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Fandom Return to Magic Kingdom OOC

Francisco: *smiles* I don't mind at all.
Lucy: *tucks hands into coat pockets and sniffs the air slightly* Mmmmmmmmmmmm smells like spaghetti! My parents and I love that little italian place on the corner. *Giggles*

(Now I really want spaghetti....sigh)
Korey: *stops* ...Kyra. Please just answer my question. Then I promise I'll help you bake pies. *gives her a damn serious look*

(Okay but seriously he will beat the shit out of Scar if he's actually in here XD )
Kyra: *stops before turning to look at Korey* There really isn't much to say Kor *shrugs her shoulder* Let's just forget about it okay?
Gene: C'mon don't say that! I'm helping you with Tristan! Soon he'll see how awesome you are and he'll talk to ya day and night c: Even though he doesn't seem much for words... PixieDust PixieDust
Guys, because I want to brag about Atlas, do you want to read a writing sample I made for him for a Disney Park RP?
(He's been dancing in my mind and isn't stopping)
"One step, two step, three step, four. Good, now remember what we did before, princess? Let's try it again and practice a few more times." Atlas said softly towards the young girl, dressed in her Cinderella attire. She was beyond adorable, if Atlas must say, but even more so when he saw that her face lit up brightly whenever she was dancing with him. Keeping up a good pace for her, Atlas began dancing to the music once more that sounded through-out the Kingdom.

Once Upon a Time, in a Kingdom Far far Away, lived a young prince and his father. Atlas Charming lived a life full of luxury and a life one could never dream of living. However, there lies a deep emptiness in his heart whenever he thought of his mother. His sweet, darling, mother. The woman who brought him into the world. Now, she would never be able to attend his wedding, be able to see him graduate or even work hard enough for his own personal gains, by himself. Atlas found love and completeness in stories and the fantasy world. He found adventure and courage through the books he has read and learned to read through his life. But the one thing that brought him the most happiness was dance. Music brought happiness and cheer back into his life but even much more so, he felt as if he could hear his mother's shooting, melodic voice speaking to him whenever he was dancing. After awhile of asking and bugging, Atlas found his dream job at the happiest place on earth! His time there was nothing short of what he expected. There were times when he actually felt exhausted from working to the bone and smiling so often, but knowing he's able to make someone else's day and greet the children of the world, Atlas was happy to be able to provide such emotions and joy.

It was one of those days where Atlas Charming woke up 30 minutes after his alarm clock had rang. "Crap! I'm late!" He muttered out loud as he quickly got out of the covers of his bed and jumped up, running towards the restroom to take a shower and quickly brush his teeth. Atlas practically danced and moved his body around agily, multitasking as he began to both brush his teeth and took off his clothes to get into the warm water to shower. He always liked doing so many things at once because it was easier for him to handle many things at once than focusing on just one thing at a time which would take longer. As he finished getting ready, he quickly rushed towards where he was needed to be to get into costume and gear! To say he was hungry was an understatement and he definitely was feeling a little bit out of his element for oversleeping since he was going through his jam packed schedule of the day. First was the meet and greet with his Cinderella and afterwards would be the parade. During the night, Cinderella's castle would be opened and there would be dancing, singing, and other events, he couldn't wait to enjoy!

Finally making it to the back room where his costume was, he looked at his watch and took a deep breathe. Seeing his Cinderella all made up, Atlas grinned, "Beautiful as always, Cinderella." He winked at her playfully before finding the manager. A little scolding here and there, Atlas still kept his cheerful, goofy smile on. "Aw.. You know I wouldn't ever disappoint the children! I'm here aren't I?" He energetically stated before running into the dressing room to get changing into his outfit. Begrudingly, the manager called out, "Don't try to sweet talk me, Charming! You guys are up soon! The doors will be opening." At those words, Atlas chuckled before he quickly got into position and character, wanting to do his best for the brand new day starting!

It was around noon time by now with children's laughter, loud noises, crowded concession stands, photography pictures, signing of autographs, and cheers and screams from rollercoaster rides. "Princess, do you have to go?" Atlas asked, his eyes showed sadness has his posture sagged a little bit. The little girl giggled a little but pouted her lips, shaking her head, "I have to go. . It's 12, Prince." At those words, Atlas' heart raced as he looked at her in confusion, as if they were replaying the scene in at the ball in Cinderella. On the other hand, his Cinderella patted his shoulders nodding, "My prince, she will come back, but for now she has to go." She said softly towards him, as Atlas' eyes widened slightly before a smile appeared on his face. Looking back at the little girl, Atlas nodded, "Promise you will come back? If not, I'll search the whole kingdom for you just as I have done for my own princess." He said, before looking at his Cinderella lovingly, staring into her eyes as he smiled. "You have been such a great friend, I would hate to see you go." The little girl nodded, staring up in as at Cinderella and next the Prince, "I hope my dreams come true and I will find a prince that looks at me the same way he does for you, Cinderella! And Prince, I hope one day my dreams of becoming a dancer just as great as you will come true." At those words, Atlas' heart warmed up as he couldn't hide his beaming and bright smile as he grinned widely. Waving goodbye to the little girl, Atlas sighed as he looked at the next little girl in line. However, at the corner of his eyes, he felt something sparkle under the sun. Eyes widening as he jumped on his foot, Atlas grinned at the next little girl in line as he kindly and politely said, "Excuse me for one moment, princess." He said towards her as he was relieved to see the next little girl more into Cinderella than him. As he made his way away from the long line of those who wanted to see Cinderella, Atlas jogged towards the item he saw shining on the ground. Although there weren't many little princesses or little princes searching for him, the little girl named Maya showed her love for not just Cinderella but, him, Charming, the prince that didn't have a normal name and the prince that danced and fenced. Seeing that it was Maya's glass slipper, Atlas chuckled at the irony of the sight. A real live princess was hidden in the little girl, Maya, wasn't it? The chatter he had with Maya was definitely one of his most favorite moments especially seeing her joy of speaking of how much she loved to dance! Perhaps he can show her some moves of his own? Taking the glass slipper in his hand, Atlas looked around the area seeing if he could spy the little girl that made his day ten times better, as he forgot the fact he was late this morning.

Seeing that all too familiar silhouette, Atlas grinned, walking towards the couple and their daughter, Maya. "May I?" He asked her as he showed Maya her glass slippers. Kneeling down as Maya shyly nodded as she sat down on the fountain, Atlas carefully placed her slipper back on her feet as his eyes beamed with joy. "You're her! You're the princess! The slipper fits!" He told her, shining with enthusiasm as Maya's parents smiled and clapped their hands. Maya, on the other hand, was smiling so bright, she practically shined far more brighter than any light. "May I have this dance, princess?" He asked her, extending out his hand as he bowed towards Maya. Maya quickly took Charming's hand and nodded. "Of course I would Prince Charming!" She exclaimed energetically. Soon enough, the two of them danced to their hearts content and Atlas couldn't have been more proud of Maya at seeing her amazing foot steps and ability to keep up with him. It was truly one of the best memories of his time at Disney World.
Emily: *blushes bright red and snatches it away* how did that get there? Someone must have stolen my sketchbook and decided to sketch Tristan. What a troublemaker they are... *tuts*
Evelyn *Fires fake gun...little flag with bang written on it comes out* I believe I have just fired the shots of love.
Lucy: *tucks hands into coat pockets and sniffs the air slightly* Mmmmmmmmmmmm smells like spaghetti! My parents and I love that little italian place on the corner. *Giggles*

(Now I really want spaghetti....sigh)

Francisco: Mm, they are good. Though I like to say my spaghetti much better. Care to stop in there for some?

Kyra: *stops before turning to look at Korey* There really isn't much to say Kor *shrugs her shoulder* Let's just forget about it okay?

Korey: *sighs* ...Okay. *moves to walk past her but pauses and quickly gives her a peck on the cheek* ...I'll forget about it. *walks into kitchen*
Evelyn *Fires fake gun...little flag with bang written on it comes out* I believe I have just fired the shots of love.
Emily: *shuts sketchbook and smooths hair in a dignified way* Lovely Evelyn. Very subtle. *blushes again* don't be so daft though. Obviously I have no idea what you're talking about...
Francisco: Mm, they are good. Though I like to say my spaghetti much better. Care to stop in there for some?

Korey: *sighs* ...Okay. *moves to walk past her but pauses and quickly gives her a peck on the cheek* ...I'll forget about it. *walks into kitchen*
Omg, Korey, i think you just made Kyra frozen. THAT WAS CUTE AND SWEET.
unexpectedness at its finest!

Kyra: *gazes upon Korey for a bit, hoping he would drop the case. once he agreed, kyra let out a sigh of relief before nodding, only to be frozen in her spot from korey's unpredictableness. as she stood outside, she lightly touched her warm cheeks where korey kissed as her face flushed slightly* Korey! *she called out, still slightly flushed* don't start baking without me!

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