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Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

Julia nodded "It's not too bad of a drive, once you turn left onto the highway it's just straight for 15 minutes." she said, subtly giving him directions. "I'm really surprised you managed to get a student parking spot, they're pretty hard to come by. I think it's one of Rockwell's implicit ways of controlling the student population. 'If they have no way of getting off campus, it'll keep them from causing trouble in town.' The people who actually live in Rockwell can be fairly against the Academy students. We get the stereotype of being stuck up, preppy, rich kids whose parents buy them success." she sighed "And as a result, we have a pretty strong rivalry against the Rockwell District Secondary School, both in sports and pranks." she said, explaining a bit about the school culture.

"I don't think I ever asked, how did you end up at Rockwell?" she asked curiously, as they reached the end of the long maple tree lined driveway.

"Wow I didn't know that they weren't that happy with us." He turned onto the highway. "As for the parking spot I was lucky, and my mother fought for me to have a parking spot for my car. To remind me of my father. Geoff sighed a little. "After my father passed. My mother wanted the best for me. I was content in Maine, but she wanted something better for me. I was the only other guy in her life so she fought as hard as she could to get me in here."

Tag me if I have to see it
"I'm sorry to hear that." she said sincerely. "My mother passed away when I was 8, cancer, so I can definitely relate. My dad and brother have both been super protective of me since then." she said lightly, Julia was fairly open about her past because it happened quite a long time ago, but she knew a lot of others (her brother included) bottled up their feelings and didn't like when people asked about them.

"it's alright... you didn't know." He said pulling onto the highway. He started to speed up. " I'm sorry to hear that about your mother." He chuckled. "You wanna know what the last thing we added to this car." He pointed to the rear view mirror. "He gave some big speech about how mirrors can help us figure something about ourselves. I was 12 I didn't really pay that much attention to it." After a couple minutes he got on the off ramp. "The last thing that he said to me was. 'Take care of your mother, and your car.' And he handed me the keys to this car... This was the last thing I have of him." It's a hard thing, a child losing a parent. 
OOC: @AngieG @TheOneAndOnly @Gh0st You guys still in this?
Julia frowned, Geoff's speech was really sad, even though she wasn't the most emotional person. "I like that idea, mirrors really can tell you a lot about yourself. I suppose the thing to remember is that the rear view mirror can tell you who you are or were, but it can't tell you who you will be." she said thoughtfully. "Sorry, I don't mean to pry, but was your dad sick? Why did he give you the car keys when you were only 12?" she asked, unable to restrain her curiosity.

Geoff pulled onto a side street. "Yeah... He got sick, real sick. Something about his heart..." Geoff, the inconsiderate, asshole, was shaking. The tone in his voice wasn't his somewhat normal cockiness, it was sorrowful with a hint of sadness. Even thought it happened five years ago, it felt like just yesterday. "My father and I didn't talk like normal human beings... Sometimes he would comeback from tour at night. I would be lying in my bed. I would know he's there, but..." He parked. " This car was the only thing that we had. He gave me the keys, because he wanted me to have it."
Julia nodded and smiled sympathetically. She busied herself with opening the door handle, once they had parked. The change was noticeable in Geoff's demeanour, she had asked a question a little too close to home, but she didn't really know how to respond. Living with only your super prideful father and his near clone didn't instill the kind of empathy that was normal, and Julia never knew how to best respond to these awkward situations. She had adapted to a strategy of quietly ignoring the situation at hand until a new topic was raised. She had to admit though, she hadn't expected to see this side of Geoff, but she was glad she had.

She tried to change the topic to something brighter "So, anything you want to do in town?" she asked, cheerfully.

ooc: sorry for the lack of responses. School years been killer for me so far.

Trent grinned and hugged Margo back. "Thanks, Mar. You're pretty incredible yourself." He stepped off the stage, and all the director did was smile and nod his head at him. Weird. Oh well, it was better than nothing. He stepped back as he watched another guy play a acoustic version of a Motley Crue song, doing it very well. He clapped and whistled, and then smiled as he watched Robin get up to audition.

Robin smiled at Dean. "Looks like it's my turn. Wish me luck!" She walked up to the stage and smiled brightly, squinting a little in the bright lights. The director motioned for her to go, and she took a nervous inhalation of air. "If Trent can do it, I can do it too." She thought to herself. She stood a little straighter, and she opened her mouth to sing, a rendition of 'When She Loved Me' by Sarah McLachlan. Her voice lilted over the high notes gracefully, sweet and clear, filling the theatre with it's sound. She sang it wonderfully, and when she finished, a faint pink blush tinged her cheeks.
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OOC: You do realize that Freddy went up on stage after trent walked off, right?

Geoff got out and took a couple deep breathes. After a few moments he was starting to feel better. Not like his normal self but better then what he was. "I'm sorry, but I don't know what they have in town... would you mind showing me?" He asked locking his car.
"Sure, allow me to give you the tour." she said with a grin. They walked out of the alley and along King street. "So, this here is King street, it's the 'main drag' so to speak. All of the shops and whatnot are on this road. If you want to go to the rec centre, though I'm not sure why anyone with access to Rockwell facilities would, it's down that road over there, Spruce Drive. To the left about a quarter of a mile is a really nice diner. Make sure you go for food there, it might just be a burgers and shakes kind of place, but it's great. Also, down left there is the supermarket, and some clothing stores." she explained, as she turned right towards the mall. They walked past a number of shops on the way and Julia listed them, sometimes with commentary. "Ray's Electronics, Hardware and office supplies. Rocky Mountain Chocolates, they have the best fudge. Ann's Flowers and Gifts, if you tick too many girls off you might spend a lot of time in there." she teased. "The bowling alley, their french fries are a must try. Pet store, self explanatory." There was a break in the shops that revealed a park. This park was one of Julia's favourite places. "This is Memorial Park, the landscaping is really beautiful, I love it here. That river over there is what feeds the lake at Rockwell. If you walk down the path there, you'll find Frostbites, which, objectively speaking, has the best ice cream anywhere." she grinned. "Wow, you can tell I haven't eaten lunch. All of my points of interest revolve around food recommendations." she laughed.

Geoff smiled, and kind of laughed. "I guess it's good I asked you... You seem to know your way around town." He said with a little enthusiasm. He could use some food as well. He didn't have breakfast, and lunch sounded really good. "why don't we head to that diner... Then check out a couple stores close to that supermarket... Then to Frostbit was it?" His stomach made a loud grumbling sound.
(@TheOneAndOnly - I totally forget and have no idea where that post will be, what diner was it that Margo and Trent went to the first day?)

"When you spend most of your saturdays for two years walking around a tiny town, you learn just about everything there is to know about it." she laughed. "Sure, lunch sounds like a great idea." she smiled as they started walking back the other direction. They left the main part of town and walked past a residential area. It took them about 10 minutes before they came to the town limits. On the very edge of town there was _______ diner along with a Ma and Pop style gas station. "By the way, something you probably want to know, there's a gas station here, and the other one is on the opposite side of town." she said.

They walked into the diner and were greeted by, Maggie, the waitress working there "Ms. Julia, I was hoping to see you before too long." she smiled. "And who's this?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at Geoff.

"Maggie, this is Geoff. Geoff, this is Maggie, she owns the diner." she said, introducing them.

"Good to meet you Geoff, you must be new to Rockwell?" she asked him as she walked out from behind the counter with menus. Julia walked over to her favourite booth by the window.
Ooc: I don't think we named it, Emem haha so call it whatever.

Margo grinned and whistled dramatically when Robin walked off the stage. "Is that everyone?" the director called, sounding almost harsh and Margo covered her mouth quickly to stifle a giggle.
Barbra held up her hand. "I have not gone yet." She had said going up to the stage. "Hi. I'm new... My name is Barbra Von Helsing.. I just got in today." She chuckled. "and boy are my arms tired." She whispered to herself. She didn't have any music to accompany her because she hadn't really any clue what she was going to preform. When she got to center stage she had grabbed a stool, and moved it to the center. She couldn't really think of any song to preform. "That's a good Idea." SHe mumbled. She started to preform "Coming home. Prt. 2" By Skylar Grey. It was Acapella. Her voice wasn't too loud, or too soft. It was just right.

Heres the video:[media]

Geoff smiled. She knew where she was going, so they wouldn't be lost in town. "Awesome." He said following her. When she talked about the diner. "That's a cool name for a diner." He offered his hand for a hand shake. "This is an amazing diner you got here. If I might say so." He said, shaking her hand. He sat down in the booth, and opened the menu. "Wow, even your menus are retro..." He said flipping through the menu. "Do you happen to have any specials?"
Singing was one of those things that Camelia had never considered to be important. See, singing could not get you into a good college- she didn't think so, anyway- it got you onto stages in those grubby nightclubs that her mother always warned her about. However, five years study of Latin and knowing three or four languages... That could get you places. But she couldn't help closing her Latin textbook and looking up to watch. She wished she could sing. But she sounded- as her brother had told her once, when they were on a very long car trip- like a cat being kicked repeatedly into a gutter and could she, please, for the love of God, stop singing?! He was right, she was awful. And she had no confidence whatsoever. Which is why, perhaps, she was a little jealous of these people and their beautiful voices and their ability to stand on a stage and be themselves in front of other people. Her mind began to wander. She shook her head, bringing herself back to reality.

"F-Fo-focus." She told herself, firmly, flipping her textbook open again.
"Sure do, hun. They're up there on the board over there." Maggie said, pointing. "Today we've got homemade chicken and red pepper soup. The daily special is the Rockwell favourite- Hamburger, fries and a shake. We also have hot beef sandwiches and lasagna today." she said.

"I know what I want." Julia said, without even opening the menu. "Grilled chicken burger, fries and a strawberry milkshake please Maggie." she said, and Maggie nodded.

"Your usual?" she confirmed and julia grinned.

Maybe he was moved by the performances so far, maybe he was tired of not being the centre of attention, or maybe he was just bored, but as Adam called for any last auditions a song popped into Nathan's head and he walked up on the stage after the new girl. Everyone knew that he liked old classic rock, but his country music tastes were a better kept secret. It was rather unusual from where he came from to be a fan of country, but he grew to like it when he started playing guitar. It was too bad he hadn't brought his acoustic guitar with him today, then again, he had no intentions of playing in the musical. He had never even heard of Rent.

"Sure Adam, I'l give it a go." he said, to the director. Adam tapped his foot impatiently, he had been Nathan's drama teacher last year and knew he never took anything seriously, but he didn't object to him stepping up on stage. Little did he know, for once, Nathan didn't intend to make a mockery of his performance. He walked backstage and was about to hand the stage crew his Iphone to play the song in mind, when he spotted a guitar sitting in the back.

"Is that thing tuned, can I play it?" he asked, they said it was fine, so he walked back out and sat down on the edge of the stool.

"This is Crash My Party, by Luke Bryan." he announced, finding the correct chords. This song was chosen on more than a whim. It happened to be the song he had played for Julia on their first date, though no body in the room knew that. It must have been a testament to finally getting over their relationship that Nathan was able to play it for the crowd. He strummed the introduction on the guitar and then proceeded to sing. Nathan certainly wasn't an amazing singer, he had no formal training and aside from playing at bonfires in the summer he didn't have much practice, but his low voice sounded fairly good with the slow country songs.


When he finished he stood up and couldn't resist putting his hand in the air and shouting "Goodnight Colorado!" which caused an audible scoff from the director. Nathan grinned and walked off the stage, giving the guitar back to the stage crew. He went back and sat down in the audience to watch the rest of the auditions.
Celina tried not to laugh at Nathan, but he actually ended up being pretty good. She grinned and hugged him playfully when he came back stage. "You are always a surprise." she smiled.

"Celina and Margo, on stage please!" Adam called. He had them speak Take me or Leave me instead of singing it, and took turns playing either fiery female character. It was easy for them to insult each other, came naturally, as it were. He had all the girls give Maureen's crazy cow speech, but called Margo and Trent out specifically for the "I Should Tell You" song, but again had them speak it. He had Nathan read for the poor, forever alone single ex of Maureen's (Whose name I totally don't remember) and had Robin read for Angel. Adam had the new girl with the crazy last name, Van Helsing something, read for Joanne. Then he had Freddy read for Angel's boyfriend (whose name I also don't remember), then had both Robin and Freddy speak 1000 Sweet Kisses together. "Alright alright, I've made up my mind, young people. Most directors pretend to ponder for a week, really, quicker is better is it not? Now, everyone on stage!" Adam called.

Ooc: @TheOneAndOnly, can you fill in the names, I don't know all of them. And everyone who auditioned see if you agree to these parts. TheOneAndOnly will post the names I miss. They're all great parts.

Joanne: Van Helsing chick, sorry I forget your name

Maureen: Celina

Angel: Robin

Mimi: Margo

Blonde guy with guitar?: Trent

Mark, I think? Forever alone Maureen's ex: Nathan

Angel's boyfriend?: Freddy

Did I forget anyone? Play character or game characters? Lol maybe you should do this oneandonly
OOC: Blonde guy with the guitar is Roger Davis, and Angel's boyfriend is Tony Collins. Thanks to Rent Wiki. Don't give Barbara Mimi.

Geoff closed the menu. "That burger special sounds pretty good... Would you mind If I got the meat with a little pink in the middle?" He said putting the menu on table. He turned to face Julia. "So you have been out here for a couple years... Is that right? Anyway how long have you been riding?"

Barbara Van Helsing thought that the country song was a little interesting. But sometimes interesting is the best way to show off some skills. She watched as the guy preformed. After he was done, and the director asked everyone on stage, Barbara was a little anxious. She had watched the movie rent a lot. She wanted to really wanted to be Mimi.

Freddy wasn't all that happy about country. He didn't really like country all that much. Living in the city he would always listen to rock, that's why he picked a montly crue song, plus he liked that song a lot. He was the last one on the stage. He let everyone go before him.
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OOC: Freddy did. The director told everyone to get on the stage. He let everyone walk on stage before him and lined up.
ooc: Here you guys, i was actually in the musical once upon a time (ah, memories) :P


Joanne: Barbara Van Helsing

Maureen: Celina

Angel: Robin

Mimi: Margo

Roger: Trent

Mark: Nathan

Tom Collins: Freddy

this is gonna be awesome :P

Trent's grin grew wide as the director called out the casting choices. He leapt over to Margo and lifted her up in a massive hug. "You did it!" He cheered, unbelievably happy. He suddenly realized that yes, other people were in the room, and he set her down, turning a little red. "Good job." He grinned at her.

Robin smiled brightly as she heard her role. Angel! She couldn't believe it. It would be hard to play, considered a male usually played the role, but she was sure with a little practice, and makeup, she could pass as a guy pretending to be a girl. She suddenly remembered that Angel had a romantic counterpart in the musical- Tom Collins. She looked around for the person who held the role when it was called, and her eyes fell on the handsome guy who had played the motley crue song. Their eyes met and she smiled shyly, wiggling her fingers in greeting. She suddenly remembered Dean in the back, watching, and beamed at him, waving.

OOC: Sorry, I am absolutely no help with this musical business... I've never even seen Rent! I hope whatever you gave Nathan is not a particularly involved part, or I have some studying to do lol.

"Not a problem." Maggie said to Geoff, before she walked back to the kitchen.

"Yep, I've been at Rockwell since I was a freshman and I'm a junior now. But, I spent a fair bit of my life at the school even before that. For one thing, my brother Cole also goes here- he's a senior, I don't know if you're met him yet. So, I got the Rockwell experience before high school began. For another, my dad is one of those super proud alumni who never really got past their high school glory type guys, so growing up we went to all kinds of alumni functions and benefits." she grinned.

She thought back to when she started riding "I guess I started riding just after I flunked out of dance class and brought shame to my mother, so about when I was 6." she said, thinking back and smiling at the memory of the tantrum she had when she decided to boycott the dance recital by walking on stage, sitting down and pouting. "I wouldn't say you truly start riding until you're about 8 though, those first two years are glorified pony rides." she laughed. "I got into doing competitions and polo when I was 11, and yeah... that's basically all there is to that story." she said.

"Other than building cars, what hobbies do you have?" she asked Geoff.

"It's good to keep things interesting." Nathan winked as Celina walked over to him after his surprise performance. Somehow he got hoodwinked into reading a script, for a play of which he hadn't so much as watched the movie version. After all that happened, everyone was called onto the stage.

The director read out the parts and positions, Nathan barely paid attention, assuming he'd be that awkward kid who walked off the stage without a position and that this calling onto the stage business was just a formality. The director called his name, and gave him the part of some guy named Mark.

If Nathan had a glass of water, he would have spit it out. If he was scaling a mountain, he would have just lost his grip from a bad foothold. If he was surfing, he would have unexpectedly ate it. Instead, he was standing on the stage of a theatre (with no idea why he was doing so) with his head tilted and a stupidly surprised look on his face. His first thought, which luckily he managed to filter was: 'How many drugs is this guy on?'.
ooc: To be fair, Mark is a pretty decently important part. if you're characters not up for that we can switch you out to someone not as involved!
When she found out that she was Joanne and not Mimi, Barbara was pissed, and that's an understatement. She tried hiding it, but she wasn't good at it. Not at all. She huffed and puffed a little before she came to terms with what the director had given her for a role. Her parents had told her that a role is a role, and that the next one could be better. She had to think of it like that.

"Wow. I guess your family has been in Rockwell quite some time." He said before chuckling at about how she had flunked out of dance class. "That's a better story then mine." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "My mother wanted me to have some musical ability so she gave me a saxophone and I started to play, and I got pretty good at that." He looked around. This dinner was defiantly retro, with some neon signs, and bold colors. "My father was a huge Patriots Fan. So he signed me up for rec football, and it stuck with me... Oh which reminds me, are you going to the game on friday?"
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