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Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

Trent laughed and turned to Julia. "Guess I'll see you guys in a bit. Motorcycle gear isn't exactly good clothing for forest dodgeball." With that, he headed back off to his dorm room. Zipping open his bag, he yanked out a pair of sneakers, dark athletic shorts, and a workout shirt that was known as a 'sleevemonster' back at his old school, where the jocks would take their athletic t-shirts and rip off the sleeves with a cry of "Sleevemonster!", turning the shirt into a tank top with deep arm holes, exposing their biceps and a good chunk of the sides of their torso. He yanked off his previous outfit and put the workout gear on, grabbing a backpack and tossing a bottle of whiskey he had into the bag, hiding it under a baggy sweater. He headed back out of the dorms and caught up with Margo, who looked fierce in her war paint and all black get up.

"I am woman, hear me roar." He joked, pointing at her warpaint. "This is gonna be fun."
"Going all Laurel Thatcher Ulrich on me?" She asked him. "Really famous feminist... Women need men like fish need a bicycle.... Well behaved women rarely make history... Ring any bells? No? Come on dude, one of the first bra burners! Get with the history." Margo scolded with a grin. "I brought more war paint." she said, holding up the lipstick. "We should wait to pick teams though, I threw on the red before I thought of that." she shrugged. "Looking nice. My brother used to do that to his shirts. Though you look much better in it." she told him, surprising herself by coming off a little flirtatious. Margo wasn't really the romantic, flirtatious type. Sure she dated, and she could clean up nice and have all that hearts and flowers bull, but it didn't come naturally to her. But Trent was cool, she liked him, of course it was too soon to tell. She knew she had awful taste. So she tried to be careful.
"Glad you got the reference, Mar. I studied her in high school, my english teacher was a pretty hardcore feminist. Hey, guys aren't all that bad. Who'll lift all the heavy objects for you guys?" He looked down at his clothes and gave a grin at her compliment. "Thanks. I got another tank top that has Jigglypuff from Pokemon on it, it says "Workin' my Puff into Tuff". You seem like you'd appreciate that joke." He looked at her snapple bottles. "I'm guessing that's not wholesome fruit juice in those bottles- fermented fruit juice, maybe?"
Margo laughed at the Pokemon reference. "That's awesome! I named my cat Pikachu, found him on the street and he straight up followed me home. It was a, 'I choose you, Pikachu' situation." she grinned, then looked at her wine. "Wine is very high in potassium. I will never get a Charlie horse." she grinned and opened one, taking a swig. "Huh. That's weird. This Snapple cap says that Trent is about to lose at dodge ball. Oh Snapple, you never cease to amaze me." she said with mock amazement, then snickered. She was impressed that he knew Ulrich, hell the well behaved woman one is something she had wanted for a tattoo. Her aunt had had one, had been a hard core feminist. The memory made her take another swig to hide her frown. As they got to the parking lot she eyed all the cars. "I bet anything that that one is Celina's." she said, pointing to the baby blue vespa with a bumper sticker that said princess.
Julia texted her brother to ask about getting the equipment we were going to need.

He replied quickly:

Okay, I can do that, but I'll meet you guys at the clearing by the lake at dusk.

Don't want to draw attention to ourselve
s he added a second later.

Julia walked back to the girl's dorm and spent quite awhile unzipping suitcases until she finally found a 3/4 t-shirt sporting the Rockwell emblem that she figured would help protect from getting scratched by tree branches or experiencing the unpleasantness of poison ivy. She also opted for wind pants instead of shorts incase it was cool out at dusk. She quickly pulled her average length hair up into a ponytail, figuring she would get annoyed with it hanging in her face. She wandered out into the hallway to see if anyone else on the floor was ready.

"Sweet. That sounds like a blast." Nathan grinned, though Celina seemed less than impressed. "Good luck with changing, I have flowers to find." he joked as she stormed off. Nathan meandered back to the dorm rooms, stopping once to pick some dandelions in the grass, which were much rarer than flowers because the Rockwell landscaping department was very diligent about weed removal. Nathan doubted that Celina would find it funny, but he was going to give her dandelions anyways. When he got back to the second floor of Rockwell house he quickly changed into a forest green Rockwell gym shirt and black shorts. Nathan caught a glimpse at the people in the message and saw that "<3 Cole <3 Harper" , "Julia Harper" and Kenzie Jesmine were some of the attendees, so he was sure dodgeball was going to be a fun time. He had known Cole and his sister Julia since 9th grade. Julia and him had been friendly last year for a while, but it was mutually decided on that they didn't work well as a couple because Julia found Nathan's lack of a 'serious mode' infuriating. Fortunately, they were still really good friends.

Nathan decided to walk over to the girl's dorm a little early to see if Celina was ready. Nathan walked in the front door of the girl's residence and made his way over to the junior/senior wing. Julia happened to step out of her room, she was already dressed for the game. She grinned at him but then cast him a 'what-are-you-doing-now' look when she saw the bouquet of dandelions. "Hey Julia!" he enthusiastically greeted her.

"Hey Nate, judging by your attire, I guess you got the memo about the dodgeball game... but what the heck are you doing with a bunch of dandelions?" she asked, raising an eyebrow slightly.

"They're for my date." he grinned in reply, and Julia quickly shook her head and rolled her eyes.

"Some things never change." she muttered. "So, who's the lucky girl?" she asked, scoffing slightly.

"Ms. Celina has kindly requested I escort her to the dodgeball game... and probably also that I avoid hitting her in the face once we're there too." he laughed.

"What a catch you are." Julia replied sarcastically, but Nathan thought it was hilarious. "Celina's room is there." she pointed to the one exactly diagonal to her own. In all honesty, it really wasn't hard to tell, Celina had found the time to cover a fair bit of her door with pictures of herself. "Well thanks." he said and walked over to knock on the door. Julia lingered in the hallway, eager to see Nathan torn apart for his not so funny joke.
"Come in!" Celina yelled, it was unlocked. She stood there in a sports bra and a pair of essentially booty shorts. Her long hair up in a fierce pony tail, and war paint lipstick on her face. She looked ready to fight, by in reality she was probably going to hide. When she saw Nate she laughed at the dandelions. "How... Quaint." she grinned and plopped them in a vase, because Celina would have a crystal vase in her dorm room. "Why does it have to be in the woods? If we are going to play a filthy violet game it should be in, like, a field of posies." she muttered. "You look good though." she said with a grin.
"Your cat should meet my cat. His name is Salem- you know, after the cat from Sabrina the Teenage Witch? My sister would always watch that show and I loved how sassy Salem was. When we got the cat he always meowed really loudly, so I took that as him trying to sass us all the time. The name stuck." His eyebrows raised at her Snapple comment, and he shrugged, a playful smile tugging at his lips. "Must be a factory defect. You never knows what goes on in those production lines."

He looked at the blue vespa and laughed. "If you want to see a real bike, thats mine right next to hers." He said, gesturing to the red and black ducati next to it. He smiled as he looked at it. The bike- A monster 796 2013 model- was his pride and joy, well cared for, earned by working for his father at one of his banks. Standard minimum wage jobs would have never paid for it and his parents flat out refused to buy him one for his birthday, so he did it himself. He chuckled, remembering the look on their faces as he rolled up to their house for the first time. It was priceless.

"Shut the front door." Margo grinned. She had always wanted a bike, even a fricken scooter if she had to. She told her father when she was 13 that she would be the tattooed, motorcycle child, because every lower middle class family had one. "No. You're lying." she said, narrowing her eyes at him, trying to detect a lie. She walked over and brushed her fingers against the handlebars. "I always wanted one. It would be like a horse that always listened." she grinned and looked at him. Everyone was taking awhile, unless they changed where to meet without telling them. But she didn't mind the extra time with Trent.
"Yeah, she's a beauty. I call her Ruby Rocket, because it just seemed to fit." He gestured to the seat. "Go on. Take a seat on it. Get a feel of the handlebars." He guided her to the seat. "It actually is a bit like a horse. You straddle them, and hold on to the reins- or handlebars. Lean right, you go right. Lean left, you go left. Po-tay-to, po-tah-to." He flashed her a grin, finding it funny how the Ducati dwarfed her small frame. She looked cute on his bike. Really cute. "You know, if you say please nice enough, I might just take you for a ride. Show you a time that would make your daddy rue the day you met me." What was he saying? For some reason this girl was bringing out this energetic, friendly side of him he had hardly known since his brother went into rehab. It was scary, but also a little thrilling.
For the first time in a real long while, Locke couldn't fall asleep. He didn't nap out of a -real- necessity. Simply put, it was an energy-conserving tradition. Had it been because it had been a while since he played? That would be his first logical conclusion. But he knew, deep down, that the real reason was due to excitement. He couldn't -wait- for the meetup. It was fresh, the people were nice and it wasn't intruding into his planned schedule.

But damn, it was kind of unnatural. Just a couple hours ago he was dreading his situation. He took the time to send texts to his friends back home, telling them about his experience so far. He wanted to text Kenzie, or Mare-go. But...he had only given his number to them. He hadn't taken theirs as well. He hoped someone would text him about the event soon. In the meantime, he might as well hit the books again and burn off some spare energy.
Ooc: @Plight, Margo texted everyone saying to get ready for dodge ball! You can meet us at the parking lot, or bump into Julia, Celina, or Nathan in the girls dormitory.

Margo smiled and nodded. "I'll return the favor and take you up on a horse. But you'll have to ride bitch for that. Man enough?" she asked him. "Do you have an extra helmet though? If I wear one on a horse I'm wearing one on a motorcycle." she reasoned. This was fun, she didn't think she could have fun like this so soon after everything that happened to her. Oh, to be young. "You're kind of awesome." she blurted out, her filter deciding to take a coffee break. She blushed and looked up at him earnestly though, deciding there was no need to backtrack.
Ooc: @AngieG Oh dayum, thanks girl. Must've missed it.

Right around the time he passed page 8, Locke's cellphone signaled that a message had arrived. His hands, like possessed, just snatched it from the table in hunger. Was it Kenzie? Margo? ...Margo it was, and there seemed to be a dodgeball game going on. He took the time to get changed into fresher attire: a sleeveless shirt that showed off his arms and some running pants. With all the people around it'd get HOT. And he'd probably jog after the match anyways.

"Alright then...It'll be fun. Probably. Most likely? Possibly...There is a high percentage..." Mumbling to himself adjectives for no reason, Locke began walking towards the parking lot of the dodgeball stadium.
"You got yourself a deal, Mar. Yeah, I just happened to bring an extra one of mine with me. They can sometimes break, so it's good to have extras. Might be a little big on you, though." He felt his cheeks turn a little red when Margo called him awesome, but quickly recovered and blinked, a litt "Thanks. I uh... I think you're pretty chill too." ...Chill? What a nice compliment. He thought of something better to say, and miraculously did. "...You know, I won't lie, I thought I would meet a lot of preppy, stick-up-the-ass, spend-daddy's-money-on-knockoffs type of girls here. I mean, that's basically how it was at my last school. It's nice to know some girls here have personalities." He gave her a warm smile.
Ooc: lol no problem!!

Margo smiled in response to him, but before she could say more she saw Locke coming and she didn't want to third wheel him. Would she be third wheeling? She didn't know what was happening. All she knew was the energy between them was very different, or that breakfast didn't settle right. She cleared her throat and waved at Locke, giving Trebt a little warning. "Locke the Jock! No Gatorade? She asked him with a big friendly grin.
Locke waved back. It's not like he had -forgotten- the gatorade. He just...hadn't bought any yet.

"Hey Mare. I assumed they'd sell said drink on campus. I'm obsessive, but not enough to carry a RadeCooler with me...at least...I think? Er. Hey to you as well, Trent!"

He stretched his left hand towards Margo, and his right towards Trent. This was difficult, saying hi to two people at once. Somehow, he almost never found himself in this situation. Was he being too...dorky? He looked like a robot, or a bear asking for a hug. Hopefully his message wouldn't be misintepreted. With his permanent serious face, he doubted it would be seen as a plea for affection.

"Also, um...anyone has Kenzie's number? Given I got here early, I should probably let her know I'm here."
Margo smiled and raised an eyebrow. "Sure. Here it is." she said, handing him her phone. "I texted everyone though, so she should have gotten it. Maybe she is napping." Margo shrugged and stifled a yawn herself. She had opted for ponies instead of resting, and was already waiting for her third wind to kick in. "Got a little crush?" she asked him with a smirk. Other people were so easy to read. When it came to herself and whether anyone liked her, she was clueless. But everyone else, it was so clear. "Yeah, I was a little floored when I met her too. She is very very cute. And nice. No judge, and your secret is safe with me." Margo said with a wink.
"It's just a formality, given we agreed to it." Locke dialed in Kenzie's number in his phone, saving her contact info.

"Got a little crush?"

Locke looked upwards, towards the sky. Was it? He simply enjoyed her company, given how many things they had in common. In a way, he supposed it couldn't be helped that people would confuse two good friends with a couple. But Locke didn't work in that fashion. His heart was, no pun intended, locked to the semblance of romance, and it took quite to time to guess the security codes.

"I like Kenzie as a friend, she's incredibly cool. But I don't believe in crushes, nor love at first sight. It'll take considerable time before I can tell you if I like her that way or not."

Even though others may not like it, he wasn't kin to the idea of rushing relationships. If it really took months for anything to happen it was just much clearer how it was meant to be. The question that really bothered him was: Does Kenzie like me that way? ...Am I going to hurt her?
(OOC: Sorry to hold everyone up waiting for my characters :P )

Nathan turned the door handle when Celina called from within, Julia hung by her door frame. Nathan was caught off guard for the first time since their conversation all afternoon and even let Celina place the flowers in the vase without a playful quip. "Er... hey." he finally said. He had to rationalize that we would have no problem opening his dorm room door shirtless, so Celina's current half-clothed state was perfectly reasonable, unless you wanted to go by some kind of sexist double standard. Nathan snapped out of his unusually bashful state and stepped inside. "Good thing Rockwell forest green is my colour." he joked

"I was going to ask if you were ready, but unless you want poison ivy in some very unfortunate places, I'll take that as a no. Should I wait for you in the lobby?" he said, grinning slightly.

"Celina, the forest won't care if you wear labelled clothing." Julia chimed from outside the room "Everyone is down in the parking lot already, I can see them from my window!" she added 
As soon as he had received the texts from Margo and Julia, Cole had pulled on a black Under Armour dry-fit shirt and some black Rockwell gym shorts. He walked across campus towards the gym, only running into a few athletes and coaches on the way. None of the coaches even thought to ask why Cole was headed to the gym so late, because he was known to frequent the athletics center at all hours. The tricky part was nobody asking him questions about going into the gym, where the equipment storage is, because he would never be caught dead playing basketball and everyone knew that around Rockwell. Luckily, there was nobody in the gym and he easily retrieved a bag of red rubber dodgeballs and am armful of pinnies. He went out the backdoor of the gym and crept along the buildings until he was sure it was clear and then jogged into the woods. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the failing light, but then he easily navigated through the familiar paths towards the lake. He reached the clearing and noticed that the others hadn't arrived. He decided to line up the dodgeballs at the centre of the clearing and threw the green pinnies on one side and blue on the other. After everything was set up, he sat down on a boulder to wait for everyone.
Margo chuckled and nodded. "I get ya, Mr. Tough guy." She said with a smirk. "But no, really I do. You don't seem like the hit it and quit it type, either." She noted, and at his look of surprise she shrugged. "I wouldn't judge you there either if you were! God knows I used to spend maybe a week on someone before I checked out. Then I got my heart shattered into a million little pieces, so, ya know, puts everything into perspective. But, I am not drunk enough for that story." She said with a wink, finishing off her first bottle of Snapple.

"Poison ivy!?" Celina called. "Unbelievable, I'm friends with a bunch of cave men!" She yelled dramatically, slamming her door. She undressed yet again and pulled on a pair of long work out pants instead of her booty shorts, some sneakers, and even managed to find an old tank top. "Why did I even have this? Ugh." She groaned, putting it on. She opened the door and grabbed a bit of her rum and coke, handing them to Nathan. "It's BYOB. So, here's mine." She sighed. "The things I do for you people." She grumbled loudly, walking out ahead of them and towards the parking lot.
Julia was nearly convulsing as she tried to avoid laughing, and Nathan was grinning. He accepted the rum and coke from Celina and placed them in the string bag he had on his back, along with a couple cans of beer he had brought for himself. Julia had a bottle of seven-up in her hand, which I was confident was at least partially filled with vodka. Celina marched ahead of Julia and Nathan, down the stairs and outside into the parking lot outside of the residence.

"There they are." Julia pointed and smiled, skipping to catch up to Celina. Nathan was content to follow behind, appraising the newcomers.

"Hey guys!" Julia grinned.
"Hey, Locke." Trent said, hanging back a little while they talked about crushes. He felt his heart go out to Margo's comment about getting her heart broken. She was lucky she didn't have a tattoo to show for that- he was going to need a cover up for a rushed relationship tattoo he had received not too long ago. It sucked, but it could be fixed. He looked around and pulled out the bottle of whiskey, taking a small swig, but as he dropped it back into his bag, he felt it bounce against something. Curious, he rummaged through his backpack, and grinned when he pulled out an unopened bottle of Glacier Freeze Gatorade. Must've left it in there before he left, he thought. He tossed it to Locke, who caught it easily.

"You're in luck, my man. This is one of the best flavours, at least in my opinion." He looked up and saw Celina, looking haughty and pretty, coming towards the field, with another guy in close pursuit, along with Julia. He nudged Margo and nodded his head towards Celina, and very quietly hummed the theme for Jaws, so low that only she could hear it. "Duh-nuh... duh nuh... dun dun dun dun... Hey, Julia!" He grinned at her.
Margo snorted and hid her face in her hand, almost coughing up her wine. "I was swallowing, jackass." She rasped, still trying not to laugh.

"That's what she said." Celina said with a grin, walking up to catch the tail end of that conversation. Of course, that only made Margo laugh more. She had a weakness for bad sex jokes. "Alright, who's fricken idea was it to have a dodge ball game!? What is this, middle school?" Celina complained.

Margo smirked. "We thought you wouldn't like that, Celina. So, you could keep score." Margo taunted and Celina narrowed her eyes.

"Oh, you are funny, aren't you?" She glared and Margo chuckled, enjoying pushing this girl's buttons.

"Hey Julia." Margo smiled at her. "And hey stranger! I'm Margo." She said with a smile and a wave, since Celina stood between them not allowing them to shake hands.

"That's Nathan." Celina said simply. "Nathan, Margo. And this is Trent, and Locke." She introduced, putting on her best hostess face which only made Margo want to pull her pony tail.
Julia grinned at the others and waved as Celina did a quick introduction.

"Well this group doesn't look suspicious at all." Nathan replied. "So, is 'dodgeball' the code word 'bank robbery' or 'triple mafia related homicide'? I'm sorry, I forgot my ski mask." he said innocently.

"Nice to meet you all," he grinned, side stepping around Celina to shake everyone's hand.
"Personally, I was going for tomb raider." Margo grinned. "And I brought war paint." She laughed, holding up her lipstick with a wicked grin. "Black, or red?" She asked and Celina wrinkled her nose.

"Why the hell did you have black lipstick?" Celina asked her, eyeing her cheap, CVS brand lipstick.

"Why, for midnight dodge ball competitions of course." Margo retorted and rolled her eyes. "So, where we having this thing?" She asked Julia. "Where's Cole?"
"Ah, makes sense." Nathan nodded. "So one one hand, there's no potential to be shot down by the police, on the other, there's the ability for you and your grandchildren's grandchildren to be cursed by the rightful owners of the secret treasures. Good to know." he grinned.

"You never know when you need war paint, organizational points to Margo!" Julia laughed, trying to lighten the mood between Margo and Celina. "Oh, yeah." Julia commented, forgetting that she never did confirm a location with everyone. "Cole's meeting us down at a clearing by the lake. I'll lead the way." she said enthusiastically. "Do we have everyone?" she asked.

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