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Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

Nathan smiled, not sure if this plan would ever materialize, but he'd be happy if it did.

"Ugh. I love the water and all, but that's a bad way to go." Nathan frowned, shaking his head. "At least if you were eaten by a shark it would be an honourable way to die... I've always had a fascination with death, which sounds super sketchy." Nathan admitted, laughing at himself. "I spend way more time than is normal thinking about it, well really, how to live and die in such a way as to make it all worthwhile. It's important to me that I do everything I possibly can in my life, but it's also important to me that I'm remembered for doing things, if that makes sense." he said, slightly uncertainly. "The record I have from last year's state championships is a start, but records are inevitably broken, so I have some more extra ordinary things to do yet." he grinned, finishing up his food and looking at his watch.

"Will do, but you could always say hi yourself, you guys were pretty good friends at one point." Cole commented, staring at the screen as he watched the successful pass, and smashed buttons trying to get his defence to chase the ball down.

Cole smirked a little when Teddy mentioned how he wasn't good with girls. "If you managed to offend this girl, I hate to say it, but she's probably trouble. Seriously, Julia told me once that you've got the best reputation amongst the girls in the school for being a nice guy. Do you know what it was you said that offended her?" he asked.
"Yeah, I think I will when I get the chance." He grinned as he successfully got a down, but he quickly frowned as he listened to Cole. "I dunno. I just wish I could find a girl who... uh, I guess I'm just so used to being the nice guy that other girls don't see me as much beyond that." He mashed buttons. "Don't get me wrong, all the girls are real nice and sweet, but it'd be nice to meet someone who wanted to be more than friends." He shrugged, turning red, embarrassed for getting so emotional. "It'll happen eventually, I guess." He thought for a moment. "Uh, the last thing I said to her was "Are you cold?" and I offered her my jacket. Then she got real mad. Dunno what I did."
"Makes sense, fair enough. But there are also a lot worse issues a guy can have than being 'too' nice. " Cole shrugged.

He listened as Teddy explained the conversation. "Shoot, I have no advice for you there. How could that offend someone? That line is a classic." Cole wondered, scratching his head slightly.
Geoff's brain was killing him from all the research, and analyzing and writing. He needed a well earned break. He was about halfway through his first draft so he earned that break. He pulled out his phone and sent Trent a text. "Hey, wanna chill?" He sent. He was a quarterback and Geoff was a wide receiver, so it was safe to say they're at least friends.

Freddy arrived at the quad after the bus dropped him off. He instantly saw robin. "Hey!" He yelled from across the quad. He ran over to her with his duffle bag around his back. "Sorry I'm late, the bus took a little longer than I would have liked." He saw that she had a coffee. He fake gasped. "You didn't get me any?" He faked.
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Margo shook her head. "No. Not fair." she muttered, pulling the blankets up over her head and burrowing down to the bottom of the bed. At the bottom of the bed was Trent's phone. Throughout the night's activities it had somehow wound up there. It buzzed in her ear and she jumped. "Jesus, well, you have a text message." she said, thrusting the phone up to him from abyss in the blankets.

Celina finished her food and eyed her watch. "Crap we were here longer than I thought. I have to get to cheer practice." she said, throwing a few bucks down on the table. She figured they'd just split it, like they always used to do. She shrugged on her coat and got ready to leave. "If you could die anyway, how would you die?" Celina asked him, throwing down an extra tip for Maggie.
"Okay, let's go." Nathan agreed, fishing his wallet out of his back pocket. He added enough money to the pile Celina formed to cover the rest of the bill and a tip.

"See ya later Maggie, everything was great." he called out to the waitress, who was in the back.

They got outside and walked over to the shuttle stop, along the road. It would be here in five minutes.

"If I could die anyway at all, aside from the typical, die at age 93 of 'natural causes' in my sleep, I'd probably choose to jump off a really tall cliff along the ocean, filled with rocks at the bottom. That way you get an exciting end, but are saved the unpleasantness of suffocating, by being unconscious." Nathan stifled a laugh as an elderly woman gave him the strangest look.

"What time do we have practice at tonight? I should get some homework done between now and then." Nathan commented.
"6:30. You have a lot of solos, did you know that?" Celina asked him. "I can coach you if you want. Singing is rough, and the director probably won't have a lot of spare time." Celina told him, sitting next to him on the shuttle and squeezing his hand playfully.
Nathan nodded. "I still think the director is on crack for giving me this position." he muttered.

"Don't you already have enough on your plate?" Nathan teased after she offered to coach him, elbowing her lightly in the side. "Besides, I'm not good at following direction, and I wouldn't want you to have to deal with that." He grinned "I'll just have to wing it. I'm much more concerned about memorizing lines than singing. anyways." He added.
Celina snickered. "Theater doesn't work that way, Nate. But you'll see soon enough. I'm just offering you an out before the director rips you a new one." She joked as the shuttle pulled up to the school and they hopped out. "Well, I have cheer practice. So... See ya." she giggled and rubbed the back of her neck. She wasn't so brave without the liquor, or the cover of nightfall. So, instead of the kiss she wanted, she offered a wave and flounced off towards the gym to cheer and stuff. :P
Teddy shrugged again. "I have no idea. Honestly, man. I kinda want to go talk to her and ask her how I offended her, but I don't want to offend her all over again." He sighed as Cole scored on his team. "Ladies can just be confusing, man."

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Fredd took the cup, with a little bit of an ashamed look. "I was kidding when I asked if you got me something, but thank you anyway." He snickered. "I guess it is just a little cold out." He said as the wind picked up, just a little. Freddy didn't really have anything on for the cold weather so it was just a little bit colder. "That's probably a good idea. Do you have the sheet music?"
"Don't mention it." She blushed again. "And yes, I've got the sheet music. Let's go." They headed into the building, and as they walked into the music room she noticed his gym bag. "You said you boxed, right? Did you just come from it?" She didn't want to seem prying but she was genuinely curious. She had only known a bit about football from watching Trent play, and boxing seemed interesting. She had read a lot of books about it, too.
"Good." He said as he smiled at her. He followed her inside and set his bag down on one of the chairs towards the door. "Yeah, I box. I was down in town at the gym sparring with some of the kids from Rockwell public." He smiled at her. "Hopefully when it comes time for the play I won't have a fight.... I think the director would be pissed with me having a black eye, and being sore all over." He took a sip from the coffee.
Robin shrugged. "Well, funny enough, Collins gets beat up within the first 10 minutes of the play, so if you do get injured it's okay." She suddenly turned red. "I mean, I'm not saying it's okay if you get beat up. I mean, if you get hurt. Not what I meant at all." Embarrassed, she took a sip of her drink and set the sheet music down on the keyboard. "Um, do you know the music?"

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"No arguments there." Cole grinned. "Before you go on a reputation reconaissance mission though, you should gather some intel about Camelia. Odds are, you'll be less likely to offend her if you can subtly figure out what on earth offended her in the first place. I can see what Julia knows, she's usually friendly with just about everyone. You could also see if Trent would ask Margo to get some insider information."

Nathan smiled and waved Celina off. He shrugged off her warning about the director, 'how hard could this singing thing be?' he thought. He walked back down the driveway to the dorms. He was about to go upstairs, when he heard Teddy and Cole in the games room, their voices were both loud enough and distinct enough that they were easy to pick out. Nathan wandered in.

"What's with the sermon Harper? Who died and made you the relationship expert?" Nathan said jokingly, as he walked in and sat down on a recliner adjacent to the couch.
Freddy looked at her and smiled. She was cute when she was a little embarrassed. He laughed lightly at her when she tried to save her self. "If I get hurt, I'll hurt them right back." He said with a smile. He didn't think of himself as good looking, he always thought he was beyond ugly. But when he was with Robin, he didn't really care about what he looked like. "I can say that I know it a little... I mean I listened to a few parts when I was doing some homework, but other than that not really."

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Margo nodded and waved him off. "Go hang with your brood." she joked and got up herself, figuring she could at least shower or something.
Julia put away the last of her tack with a sigh, she had done literally everything to avoid going back to campus, including helping the stable hands by cleaning at least half the stalls in the barn. She walked out of the tack room and down the aisle, checking to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything in Chief's stall as she passed. He was out in one of the back pastures with the other geldings for the day, so she had already said her goodbyes.

She walked across the stableyard and up the path towards the main campus. When she got back to the dorms she sulked her way upstairs and went in her room. Usually she favoured leaving her door open during the day, but she closed it quickly when she got back. She looked at the homework she had to do, and debated going to the library to work on it, but then ended up back in pyjamas and watching Netflix all afternoon.
Geoff changed into some sweatpants and a tee shirt that had a N46 on it with the words "Old School" written in the cord of the controller on it. He pulled out his phone and sent Trent a text. "Hey, head to the game room if you wanna hang out." He hit send and walked out his door. He walked down into the gameroom. To his surprise Teddy and Cole were in there. "Hey guys." He said as he walked in and took one of the seats towards the back. "What brings you here?"
After she'd eaten, Camelia had immediately headed to the school library. She went back to her room to collect her cellphone before she headed to the library. She was careful to put her phone on vibrate before she put it in her pocket; she didn't want to miss it if Chloe called. If Chloe ever called her. Ever again. She tried to push the negativity to the back of her mind as she entered the library. She was careful to look at every single shelf, running her fingers along the spines of the books. Eventually, she decided on a thick hardback book, which she picked up and flicked through. She took it to a nearby armchair, which she sat down in and began to read. She looked ridiculous in the armchair, which was considerably big, because she was so petite. Her small feet barely touched the ground. She had the book open in her lap and she read quickly, her eyes racing over the pages. But her lack of sleep from the night before caught up quickly with her. After a while, she fell asleep and curled up in the chair like a cat. Her breathing was soft as she slept.
OOC: hey guys, just wanted to apologize for my absence. exams have come upon me with a vengeance so I may be gone for a couple of days. please keep posting, and I miss all you guys.
Ooc: lol good luck!

Celina led the cheer practice with a vengeance, and she got out early to shower. Then she texted both Margo and Robin, asking them to meet her in the caf so she could buy them dinner.

Margo got the text message and raised an eyebrow, but who was she to pass up free food? She texted Celina back, said she'd be there in five but she thought Robin was practicing with Freddy, since she had seen them when she walked back to her room. Margo met Celina for dinner, loading her plate up high and grinning as Celina pulled out her wallet to pay for it.

"So. Here's the deal." Celina said, plopping them down in a quiet corner away from all the noise. "I need a new act, for the half time shows. And I want you and Robin to be it." Celina said and Margo raised her eyebrows.

"What's the catch?" Margo asked, digging into her pizza.

"We are going to be spending a lot of time together. It will be a three girl group, but we all need to play roles. I was thinking Robin would be the good girl, I'll be the flirt, and I wanted you to be kind of punk rock." Celina said and Margo laughed.

"Spend lots of time together? You hate us!" She laughed and Celina shrugged.

"I love fame more than I hate you. You in or not?" she asked and Margo shrugged.

"Yeah, why not?" she muttered, sipping her iced tea.

"Then you're going to need a makeover." Celina said with a wicked grin and Margo groaned dramatically.

"That was not listed as one of the catches!" Margo accused.

"I'll pay." Celina retorted quickly, and Margo smirked.

"Deal." they both finished their dinner and went off to Celina's room to look for inspiration.
@Fallen from Heaven @Dakup

I'm so sorry for just bailing on this role play guys! I got swamped with exams last year, and it apparently took me a full year to find my way back to this site. I'll be role playing some over the break and it would be fun to do something with you guys again (or continue with this role play for a while, if that was of interest to anyone) if any of you are still playing.
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I don't mind jumping back in, that is if everyone is up for it! But first how has everybody been? Some of us haven't talked for about a year or so!

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