[Rise of the Empowered]Super Ultra Mega Mega OOC

I wouldn't say peace empowerment would be all that bad for a villain. Only if you're thinking linearly. It would just require a bit of clever thinking.
cojemo said:
I wouldn't say peace empowerment would be all that bad for a villain. Only if you're thinking linearly. It would just require a bit of clever thinking.
You'd need the right strategy, the right place and the right time...it has quite a few disadvantages, be it for heroes, or villains. Although if the villain is at peace of mind when he does all his evil deeds, then it might actually work... O.o
AllHailDago said:
*gives Cojemo duck physiology*
That would entail being able to fly, enhanced swimming and ability to breath underwater for extended periods of time, AND considering how ducks can hit extremely hard for their size I'd hazard to say that would also come with enhanced strength. Not too bad if I may say so myself.
Face Manifestation - 1

Spoon Manipulation

Terrakinetic Constructs

Power Level Measuring - 1

Plant Growth

Draconic Breath

Prehensile Tongue

Dermal Armor

Poisonous Fangs

Regenerative Healing Factor

Illusive Appearance

Adhesion - 1

Earth Manipulation

Compass Sense - 1

Rhythm Intuition - 1

Dragon Physiology

Dark Shield Construction

Force Armor Generation

Fire Breath

Penguin Physiology - 1

Idiosyncratic Manipulation - 1

Tranquilizer Breath

Ferrokinetic Wing Manifestation

Ice Manipulation

Venomous Claws

Snow Mimicry

Earth Bolt Projection

Cloud Generation

Multiple Hearts - 1

Pain Transferral

Sonic Scream

Chlorokinetic Constructs


Snow Manipulation

Aerokinetic Constructs

Pipe Manipulation

Supernatural Accuracy - 1

Voice Manipulation

Elemental Manipulation

Wax Wing Manifestation

Concussion Beams

Enhanced Smell - 1

Size Enhancement

Paper Manipulation

Multi Weapon Wielding - 1

Magnetism Generation

Elemental Breath

Explosion Vision

Oxygen Independence - 1

Coral Physiology

Elemental Bolt Projection

Skin Hardening

Zombie Physiology

Water Attacks

Enhanced Memory - 1


Geokinetic Surfing

Enhanced Jump - 1

Jorugumo Physiology


Beauty Inducement - 1

Thick Skull - 1

Double Jump - 1

Painless Damage

Additional Limbs - 1

360 Degree Vision - 1

Gold Mimicry

Dimensional Storage

Appendage Generation

Rain Generation

Umbrakinetic Wing Manifestation
Ooooh good, so I can rule out some powers for both Lilian and Kai xD

Though Rhythm Intuition could have been cool for Lilian lol
Face Manifestation - 1

Spoon Manipulation - 2

Terrakinetic Constructs

Power Level Measuring - 1

Plant Growth - 2

Draconic Breath

Prehensile Tongue - 2

Dermal Armor - 2

Poisonous Fangs - 2

Regenerative Healing Factor

Illusive Appearance - 2

Adhesion - 1

Earth Manipulation

Compass Sense - 1

Rhythm Intuition - 1

Dragon Physiology

Dark Shield Construction - 2

Force Armor Generation

Fire Breath - 2

Penguin Physiology - 1

Idiosyncratic Manipulation - 1

Tranquilizer Breath - 2

Ferrokinetic Wing Manifestation

Ice Manipulation

Venomous Claws - 2

Snow Mimicry - 2

Earth Bolt Projection - 2

Cloud Generation - 2

Multiple Hearts - 1

Pain Transferral - 2

Sonic Scream - 2

Chlorokinetic Constructs - 2


Snow Manipulation

Aerokinetic Constructs

Pipe Manipulation - 2

Supernatural Accuracy - 1

Voice Manipulation - 1

Elemental Manipulation

Wax Wing Manifestation - 2

Concussion Beams

Enhanced Smell - 1

Size Enhancement - 2

Paper Manipulation

Multi Weapon Wielding - 1

Magnetism Generation

Elemental Breath

Explosion Vision

Oxygen Independence - 1

Coral Physiology - 2

Elemental Bolt Projection

Skin Hardening - 2

Zombie Physiology - 2

Water Attacks

Enhanced Memory - 1


Geokinetic Surfing - 2

Enhanced Jump - 1

Jorugumo Physiology

Tephraportation - 2

Beauty Inducement - 1

Thick Skull - 1

Double Jump - 1

Painless Damage - 2

Additional Limbs - 1

360 Degree Vision - 1

Gold Mimicry

Dimensional Storage

Appendage Generation

Rain Generation - 2

Umbrakinetic Wing Manifestation - 2

I'm sick and in my pained state decided to do this now rather than later.
Bunny said:
I didn't know powers were getting revealed :o
Its just a list of the powers that different people have been assigned. We won't find out who actually has what until the rp has started and everyone has made intro posts and stuff.
Dago did mention that there is only one level 5 ability (if I remember correctly). I am very sure that Elemental Manipulation is that lvl 5 ability.
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