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Realistic or Modern Retaliation

Lexi Montreal

Lexi nods her head a little bit when Amanda says this, "I don't see why you wouldn't be popular." She tells her and laughs. "You're pretty and kind, so.." She shrugs her shoulders and gives her a small elbow nudge with a grin as they enter the room they were previously in. Lexi spots Ingrid as she walks up to them and she smiles at her, "Hey Ingrid." She says. "And we're riding with Quentin.. I think our car is already full." She tells her with a small nod before adding on, "Sorry.."
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Avery Santini and Cameron Montreal

Once he did so, he used the door inside to get to the basement. Avery knew where the stash of the good shit was at this point - if she wanted ice cream, the door right next to the basement’s very own would lead up a flight of steps, and into the kitchen. In the meanwhile, Cameron grasped all of the things he was sure he would need. Walking past all of the training equipment and the boxing ring, Cameron moved to his living space on the other side of the basement. Opening a closet door, he rummaged through a bunch of blankets and pillows to find three duffel bags. This would have to suffice. Opening the drawers to his wardrobe, Cameron removed all of the clothes that he could possibly fit into one bag. The next one was for jewelry, all of which amassed to the equivalent of three million dollars if sold - something which Cameron didn’t mind doing. They were only… Things.

Avery wandered her way through the house mind still buzzing away with worries. Were the charges even real? How would this affect her reputation, her grades, her scholarships! She had only just made the Deans list and now she was on the FBI’s most wanted list! How did this even happen?! Shaking her head Avery took a few deep breaths and leaned on the fridge a moment to gather her self. There had to be a reason for all this happening. She wasn’t even sure of the Indian Presidents name let alone had any plans to bomb them. Shaking off the initial shock Avery pulled open the freezer and looked over the selection. He hadn’t been lying about the ice cream Then again he always had a bit of a sweet tooth.

Avery grabbed a small pint of ‘chocolate therapy’ Just what she needed. She grabbed a spoon and made her way down to the basement. She saw Cameron still moving around some stuff and quietly let him do his thing while she enjoyed her ice cream.

Slinging the two bags with clothing and jewelry over his shoulder, Cameron moved from his living space to the boxing ring. Placing the two bags onto the edge of the ring itself, Cameron climbed underneath with the last empty duffel bag. As he neared the middle, Cameron had to reach for a small metal latch on the ground. Once he found it, he pulled it and slid a small portion of the floor to the side, revealing a small space underneath. It was filled with bags of marijuana and cash. Of course, the young man grabbed as much as he could of both and stuffed it into his bag - being sure to count out the increments of both zip-lock bags and rubber-banded cash wads.

Three million in cash was a lot of money. Each wad was approximately $100,000.The amount of marijuana he had grabbed in zip-lock bags ended up being close to two and a half pounds. This was sufficient for Cameron to live for the next couple of months, alongside the others. Three million dollars and two pounds of marijuana, plus an additional three million dollars in jewelry? Well, six million dollars, with an additional fourty six thousand, give or take? Things would be just fine on the economic side of things. Especially if Cameron had a say. Climbing out from underneath the boxing ring, Cameron grabbed all three bags and walked outside to the garage, where he lit up a cigarette - waiting for Avery to get her sugar fix.

Avery walked out to the garage, the pint already halfway gone by the time he got outside. “Trunk is open.” She called as she made her way over. Her nerves were much calmer and she was able to think clearly. “And you lied, there was no cookie dough.”
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Once again, Benji succeeded in getting Sarah to grin. "Oh please Benji, I'd never let you get killed! Even in my dreams." She smiled at him then flushed ever so slightly at his next comment. "Actually... A couple guys have asked me out, but... Well they're all jerks and just want to use me." That was something Sarah was used to. It was kind of bittersweet. She was flattered they liked her. However, it was torture to know all of them had bad intentions. She sighed, and glanced at Benji, "Hm. I might never get a guy now with recent events." She pursed her lips then laughed sadly.
Brec completely ignored the her eldest sister and Cameron talking then headed straight back to the Parker residence she was given with the others. Once she arrived she entered the house looking for Benji and the others. "I'm changing out this dress..." She mumbled then walked to one of the guest bathrooms closing and locking the door. She quickly stripped out her dress and put on something so much more comfortable. She came out a few minutes later then looked for the others. "Guys!! Where ya at?!" She called out wondering where they were. She didn't get an answer and shrugged before walking back to her car and grabbing her bags and the bags that had her weapons in them and brought them inside.
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"You'll get a guy. I'm sure ya will. Who would ever turn down a girl like you? Nice, awesome, and . . . Sarah-y" Benji said tilting his head a bit. "Pretty sure Hunter might even have a thing for you. I mean, he has something with almost every girl, but ya know what I mean" He hinted putting an arm around Sarah. "Or I mean I might even like you" Benji said not realizing his words until they escaped his mouth. He laughed, "Just playin'". "Yeah seriously though Hunter's definitely got a thing for you. You're his type" Benji continued. He wasn't a genius at the whole fluffy thing, but it wasn't hard to determine Hunter's type at all.

"Oh, it's fine. I'll just try joining the others then," Looking around, Ingrid shrugged and approached Benji. "Hey Benji. Can I ride with you guys?" she asked.

Lexi Montreal

She nods her head when
Ingrid says this and gives her a small smile as she walks off. "I'm gonna go see what Quentin's doing." Lexi tells Amanda, giving her arm a pat before walking off herself, heading towards Quentin. "Hey Quentin." Lexi calls out as she nears him, "Did you get the address of the place?"

Quentin turned to Lexi as she asked about the address. "Oh yeah," he said, "Are you guys ready to go, by the way?" he asked her as he got out his car keys, and the piece of paper where the address was given to him by Greyson a little earlier. "I mean, if they're searching for us we might as well go now."

@Kylie Lions
Sarah smiled from Benji's description of her. "Sarah-y ay? I hope that's a good thing!" She laughed. When he mentioned Hunter, Sarah glanced over at the boy and smiled from the thought. She liked him. Her only doubts were just what Benji said. He basically liked every girl. Would Hunter even be able to manage a committing relationship? She tilted her head in thought. Suddenly, Benji's next words snapped her out of her daze and she looked at him, flushing. She opened her mouth to say something, but Ben quickly followed his words up with a 'just playin.' Sarah rolled her eyes, grinning, and hit him playfully, "Hey!" She shook her head, then looked back at Hunter again, thoughtful. "I like Hunter." She stated simply then shrugged, amused. "Maybe you are right!" She thought of something and laughed, "Maybe all of us in this group are going to get involved with each other, now that we're basically each others only options."
"It's not a good thing" Benji looked down. "It's a great thing!" He announced looking back at her and smiling. Benji heard Brec from somewhere, "Over here Brec!" "I shall get involved with . . . " Benji thought for a moment, but was once again interrupted by his lovely sister Ingrid. She always seemed to pop out of no where. He looked over at his sister, "Sure!" "That car's gonna be sick! Who you riding with Sarah?" He asked.

Lexi Montreal

She nods her head a little bit, "
Yeah." She tells him with a small smile. "We just need to stop at your house and mine to grab a couple things before we get going." She adds on, looking over at Ashlynn and Emet who were also coming. "Amanda's already got her things, so we're set."

Brec saw Benji and sighed walking over to him. "Benji take my bags of clothes and put them in your car or whatever you're taking...the guns and other weapons will be with me...I...don't trust you guys with them sadly..." She tells Benji handing him her bag of clothes. "Cam and the thing my parents always compare me to are at Cams place getting some things so they'll catch up with us later..." she told him then grabbed the other three duffle bags lifting them up. "Anyway who are you riding with?"

Sarah again grinned from Benji's words. "You're too sweet." She laughed, then smiled hearing Brec and Ingrid approach. Sarah looked towards Benji thinking about who she was riding with. "Uh, I don't know. I want to at least be with you or Hunter." She said, looking over at Hunter again. She shrugged, then looked back at Benji. "You're riding with Grey right? I wonder if he'd mind me with you guys..." She said half jokingly.
Benji gave a confused look at first then decided to just go with the flow, "I'm riding with Grey who is . . .". He looked around the almost empty area, "Not here. Where is he? Hm, probably talking somewhere with Tris. I'm sure we'll leave in less than five minutes though. "Pretty sure Grey would be alright with you joining us" Benji said confidently to Sarah.

"Let's go then," he told Lexi. "I'll just grab some clothes from my place actually. Come on," he turned to Benji and the others. "Hey guys, we're leaving now. We're just grabbing some stuff from our houses then we'll be meeting you at the address you gave me." Quentin ventured down the stairs and gestured for the others to come follow him to the car.
Sarah smiled softly at Benji, "Okay! I'm joining you guys then." She thought for a moment. "Aw, Benji... All this chaos that's been happening made us forget to make that handshake... We need to get that done, ya know." She grinned. Benji had definitely helped lighten her mood, and while the seriousness of the event was still weighing on her, Sarah thought it was healthy that they could still have a laugh. She waited for Grey to be ready to go.

Ash followed Quentin out to his car. She held onto Emet's hand as she made her way. She decided to go with him, because he was her brother, and he was also pushing towards taking Emet with.
"Awesome!" Benji smiled as he punched the air after hearing about the ride and handshake plan. Greyson walked over to the rest of the group, "Let's go, Benjamin". "It's okay if Sarah and Ingrid catch a ride with us right?" Benji asked before seeing Greyson nod his head and take the bag from Benji's arms. "Oh that's Brec's be careful. She got her weapons in her car so you know" Benji said while Greyson turned around to walk down the stairs. "Help your sister if she needs it" Grey suggested walking down the hall. "Let's go Tris. First stop, home" Greyson said before going down the stairs. Benji looked over at Ingrid, "Need help bringing anything down?"
Before amanda could stop herself, she ran over to benji, dropping her bags, and hugged him tightly. He was her brother. She felt like they had bonded so much over the years, and now they were going to be separated. "Promise we wont be apart for long?"

Lexi Montreal

Lexi nodded her head when Quentin said this and followed him down along with Ashlynn, Emet and Amanda - after she hugged her brother goodbye.. "This is hectic.." She murmurs to nobody in particular and crosses her arms slightly as they headed outside the Parker's house.

[Meh, I ended up falling asleep. It was like 7AM.]‎

Tris Callahan

Tris watched around the room as people filed out, all cramming into someone's car. To be honest, Tris wasn't really scared. They were clearly innocent, no one would be stupid enough to try them in a court of law for murdering some president in a country a million miles away. Right? But some of the other charges, might actually be legit. Tris didn't doubt that Cameron had some drug connections, so maybe he is charge was actually legit, but that wasn't her business. Tris turned back to her brother. "Alright Grey we should probably get going."

Hunter Jameson

Hunter ran his hand through his hair yet again, something that he did quite often. He didn't want Emet getting nervous about this. He flicked his eyes from his younger brother to Ash, nodding slowly. "Okay. And for the record, I'm not nearly as annoying as that Benjamin kid thank you very much." He looked around the room, spotting Quentin. "Hey, Quentin," Hunter made his way to his older brother. "We gotta go. We need to stop at home to get clothes for Emet." And I need some beer...
Emet nodded to Hunter, and smiled, happy. When Ashlynn started following Quentin, still holding his hand, he walked alongside her, keeping up. "Where are we going, Ashie?" He said, using his own nickname for Ashlynn. He looked up to her as they walked -Short blah-

Brec put her duffle bags full of weapons in the back of her truck along with taking the bags of the ones who are riding with her. She walked back inside becoming a little frustrated. "Who ever else is coming with me and needs to get something from their house...I'm leaving right now so you better get your ass in the truck now..." She yelled out before heading to the truck.

@Hexter and whoever is going with Brec
Avery Santini and Cameron Montreal

At this time, Cameron was finally getting in the cigarette he wanted oh-so-badly in Avery’s SUV. Lugging all three bags at once, Cameron placed everything into the trunk before turning to the female with a small smile. “No cookie dough? I’ll tell ya what. We can stop off at the first ice cream place we find and get you some of them little processed sugar balls to add to your bowl of sugar cream! Sound good?”

“Fuck you.” She smirked slightly before shaking her head and discarding of the half empty container of melting ice cream.

Cocking his head back, Cameron let out one sarcastic “HAAAAAH” before walking to the passenger side door and opening it. He flicked the half-smoked cigarette onto the pavement of his driveway before hopping inside. Then, he waited for Avery to get inside before delivering a small peck to her cheek. “Seriously. Ice cream store. The cookie dough idea is soundin’ pretty good right now. Could just be the munchies talkin’ though.”

Cameron was still joking. But not really. Leaning the seat back slightly, Cameron rested his head against the headrest. Yeah, he probably should have been a gentleman and offered to drive. Knowing Avery though, she was more comfortable with having her own life in her hands when it came to operating heavy machinery.

The peck on the cheek had been a bit of a surprise but it wasn’t an unwelcomed one. With as much of an ass as Cameron could be it was easy to forget he had a decent side to him. It was a side she had seen a lot of growing up and probably the one she had fallen for many years ago. But when you were with a person you had to accept all side of them and some of Cam’s faces were a bit much to deal with. “Alright but how about we go for ice cream when our faces aren’t plastered all over the news.” She suggested as she shifted her car into gear. She pulled off back onto the street and down the street. “Where are we going?”

Cameron looked to the GPS, and typed in the address he was given before he spoke again. “Fuck that shit. We’re bein’ fuckin’ framed. Who the hell would believe a bunch of kids under twenty would be able to hijack a fuckin’ plane, let alone travel to Iran to kill the president? It’s like some sort of ridiculous reality show plot.”

“Point taken. Who do you think is messing with us then?”

“No idea. Whoever it is, they got some power behind them all. Framing the Montreals?” Cameron chuckled. “Ballsy move.”

Avery rolled her eyes “Oh yeah and who would believe the god fearing Santinis would participate in such heinous acts. My parents must be having a fit right now….”

“No kidding. They were, all of ‘em… You know, I’m sorry you had to come home to this mess. I knew you were going to make an appearance at some point, though you definitely weren’t on time. Got me wonderin’ if you were coming at all… I shoulda known better. I’m sorry.” Cameron knew why he didn’t know the specifics on when she was making her way back. They haven’t spoken after quite some time for a reason. Despite the fact that they weren’t together anymore, Cameron never seemed to be able to let that fact go so easy.

“Ah well… not your fault. Making such a long dive can be tiring and the prospect of having to face my parents didn’t exactly have me breaking any speed limits.” She muttered with a sigh. She glanced to the GPS every now and again to follow the direction on the screen.

“I don’t blame you. I ain’t gotta worry much about that, ‘cause there’s never any talkin’ goin’ on in my house. It’s like I live by myself sometimes… It’s nice. Weird, though. My mom wanted me to stay so bad, but she never makes any attempt to help me understand why. I figure it must be some sort of comfortability thing.”

“Probably… your mom was clingy… in a weird way.” She shrugged. “I guess its good to have some of your kids around with so much going wrong in the world."

“Clingy while being simultaneously useless and distant. Makes no damn sense. But fuck it, they got money. You’re doin’ alright though? Any suckers messin’ with you at school I gotta know about? I don’t mind taking a trip up to visit for that…” Cameron wasn’t playing games about any of Avery’s other male suitors.

“Hm? I’m doin’ fine. Managed to get all A’s and B’s last semester and I’m on the deans list now.” She smirked with a sense of pride and accomplishment. “There are some cool guys up there but more of the study group type than anything else. I have a feeling if any girl asked them out they would faint.” She snickered.

“Sounds like my Avery.” Cameron added, eyes moving from the profile of her face to the window. Being in the passenger side of that familiar SUV was a distant memory. Deja vu was prominent, especially considering the fact that he was sitting there unexpectedly after so much time. When she mentioned that the guys weren’t aggressive, it made Cameron feel better. Though, he really had no right to be so jealous in the first place - as much as he wished he could be. He was always a part of the reason as to why their relationship didn’t work, but it felt so right to him. It was not easy to give up, and even two years later… The spark was there. Understandable, considering that it never left for Cameron.

“I’ve been trying to get this boxing thing off the ground. I don’t want to go pro until I know that I could walk into the ring and get a few wins from the get-go. I’ve been fielding some offers, but i’ve been putting them off. Been winning in the underground circuit… Finally making myself some of my own money, even if it is shit in comparison to my parents’ fortune.” Though, that was hard for anyone to compare with. “I’m alive, though I live to train these days.”

“I’m glad things are going well for you.” Boxing was a blessing and a curse as far as Avery was concerned. It helped Cameron work out his aggression but at the same time she always worried he would get hurt. She knew both the long and short term effects such a lifestyle could have. Couple that with his ‘recreational’ activities… It was a recipe that might have worked when they were younger but Avery wanted more out of life. As much as she cared about him it seemed their expectation out of life never really matched.

Then again, this monkey wrench of a media disaster was going to cause some issues. So for once their goals did match. Find the bastard who was spreading lies and make them stop and/or pay. She smiled slightly over to the brunet.

“Hopefully they haven’t pummeled any more of your brain cells, hard enough to keep the few you do have.”

Collab with
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Adélia Parker

Adélia finally made it home after hanging out with a friend because of a project she never finished in school. When she finally walked up to her house she saw a bunch of commotion going on. People were loading cars, everyone looked tense, focused, or concerned. The young blonde stood there with an utterly confused look on her face. She quickly began to scan the crowd of people trying to find Benjamin or someone in her family. Adélia slowly began to walk towards the chaos, unsure of what to do. Her mind was racing and she felt scared. She hadn't seen many of these people in years and they were so much older than her which made her less obligated to talk to them. Adélia's dark grey/blue eyes were clouded with confusion as she walked around, trying not to run into anyone as they piled things into their cars. She nervously walked towards her house and looked around it, searching for someone that she knew well enough to talk to.

(Sorry for bad post I'm doing school and this.)

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