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Dice Rifts Adventure OOC

it was just talking about how only about 10% of operaters have pionic abilities and then it let me choose three psionic abilities, it didnt even tell me how much isp i get so i just rolled a d20 and a d10, i would be more than happy to fix my character if anyone can help me
i dont currently have access to the book right now so if anyone can inform me of any mistakes ive made with my character that would be very helpful
Hmmm. I'm looking over my copy of the book, and I'm not seeing anything in the Operator OCC that gives any info on what your ISP pool should be, or how much you get per level up. I'm still looking, though.
Found something on Pg 289 of the core book. Since the Psi-Operator counts as a Major psychic, you get 4d6 + your ME stat as your base, +1d6+1 per level.
I knew that there was something out there, and I'm OCD enough to have to find it.
can you help me with that? im not quite sure what you mean
Sorry I missed this from earler. You have your skills listed like "Pilot Toaster +35%" without having your actual total listed. If I need to check up on a skill of yours, I don't know what your final number is.
what do you mean final total? you mean i get more bonuses?
Each skill has a base percentage to it, that you add any OCC or high Iq bonuses to. It will read something like "Radio: Basic 40% +5%" The skill description in the core book gives you the base skill percentage, and you go from there.
Add any bonuses you might get to that base, and it will then give you your actual total skill %
Not a problem. If you have any questions, I'm online here all the time and I'll do my best to help you out.
actually i have another question, since i have turned the trailer into my shop how do i know what parts i have in my shop that will allow me to fix, repair, and build robots?
Depending on how extensive of a repair job it is, I will probably just say you have the parts you need.
Hey sherwood, in the cs yea sent me was there any optional secondary whatever skills yea chose? Wondering if I can fiddle.
That would be under the Domestic category, under the Music: Play Musical Instrument skill.

Clever >vv>

That said, might be a choice... I.. Want a thing for the guy, something nice like that.
Heya folks! I'm still writing my character history here. There's a short version and a long version. Don't feel you have to read the long version; it's just something I'm pulling out of my head is all. =)

Yep, I've been doing that. Really helped with attributes. If only it'd helped with my poor PPE...(that's where I blew my 'you get one roll at max value' because I rolled a total of 2 on 2D4 x 10...).

Aw! At least it wasn't a 1?
Clever >vv>

That said, might be a choice... I.. Want a thing for the guy, something nice like that.

Sure, but where are you going to find a bow and fiddle for a 7 foot tall monstrosity? Be sure it comes with a case? Preferably mega-damage? Hah!

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