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Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

"I like your bike. Ruby is a good girl." Margo grinned, remembering the bike name. She put on the smaller helmet and hopped on the bike behind him, wrapping her arms around him with a contented smile. She settled into the bike easily enough, it wasn't much different from riding a horse. She had always wanted a motorcycle, but had known it would be something she would have to spend her own money on in the very far future. "Let's go." she said with a smile.
Trent grinned as they both hopped on the bike. "Yes, she is." He swiftly turned the bike on and they set off, driving around the town. Colorado was a lot quieter than Washington, with its winding roads and beautiful scenery. It was very soothing for Trent, and as he drove along the streets with Margo, he felt, for the first time in a long time, very at ease with the world around him. Eventually, Trent saw a park coming up on the side of the road, with a big playground, a swing set, and a group of dark trees leading to what seemed to be a riverbank. It looked empty, and he pulled over. "This looks like it could be good. Want to hang here for a bit?"
After playing Mario Kart for a few hours, the gang had just sat around chatting and watching tv in the lounge. Julia turned to look outside and noticed it was almost dark. "Wow. Where has the day gone?" she exclaimed. "We have a party to get ready for!" she added.

Cole snapped out of his daze, staring at the tv screen watching the old movie they had found on the satellite. He scratched his head and quickly pulled out his cell phone. "I better check to make sure the team is doing better with preparations than I am." he explained and scrolled through his contacts to find Josh's number. He hit call and wandered over to the edge of the room to talk to him.

"Hey. How'd you make out with the booze run?" he asked Josh.

"Good. No questions about the fake IDs this time. We loaded up on just about everything, we got 2 kegs, a case of vodka, rye, whiskey, tequila and rum as well as a bunch of cases of those fruity girly drinks." Josh listed. "The bill was a little scary, but I figure we'll have some liquor left over for future parties this way."

"Don't worry about the bill, I've got it covered. My dad gave me cash to pay back whoever paid for it, call it an alumni favour. This way your parents won't see the huge credit card bill and wonder how many dates you had to pay for." he joked.

"Very funny, ass." he retorted. "Kevin, Andy and I are going to take the booze down to the clearing now and light a fire. I'll see you soon." He added, and the line went dead. Cole grinned to his self as he walked back to the others.

"Well, I believe everything is in order for the party. Except the fact we're all going to be late." he said.

"There's nothing wrong with being fashionably late, but it's unfortunate we didn't get any pre-drinking in." Nathan grinned. "Oh well, just remember to drink quickly and catch up before the idiots become intolerably drunk." He laughed.
Celina stood up casually, being fashionably late was her thing, no doubt. "Well, ladies. Let's go get ready." she said with a grin, then sauntered off to her room. She put her hair up, because screw hair at parties. She did her makeup bold and dramatic, them put on a fitted black belly shirt that showed off her belly ring and a blue tribal mini skirt. She was certainly a vision, yet the clothes weren't the kind she would be worried ruining. She stepped out and decided to wait for all the other girls in their hallway.

Margo nodded. "Looks fun. Plus, I'm fine with going to the party in this, so we can stay up until we want to head straight to the party." Margo said, hopping off when he did, hanging up the helmet, and stretching. She went and sat on a swing casually, enjoying the nostalgia.
"Okay." Robin stood up with the others, and turned to Julia. "Do you want to get ready together? I'm afraid I need all the help I can get when it comes to dressing for parties." She blushed a little bit, embarrassed.

Trent agreed, and joined her on the swings. "We can head over in a little bit. I just like enjoying nature from time to time. Life goes by pretty fast, if you don't stop every once in a while to look around, you may miss it." Grinning as he quoted an old but classic favourite movie. He nudged her toe with his boot. "Hey, Margo, what do you want out of life? Like, how do you want to end up?"
Margo smiled at him and swung sideways into him, knocking her hip against his. "Not a lot, really. Everyone I know has big dreams of travel or stardom. All I've ever wanted to be is a teacher, preschool preferably. I'd love to start essentially the Juliard of preschools. Theater in education has so many benefits. Anyway that's it." Margo told him with a smile. "What about you?"
Trent smiled back at her. "That sounds really awesome, Margo. It takes a pretty special person to educate generations to come. And there are only two types of teachers you really remember- those who actually taught you something of value, or those who you couldn't stand. I bet you'll be the former." He scuffed the ground with his toe. "Well... I've told you about becoming a tattoo artist, but it's difficult. I have a portfolio ready, with all my best art in it, but the next step is trying to find a shop to apprentice under. That can cost a lot of money, which I will not have if my parents have anything to say about it, so I've been saving. The other problem is the location. I need to go somewhere big to find a good shop to apprentice under, Toronto at the least, New York or California if I'm really, really lucky. What'll probably happen is I'll find a small but hopefully good shop somewhere in Washington that I can practice at, fail epically, and then go back to work with my dad." He laughed. "But one can dream, I guess." He got up from the swing, offering his hand to Margo. "C'mon. Let's blow this popsicle stand."
Margo nodded and stood. "You'd probably get a better chance if you went to college for something artsy. Then you could get the college experience, and maybe smuggle some of the gratitude money your parents send you just for going to college away to pay for that apprenticeship." Margo suggested, then flashed a devious smile. "I learned to work my dad every which way when he came back for anything I wanted. Nothing big. But guilt and gratitude are big emotions, easy to manipulate." she told him.
"See you guys soon." Cole said, Nathan and Cole left the lounge after the girls and chatted as they walked to their rooms. Cole said goodbye as Nate walked up the stairs to the Junior dorms and he walked into his room. They had agreed to meet back downstairs in 15 minutes. Cole found a favourite blue and white plaid button up shirt and put a navy blue New York Islanders t-shirt on underneath of it. He found some beige board shorts, laced up his favourite pair of Nikes and sprayed himself with just a hint more Axe than was necessary before walking to the foyer to meet Nate.

Meanwhile, Nathan had put on a pair of dark coloured board shorts, flip flops and a green Rockwell Athletics t-shirt. He imagined as long as he didn't get too drunk that he'd find his way to the water for a swim before heading back from the party. He didn't try to dress fancily in the slightest,which was not surprising as Nathan didn't overly care about appearances.

"You're probably better dressing by yourself than taking my advice." Julia laughed at Robin. "But hell, why not." she grinned as they walked back to the girls dorms with Celina. Celina split to go get ready by herself and Julia welcomed Robin into her room. "Now, since the party is like a good half a mile's walk away, I suggest avoiding any kind of ankle breaking shoes. I'm just going to wear flip flops." She explained. She searched through her closet, looking for something to wear. For most parties, Julia managed with wearing shorts and a polo shirt, but it was the first party of the year so there was some pressure to dress up. "I'm hopeless." she laughed.
"True that." Trent gestured to the bike. "Let's go, beautiful." They got on the bike and began to ride back to Rockwell, passing by the beautiful trees surrounding them. During the ride, Trent gave Margo's hand a squeeze, happy to have her here, with him. It was something they wouldn't forget. He was happy and quiet on the ride back, and when they finally pulled in, he parked in his spot and turned off the bike. "Well, I'm gonna quickly grab some stuff from my room, for the party. But before I go..." He pulled her in close. "I had a great time, Mar. And I don't know how drunk either of us are gonna get tonight, but I was hoping to get a kiss from you while we're sober. What do you say?"

Robin nodded. "Nix on ankle breaking shoes. Got it." She thought for a moment, and then brightened up. "Hang on! I think I've got something for both of us. Be right back!" She dashed off to her room, and opened her bag, which she hadn't unpacked, pulling out an outfit for Julia, then an outfit for herself. She quickly put on her choice- a white long sleeved button up shirt and a pink, lacy circle skirt, looked at herself in the mirror, and then, deciding to be daring, she undid a few buttons on the top of the shirt, exposing a bit of her chest, pulled up the long sleeves so they only just met her elbows, and then tied up the bottom of the shirt, exposing some of her midriff. She grinned at her reflection, grabbed her makeup bag and Julia's outfit choices, then dashed back to Julia's room. She laid out the outfits on the bed- one was a turquoise flowy crop top and a pair of cute, white, high waisted shorts, and the other was a flowy lilac dress, with flowers stitched along the hem. "Turquoise would look awesome on you, with your hair and your eyes. So would lilac. It's up to you, if you even like them." She dashed over to the mirror and started to do her makeup- pale pink lips, a thin cat-eye of eyeliner, and some mascara to make her long lashes stand out.
Margo threw her head back and laughed, a deep laugh that started in her gut and reached her eyes. She responded by grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling his head down to hers. She kissed him gently, first kisses should always be romantic. Save the passion for the second kiss, first kisses had to be sweet. His lips were softer than she expected, then almost laughed while she kissed him at the thought. She was used to kissing girls, what did she think, boys had lips made of sand paper? Before they parted she nipped his bottom lip with a grin, pinching it between her teeth before pulling away. "See you later." She grinned, then decided she might as well go to her room and change and look hot like she promised. She walked away with a grin, going back to her room and throwing her hair up. She changed into a shirt that said "Nope I don't think so" on the front and was completely exposed in the back. She wore a bright yellow bandeau for a bra that was exposed, but with the shirt you could see her whole tattoo. She might as well show it off right? She put on some short shorts the color of a blue Jolly Rancher and applied a little bit of makeup, since it appeared that a lot of it came off on her date. Cheap makeup, never lasts. Sort of like cheap dates. When she went out she ran into Celina. "Hey girl! Damn you look hot." She announced, feeling super nice since the kiss.

Celina eyed Margo up and down. "Thanks, you do too, actually." Celina replied with just a hint of sarcastic surprise. Margo pretended not to hear the edge and leaned against the wall with her.

"Waiting for the other ladies?" Margo asked and Celina rolled her eyes.

"Well I'm not waiting for the fucking Easter Bunny." Celina snapped, having had enough of this girl next door biatch. Margo raised an eyebrow, but sat there and waited with her anyway with a smile on her face. Nothing, not even Celina, could ruin her night now.
Trent kissed Margo back, cupping her face with one hand and pulling her in closely. He felt a little surge in his chest and had to beat it back down mentally, not wanting to go farther and possibly make her feel uncomfortable. He nearly lost the battle when she nipped his lip gently. He grinned at her when she pulled away. "See you." He happily made his way to the guys dorms, and saw Cole and Nathan standing outside. "Hey guys, be back in a second." He dashed inside to his room, changing his shirt for a black tank top and a pair of dark blue jeans, throwing a short sleeved red plaid shirt over top, leaving it unbuttoned. He threw his whiskey, ipod, and portable speakers in his bag, and then went outside to meet the guys. "What's up?"
"Why not." Julia shrugged, true to her life mantra of taking all opportunities. She thought for a second and decided on the dress. She typically hated dresses, and complained about them whenever she was forced into situations involving them, but today felt like a good day to try a new style. Afterall, there's no better time to change than at the beginning of the school year. She went into the bathroom to change and came back and glanced at herself in the mirror. She decided to wear her hair down, so she quickly straightened it. She picked a pair of white flip flops and wore a gold chain with a diamond studded horseshoe pendant. Julia smiled when she looked at herself in the mirror "Classya nd simple, I like it. If nothing else, this look will act as an alcohol detractor because I never act careless with other people's belongings so getting hammered is now out of the question. My liver thanks you." she grinned. "Almost ready?"

"Hey!" Nathan replied with a wave. "You guys look like lumber jack twins." Nathan joked, remarking at the fact Trent and Cole were both wearing plaid. "We were just heading down to the lake, do you want to join?" he asked.
Robin laughed. "Insurance! I like it. But really, don't worry, I trust you with it. Yeah, one second..." She rummaged around in her makeup bag and found a little lavender perfume, dabbing a tiny bit on her wrists and neck. She put it back in her bag and zipped it shut. "Let's go." She made her way out of Julia's room and saw Celina and Margo waiting for them in the hallway. "Hi guys! You both look awesome. ...Oh! I forgot something." She quickly went into her room, grabbed her bottle of wine, and threw it in her satchel backpack, then went back into the hallway to meet the girls. "Everyone ready to go?"

Trent laughed. "Great minds think alike, am I right? Sure, lets head out. I'm looking forward to this. How were the video games, guys? Sorry I missed out on them, me and Margo actually ended up going out for a bit."
"Ow ow!" Margo cat called at Robin and Julia. "We have got a couple of dames here. Boys guard your hearts." Margo grinned.

"And ladies mind your chastity belts." Celina finished, rolling her eyes. "Let's go before I die of boredom." she complained.
"Overly complicated." Cole muttered in response to Trent's question.

"Cole's just being a sore loser, Celina and Robin both beat him a bunch of times at Mario Kart." Nathan grinned as they walked out of the dorms. "Went out with Margo eh? You too have been awfully friendly." Nathan commented as they approached the trees.

"Shhh!!" Julia said, stifling a laugh. It wasn't quite curfew right now, but drawing attention to themselves when they were dressed to be going to a party really wasn't a good idea. They were all on their best behaviour as they walked out the front door. They walked along the forest's edge towards the boys dorm, where the most well travelled path to the forest was. "Oh, hey. Look who it is." Julia grinned as she saw her brother, Nathan and Trent ahead.
Margo winked and Celina hooked arms with Julia, everyone shhhhing each other as they walked. "Jesus we aren't even drunk yet." Margo laughed quietly, then grinned when they saw the boys. "Oh so I went on a date with Trent and he kissed me." she whispered quietly to the group, nudging Julia with a grin. "TMI? Sorry Robin." she grinned. "And now he is also going to be auditioning for the show tomorrow." she informed.

"Oh good." Celina said. "I needed a leading man to match me." she said simply and Margo rolled her eyes with a smirk at Robin.
Trent grinned. "Yeah, she's a sweet girl. We went out for some food, chatted for a bit. We'll see how it goes." He decided to leave out the fact that he kissed her- that would be his own little secret. He looked up and saw the girls approaching. "And here they come. Looking good, ladies."

"You did?!" Robin whispered back to Margo, excited. "He is!? That's crazy! Congrats!" She smiled back at her after Celina's comment, and before she could say anymore they had approached the guys. "Hi, guys." She smiled at them all but gave a eyebrow raise to Trent, which nobody noticed except for Trent himself.
"Oh please. I look better than good." Celina said with a hair toss, causing Margo to snort.

"And she's modest too. Celina you are quite the catch." Margo said with an eye roll and Celina all but snarled.

"So, where is this little shindig?" Margo asked, clapping her hands together.
"Hey girls." Cole said with a wave as they approached.

"A dress, really?" Cole questioned his sister with a raised eyebrow, and poked at her shoulder. "You hate dressing up." he added.

"Change can be a good thing." Julia shrugged in response. "Robin leant me the dress, it's a nice colour."

Cole looked doubtful, but true to his nature, said nothing.

"The party is at the clearing on the lake, same place we were at yesterday." Nathan answered Margo's question. "Ready to explore the jungle? Hope nobody wore heels!" He laughed.
"Julia looks gorgeous, let her be." Celina said with a grin and smiled genuinely, but was already plotting her evening out. Maybe to mess Margo up for tomorrow she would make a move on Trent. And Robin, well, she didn't feel as threatening as Margo. But, really better safe than sorry. Cut her down now before she gained any confidence.

Margo smiled. "As if I own any heels." She scoffed. "I have five toes on each foot, not one giant pointy one, thank you." She said with a grin and all but skipped through the forest. She was more excited now, although it helped that she, excluding Celina, trusted the group she was with. Margo grew up being cautious of other people and their actions. "So the school really never knows that their students are having ragers in the woods right off campus? Or do they just turn a blind eye as long as the test scores are good?" Margo asked, walking tight rope along a fallen log.
Trent smiled as he watched Margo walk through the forest. He could now more clearly see her tattoo, and it really was a piece of art on her body. He suddenly felt someone nudge his ribcage, and turned to see Robin next to him. She raised her eyebrows and subtly tilted her head towards Margo, which clearly said to him "So you do like her." Trent smiled and shrugged at her, continuing to walk along. Robin drifted to the middle of the group, near Cole and Julia. "That dress looks awesome on you." Robin whispered to Julia.
Margo heard the party before she saw it and grinned widely. As they approached the clearing with the lakes, a group of stoners sat passing a bowl around. "Heeeeyyyy there. Want to join us?" One of the guys asked, seemingly too well dressed to be such a pot head. Margo took the bowl from him and took a long hit. "Thanks." she said with a grin, blowing smoke in his face and handing it back to him, then walking back to her group. "Harsh. Smokes my weed then leaves. You are a stone cold woman! Hey, get it? Stone cold." the guys yelled, then they all fell about laughing at his own stupid joke. Margo grinned and nudged Trent. "So I already got free weed at this party, what have you done?" she smirked, taking his hand and giving it a quick squeeze before releasing it. She was playing it cautiously, she wasn't sure where this was going. And yes Trent seemed like a really good guy and if it didn't work out she was sure they would still be good friends, but she still didn't know where his head was at, or her own for that matter. Better to play safe. As the clearing opened up she saw a keg and a bunch of already drunk people skinny dipping in the lake. "Looks like you started a trend." She whispered with a smirk.

Celina was instantly whisked away by nearly half the football team. As head cheerleader she was a hot commodity among the foot ball players.
"I think it's the latter, more so than the former. Most of the staff are alumni of Rockwell, and this has been the party spot since the 1940s when our grandfather went here. The parties do get busted, but it's more likely because the forest rangers or neighbours complain than the Rockwell staff really caring. Of course, there are some staff members who care more than others, so you have to be careful." Cole explained, as they reached the clearing.

It was a really nice night out, so not many people were huddled up by the fire at the centre of the clearing, yet. There was a large crowd already gathered and many people walked by and waved. Cole looked around to try and figure out where his team was. Margo wandered over to the Stoners and came back smelling like weed. Cole felt something, or rather, someone hit him in the back and turned to see who it was. He grinned when he saw it was a few of his teammates. "Nice job boys." he congratulated the juniors, who were in charge of the party. "You're making me look good, and I was playing Mario Kart all afternoon." he joked.

"Hey guys." Julia smiled at her brother's teammates. They all politely nodded and said hello, but all of them knew better than to say much more to Cole's little sister. One of the guys appeared with a couple beers and handed one to both the Harpers and Nathan, and at Cole's direction, offered one to Robin, Trent and Margo also.

"Sure thing, Captain." Josh said with a hint of sarcasm. "Any of you rookies want a beer?" he asked.

"Don't be a jerk, Josh, we were all new once." Julia retorted, which quickly quieted him up.

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