[Rise of the Empowered]Super Ultra Mega Mega OOC

38 yr old dj cotrona it is! he should be done within the night, i've gotta shower first tho
The One Eyed Bandit] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13833-daughterofathena/ said:
so i see likes were enabled xD
ikr my alerts blew up too
Well it seems SOMEONE has been busy handing out the likes now that they're enabled. Luckily I haven't posted here much so I won't get hit hard with the notification spam, but at least they're enabled now.
So guess who forgot this was a thing.

I knew the second Dago said it was time that when I got back on I'd have a lot if alerts xD

40 alerts. And maybe 35 of them were because of Athena xD
At least I'm getting a boost to my ratings xD

I'm displeased about being bumped down to fourth xD
He has brothers and a sister I'll purposely leave vague so those and other higher up positions are up for grabs, hmu when/if you want to collab.

@ppl having trouble with the code for the profiles, i think you might be trying to work with it in the wrong format, try hitting that wrench button up top, pasting the code and working with it like that everything should show up fine
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Curious if anyone is planning / has "Vanilla" characters?

Kinda hard to tell when so many of us are randoming lol. But shout-out to the vanilla bros n bras.
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[QUOTE="Pretzel Heart]Curious if anyone is planning / has "Vanilla" characters?
Kinda hard to tell when so many of us are randoming lol. But shout-out to the vanilla bros n bras.

I was considering it, actually! But I'm waiting till there's more setting so I know what I can write them into
Giyari said:
I was considering it, actually! But I'm waiting till there's more setting so I know what I can write them into
B) Yeah from the 'Overview' it sounded as if there were gonna be Agent openings or such. I'm so ready to find out all they have planned. (helmet)
I look forward to roleplaying with you people...

As long as no one is as OP as One punch man.
NeoLeaf said:
I look forward to roleplaying with you people...
As long as no one is as OP as One punch man.
the power to do 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and to run 10k... Every day.
I think he said that as long as they add up to 5 (chosen) or 6 (random) you could have as many as you like. Except no choosing from levels 4 or 5.
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THat's me got my idea down. Two lower level super-criminal bank robbers. Brother and sister with related powers.
CJ Mason]Sound cool [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11748-giyari/ said:
Should be, if I can work out how to level and work their powers together, haha!

The idea is that they both share the power of thermal energy, and one controls air, while the other holds power over water. One causes explosions through superheated air, Flashpoint, the other through superheated water, Depthcharge.

I used them in a past RP years ago, so with tweaks they should fit here, probably xD

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