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Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

"Why would you be anywhere you didn't want to be?" Nathan asked skeptically, genuinely confused, but quickly understood what she meant when she brought up her mother's expectations. "Living by the sea sounds nice." Nathan agreed, he hoped his future would always keep him within sight of the ocean.

"Hmm, 10 years? I guess i'll be in my last 9 months of the five years of required service with the Coast Guard, after graduating with a major in either Marine and Environmental Sciences or Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from the Coast Guard Academy, I haven't decided between the two yet. So I guess I could be living in Connecticut after all, but there are offices all over, and I could also be living on a ship, so who knows." he laughed. "After my five years are up, I'll probably take a bit of a break, do some travelling with my wife before any kids are in the picture, have a midlife crisis, contemplate a shift in career to the marines like my dad, ultimately go back to the coast guard and work my way up the ranks until I've got a ship of my own." he said. It was apparent that Nathan had the rest of his life almost entirely planned, which was odd coming in a guy who wouldn't make commitments to plans with friends more than three days in advance. Nathan didn't see his life plan quite the same way he saw other plans it was his mantra by this point, he couldn't remember a time before the plan, and assuming he wasn't kicked out of the Academy for a practical joke gone wrong, he didn't see a future without it either.
Celina raised an eyebrow, surprised, to say the least. She hadn't expected this from Nathan, of all people. "You really want to serve, or are you just following your father's footsteps?" Celina asked, taking his hand and effortlessly looping her finger through his.
"I know right," Nathan grinned "you wouldn't think I'd want anything to do with something so structured, but since I was like five, I've thought the coast guard officers are the coolest people. Who wouldn't want to sail around in boats all day, dive into freezing water to save people in danger on search and rescue missions, and stop drug trafficking ." he joked, because clearly it wasn't a future everyone saw as bright. "It's true that my dad got into the military the same way, but I don't think he had much influence on my game plan, he's in Washington too often to pressure me one way or another anymore. I just love swimming, sailing, diving, and being near the ocean in general. Plus, I love the adrenaline rush of rescuing people, so essentially, I'll get to make a career out of being a lifeguard, but with a free bachelor's of science and pretty good pay in the process." he said with a smile.

"Anyways, this is probably boring you to tears, how'd your dance practice go this morning?" he asked.
Celina snorted at him. "No, your future sounds way cooler than mine. I always liked science, specifically marine biology. I just never had the opportunity to explore it." Celina admitted, shrugging about dance. "It came, it went. Helped me destress. Jake thinks I should get Margo and Robin to sing with me at the half time shows. I had tried it before but my coach said it was too predictable. But Margo, Robin and I couldn't be more different. We would actually make a pretty good girl band, I think. I doubt they'll ever agree to it though. Not after that stunt I pulled with Margo." Celina said, laughing a little. They had reached Maggie's and Celina held the door open for Nathan, taking off her jacket as she walked in behind him.
Teddy shrugged. "Yeah, it was kind of difficult to get through. But you know, it's not that bad." He tossed Cole the gatorade. "Here, that might help. You wanna chill after? I got the new Madden for Xbox."

Margo gaped at the drawing, momentarily speechless. "Trent! You didn't! Well, clearly you did. This is so kind, thank you!" she stuttered, putting her food back in the paper bag and giving him a giant hug. "If your mouth weren't full I would kiss you so hard right now." She joked, playfully kissing up and down his neck. She pulled him back to the bed by his belt loops and curled up in his lap. She stretched out luxuriously, entwining her fingers in his hair and shirt and tucking her ice cold feet under his legs while she nestled into him.
Freddy was working out down at the gym in town. He was in the ring with one of the students from Rockwell public schools. They didn't really know that he goes to Rockwell academy. The other student was the same weight as Freddy, so it was a fair sparring match. He had his hands up,covering his face. He was waiting for the right time to strike. His opponent was keen on hitting hard and wasting energy.

His opponent staggered back, this was Freddy's chance. First an uppercut, than a kidney punch, than a jab to his left side, then again, and again. His opponent was on the ropes. He wound up, and punched the guy square in the face, sending him back. He landed with a thud.

Freddy got out of the ring and walked into the changing room. After a couple hours of training he felt he was good to go.He showered, he shaved his scraggly beard and got dressed. He felt his phone. It was Robin. "Hey, Yeah we should probably do that. Give me thirty to get back on campus. Then lets meet up at the quadriplegic." He sent it even though he didn't notice the Autocorrect.

"You're passing my potential wife test with flying colours so far. Living by the ocean is priority number one on it." Nathan joked, as they walked into Maggie's.

"Thanks." Nathan said politely after Celina held the door open for him. Maggie was at the bar wiping the counter and looked up when the little bell tinkled.

"Nathan, Celina- good to see you! Where's miss Julia?" Maggie asked with a warm smile.

"She's out riding, nice day and all." Nathan said cheerfully, figuring it wasn't necessary to share the details of their current predicament with the waitress, even if they were all very fond of her.

Nathan instinctively walked over to the corner booth they always sat at and sat down, shrugging his coat off and hanging it on the hook beside the booth.

"Thanks." Cole replied, when Teddy tossed him his Gatorade. He was happy to find out that he had his wits enough to catch a bottle from three feet away, now to see if he could hit the net from three plus. "Yeah sure, I'll come find you after practice." Cole said, as he pocketed his keys and phone and pulled on his jacket. "See ya later." he said, closing his door behind him and jogging downstairs. He took a couple gulps of the Gatorade, and felt a little more alert.

He made it to practice with 4 minutes to spare, just enough time to get dressed.

Practice went surprisingly well, he didn't look half bad compared to some of the guys, mostly the ones who were still there when he left the party. He owed Teddy one for convincing him to go back to the dorms.

After practice he showered and got changed with the guys. The locker room was really quiet, for once. He sent Teddy a text as he walked back to the dorms with Pete, Josh, and Adam.

Hey, if you still want to play xbox, I'll be back to the dorms in 5.

"So, what was that all about?" Nick asked, after Julia finally slowed to a walk.

"Nothing." Julia replied tersely. "High school problems, it's nothing." she added.

Nick grinned but left it alone. "I bet Chief is happy to have you riding instead of the lesson kids. Poor guy, he's such a suck that he always gets stuck with the in between riders, the ones that are too good for the walk-trot schoolies, but not good enough for any of the non-pushbutton show horses." he commented, Julia knew that it was a dig at her less than regular appearance at the stables these days.

"I know I need to practice on him more, but with hockey, soccer and everything else it's just a lot to keep up with." Julia admitted. "That's why he's on lease to the school in the first place."
Celina snorted and covered her mouth, trying to stifle her chuckles as she nodded hello to Maggie. She stopped laughing when Julia was mentioned, smiling politely instead and taking her seat. She didn't even bother looking at the menu, she always got the same thing. "Turkey BLT with curly fries please, Maggie." Celina said with a smile. "And an iced tea." she shrugged her jacket off and peered out the window while Nate placed his order. "When is family week this year? I am less than thrilled to have my mother come and micro manage. I love her, but there's a reason that when offered boarding school, I chose one very far away."
"Bacon, mushroom, swiss burger with onion rings and a coke please, Maggie." Nathan said politely with a smile, gathering the menus and handing them to her.

"The usuals then?" Maggie chuckled when they nodded, and went into the kitchen, leaving them alone, save for a couple old guys arguing heatedly in a booth on the other side of the restaurant.

"Hmm... I don't know. It's usually not too long after homecoming, right? Here, let me look it up." Nathan offered, pulling his phone out of his jacket pocket and searching up the school calendar. "Looks like it's next weekend, god, the school year is passing fast." Nathan commented.

"I'm not sure my parents will make it out this year. My dad's deployed for a few more weeks, and then he's supposed to be in Washington until Thanksgiving. My mum is real busy at the moment too, she apparently turned the house into some kind of an after school day care. I'm not too sure I'll even have a bedroom come Thanksgiving." Nathan joked.

"Your mom coming here for parents weekend can't be that bad, it's only a weekend, she can't possibly micromanage that much." Nathan laughed.
Celina frowned, sorry for Nathan that his parents probably wouldn't make it. "Have you never met my mother?" Celina asked, thinking of his last question while she pondered all the times her mother had been out to visit. "Maybe briefly. You may have met her as Julia's boyfriend." Celina pondered. "She would have been the milf in the pant suit. Anyway, yes it is that bad. I'm her only child, only family." Celina explained. "I love her, and everything I have is because of her. She just guilts me into doing everything she wants. I love to dance, and sing, and act, and cheer. But only because I learned to love it. I can't help but feel maybe I wouldn't have chosen this life myself." Celina explained hurriedly.
Nathan thought back to parents weekend last year, trying to remember meeting Celina's mom but couldn't. He wasn't that surprised, Julia had dragged him around to meet all kinds of people last year, most of them alumni that her dad was friends with at some point, but some other parents also. "I can't say I remember her, but maybe I'll get the chance to meet her next weekend?" Nathan phrased the sentence as a question, waiting to see whether or not Celina would want him to meet her mom.

Nathan toyed with the idea of having parents that controlled his every decision. The concept was foreign to him, his parents were way too laid back for that.

"What a nice afternoon for a philosophic crisis." Nathan said, grinning a little. "What's something you would do if you could, regardless of any kind of societal expectations?" Nathan asked.
Celina grinned at him, chewing over the question. "I wish I could throw that question back at you, but you probably wouldn't change a thing would you?" Celina asked with a grin. "Hmm, well. That's really hard considering I don't know much about anything other than what I have. I like to think I'd be a good marine biologist, but who knows? Maybe all the little sea creatures and under water nitrate communities would hate me." she joked. "My friends mom, growing up, she died while free swimming with a bunch of great white sharks off the Galapagos islands. I think I'd like to do that. Without the dying bit. I think the ocean is so cool. How can we claim space as the final frontier when we barely know anything about what lies in the deepest recesses of our ocean on our own planet?" Celina rambled.
"You're right, unlike you I'm not too chicken to do what I want to do." Nathan teased.

Nathan choked on his drink as he burst out laughing at Celina's comment. "I ask you for literally anything you'd like to do that you aren't, and the first thing that you can think of is 'you know what I should do? Go, almost, be eaten by great white sharks.' " Nathan said sarcastically with an amused look on his face.

"That definitely surprised me. You're not so boring after all." he added with a smile.
Celina winked at him as Maggie brought out the food, and she took a bite of a curly fry triumphantly. "I'd also like to sky dive, cliff dive, and visit the Tibetan plateau. They don't let just anyone in there, you know. Would take a lot of sweet talking. I don't really do well with the cold, so no mountain climbing. But volcano exploration, that's pretty cool. You should see my Netflix account, all nature documentaries." she chuckled. "What about you, anything dramatic you'd change?"
Robin quickly texted Freddy back. "Sounds good. See you then." She quickly got out of bed, changing out of her pj's and pulling on a white blouse, blue pleated skirt, and a pale pink cardigan. She ran a brush through her tangly hair and tied it back with a blue ribbon, then paused to look in the mirror, only to feel the desire to put some makeup on. She quickly put on a bit of mascara and some lip gloss, and nodded at her reflection. She picked up her book bag, carefully placing her book and the sheet music for the show inside. She put on her coat, and stepped outside. Realizing how cold it was, she quickly popped over to the cafeteria, waving at Camelia as she picked up a coffee for Freddy and a hot chocolate for herself. She then went to the quad and sat down on a bench, waiting for Freddy.


Trent laughed, and swallowed his crossaint, pulling her in for that long awaited kiss. "I'm glad you like it. I've been looking for a model, honestly. Helps that you're so beautiful, makes it much easier to draw." He nipped her ear and leaned back, snuggling Margo along with him. "Ugh. Woman, your charms are pulling me back into bed, I can't let that happen. We've got a rehearsal soon, my dramatic genius can't be interrupted with carnal thoughts of you dancing in my head." He teased her, pushing her hair out of her face.


Teddy texted Cole back quickly, "Sounds good. I'm already in the games room." He unpaused the game and went through a play by play of the last run he did. He didn't mind the new Madden, especially since the defence system was improved. "Sheeit." He cursed, as he watched one of his lineman get injured in the game.

"That sound like an epic bucket list." Nathan agreed, nodding in approval.

"Nothing I'd want to change, some things I'd like to add, though." he said, after a bite of his hamburger "I want to get my Divemaster certification next summer, once I'm 18. I also want to, hopefully, join the pro surfing circuit for a bit. Trips to Hawaii and Australia are also high on my to do list. Seeing the Great Barrier Reef would be life changing. Really though, anything exciting, I'll always give a try." he grinned.

Cole walked into the games room, leaving his bag on a chair by the door.

He laughed when Teddy swore at the game "Them football players eh? Always wimps when it comes to injuries." He joked.
"Carnal? How intriguing." Margo smirked, entwining herself with him and pulling him deeper into the bed with a giggle. "We don't have rehearsal for awhile still, what would you like to do?" she murmured, sidling herself up on top of him with a grin.

Celina grinned. "Those all sound awesome." She agreed. "Let's go." she laughed. "Right now." she said with a smile.
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Teddy laughed and waved him off. "It is pretty easy to get knocked around, man. Here, I'll start a new game." He tossed Cole a controller and created a new team. "How'd practice go? You feel any better? Looked like a hot stack of shit when I first saw ya."

Trent grinned and slid his hands up her waist. "I can think of a few ideas. Come here." He pulled her in for a deep kiss. "You're right, we've got all afternoon. Let's enjoy it while we can. What do you say?"
Cole grinned, Teddy's accent amused him sometimes, not that he was one to talk, the remnants of a Canadian accent were still noticeable when Cole was yelling about sports or drunk from spending the first 7 years of his life in Toronto. "Yeah, a lot better." Cole said, catching the controller and sitting down beside him. "The cold of the arena is a good way to wake up, and I wasn't even the most 'under the weather' on the team." he chuckled, careful with his words because the residence staff could be around anywhere, and he couldn't afford to be reported to the principal as a 'student leader' and all, plus it would be bad for scholarships if word got out.

"Dibs on being the Seahawks. I want a winning team." Cole called, when Teddy started making the settings for the game.
Margo nodded and kissed him back, entwining her hands in his hair. "Sounds good, let's make out." she joked. "Or did you have other ideas?" she smirked.
"Good on ya, Cole. If you'd stayed any longer at that party you'd be dead in the water. Or in the frozen water, I guess." He selected the Seahawks for Cole and the Ravens for himself. "Hey, how's Julia doing? I haven't seen her in awhile." He had been relatively good friends with Julia in his first year at Rockwell, but they had drifted apart, to Teddy's sadness. She was nice.

Trent grinned, flipping her over. "I suppose I do."

A few hours later...

Trent was dozing comfortably in the sun, Margo in his arms. He felt great. No, he felt amazing. He felt... at ease. For the first time in awhile, he realized. He checked the time. An hour till their rehearsal. Still a good amount of time. He sighed comfortably.
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Nathan grinned. "Sounds good for some day down the road, my parents would kill me if I were to drop out of school, after tuition has been paid for the semester, to travel around the world." he laughed. "We should plan to do something fun over Thanksgiving or Christmas break though. Take a road trip, or go skydiving, or you can come visit me in Cali, where it's not so god damn freezing." he joked, though he was being at least half serious. He and Celina had been pretty good friends since grade 9, but he was learning a lot of new things about her. It made sense, when Julia was the common denominator conversation often switched to things she was interested in, and she was anything but adventurous, unless there was some kind of cause involved.

Cole grimaced, yesterday was not one of his proudest moments. His sister always harped on him about his drinking problem, but he never started the night intending to get hammered, it always just happened.

"Hm Julia? I don't know how she's doing... to be honest. I saw her at the party last night, hanging with that new guy, Geoff and over with Celina and Nathan for a bit, but I didn't talk to her. She's been a little off ever since we got back to school, and I haven't spoken to her much. Still upset over the whole Nathan situation, I imagine." he shrugged, not wanting to get in the middle of that situation again. It had been awkward, to say the least, being the middleman.

"Hey... speaking of new people... weren't you hanging out with some new girl last night?" Cole said, his memory still fuzzy, but remembering that much.
Margo was dozing, exhausted by happy. The sunlight on her eyelids caused them to flutter open, and she groaned, squeezing them shut and rolling her face into the crook of his neck. "Don't make me do stuff." she murmured into his neck.

Celina laughed. "Well, I'll be 18 by then. So, yes to skydiving. But my money is still on the Galapagos. Oh, and the mother, who died? Wasn't because of the sharks. Misconduct with her air tube, even when she died the sharks didn't get her." Celina informed. She had a soft spot for misunderstood creatures.
"Yeah, I know Geoff, he's on the team. He's a pretty good player, but a bit... high and mighty. Then again, everyone on the offence is. They all want to be Peyton Manning or somethin'." He chuckled as he threw a successful pass in the game. "Fair enough, I hope she's doin' alright. Say hi to her for me, will ya?" Teddy turned slightly red, focusing his attention on the screen, not wanting Cole to see he was embarrassed. "Yeah. Camelia's her name. Uh, she didn't seem to like me, I think I said somethin' to offend her. I dunno man, I'm just not good with girls, you know me." He fumbled his pass and cursed again. "Damn!"

Trent laughed sleepily, and kissed her forehead. "I promise not to make you do stuff for at least another forty five minutes. Fair trade?"

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