quietly went about getting ready for practice. He had not gotten enough sleep and the hangover was moderately bad, he knew it was going to be a brutal practice. He hoped a cold shower at the pool before would wake him up.

Cole was fast asleep when his phone went off. He groggily picked it up "Hello." he mumbled, eyes still closed and with a pounding headache.

"Dude, are you up yet? I banged on your door like 15 minutes ago. You're going to be late for practice." Josh, the assistant captain, said. He was one of the more sensible ones on the team, not a superstar player by any means, but he kept the team in line, which is why he was a captain. Being sensible meant that he had left the party by 11, while the rest of the team has drank their dignity away.

"Ugh... I'm not coming to practice." Cole decided.

"Just get up." Josh sighed. "I'm not doing suicides all practice Monday because you're an idiot and drank too much, missing practice on Saturdays is not allowed!" he said, and then abruptly hung up the phone.
Geoff wanted to kill himself. It wasn't fun having to get up early to go to practice. It didn't help that he was a little hungover. For every step he took it was like a thumping in his mind. The captains, and coaches yelling made his brain cramp.

After what seemed like an eternity of practice, which was really only two and a half hours, practice finished out. He took a shower. That helped a little with his hangover. He dried off and got dressed. He had one thing he had to do today, and one thing he wanted to do. First the thing he had to do. He was on a mission to find the damnable shop. He wandered around a little, trying to find either a garage door, or a sign that said shop.

After a while he saw a garage door with another door a couple feet away. He walked over to the smaller door that was to the left of the two bigger doors. He walked in to find the lights were on. There was a lot of machinery, like a couple drill presses, a table saw, a welding station, and many other machinery equipment.

A man in a plaid shirt was using the belt sander on the other side of the room. He noticed Geoff walk in and turned off the belt sander. "Hello, can I help you?" He said. His voice was in a lower register. He had a slight accent, it was souther, but Geoff couldn't tell what it was.

"Yeah is this the Shop?" Geoff asked.

"Yes it is, but I don't get that many people who are looking for it... Mind if I ask what you want it for?" He asked.

"Yeah. I was hoping of one adding this into my schedule, and maybe even use some of your equipment to work on my car?" Geoff asked.

The man walked a little closer to Geoff. "Yeah sure you can, but I need to know if you know how to do some things, like welding, and use some of these machines." He asked. "Would you mind if I tested you?"

Geoff shook his head. "No I don't mind at all."
Celina woke as Nathan shut the door to leave and stretched, rolling over to go back to sleep, but her phone buzzed and she groaned, dramatically throwing the sheets off and grabbing her phone. It was just Jake, her dance partner. But she had a message from Julia from last night, and her stomach clenched violently. Oh god, she would have to talk to her today. Celina sighed, but figured there was no putting off the inevitable. She got up and pulled on her sweater and ruffled her hair, then left and walked over to her dorm to change. She didn't bother showering, she would just be dancing later. She texted Jake and said they could work later, from 10-11:30, as long as she had time to shower before lunch with Nathan. She went and put on some simple jeans and a t-shirt, as well as some appropriate shoes. She knew without having to look at her door Julia would be out at the barn, it was too nice out today not to be. She quickly pulled her hair up, threw on some deodorant and brushed her teeth. She shrugged on a light jacket, plugged in her phone to use later, and set off to find Julia.

As she walked to the barn she became increasingly more nervous, her hands shaking, her heart pounding. She walked up to the barn and crept inside. She was lucky, or, unlucky, that they hadn't gone out yet. She could see Jules at the end of the stalls, waiting outside. "Jules?" she called to her, walking down to see her and attempting a smile.

Margo woke with a groan, wearing only her underwear. She went to get up but stepped on a half eaten slice of pizza and despite herself and her hangover, laughed quietly to herself. She wiped her foot off with napkins and found a discarded shirt of Trent's, throwing it on casually while she started cleaning up the remnants of last night. She caught a quick glimpse in a mirror of herself and saw her curls were currently rioting and had formed a lions mane. She groaned at her reflection, but had an elastic on her wrist to pull it all up into a ridiculous bun. She took a quick sniff of her breath and winced, so she stole a piece of Trent's gum on his desk. Of course, the gum turned out to be cinnamon and she all but gagged on it. She was way too awake right now.
"Hey Celina." Julia grinned waving her over, but was a little taken aback by seeing her 1) in the barn and 2) up so early casually wandering around. "I never heard back from you last night, is everything okay?" she asked with genuine concern in her voice. She continued to absent mindedly detangle Chief's mane with her fingers. Celina looked shaky, and Julia frowned, hoping nothing was too terribly wrong, but glad that she came to talk to her if it was.
"Well, I don't really know." Celina muttered, rubbing the back of her neck and glancing down at her feet, feeling about as guilty as a serial killer.

Well, being slow about it wouldn't help. "Nathan told me he has feelings for me last night. And I was confused, and conflicted, and stupid, and drunk, and so we made out for awhile. I slept over at his dorm, but we didn't mess around because he didn't want to. Meanwhile I was practically throwing myself at him. That sounds bad. It is bad. I'm sorry. I feel awful. He wants to go on a date, like a date date, this afternoon. But I told him I wasn't going to commit to anything until I talked to you. I don't know what to do. You guys didn't bring out the best in each other, and that's why you dumped him. But I don't know, maybe he brings out the best in me?" Celina said, blinking away tears. God, if she were Julia she would never talk to herself again. "I'm so so so so so sorry Julia I was being an idiot and I wasn't thinking even remotely and he's SUCH a good kisser, I mean, you never told me that!" Celina rambled. "Anyway I just feel really shitty about it. And I'm so so sorry." she repeated, feeling awfully redundant and empty.

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