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Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

"Dodgeball, you say?" A mischievous grin spread across Trenton's lips. "Love that kind of stuff. The artists society sounds really cool, too. Um, question... you wouldn't happen to know how good the sports coaches are, would you?" He felt a little nervous asking that question. He wasn't entirely sure how accepting they would be of him. It took him 3 years to gain the respect of the coaches and teammates of his last team, he was unsure of how easy that would be now, given the way he... well, all his tattoos, for one thing.
"They're all great, Rockwell takes that kind of thing very seriously. Whether you like them is another question." she laughed "You play football, right?" she said, trying to remember correctly and was glad when he nodded. "Welll... the football coach, is a former Alumni who signed a pro contract but hurt himself in first year of college football. I've heard he's very strict though, don't try to skip practice or speak when he's speaking, and he also tends to favour the people who start on the junior team as freshman to transfers." Julia admitted. "No idea how accurate any of that is, but I hung around with one of the juniors on the team last year and watched a couple practices. They weren't always pretty, but the team won state." she shrugged.
"Hm. Fair enough. I just hope I can do well enough- I mean, I guess some people on the team will have been training out of places like here." He looked over at Julia. "Do you play any other sports? You look like you know what you're doing with horses, does that carry on into other sports?"
When he closed the door, Locke felt a little lonely. A feeling he was too familiar with. After all, he only used to see his family on weekends. In that sense, it was really hard to get homesick at Rockwell: who was he supposed to miss? Still, he had the meet-up to look forward to, and he had to admit that it sounded fun. At least if he was actually allowed to bring the Gatorade. What a funny world it would be, if one was judged for -not- drinking.

Locke shook his head. Before he had the luxury of napping, he had to get everything in order. Perhaps review the first pages of every book he had bought? He loved basketball, but it was so true that your career had a peak. He had to be excellent both physically and mentally. That way, he would have a fallback when younger players finally took his place. He hoped Rockwell agreed with that philosophy, at least in the basic sense. Despite Kenzie's reassurance, he had to see it to believe it.

Oh well, it was just the first day, he should at least wait till his first week before commenting on school policies. Before he knew it, he had unpacked most of his belongings. So, after skimming through his books a bit, he'd go take his precious nap.
Margo grinned and hopped down. "Really? That'd be great. Yeah, I signed up for beginning horse back riding." she said with a laugh. "Easy way to finish up my gym credits. I would maybe compete again, but dressage and hunter are not my thing." she said with a shrug. "I could learn polo though, maybe. It always seemed fun. I like hitting things with sticks, and riding. So. Perfect." Margo grinned and looked at Trent. "I think there is a list of all the available clubs on campus in the head master's office." She said, trying to be helpful.

Celina frowned at his interest. Who the hell liked hippies these days? "Well she isn't really a hippy. But all of her clothes are totally from Good Will." Celina said. "She's cool if you're into that grunge thing." she shrugged, although she knew Margo wasn't really all that grungy, she couldn't have every boy liking Margo better. "And she smokes pot a lot and rides horses. So, like, I guess that would make her a hippy?"

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Julia nodded sympathetically at Trent, every new students first question was how will they rank compared to some of the world's best athletes in their chosen sports. Julia chuckled at Trent's question, though obviously he didn't know her or her family. "I've been playing hockey before I could run, I always play rec soccer in the summer and golf a bit now and again." she said with a smile.

"I can definitely teach you some basic polo, if you'd like to learn, Margo. There's also eventing, show jumping, hunter, dressage and a western games team." she added.

"Well Chief, ready for some pasture time?" she said and he nickered. "Actually, your stable sheet says you're being used for a private less later, so I guess there's not much rest today." she said, speaking to her horse like another human. Julia unbuckled his bridle and slipped the halter back over his nose before leading him out into his paddock.

"Ready to head back up to the main campus?" she asked Margo and Trent, wiping her hands off on her jeans

"Oh cheer up Celina, she can't date every boy at the school." he joked. "Hey, you always know what's up, are there any parties planned for tonight?" Nathan asked, finishing up his lunch.
Margo nodded and followed Julia dutifully. This girl let her ride her horse, she would have pretty much followed her anywhere she asked her to go right now, she was sure. "Maybe. Competition with horses isn't really my thing. More in it for the companionship."

Celina frowned. "You can't know that!" she said jokingly, then relented a smile. "Well there is a small get together tonight. And a party this Friday. I can introduce you to the newbies if you'll be my date." she said with a wink.

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"Yeah, I'm ready to go. Shall we?" He gestured out of the paddock and the three made their way up to the main part of campus. The girls continued to chat about horses as Trent took in the beautiful campus. Hm. Maybe it won't be so terrible here, He thought to himself as he glanced at the tall buildings and sprawling trees. He wasn't sure how to join the conversation, not being an avid horse ride, so for now he just decided to enjoy the company as well as the scenery.
Zayn groans at the time. He'd slept in. "Crap." The boy stands from his bed, his fingers brushing the ceiling as he stretches. After he dresses in a blue and red plaid button up and skinny jeans, and gets ready for the day, he grabs his binder and runs out of the boy's dormitories.


Austen was lost. There was no other way to put it. Looking down at her map once more, the blue-haired girl tries to navigate her way to the girl's dorms. "This is what I get for not paying attention to signs..." she grumbles in her thick British accent. adjusting the bag on her back.
"Oh, I see." Julia replied to Margo, though deep down she had a hard time comprehending that someone could devote so much time in their life to something without competing, how else were you able to judge progress? Julia loved Chief, and she was happy to have him as a companion, but she would have never gotten him unless she needed her own mount for the competition circuit. Maybe normal people didn't need to confirm their progress at everything and were happy to stay at one level, but her upbringing with overly competitive parents certainly didn't lend well to that mentality.

The three of them wandered back up the sprawling lawns towards the main campus. Julia noticed someone glancing down at a map and looking back up to try and figure out where she was. "Looks like someone else is lost, long-time student to the rescue." she grinned to Margo and Trent, walking over to the girl with blue hair. "Hi there, you look slightly lost, could I give you a hand?"

"Challenge accepted." Nathan replied without hesitation, a slight smirk spreading across his face, if only to see the look of slight surprise on Celina's face. "It might be hard to get a horse drawn carriage at such short notice, but what time should I pick you up?" he joked.
Austen looks up."Oh, hey. Yeah I need to find the girl's dormitories." She pulls her hair behind her ear, looking over the other girl quickly. Ten mews from his carrier, wanting to be out. He'd been in there for quite some time.

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"Sure, not a problem. It's that brick building right there." Julia said, pointing at Glendon Hall. "By the way, I'm Julia and these people are also newbies named Margo and Trenton." she said with a smile, offering her hand out to the girl to shake. I think I'll probably head back there now to unpack, if you want a quick tour, not sure what your plans are Margo. Julia raised an eye slightly, hearing a kitten in a carrier. "Umm.. you know Rockwell does have a no pets policy, right?" she asked.
Trenton smiled at the girl with the wildly colored hair. "Hey." He looked over at Julia. "Hey, maybe she could keep it in the stables. Don't stables usually need cats as mousers or something?" He looked back at the cat. "Cute. What's his name?" He held out his hand to the front of the carrier, letting the cat sniff it. It made him miss his own cat, Salem, who was back at home with his family.
Austen's eyes widen slightly, but she quickly recovers. "Yeah, of course, mate. I'm Austen." She nods, snake's Julia's hand, and gives a smirk. "Thanks for the directions, love. I'll see ya' around." She heads off, not saying anything else about the now silent cat. Austen would have to be careful about hiding Ten, but she'd done it at her last school. Maybe she could pass him off as a medical necessity...


Zayn passes by the group, and lifts a hand at Julia. "Hey, isn't it a bit late to be standing around?" He asks, thinking he was already late. He wasn't, of course, as his clock had been wrong, but Zayn didn't know that.

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Margo raised an eyebrow as the girl hurried off with her cat. "Kitten contraband." she said with a helpless giggle, chuckling at her own joke. "What should we do tonight with the whole gang? We should invite that girl too, so she doesn't think we are going to rat her out." Margo said, standing and balancing on pole slightly elevated off the ground, eye level with Trent. When another guy came over she was briefly worried. WAS she late? "It's the first day, bro. You're telling me there's classes?" she asked, looking at her watch, only to realize she wasn't wearing one.

"You're a dork." Celina laughed. "Plus horses smell. I wouldn't want to spend my evening staring at a horses's ass." she said with a smirk. "But flowers, flowers are easy." she teased.

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Julia was left a little baffled by the whole exchange with the blue haired girl, she had barely paused to shake her hand before hurrying off. She shrugged, at Margo and Trent not sure what the whole kitten thing was about, but decided it wasn't much of her business. Not a moment later, Zayn hurried over, looking far too confused for someone she had gone to Rockwell with since 9th grade.

"Really, Zayn?" she laughed. "I'd have thought you'd have this kind of thing figured out by now. The first week of school is always orientation week for the freshmen." she began to explain "They have 'get to know the school' activities organized for them all week and they go to their classes all week to figure out their schedule without all the other students around. Move-in day for upper year students is today, it's a Thursday. Classes for upper year students are completely optional both days, since most people don't move in until today and it would be stupid to expect them to hurry to their classes without unpacking." she explained. "Your first mandatory courses start Monday morning."

"Oh, okay then, limo it is." he joked. "Flowers. Check." he said. "Any other pre-date instructions I need to be aware of?" he said, returning the teasing. He was actually impressed by the fact Celina was joking around about this kind of thing, he was sure last year a 'date' wouldn't have been a joking matter, maybe she had chilled out a bit over the summer he thought
Margo let out a sigh of release, she hadn't known really what to do. She just sort of followed everyone else around who seemed to know. Fake it till you make it, right? A comment Trent had made earlier gave her a sudden idea. "Hey, we have a lot of fairly athletic people in our group, right?" Margo whispered to Trent, not wanting to interrupt Julia and that Zayne guy. "Well, you already said you like dodge ball...." Margo suggested with a wicked smirk. "Celina can cheer lead. I may only 'accidentally' hit her once." she joked. It wasn't a perfect idea, she didn't even know where they could play, or get the balls. But nothing broke the ice like a big, red, rubber ball flying at your face.

Celina pondered this. "Well I would say condoms, but that's more of a third to fifth date thing, depending on how well they go. And if I recall this would be our first." She said with a grin.

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"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Where is this hangout going to be, anyway?" Trenton looked over at the new boy who had arrived. "Bud, Julia's right. You have nothing to worry about." Trent suddenly heard Margo suddenly whisper in his ear, and upon hearing her idea, a wicked grin spread across his face. "That's brilliant, Margo. Where have you been all my life?"
Margo laughed and winked. "East coast, baby. It's where all the cool chicks at." she was glad he like the idea, an intense game of dodge ball in the woods would be epic. And while Margo didn't necessarily like competing with her horses, that couldn't be said for anything else. Girl liked to win, and while yes sure she was a team player and all and a great sport, she was a little bit ruthless. All's fair in love and war... And dodge ball. "I don't know where we could do it though or anything, or how to get any balls. But it would be awesome. I'd kick your ass." she challenged with a broad smile, still standing on the raised pole so she was at eye level.

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Julia overheard Trent and Margo's whispered conversation and grinned, turning away from Zayne for a second "Dodgeball in the forest would be a great idea. Slightly drunk dodgeball would also be pretty hilarious. We could play it capture the flag style, if you get hit with a ball you have to go back to your team's flag. The only problem is, none of the athletics department would allow us to sneak out late in the evening with equipment from the gym." she pondered "Oh wait, I've got an idea. I think my brother has a key to all of the athletics facilities because he's president of the student athletics association board this year. Someone just has to convince him to abuse his powers, which shouldn't be too hard, or steal his key." she grinned.

"Sorry,I'm horrible at coordinating introductions, Zayne, meet Margo and Trent, they're both transfer students! We're trying to organize a little gathering for some of the junior and senior transfers for tonight, so that they can meet some people before the huge friday welcome week party tomorrow." she explained.

Nathan laughed, his typical take nothing seriously attitude allowed him to respond without being caught the slightest bit off guard "Well, I guess it never hurts to be over prepared, right." he winked. "Anyways, do you want to text me the details later?" Nathan said, looking up, he was surprised to see that the cafeteria was now rather full, so they must have been sitting here a while.
Margo grinned. "Ugh," she sighed "this school is too awesome." she jumped up and down in anticipation, a big grin on her face and hopped off the pole. "Dude. I am going all wine and war paint on this one. All or nothing." she said with a huge grin. "Can we do it at dusk? That isn't too far away though, we will have to tell everyone. How many people do we have?" she asked, counting on her fingers but stopped when she started forgetting names. "Zayne join us!" she said, offering him a little wave. "Drop the books and come hang out with us." she was awfully nice, and very funny when you broke through her first little shy shell.

Celina smiled and nodded. "As soon as someone texts me the details, I will then text you the details someone had previously texted me." she laughed, checking her phone just in case she missed anything.

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Trent chuckled at Margo's confidence in beating him. She was definitely a little spitfire. "Well, lets hope we're on the same team. Because if I'm kicking your ass, neither of us will be able to focus on kicking Celina's ass." He looked at the sun, which was starting to get low in the sky. "Well, if we're gonna play we'd better start soon." He turned to Julia. "So where's this brother of yours?"
"I'll start texting people, have them meet us in the parking lot and tell them to dress appropriately. Fuck." Margo said, looking down at her own skirt. "Alright, speed change. Meet you in the parking lot!" she yelled, already running to her dorm room. She texted everyone as she went in a big group message. "Parking lot at dusk. Dodge ball. BYOB. Dress appropriately, *cough cough* CELINA." and chuckled, hitting send. She sent it to Trent and Julia too, so Julia could maybe forward it to anyone she missed, and Trent could chuckle at her dig at Celina.

When she got to her room she stripped and found a pair of cargo shorts she had from practically middle school. The good thing was she had grown to fill them, and now they made her ass look awesome. She grinned and threw on a black tank top too, some knee high black socks, and appropriate sneakers. She threw her hair back in a pony tail, curls escaping and framing her heart shapes face. She used her lipstick for war paint, then put some on her own lips to match. She looked in the mirror and chuckled. She looked kinda hot, but in a really scary tomb raider kind of way. She decided to bring the lipstick, she had red and black. She figured she could use them to discern teams if that's what they wanted. She grabbed as many Snapple bottles full of wine as she could and headed back to find the group.

Celina got the text and groaned. "OMG I hate all of you." she texted back to the group. "Here

we are doing dodge ball now." she groaned, showing Nathan her phone. "I need to change." she sighed dramatically.

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