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Realistic or Modern Retaliation

Cameron didn’t need a motion. As soon as Avery moved, he did as well. However, the motion did let Cameron know that everything would be all right. Hell, he didn’t care about anyone else at the moment. His sisters would be all right, and the person he needed was right in front of him. All in all, it was completely worth it to be on the run if it meant he got to spend time with Avery. She made the idea of living in a shit hole seem enticing. “Some of the others are here, or what? Guess this was the right place.”
Brec looked at the others giving them their bags before closing the door locking it. She threw the three duffle bags over her shoulder before starting to walk until she saw the person she hated since she was a child. Her older sister Avery. She looked at her with a hateful look. It brought back painful memories. Trying to make her parents proud. Trying to prove to them that she could be better than Avery. But it wasn't good enough and she hated not only Avery but herself. She looked right at her before walking inside the hideout. Not a hello or a did you made it here safely...nothing...She entered the hideout and quickly headed upstairs to a room to get away from her.
Nora sighed, getting out of the car, and pulling her bag over one shoulder. "So this is the hideout, huh?" she commented, frowning. It seemed so isolated. She guessed that was the point, but still. At least they had each other. Nora could admit that if she had been on her own, she would probably have been caught already. Just as she was about to ask Brec if anyone else was there already, she turned to see her sister and Cameron had arrived as well. Nora waved uncertainly. She knew that Brec had never liked Avery, as she walked her sister walk away. At least she could say hello.

@Shura @Tree
Avery Santini

To say it was a surprise that Brec walked off without so much as a hello but rather a glare would be a lie. It was to be expected by this point and Avery could only guess as to why she hated her. There had never been any fights, no name calling or boyfriend stealing. In truth most of their lives were spent distant rather than fighting. She could understand their being some awkwardness or annoyance but not the hate in which Brec showed her all the time. Ave has honestly grown immune to the glare and snarls. Life was easier not feeding the flames of another persons hate. Living in close quarters with her would be annoying at best. At least there would be others around.

Still where one relationship failed there was still another, her youngest sister Nora who she had no issues with, thankfully. Aver smiled warmly to her baby sister, "Hey, glad to see you made it here alright." Avery said as she approached. It had been nearly 6 months since she last saw her family it was just unfortunate that it had to be around such chaos.

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Nora smiled in spite of the situation. "It's so good to see you too. She walked forwards as well, meeting Avery with a hug. Drawing away, she looked back over her shoulder at Brec, the grin disappearing off her face. "Don't worry about her," she said, though Avery hadn't mentioned her.

Cameron stopped, placing a hand on the small of Avery's back as she was embraced by Nora. Instead of standing around, however, Cameron turned back around from whence he came. There were still things in the car's trunk that would be essential and best used inside as opposed to out. Before he rounded the corner, however, he turned and whistled. "Yo, boo! Keys!" No please, or anything else to indicate what he was to do with the keys to the SUV. Either way, he figured the woman would toss them off. It wasn't like Cameron was completely untrustworthy...
Avery returned the hug grateful she had one sister who didn't mind being around her. Her eyes glanced over to the hideout before shrugging. "I'm used to it by now... " She replied before hearing call for her. Ave turned briefly and tossed her keys over "I swear if you take off with my stuff I will track you down." She threatened half heartedly before turning back to Nora. " Anyway.. I know she can take care of herself... how are you holding up though?" She asked hoping the whole ordeal wasn't too rough for the girl. She knew Brec could be hell to deal with especially in a stressful situation. She did not envy the position of her sister.

@Hexter @Tree
Emet nodded, and walke dover to the chest he kept his toys in. He picked out a few (3) and walked back to the bed. He hopped back up onto his bed and set the object next to him. He watched as Lexi put his clothes into a bag, and waited. -short-


Lexi Montreal

After finishing packing a couple of his clothes, she set the backpack on the bed and set his toys inside before zipping it up and putting it onto her shoulder. "
We're not going to be here for a while.." She tells him softly with a small smile as she sits next to him, playing with his hair. "Want to take anything else before we leave?" She just wanted to be sure he wanted to bring anything, just in case.

Tris swung open the car door and sat down in the front next to her brother as she thought about what she would get from home. Benji, being the overly excited teen he was, grabbed Ingrid and dragged her into the car before sliding into the back row. "Arriba!" Benji yelled as Grey drove over to the Callahan house. Tris and Grey immediately got out of the car, got their stuff, and left for the Montreal's place. Within a few moments, Grey parked in front of the mansion. "Alright Sarah your turn" Benji said.
"It's...okay," she shrugged. "I mean, no it's really not but," she paused, "I think I can deal with it. I hope I can deal with it. I mean, you know that we're not murderers, and the families know that we're not murderers, so I guess that is all that matters." She smiled sadly. "But I can never tell what Brec is thinking. You know how she gets."


Raising his right hand up, his digits closed in on the keys as they hit his palm. Rolling his eyes at the comment which she made, he turned back around and walked that corner. With the use of a metal loop, he span the set around his finger before they unlocked the trunk of the SUV. Two fingers belonging to his other hand, grasped the smoke between his lips and removed it. Followed was a stream of smoke, which erupted from his lips and ascended into the sky before dispersing.

He decided to wait until his cigarette was finished before he grabbed everything he could. He was glad that Avery could catch up with her sisters and know for sure they were still all right. Dropping the butt of his rolled-up tobacco on the ground, he moved to the back of the SUV and opened the trunk. He removed everything which he could grab in one trip, leaving the duffel bags for last. The shit load of bags which Cameron had accumulated from the gas station were first, in addition to two twelve-packs of coke. He looked as though he was overflowing with various bags and both boxes as he turned the corner and walked into the safe house. Off to the right side of the front door, he made a drop. Then, Cameron walked back to the SUV to grab a second round of things.
Avery Santini

Her smile dimmed slightly hearing the uncertainty in her sister voice. She nodded slightly "Of course I know we're just being framed. This all just has to be someones petty attempts to discredit our families. We'll be fine." She assured giving her sister another hug. "I know... but... it's her way of dealing with things. For now though... lets focus on getting settled in alright?" She suggested softly as she saw Cameron walk past them with an arm full of bags. "I lucked out that I packed a bunch of stuff from my dorm for the trip." She chuckled softly trying not to focus so much on the negative. "Cam also grabbed a bunch of junk food and sodas if you're hungry." As distant as Avery could be she was also a bit motherly when it came to her little sister, just minus the high expectations and constant belittling.

Ave left her sister side to help grab her stuff not wanting to leave it all to Cameron. He could do it no problem but the majority of the luggage was hers. Ave her brought down four dufflbags of clothes and other personal stuff as well as a whole other bag with stuff to take care of Amber. She grabbed two of her bags and slung them over her shoulders before grabbing Ambers crate and carefully taking her out of the care making sure not to tilt or move it roughly. The cat inside just meowed wanting to be free of the crate already.

@Tree @Hexter
Sarah stayed quiet as they drove. Once they arrived at her house, she was already heading out the door before they entirely parked. She looked back at the car. "I'll be quick." She ran inside into their mansion of a home and up the stairs and to her room. When she burst through the door, she glanced around. Crap. There was a lot of things she wanted to take with her. Scowling, Sarah grabbed a couple of bags and set them down. She rummaged through her closet and found clothes for different sort of situations, and stuffed one bag full of outfits. When she turned to the closet she saw a new top that she really like. "Ah! Dang it... I really wanted to wear you..." She pouted wistfully. Then, glaring at the other bag, she quickly threw the shirt in.

After packing some clothes, Sarah threw some more things in a bag she knew she couldn't live without. Mostly including make up, homey things, and stuff with sentimental value. Finally done with packing, Sarah grabbed her own stock of money and shoved it into a bag. She knew it was plenty, but to be safe, she went to her parent's room and took a some more. She felt guilty, but if her parents actually cared at least a little, they would've given them money... Right? Sarah scowled again and shrug it off, then took her few bags back outside to Grey's car and shoved it in the trunk. Once done, she entered the car again, and took her place beside Benji. She sighed, and rested her head on his shoulder, "I'm going to miss my bed. And the rest of my clothes. And all my beauty products. And my room. And my car. And my house. And my school. And my other friends. And... My parents." The last one shocked her at how she actually meant it. Sarah sighed once more, and closed her eyes.
"I'm alright. I got my stuff too," Nora replied watching her sister. "I'll go check on Brec." Turning away, she thought of the other families. They should be getting there soon, and she hoped nothing had happened to them. There were so many people who weren't yet there. She shook her head. She couldn't keep worrying like this, had to stay strong.
Brec found a room and entered throwing the duffle bags on the floor next to the door and sighed looking at it. She then walked over to the window and pulled the curtains open looking at the view. She was tired but mainly she was hungry. She had not eaten all day and her stomach was growling and aching. She walked out her room and headed downstairs going towards the kitchen but remembers that there might not be any food in there. She scratched her head before getting ready to head back out. She turned around and saw Nora. Might as well as tell her she was heading out. "...I don't think there's any food in the fridge...I'm going to the store to get some groceries..."

Hunter Jameson

As they arrived at the compound, Hunter was silent again. This was probably the first time in his entire life that he was alone with two girls and hadn't said a word. It was just so awkward. He had no clue what to say. The car ride pretty much consisted of him looking at the window and occasionally eyeing Brec in the drivers seat, wondering if he should say something. Every time that thought came to his mind he decided against it and his mouth remained sealed. Now that they finally arrived, Hunter watched the awkward family reunion between the three Santini sisters with his hands in his pockets. When that moment was over, Hunter decided to make himself useful and circled around to the back of the SUV that Cameron had arrived in. "Jeez, you gotta lotta stuff." He tried to sound casual as he walked past Cameron and grabbed a few handfuls of grocery sacks.


Tris Callahan

After Tris had grabbed everything she could and stuffed it into a few duffle bags, she hopped back into the passenger seat of Greyson's car. There was a few others talking in the back but Tris tried to focus and drown them out. How are we supposed to get out of this one? There's gotta be some way to prove our innocence right? She thought for a second. Well our school records would prove that we've been at school this whole time and not on some plan planning to bomb some president guy. But then the court would just say that we hacked the school system or something. Ugh, why couldn't I have paid more attention in government class? Tris turned up the radio and began searching for news stations to see if she could hear any more information about the case. Tris cranked her head around and glared at Sarah. "Can you keep it down back there? No one here wants to hear you whine about not having all your fancypants rich ass makeup and shit." Yeah, it was harsh, but Tris was extremely frustrated with this whole situation.

Benji put an arm around Sarah and awkwardly patted her head. "You'll see them again. This isn't the end, Sarah" Benji said as Grey drove. Grey made a few turns and drove onto the freeway. "Let it go. Let it go!" Benji began and raised his fist up. "Can't hold it back anymore!" He sang feeling the car come to a stop. "Alright we're here" Grey announced getting out of the car.

Cameron raised an eyebrow at Breckenridge. "Of course there's no food in the fridge. That's why I came with some shit for us. Water, soda, some junk to hold us over." Cameron pointed at the corner next to the door, where there were piles of grocery bags. "We're good. If you could help out and put some of this stuff in the fridge, it would really be helpful." The young man shrugged at her. If she wanted to go out for the sake of going out - well, that was her choice. She was risking being seen in public further when the reason for being at a hide-out in the first place was to lay low for a little while.

Walking back outside, Cameron grabbed the remainder of his stuff. Then, Hunter showed up. Cameron patted him on the shoulder, pointing him in the direction of a few paper bags. "I appreciate the help, man. Thanks." Three duffel bags. Jewelry, money, drugs and necessities all together in harmony. Cameron would be just fine hiding out with the accumulation of goodies he had brought with him from the Montreal residence. Shutting the trunk once Hunter grabbed the rest of the items in the back, he locked the car door and walked back inside of the house. He slipped Avery's keys into one of the pockets of her jeans before grabbing some bags of groceries to put in the kitchen.

@Stoked911 @Shura
Brec closed her eyes sighing then looked at Cameron. "I doubt you got all the stuff I like...wait...you got bacon...you better have bacon..." She says to him as she went to the kitchen and looked through the bags. "I swear if you didn't get bacon...I'm breaking your arm..." She tells him but luckily she found it and slight smiled. "I'll put the stuff up...just continue bringing it in..." She started taking stuff out the bag and putting them away in the cabinets and fridge. "Hurry with the bags then I could make something to eat for dinner..." She told Cameron when he left.

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Ingrid had been pretty much out of it ever since their names were blared out in the news. On TV. Her mind had still been trying to recover when Benji grabbed her by the shoulders and pretty much dragged her into the car before he went in himself. She was thankful though. She might not have moved at all if it weren't for Benji. "Arriba!" he shouted, almost excitedly. Ingrid wondered how he kept himself so optimistic all the time, and she couldn't help but smile as she leaned her head against the window and shut her eyes. She wasn't sleeping, but the shut-eye helped her think and rest at the same time. She could even still hear the rest talking, though their words were a jumble of muffled sounds in her ears. She'd tuned them out, and the only sound she allowed herself to listen to was the gentle hum of the car's engine. That was, until the car halted, and she assumed they'd arrived at their destination. She forced herself to wake up, and as she stepped out of the car and hitched her bag over her shoulder, she looked around the place.


Quentin visited Emet's room before he went down the stairs to leave, and found Lexi finishing packing Emet's clothes. Emet himself was sat on the bed and was quiet. Quentin poked his head through the door, "Hey guys, we're done packing. Just come down when you're ready," he told them and smiled before venturing down the stairs.

@InsaneEntry @KaoriMei

Lexi Montreal

She glanced at the doorway at
Quentin when she heard his voice and nodded her head slightly, "We're done." She tells him and looks back at Emet with a smile. "Come on, let's go buddy." She says and stands up, taking a hold of his small hand as he slides off the bed. They head out of his bedroom and out the house, following Quentin. Her thoughts wandered onto what everyone else was doing and where they were at. When she got out the house, she opened the car door for Emet to get inside, back to sitting in his seat before [in between Amanda and Ashlynn] before she walked to get back into the front seat.

@pulpfiction @xoloveox @InsaneEntry @goldcat16471
Sarah smiled ever so softly from Benji's comforting, then opened her eyes from Tris's harsh tone. She raised her head up and glared back at the older girl. "If you don't want to hear it, then don't listen! I'd rather talk than worry myself to death from my thoughts. So excuse me!" She said sarcastically. Then Sarah rolled her eyes, and shook her head, cursing under her breath. When Benji started to sing, Sarah joined in, singing loudly and laughing. She knew it would annoy Tris, but at this point, she thought the girl deserved to be annoyed. At last the car came to a stop and Sarah jumped out, "What a lovely safe haven." She glanced at Tris and muttered just so that the girl could hear, "I bet this is just as nice as your home. If not better," Sarah taunted with a slight smirk, then turned to get her bags out of the trunk.

Ash was finished packing, and was waiting by the front door for the others to come down. She smiled nervously at them all when they came down the stairs, then started to walk back to the car. She got in beside Emet again, and buckled them both up.
Hunter Jameson

Hunter half-smiled as Cameron thanked him. At least he wasn't being all bitter like Hunter was sure some people were going to be . Following the older boy into the kitchen, Hunter placed the bags on a table and began unpacking. "So, uh, Cameron. How's boxing going?" Hunter just wanted to be engaged in a normal conversation right now. It felt like forever since he last had one, even though it was just like a hour ago. He unbagged a 12 pack of coke and grinned a little. If they were going to be living in this dump for a while at least they were living in style.


Tris Callahan

"Yeah, you're right. Excuse you for being such a spoiled brat. Do you not realize how deep the crap we are in is? No, you don't, because you're too busy worrying about stupid, meaningless things." Tris snapped back at Sarah and exited the car, yanking her bags out with her. Stupid Montreal's and their stupid money. This is probably all their fault. Some people wanted to take advantage of them being so freaking rich and decided to pull all of us into it as well. Well, Tris was determined not to be in the way when the Montreal bomb went off. She was not about to become just another piece of the carnage.

Avery Santini

Ave sighed as she got in the hideout and glanced around. There wasn't much to the place at a first glance it seemed to be something more akin to a makeshift gym. There was some workout equipment and some kinda boxing ring. Ave saw Brec in the kitchen saying something about there being no food and though about saying something before just pushing the notion off. Thankfully Cameron came in and informed her of the minimart worth of food he had bought. It probably wouldn't be up to her standards but it was something to hold us over until some real food could be gathered. Avery spotted a section of the main room that was left alone for the most part and moved over. She set her belongings down. Ave stretched her arms over her head with a small groan. Diving for so long had made her a bit stiff and sore but she could manage. Ave moved towards Cameron glad to be somewhat settled and not having to drive off again. She glanced over at Hunter and waved slightly he'd grown quite a bit since the last time she had seen him but still kept that boyish charm.

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