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Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

"Well, when I'm not criticizing friends and conflict resolving, parties are usually pretty fun." Julia grinned. "Oh, Cole? I don't know where he went off to. He's probably passed out in a bush somewhere to be honest." Julia scoffed. "He's typically a pretty serious guy, but when he gets drinking with his hockey buddies, he goes at it hard." she explained. Julia pulled out her cell phone to check the time, it was just after midnight, the night had gone by quickly. When she looked up she saw that Cole had found his way back over to her and Robin.

"You make it sound like I have a drinking problem, sis." he commented, a drunken grin on his face. When Robin asked him a question he turned to look at her. "I'm captain of the hockey team." he replied, a little surprised that she hadn't figured that out from the last name and their video game session. "Aside from that, not a lot. As you know, I try to not suck at video games from time to time. Like action movies and comedies. Keep up with school pretty well. Go on dates from time to time. Do a lot of training for hockey. Go to our cottage in the Hamptons in the summer. That sort of stuff." he shrugged, the broken sentences caused by his drunkenness, he hoped, were at least somewhat comprehensible.

"Well liked and funny, eh? I could receive no higher compliment." Nathan grinned, nudging Celina playfully. "You have a lot more than being able to sing and dance going for you." he corrected. "You're motivated, ambitious, competitive, have lots of friends, and are a born leader. I wish I was more driven and goal-oriented like you sometimes. Let's not forget that you are captain of the cheerleaders, are gorgeous and could easily score a date with anyone at the school, except maybe Cole- because he's too sensible. And when you're not trying to beat down the competition, you're perfectly capable of being fun to be around." he finished. "I'm going to stop talking now before this turns into an epicly emotional speech about YOLO, being yourself, following your dreams, blah blah blah." he laughed.

"Don't be grumpy, it attracts the deer." he joked.
Margo chuckled and nodded. "Yeah sure, where do you want to go?" she asked him with a smile. "Sorry, I'm just not feeling the party right now. Wait, don't the dorms lock us out after a certain hour? I thought Julia told us that." Margo said, biting her lip with worry.


Celina laughed and rolled her eyes. "Typical you. Always seeing the best, but looks don't count, because they eventually fade. What will I have when I'm 80? I don't want to be some gold digger, surprisingly." she laughed.
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"I don't ever think that far into the future." Nathan grinned. "For all I know I could smash my head off a rock tomorrow when I dive into the lake for my morning swim and be in a coma for the rest of my days, until they pull the plug." he shrugged. "I've always thought it's really pointless worrying about the future when you could be living your life. So many people waste their lives wondering 'what if'." he shrugged, getting more philosophical than usual, must have been the alcohol.

The trees started thinning as they got closer to the main campus. You could see the lights shining from the lamp posts, but all of the buildings were dark. Nathan changed direction, shepherding Celina off the trail along the edge of the treeline towards the girls residence on the opposite side of campus. It would have been stupid to walk in the open with the security guards patrols, amazingly enough many people still got into trouble for doing so.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/gibson-advanced-jumbo.jpg.b2bc171eb1723ba862bf152fb9ccc316.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29325" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/gibson-advanced-jumbo.jpg.b2bc171eb1723ba862bf152fb9ccc316.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rushing out of the taxi, Dean carefully grabbed the old guitar from the seat next to him and slung it on his back. With a string of curses to the driver that had gotten them extremely lost, he threw the money at the man before slamming the door close and watching him drive off.

"Asshole" Dean muttered and looked at the watch on his wrist to check the time. Despite the crack going down the middle of the watch, he was able to make it out that it was a bit after midnight. With a sigh of annoyance and anger towards the now gone driver, Dean ruffled through the papers he had gotten from the school as he walked inside. It was an impressive and beautiful place, but Dean was too busy trying to figure out where to go to be able to appreciate it all.

"Where the hell am I?" he wondered out loud his voice echoing througthe empty school. Crumbling up the confusing map and throeingit it into the trash, Dean decided that figuring itout himself would be easier as he walked off towards a random direction.



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Freedy strolled into his room. He was taking a moonlight walk. Listening to the sounds of moonlight bay. "How in the hell was I even accepted here?!" He walked back into his room. There was a guy passed out in the other bed.

Tag me if I have to see it
Celina smiled and shrugged. "I guess. You're lucky. My mother raised me alone, so for as long as I can remember she's been talking about 'securing my future' and all that jazz. It's second nature. What's your family like? You don't talk about them much." Celina noted, grabbing his arm as she hopped over a tree branch.
OOC: Put OOC: and people will know your talking in OOC, you don't have to do that. Second its midnight.
Freddy sighed. He didn't have a roommate yesterday and there was one know on his bed. "Great." He said. He walked out into the hallway, and made his way down the stairs. He didn't mind having a roommate. It was just that this guy was passed out on his bed. Freddy wasn't that kind of guy who got angry at someone who was passed out. But he was angry nonetheless. He walked out and followed a trail.
"Hmm, really?" Nathan commented, not realizing he was close lipped about anything. "My family's fairly ordinary. You know I'm also an only child, right?" he asked. "My mom is a pre-school teacher at a small private school in San Diego and my dad is an Admiral, for the navy. I had a bit of a weird upbringing as a result of my parents' completely different personalities. My dad is pretty strict, he acts like he's been in the Navy since he was 18. Whereas my mum is all about creative expression and rarely raises her voice." he grinned "We used to live in Florida until I was 7, but my dad got a promotion to Admiral at the San Diego base. We live right along the ocean, which is always nice to wake up to." he smiled.

"Apologies if this is a sore spot or anything, but how come you only live with your mom?" he asked curiously.
Celina shrugged. "That's neat. I'd love to live on the ocean. I mean, on Long Island you're never far. But the view would be nice." Celina mused. "Well my mom got pregnant during law school. I never knew my father, mom never talks about it." Celina shrugged. "I'm curious, I guess. But the one time I brought it up she got all hysterical on me, saying she knew the day would come where she wouldn't be enough for me, yatta yatta. She is the very definition of an eccentric Jewish mother. But she's a good mom, very supportive. Pushed me into acting and dancing and singing starting at age three. She's always handling all these big wig cases, but she makes time for me. She's always been very specific about me being an actress, a singer or a dancer. Preferably all three. And I like it I guess it's fun. But I never really got to develop any interests of my own. For all I know, I might really enjoy ghost hunting." Celina laughed, although the idea of being anything else other than what her mother molded her to be was inconceivable to Celina.
Freddy had heard a few people talking, but couldn't see anyone. He only needed a few hours of sleep. Plus he was a night Owl. He could stay up till three then get up at five and go and and train. It was weird, and Freddy didn't really know how he could do it. A couple days after he had gotten into boxing, he had gone to a party, and was so stressed that he wouldn't be able to do anything. He rushed home and was able to get up at five for training the next day. He didn't really seem that tired.

He was able to see the two talking. The girl was short, maybe Freddy's size but the guy was a little taller. That didn't matter as much because Freddy had more weight then this guy. The must not of seen him yet because they didn't call out to him. He didn't think much of what they were doing. He wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed but thats not to say he's smart. He is an average student in some of his classes. "Hey?" He called out. "I guess I'm not the only one that can't sleep, am I?"
"Hmm. I'd never guess that a lawyer would want her daughter to be a performer, they always seems so sensible and academic." he grinned. Nathan couldn't really imagine not having a two parent household. Granted, his dad was away for long periods of time, and he enjoyed the freedom, but not knowing about literally half of where your genes come from... that would be crazy. "Maybe your mom was a student working on some famous actor or singer's legal case for some typical crazy celebrity charges when they crossed the client- professional boundary and conceived you. So really, your dad's like some famous guy and that's why your mom wants you to be an actor! It's at least plausible." he grinned, rather enjoying his made up fantasy.

Nathan looked up when he heard someone call out, expecting to see an acquaintance at very least, but more likely, a friend. Instead he saw a random he'd never seen before. "Oh great, here's the part where we get murdered in the woods on the way back from the crazy party. Classic crime drama plot." he muttered so that only Celina could hear. Nathan raised his eyebrows as they walked closer, still not recognizing him despite the closing distance. "Nobody is sleeping tonight, it's the first Friday of the semester." he commented "Who's asking?" he asked, skeptically.
"You'd be surprised at who is sleeping." He got a little closer to them. "My apparent roommate is clocked out on my side of the room... Little bit of a tall guy, black hair. Know him?" He kind of asked them if they knew him. "Anyways, the name is Fredrick "Freddy" Santos... I was here last year... I was the guy that was in a boxing tournament, and made it into the final brackets for the school." It was alright if they hadn't heard about it him. He was fine if people didn't know about him.

He got a little closer to them. Of course the guy was still taller then Freddy, but Freddy had weight on him. "What about you guys? Whats your names?"
Celina felt a little creeped out. "As long as we don't start making out we should be fine. They always kill the couples first." Celina whispered with a snicker. "Uh, Celina. And this is Nathan. We aren't looking to get butchered." Celina said with a nervous laugh.
He chuckled. "I must be scarier lookin' then I think." He cracked his knuckles. "If I wanted to hurt you then I would have done it already... Besides I'm actually a nice person believe it or not... I've learned to control my anger... for the most part." He said laughing. " So what are you to love bird doing out at an hour like this?"
Celina raised an eyebrow at the comments. They were... Odd. And definitely not reassuring. "We aren't love birds. Just friends, he's walking me to my dorm. If you aren't coming from the party, what're you doing walking around late at night, if not murdering unsuspecting teens?"
After spending several minutes walking around aimlessly and letting curses fly out of his mouth, Dean heard the sound of people nearby. Dragging the small backpack that contained all of his clothes, he began searching for the voices he kept hearing.

Finally, he was able to find them. Immediately, Dean saw the large difference between himself and them. He wore a pair of dark jeans with holes here and there, black combat boots that were ripped and beaten, a simple plaid shirt, and a brown, worn leather jacket. That was truly the best way to explain Dean, worn and old. His clothes, music tastes, and guitar could be put into this category. However, he didn't care if they didn't like the smell of smoke and mint that always seemed to follow him. Dream was only here because of Sam.

"Hey. Any of you know where I can find the office? The damn map was a real pain in the ass so I threw it away and now I don't even know where I a me" he admitted to the other students.
Celina looked at the two new boys, then started laughing. "Newbies showing up at midnight? How about that?" she grinned at Nathan. "Hey, I'm Celina, this is Nate. The office will be closed, it's too late. But we can let you in the dorms and you can crash in one of the guys' rooms until you can get your key tomorrow. Although we will probably have to break into the dorms now as it is, they lock after 11." Celina said, biting her lip as she pondered their situation.
Dean gave an exhausted sigh upon hearing the news. "Son of a bitch!" he muttered in anger wishing the taxi driver was still here so he could kick him. "Alright, thanks. The lock isn't a problem, I'll just pick it" he told the girl. "I'm Dean by the way, I was suppose to get here when school began but....a lot of shit happened along the way basically" he said introducing himself.
Nathan looked skeptically at this Freddy character, not believing that there was someone on campus that he didn't even recognize. He seemed like kind of a dick though, bragging about his boxing career like that. Not that anyone even cared about the sport. Then suddenly another random came up, looking sketchy at best in worn out clothes filled with holes and reaking of cigarette smoke.

"That seems really legal." Nathan snorted in reply to his comment about picking locks. "How about we go in through the windows like normal students? The potential con who knows how to pick locks sure as hell ain't sleeping in my room though." he said, matter of factly. "Come on." he sighed, a little tired of this whole tour guide business, and started walking forward.
Dean looked over at Nathan when he heard his comment about him. He wanted to be angry, but for some reason, he actually found it funny. "Fine" he said a touch of disappointment in his voice. "For the record, its just as illegal to climb through the window" Dean said before adding "That's a bit harsh there, you already think I'm gonna steal from you and we only just met. Kind of judgy, but I don't blame you. Three years ago, I totally would've" he admitted with a bit of a laugh.
Celina chuckled and rolled her eyes. Looks like hers and Nate's conversation would need to resume at a later date. "Him and Trent would probably get along. You're both... Rough around the edges." Celina said simply. "I'll help you get them settled, but then I gotta go sleep the shame away." Celina said to Nate, looking at him knowingly.
They had already gone past the dorms when they had met up with these two 'students'. So Nathan doubled back at nearly military march speed. It was quite a different pace than his meandering casual walk through the woods with Celina, the walk that usually took him 10 minutes had taken half an hour, not that it hadn't been enjoyable.

Nathan pondered Celina's comment for a while, before deciding he really wasn't sure what she was getting at. He wasn't ashamed to ask about it though. "What do you mean 'sleep the shame way'? I didn't realize there were different emotive ways to sleep." he said, clearly oblivious.

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