[Rise of the Empowered]Super Ultra Mega Mega OOC

This is perhaps for the best of everyone, like the old saying goes. Out of sight, out of mind.

That said I'm gonna hit the sack for today, so good night :3
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I'll get working on my other two characters later. I have just realised that Jameson isn't so much a villain as a minor annoyance. Oh well. Maybe I can write an actual villain with one of my others. We'll see.
@AllHailDago Okay, so I'm super late to the party here, what did I miss. It appears people are already making characters!?! How is this all going down? Don't want to sift through the 8pgs I've missed lol
AllHailDago said:
Read the rules and power guidelines and feel free to make a character @HellKnight
Thanks, big help. Last thing, I saw where the random power assignment tab was and looked through it. So on top of possibly being assigned a 4 or 5 power you can ask for random of any of the other powers as well? Like if I make 3 characters, I can ask for a few random 1's for one character, a 3 for another...? Sorry for all the questions (' :| )

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