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Fantasy Ripping Wings Off Of Butterflies


New Member

"I watched as the beautiful white walls around me became stained with a crimson color, the beautiful , pure world which I once knew slipping from my grasp. My ears rang with the screams of those who had been silenced decades ago, their pleads clawing at the sanity that clung to me with all of it's strength, yet it soon realised soon cut its ties; the madness had already taken over. My tongue tasted bitter in my mouth, the sweet air began to thicken with the same lovely, yet disturbing crimson color. I gasped for air as my lungs screamed for the odd gas to leave, I could feel my very life slipping from me...slowly pulling away to the only place it could possibly go; hell. My eyes fluttered shut, body shutting down for good. I said my goodbyes, but I was once again awoken by the gentle embrace of sunlight breaking through the window. I have had this dream for the past for years without fail, the room, well I've never seen it before in my life, yet I feel so connected to it. Perhaps it is because my blood is the very color that stains those white walls, or the fact that my blood is just as poisonous as the fumes which fill my chest. I hadn't a clue until today, four years after the dreams first occurrence. I am long gone by now, this letter has been waiting for someone such as yourself to open it. I have only one piece of advice to offer; watch out for those who linger after dark.

Sincerely, The woman in red-"

There is a secret world that comes out once the sun leaves, these after dark hours are often used for sleeping in the average humans life. Well, a much more complicated species who humans have both fantasized about and feared for the last three thousand years come out to play. Those who are lower ranking that is, see the vampire community has been living in secret for a long while now due to the set of rules they've emplaced for all of their different ranking citizens as they call it. These rules are enforced by the council which is lead by a pureblood and several other noble young men and women who come close to such a rank. Those who make a fool of, or go against these rules will be executed without fail for most purebloods do not stand for such nonsense. Few humans have recently learned of the existence of vampires from a little letter that a young human who managed to get caught up in something she shouldn't have. The result ending with her life as a human coming to an end and her new life as one of these beings created, only she couldn't handle the change as most humans can't and ended up slowly losing her mind. She wrote the apparent letter signed "the woman in red" three weeks before her death which was a supposed suicide. Anyhow, the council wasn't to fond of the idea, but they agreed to speak with the humans who just happened to stumble across this letter. Their concerns were easily erased with a little talking and the whole thing blew over quickly, but it seems with a sudden increase of deaths caused by supposed animal's and twenty missing people have brought their suspicions up yet again. So, three nights ago a rather low leveled vampire was burned in the middle of town which ended in a large amount of violence. The last time vampires had exposed themselves, it ended with half of their population dying. Well, little does the council know that a much larger war will arise, one that has been waiting quietly for the past three decades to finally begin.

~The rules/laws of vampires~

One: Do not feed off of humans carelessly, cover your tracks.

Two: Do not step out of your place when in the presence of a pureblood

Three: If you are called upon by the council, then you must obey and go to the capital building as instructed

Four: Killing of purebloods is forbidden, any suspect with be executed without hesitation

Five: Turning humans into vampire's will lead to the death of both the vampire and human

Six: Obey human laws when in public

Natural/Basics on vampires:

Low leveled vampires: These vampires were originally human and were turned by a pureblood long before the fifth law was set in place, they often fall into a sort of feeding frenzy a short while after being turned. So, most of them have been wiped out.

Middle class vampires: These vampires were born from two lovely vampire parents, they are more respected among the vampire community and tend to serve purebloods due to their own personal interest. These vampires are more than often very wealthy and actually famous among the human world. (Artist, Actors/Actresses, etc.)

Pureblood/Highblood vampires: There are only several of these vampire blood lines left, these lovely vampires are known for their beauty and power. They come from a long line of pure vampire blood starting all the way back to the very first vampires who ever existed, they are targeted for their delicious blood by many lower ranking vampires. During the war about 1/3 of them were wiped out. These lovely creatures are also the only vampires who can turn humans into vampires.

Powers: Few vampires are blessed with powers, most purebloods are naturally born with powers, but once in a while a middle class vampire will be born with them as well.

Children: Vampire's can very well become pregnant, but the birth process takes about five years. Their fetus whether it is male, or female will steadily grow within a five year period which is why the vampire population has had a hard time repopulating.

Marriage: Within the vampire community any sex marriage is allowed, they do not judge their fellow brethren for their choice of lover.

Most purebloods do end up marrying someone within their family, or another pureblood in order to keep their blood line going. There are rare chances when purebloods become mates with middle class, or low leveled vampires.

Council: The council always has one pureblood as the head and several middle classed vampires below, these members are often part of the council anywhere from ten to fifteen years before new members may be elected.

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