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Realistic or Modern Retaliation

Amanda shrugged. "Thats the only thing I cant wrap my head around." She sighed, grabbing a duffle bag and pushing onto her bed, as she stuffed every clothing piece she could, before moving onto the makeup. "It happened so quickly." She frowned.

Lexi Montreal

She nods her head in agreement as she watches the girl stuff as much clothes as she could, "
It really did." She sighs and runs a hand over her face. "I just hope everything goes back to normal in the next couple days." She flops back on the Amanda's bed, resting on her bed. 'I doubt that's going to happen though.. This was pretty serious.' She thought to herself as she stared at the ceiling.
Ashlynn listened to all the panicked, and loud conversations around her. She kept holding Emet tightly, taking slight comfort in the innocent boy's presence. He gave her something to do. She had to look over him; keep him safe. She wasn't going to let anything happen to him. Finally, Grey and Benji spoke up. Someone took the lead, and it was just what the entire group needed. She listened without a word. Ash understood everything they said was the best way to do things. They were going to put up a fight, but they were going to do it quietly. They had to clear the names. Knowing where to start on that mission was still out of reach for Ash, but at least they had a purpose. To find a hide-out. The thought made her gut sink. Life would probably never be the same again. To think she woke up this morning, and her biggest worry was finding the right thing to wear...

She heard people start to break out in conversation again. Some questioning Grey, whereas others just asking more details for the plan. Hearing hers, Hunter's, and Emet's name called snapped Ash to attention. They were the 'underage' group. A small part of her had anger flare up, and she nearly spoke up saying 'I can take of myself! I'm not a little girl." But Ash bit her tongue, knowing that that commentary was unnecessary at this moment. She looked to Quentin as he asked about Emet. Her eye's widened and her grip tightened on the little boy. She whispered to him, "It's okay. Don't worry, we're just figuring some things out." Quentin turned to Ace telling him that Emet should come with. That's when Ash spoke up, "Emet's coming with. I'm not letting him stay unprotected. He's coming with, and we're going to keep him safe." She told her brother's in a firm tone. She meant it too. Leaving him, would be leaving him with their parents... Ash loved her parents, but she didn't trust them to be able to take care of Emet.

After that was finally settled, people started getting into groups for car rides. Brec's group immediately dispatched, and left the others in Benji's room. She wasn't sure what to do. She checked her pockets, seeing what she could offer to the group. It wasn't much. A few bucks to be exact. Ash wasn't going to have the chance to search her house for her treasures like some of the others. The thought of that made her heart ache slightly, but she kept on a strong face. It was a sacrifice she had to make.
Amanda couldn't help but laugh. "You're joking, right?" She teased. "Of course it wont be back to normal. It probably never will be. This will stay on our records... And people at school remember things like this." She sighed, looking at the girl who was sprawled across her bed. 'She's probably straight.' Shethought to herself. 'How many mental notes do i need to take?!: do NOT fall for straight girls.' She frowned at herself.

Lexi Montreal

Her head turned to look at
Amanda as she spoke, knowing that herself everything wasn't going to simply go back to normal after today. "I know, I know." She mumbles and groans at the thought of the people in school reacting to this. "Greeeat. Everything's definitely going to be different at school. They'll definitely believe all the crap that's been said on the news." She frowns also before sitting back up with a sigh before turning to look at her, "Are you done?"

[Can't help but laugh at her thoughts x3]

Sarah kept quiet the entire time in the room. This whole thing was taking a while to sink in. At the mention of money, Sarah subconsciously looked into her purse. Yeah, she was set. More than a thousand dollars, and her make up bag. That's all she needed to stay calm... Aw, who was she kidding? Sarah ran a hand through her hair, inwardly freaking out. She never asked for this. She just wanted to go home, and forget all this ever happened. She was having such a good time too... After everything was figured out, and people started to set in motion, Sarah grumbled with a monotone to no one in particular, "This really sucks..."
Grey gave Ace and Quentin addresses to the place, "Meet ya there. Go ahead and get whatever you need if you need anything". Benji packed some of his tools up and looked over at Grey, "Ready when you are dude!" Grey nodded before walking out of the room. "Ah cheer up Sarah!" Benji said bumping into her a bit and smiling.
Amanda smiled as she stuffed her last belongings into her bag. "Yeah, I'm done." She said with a small wink. Her thoughts boomed on her. 'Dont you fucking dare do what i think youre doing. Flirting is off limits. Dont. You. Dare.' Yet, she simply once again ignored her mental alarms. "So, lexi... Hows school going?" She asked nervously.
Avery Santini

The drive back was always long and boring to say the least. It was one of the reasons she didn't go home very often, a side from her parents lovely comments on her "life style". Avery had made her choice to go off to a university and study science, the base of all life. How was that bad?! She didn't really understand it. Then again being around a bunch of brainiacs and science majors had changed how she viewed thing a bit. She was loving every minute of university life, so much so that her grades were nearly straight A's and she had already made the Deans list. Next years tuition would be no problem at all. She'd even made a few friends along the way who she could stand to actually talk to for more than a few minutes with out the conversation dissolving to gossip. It was a nice change to say the least.

Sighing softly Avery glanced at her phone reading off the address that had been sent to her. She really wasn't sure why she was going to this reunion. Being on the older end Ave never really connected much with the others specially the party kids. Hopefully all she would have to do is show up say a few hellos and zip off to actually relax. A soft meow came from the back causing her to glance behind her as she came to a red light. Several bags had been packed for the trip some of it clothes some of it projects and research that needed to get done. Among the bags was a crate with a pair of amber eyes looking back at her. "We're almost there." She assured the cat before looking forward once more.

Within a few minutes she had pulled up to the designated house but much to her confusion people were leaving? Was the party really that bad? Avery stayed in her car just watching to see what was going on. If she was lucky this meant she could just go home and take a nap.
Money was a must. Cameron was sure to get the address to the safe haven as well, just in case he needed it for his own use. Grey mentioned that it would be best for him to grab as much money as possible, and Cameron was willing to comply. All he had to do was get to his house, something that seemed to be in the cards for now. When Breckenridge had stated that she had grabbed everything she needed, Cameron responded to her last question with a horizontal shake of his head. Walking outside behind the girl, he noticed a rather familiar car had pulled up, just where he wanted it to.

As soon as Cameron saw the car, he removed the cell phone from his pocket and dropped it onto the ground. His heel then smashed it. This action was followed by Cameron walking from Breckenridge's side to Avery's passenger side door. He called out to Breckenridge, cocking his chin back slightly as he spoke. "I got the address, yo. We're gon' meet you there. I gotta stop off and grab some shit so we'll prolly be last, but you should go straight there asap." With a wave, Cameron then was allowing himself entrance to his ex-girlfriend's car by use of simply pulling the handle. As he sat, he turned his head to look at Avery without making a sound.

After a couple of seconds, he licked his lips before speaking. "Hiiiii, baby. Did I mention how much ice-cream I have in my house?"

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Sarah managed a small smile at Benji. "Cheer up? Man, you really are insane!" She told him jokingly. "This is mental Benji. Maybe... Maybe we've all turned into Alice, and we're lost in some sort of Wonderland! Or... Maybe we accidentally went through a wardrobe and stepped into some Narnia like world!?" She started to laugh, and nodded. "Yeah, those two theories are the best ones I got!"

Lexi Montreal

Lexi nodded as she said this and stood up, flattening her already flattened clothes, letting out a small laugh when Amanda winks at her. She opens her mouth to say something but shuts it when she questions her about school. "Schools going good, thanks for asking." She says, laughing a little at her question, "Let's start heading back, yeah? The others are probably waiting." She smiles at her. ‎
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Tris Callahan

It all happened so fast. The news broadcasts, the warnings on TV, the emails, the texts. What the actual hell? Tris's head was throbbing and her brain was spinning. Greyson was shouting orders and telling people to grab money, clothes, food, anything they had on them. Tris had maybe a few bucks in her pocket and the clothes on her back, that was all. Benjamin's room was a mosh pit of mass chaos as kids filled in and out, grabbing everything they could. With no supplies to grab, Tris made a beeline for Greyson. She grabbed him by the shirt on his right shoulder and pulled him slightly to the side. "Greyson, what the hell is all this?" Granted that was probably a dumb question because everyone seemed just as confused as she was, but Tris needed to talk with her brother. They had to stick together, no matter what. "Well, whatever this is, stay close to me. If things go to shit, promise me that you and me will get out. Together." Tris had no intentions of going to jail anytime soon, despite the fact it was for a crime she did not commit.

Hunter Jameson

So everyone here was a fucking fugitive now? What thehell? This was like a scene straight out of some stupid James Bond movie or something. Hunter watched the group erupt into chaos, casually leaning back against a wall. This was some joke right? Their parents had conspired and came up with this big prank to pull? Well, it wasn't very fucking funny. Hunter made his way over to Ashlynn, who was gripping Emet for dear life. He sighed. In the movies, it never worked out to take the kid with, but they apparently didn't have any choice. "Hey Emet," Hunter said softly, bending down towards the little guy. Hunter liked Emet, a lot. It was fun to have a little brother to mess with and to teach all the tips and tricks that his older brothers taught him. "Remember those video games I play with you all the time back home? Well, this is like a top secret level. Here's the rules: You have to listen to all the older kids okay? And you have to stick close to us," Hunter looked up at Ashlynn and nodded slightly to her. "Stay with Ash, okay?" He ruffled Emet's hair softly and offered a smile.
Ash watched as Hunter approached her and Emet. She smiled softly from her brother's words, glad he was taking this a a little more seriously than most of the things he did. She appreciated his words to Emet and hoped that they would comfort the little boy. She nodded back at Hunter as a way to show her grateful thoughts to him. She whispered to him quietly, "This is one giant mess, and I have no clue how we're going to get out of it..." She looked down, then back up at him, "I'm just afraid someone's going to get hurt..."
"Sh" Benji put his hand on Sarah's cheek. "You're just dreaming. Wake up princess" He smiled as he turned a bit to the side and spread his arms out. "In a few moments a dinosaur will swoop me up in its arms and carry me away" The teen's face straightened as he looked back at her. "You know, just as it did in your other dream" He reminded in hopes of relaxing her a bit more.

Greyson backed up a bit when his sister pulled him off to the side. "Yeah promise. So . . . you're riding with me then, or you riding with someone else?" He asked looking off the to side rather than straight at Tris. "Do you need anything from home?" The teen questioned in a monotone voice. His mind was running with plans and all the possible framers.
Amanda smiled and nodded. "Yeah, heading back sounds good~!" She said with a small smile. [brain block]
Sarah smiled in amusement from the memory Benji brought up. Hysteria was swarming through her, but he managed to give her a moment of peace in this chaos. "That was one exciting dream... I would love to dream it again..." She glanced at Benji with a rueful smile, "Sorry you had to get carried away by a dinosaur though..." She laughed softly, but the moment of peace was gone as soon as it came, and her smile faded.
Hunter Jameson

Hunter sighed, running a hand through his hair as Ash voiced her concerns. "This is probably just some stupid joke. The parents must have wanted to prank us or something. Everythings fine." Not completely true, but oh well. Hunter's eyes flicked down to Emet and back up to Ash. This whole situation was really starting to annoy him. He could have had a perfect night at Nick's party with Peyton. When that didn't happen, he at least settled for hanging out with Sarah. But now, it seemed as if the whole world was going to shit and Sarah was acting delusional or something. Hunter overheard her talking about Alice in Wonderland or something like that. Damn, I really want that beer now.

Tris Callahan

"I haven't talked to most of these people since I was a little girl. Of course I riding with you, moron." Tris tried to remain calm and through in one of her usual sarcastic comments at Greyson, hoping to de-stress the situation at least a little. She looked around at the others who were grabbing supplies. "I... uh... I dunno. Maybe some clothes from home? I've got some cash stored under my bed from last week's shifts so maybe that would help." Then Tris suddenly frowned a little. "Actually, I don't know if we'll need that cash. The Montreals seem to be throwing out dollars right and left." Her tone was a little bit annoyed and clearly stressed out.

Lexi Montreal

She nods her head and smiles at
Amanda, "Get your bag and let's go then." She tells her as she heads for the door, giving her a moment to grab her bag before leaving the bedroom with her. "How's school for you?" She asks her, since Amanda asked her.
(( Sorry for OCC, but it's a bit important. I won't post tomorrow because of severe family issues, again, sorry and thank you. ))

Ingrid had already packed her clothes and other things, so she didn't really have much else to do before they left. She stood there, arms hanging limply on her sides as she watched Greyson give Quentin and Ace the address to the place. She scratched the back of her head before approaching Lexi and Amanda. "Hey, who are you guys riding with? Can I join?"
Amanda shrugged and looked at the girl with compassionate eyes. "School? Well, its going well for me! A lot of people apparently think Im popular, or something." She said with a small laugh, pushing her hair back. "Not sure why..."
Avery Santini and Cameron Montreal

Avery scanned over the other people as they fled the house with bags and boxes. Was this supposed to be some kind of family vacation? She hoped not, that would be a nightmare. Sighing softly, Avery wondered if she should get out of the care or just drive off before she could be pulled into some kinda trip. Unfortunately before she could pull away from the curb someone approached her car. Dark eyes shifting to the window, she noticed a familiar face near the door. “Oh god no…” She muttered under her breath moving to lock the doors, which had unlocked when she put the car in park. Unfortunately he was faster and the door was opened.

She met her unwanted passenger with a frown and just crossed her arms as he got himself settled in. “The fuck are you doing in my car?”

“I could sit here and give you the entire story, or you could hear it on the way. Honestly, I don’t know how much time we got. But I could tell you that we’re both in a bit of some shit, and the people who want us can track us here to this very location because I texted you on the way and told you to come here.”

Cameron knew that Avery’s reaction was going to be rather poor, but there was no time to waste. The young man figured he was being rather clever by opening with his ice cream line, but unfortunately that was not the case. That used to be a nice trump card in the pocket, so perhaps be needed to elaborate further.

The frown upon Avery’s face softened a bit at the mention of being in trouble. Usually that was his thing, but how did she get wrapped up in it? She had been away at school for nearly three months without much contact aside from the occasional text. “What do you mean trouble…?”

“... Birthday cake, vanilla, cookie dough… I got it all…” With a somewhat long face, with the saddest frown he could possibly display, Cameron pouted up. “We need to gooooooo.”

With a heavy sigh Avery rolled her eyes and put the car in drive. “I swear… If you don’t have ice cream I will kick your teeth in.” She threatened in an irritable tone. She started to drive along the memorized roads towards the home she had visited many times as a kid. “So what is going on?”

“We were at the reunion. The news was on the TV, you know? Bitch started talkin’ bout how we’re all in a bunch of trouble. You got caught up with some bullshit charge of bombing an airplane and MURDERING THE FUCKING IRANIAN PRESIDENT. I have no idea what the fuck is going on, but they tried to get me on some drug trafficking shit. Whatever it is, someone is either fucking with us or we’re in some shit. Either way, I ain’t tryna rot in a cell. I know sure as hell you ain’t either. The rest of ‘em are gonna meet up with us at some… Place. I don’t know. I just got the address. We need to stop at my place so I can grab some stuff because I don’t know how long we’ll be hiding out, but it’s stuff we all need, y’know?” During this explanation, Cameron nervously grabbed a cigarette out from the pack in his pocket.

Her eyes widen quite a bit in surprise. “You’re kidding me.... like seriously?! Killing the president of another country?! How the heck would that even work. I mean it just… makes no sense. Why would they even believe that!” She questioned wondering if he was telling the truth or just fucking with her. She would have thought it some kind of prank if not for his nervous disposition, something that was rare. If this was true… then… there was a sharp honking sound causing Avery to jump. They had been waiting at the light a little too long.

“How’s about we not die on the way to my place, please?”

She shifted her car into drive mind already racing. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted a cig in Camerons hand and narrowed her eyes. Without a word she swatted at his hand “Do NOT smoke in my car.”

The cigarette, which was positioned between two of his fingers and placed between his lips, was sent careening out of the half-open window. Inhaling deeply, he brought the very same hand up to the bridge of his nose and applied a bit of pressure. “I wish I could say I was jokin’ about this shit. I thought it WAS a joke.” Around this time, the two were finally pulling up to the Montreal residence. Once they got into the driveway, Cameron practically threw himself out of the moving car to open up his garage door.

Aver blinked several times as he threw himself out of the car. Having never seen him in such a state it was a bit unnerving. As much as she wanted to be a smart ass towards her long time friend she was finding her sense of humor slowly dwindling. She parked the car and shut the door moving to the back of her car to move some of her belongings around to make room for his.

Collabed with @Tree withe more coming soon.
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Ash looked down and shook her head, "I really wish that was the case Hunter... But I don't think it is." She looked away from him, "Our parents' would not have let it go on this long. They wouldn't do this to us..." She eyed him momentarily, "Just promise me, we'll all stick together? I know being a fugitive isn't really your thing, but please Hunter. As annoying as you are, I don't want to lose you." She said the last part with a small smile.
"Could have been worse. Didn't I get killed in that one dream of yours? No, wait. That was Ingrid's dream. Nevermind" Benji said smiling. "So um how's it going with school? You're getting guys left and right huh?" He asked trying to help Sarah as much as he could. Her smiled had faded and he noticed it once it did. Benji didn't want his home skillet biscuit to be sad.

"Alright we'll get some clothes. Benji got his stuff already anyway" Grey responded. He actually had 50 in his back pocket from his last few rounds underground. But even that was nothing compared to the money the Montreals had. Whatever they were all on the same boat and they seemed to agree with him. That's all that mattered at the moment. @ShatteredSoul
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