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Dice Rifts Adventure - OOC

Trying again...rolling dice

5 X 3d6 = 14, 10, 11, 13, 21
3 X 2d6 = 8, 8, 9

Question Psychie Psychie

In regards to additional skills as one levels.

There is no reference or mention of taking additional skills for the Chiang-Ku as they level...they just list the RCC skills (and also tell you that you can only take the language skills for Ley Line Walker...and that you take the RCC skills instead)

1. Do I look at the Dragon RCC in Rifts Ultimate here for additional skills as my character gains levels where I take 2 Secondary skills at even levels and the Special Interest skill at odd levels (Rifts Ultimate pg 158)..in addition to the one skill per level per your rules????

Also my I want my dragon to take Tai Chi Chuan

2. Per the Chiang-Ku rules in the England book, I start at Hand to Hand Basic, but can exchange two RCC skills to upgrade to either Expert or Martial Arts...and then I will exchange another RCC skill to get Tai Chi...so I am effectively exchanging 3 RCC skills for Tai Chi...is this the correct expenditure of skills here?

Additionally Tai Chi Chuan allows me to take 2 Chi Mastery or Special katas and 1 Zenjoriki skill...

3. I have no desire of taking any Chi Mastery or special kata skills...can I exchange those abilities to take some sort of skills or skill programs instead?
(I am taking the Calm Mind Zenjoriki skill)
1. The one skill per level replaces the other skill additions to your character.

2. That is correct.

3. By the rules in Ninjas And Superspies, I'll let you do that to get a couple of skill packages.
3. By the rules in Ninjas And Superspies, I'll let you do that to get a couple of skill packages.
Where is a good listing of skill packages I can use for Rifts...(I know the ones in Ninja's and Superspies are kind of dated...should I use the ones in Heroes Unlimited 2nd Ed or somewhere else?)
Hmm. I think that the Heroes Unlimited book will give you the best options for a couple of skill packages that you can use in Rifts.
Just to check for future reference, when the martial art gives another power, can we get a skill package instead if we want to?
The biggest question is, what does EmperorNorton1 EmperorNorton1 want to play? A werewolf, or something else?
Now, I wasn’t initially planning on it, I was planning on having rift exposure being responsible for the powers that she’ll have, as opposed to the “book of heros “ mentioned in Hero’s of the Megaverse. Lycanthropy is an interesting development! It could explain how she picked up her powers, think Peter Parker almost. Wanting a cure for this change could be her motivation for adventuring, but once she makes it to Europe, the superhero aspects could kick in and be useful. “According to the stories, Europe is the land of magic, right? So maybe someone there will know how to fix me?” Turns into “I can smell the vampires from a mile away, and boy, they do not smell good.” Turns into “it’s a full moon? Not good. But hey, maybe I can take the Obligatory Werewolf Bloodlust out on the bloodsuckers”

Mechanically speaking, I’m not too familiar with how lycanthropy works in the rifts world. We could have two sets of stats, one for human form and one for werewolf form, but no alignment change. And I would take the low IQ (you said 1d6+ 5? That’s rough. We could just say we won’t roll for that, and put a 10 in instead) for when she is a werewolf. She’s still her, just more ID than Superego. Does this work? Would you be willing to work with me to make this work?
Now, I wasn’t initially planning on it, I was planning on having rift exposure being responsible for the powers that she’ll have, as opposed to the “book of heros “ mentioned in Hero’s of the Megaverse. Lycanthropy is an interesting development! It could explain how she picked up her powers, think Peter Parker almost. Wanting a cure for this change could be her motivation for adventuring, but once she makes it to Europe, the superhero aspects could kick in and be useful. “According to the stories, Europe is the land of magic, right? So maybe someone there will know how to fix me?” Turns into “I can smell the vampires from a mile away, and boy, they do not smell good.” Turns into “it’s a full moon? Not good. But hey, maybe I can take the Obligatory Werewolf Bloodlust out on the bloodsuckers”

Mechanically speaking, I’m not too familiar with how lycanthropy works in the rifts world. We could have two sets of stats, one for human form and one for werewolf form, but no alignment change. And I would take the low IQ (you said 1d6+ 5? That’s rough. We could just say we won’t roll for that, and put a 10 in instead) for when she is a werewolf. She’s still her, just more ID than Superego. Does this work? Would you be willing to work with me to make this work?
That is an interesting idea, you searching for a cure for what ails you. Sure. I can do this.
So we can take an RCC and an OCC?
My characters RCC the Chang Ku dragon had very specific wording on where they could take the magic abilities and language skills of of a specific magic occ, but had to take the RCC skills and everything else of that specific RCC. I am not certain if other RCCs are specifically worded that way.
So we can take an RCC and an OCC?

I'm planing to look over books this weekend.
If I may bring up Dreamy as an example of a Player Character Psychie has not only approved, but improved?

1. Dreamy has the Blind Warrior Woman a.k.a. Altaran R.C.C.. From this, she takes all of her Attributes , I.S.P., and racial powers (her incredible endurance, psychic powers, and combat modifiers).

2. Dreamy has the Undead Hunter O.C.C.. From this, she collects all of her Skills (no Skills whatsoever from any other source). Psychie allowed me to draw her P.P.E. from her O.C.C. because it has a humble collection of spells and the Altaran R.C.C., not being a casting class, only provides a handful of P.P.E.. If Psychie had not allowed this, Dreamy could only cast level 1-2 spells from her class at best. And then only 2-3 of those between having to restore herself. I think it's generous of Psychie to do that! =)

3. To my surprise, she also allowed Martial Art Powers from Ninjas & Superspies (not to be confused with Rifts: Japan's Martial Art Powers taken from N&S). Now she's even allowing those powers to be swapped out with Skill Programs (I can't wait to see how many physical skill programs show up - it's the first one on the list for most PCs I've run with). That's super-generous and I've never known a GM to allow it in a game of Rifts.

All this on top of her allowing the rerolling of 1s during Character Creation for Attributes and going so far as to offer to reroll unhappy Dice Roller results with polyhedrons is... just beyond generous. =)

So Dreamy is pretty unusual for an R.C.C. + O.C.C. combination. I have a number of incredibly-fun R.C.C. + O.C.C. combinations here on RP Nation, all of them in games involving Sherwood and Psychie. =) I feel One has to be very careful how these are combined or it can throw game balance out of the window.

However, if carefully researched and thoughtfully put-together, the combination of the R.C.C. + O.C.C. can lead to many (often high-powered) exciting adventures. Psychie is really big on wanting you to play characters you're wild about - thank you, Psychie! =)
And on the subject of RCC and OCC, I'm running a True Atlantean RCC with the Cyber Knight OCC.
(I can't wait to see how many physical skill programs show up - it's the first one on the list for most PCs I've run with).
Actually its funny about that...I am not taking the Physical Skill Program for my character because their physical attributes are not that great (which is meant to be with a Chiang Ku)...particularly their PP is too low and its not worth to take the physical skills to raise...because the raises from physical skills are not enough to help. So they are taking more knowledge based skill programs. The character as a whole is taking all of one Physical skill...and that is boxing...and they took that as their new Level 4 skill.

So they will need to rely on their magic to improve their physical actions. Which is fine and on character. I am still working on the most important part of the character, their name. The character is not a character until they have a good name.
Psychie Psychie
Can you make the following dice rolls for me:

1D4x100 for MDC
2D4x10+20 for Dragon Starting PPE
+1D4 to a Mental Attribute
3D4x10 Starting ISP
3D6x10+PE for Ley Line Walker PPE
9D6 for Additional Level PPE
Coming right up!

300 MDC
2 to your mental attribute
80 ISP
160 PPE before you add your PE in
and finally, 32 more PPE for level increase

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Psychie Psychie Psychie? You are allowing us to get P.P.E. from two sources not one?

I thought taking the higher of the two (R.C.C. or O.C.C., not both) was the way to go in your game? See the example I gave with Dreamy?
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Psychie Psychie Psychie? You are allowing us to get P.P.E. from two sources not one? I thought taking the higher the two was the way to go in your game?
I completely missed that. Thank you.

Eonivar Eonivar Sorry, but you only get the PPE from the Ley Line Walker OCC, not the two together. That still gives you a lot of PPE to be able to cast spells with.
Sorry, but you only get the PPE from the Ley Line Walker OCC, not the two together. That still gives you a lot of PPE to be able to cast spells with.
oh ok

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