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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Retaliation


Everyone was swarming from one place on another, repeating for themselves to calm down yet they wouldn't shut up for the fraction of a second, and that made him quite angry. Ingrid had left in a car, and then Grey have him a paper, Ace frowning quickly after in complete confusion of the chaos that was happening, it was irritating, making you just want to shout since no one payed attention to you and jumped to stupid conclusions, in the end, they decided to go to some sort of hideout or refuge, when they could've just gone to another place, yet they wanted to turn this up a notch. Ace shook his head, walking outside and passing Adelia, pushing her very slightly so he could squeeze in trough the doorframe, seeing all the cars taking off.

All of them were full, and only one person was left out. Ace shouted at Violet
''Get on, we have to go!'' as he entered the car, unlocking it and turning on the car. Ace turned on his radio, letting some music play. Hozier - Take Me To Church. He stretched and opened the door for Violet, Ace looking behind his seat and getting out a black bandana, wrapping it around his face, only leaving his eyes uncovered and putting a flat cap on, preparing to ride off to the place.

''The shit I get into.''



“Hardy har-har.”

Avery pulled into the parking lot of a common minimart not exactly the first place anyone would start looking for them.
“This is a quick stop. You have five minutes.” Avery said before going and paying to fill her tank while Cameron grabbed what he wanted from inside. Ave knew how Cam got when he was in a munchy mood.

Cameron walked into the gas station, not worried about anyone spotting his face. They didn’t like him? They could go fuck themselves. No one was going to stop him to be arrested, that was for certain. Cameron was a bit too crazy when it came to doing things that he had planned - hampering obstacles got smashed out of the way.

Inside, the young man gathered up a couple of stuff which he believed would be essential. Undoubtedly, the group of people would need some food and drink off the bat - if only just to have for a later time. This meant multiple trips to the cash register, because gas stations didn’t have fucking carts. Those who needed a cart at a gas station, for the most part, could find one nearby. Cameron and Avery did not have time like that.

Muchies? Yes. Chips, cookies, candy and the whole enchalada. Not an actual enchalada, so fuck you. The rest was drinks. Three 12-packs of soda, various flavors. Two 24-packs of water. The gas station employee who was ringing his order up looked at him as though he had three heads. Not concerned, Cameron removed a wad of cash from his back pocket. He had a couple on him before he got home to throw a shit load of cash into a bag, anyway.

A thousand dollars? Whatever. Ain’t nobody got time for change. Cameron tossed the wad onto the table. The gas station attendant’s expression did not change. Cameron was getting visibly angry with the young man, and had reached his boiling point.
“What the fuck are you looking at!? Ring my shit up and help me bring it to my fucking car!”

“Or what?” The gas station attendant retorted with a shit-eating smirk.

Cameron literally launched himself over the counter to grasp the man’s shirt, before dragging him over to his own side. As the gas station attendant’s body hit the ground next to his feet, Cameron delivered a solid punch to his right eye socket. No doubt it would leave a nasty bruise. Cameron was not done, though. Well… The bad part would be over, at the very least. He picked the man up and put him on his feet, before shoving him.
“Grab. My. Shit. Assclown.”

And so, Cameron’s shit was grabbed. The two would exit the doors of the convenience store, with Cameron’s arms just as full as the attendant’s own, who helped him load the appropriate items into the back of Avery’s SUV. When he was finished, the attendant stood around waiting to be told what else to do.
“...Anything else?” His eye was swollen shut at this point.

“How about you go fuck off?”


Post is featuring a tad bit of @Shura
Violet looked over at Ace, sighing slightly as she followed behind him.

"This is horrible." She commented, walking through the door frame and grabbing her skateboard, which she had used to get to the part in the first place. She walked over to the car and hopped in, closing the door behind her.

In the car, Take Me To Church was playing. Violet couldn't help but smile. That was one of the few songs that played on the radio that had an good message to it. Looking over at Ace when he spoke up, she tried to relax herself as she replied.

"I think we're all in shit right now."

Brec started the truck after everyone was in. She was becoming frustrated so to calm her nerves she always listened to and twirled her switchblade in her hand. She stepped on the gas and speed out of driveway onto the street following right behind Ace while listening to the music playing from her phone. Today was stressful and she just wanted to hurt someone...but not yet.
Ash walked with her brothers and the others to Quinten's car. Emet's sweet voice distracted her from her disoriented thoughts. She smiled down at him, "We're going on an adventure Emet! You like adventures right? It's going to be very exciting." She told her brother. When Ash thought about it, she realized it actually was true. This definitely was an adventure, and the danger of it was what made it exciting. It was an odd, but positive way to look at it. It made her feel more calm. Also, despite the misfortune of the whole mess, it made her feel a rush of adrenaline.
Nora wanted to tell her sister to put down the knife. She wanted to tell her sister a lot of things, but put down the knife was very high on that list. Honestly, she was the designated driver! But after their earlier confrontation, she wasn't in the mood to get in another fight with Brec. All Nora really wanted to do was curl up in the back seat of the car and stay that way until this whole mess was done with. She'd woken up that morning with school to go to, a break to enjoy, friends to keep in touch with, and a competition to go to. Now all she had in front of her was running like a fugitive, and surviving like a criminal. Needless to say it wasn't the way she wanted her day to go.
Quentin made sure everyone was in the car before he abruptly stepped on the gas pedal, finding himself driving in a fast pace, but slow enough to be able to avoid the people and the other vehicles in his way. "We're going to the Montreal's first," he told his passengers with a quick glance at the rear view mirror, "Then the Jamesons," he said as he abruptly turned a corner, and luckily no cars were in sight, "then wherever the fuck this hideout is." He glanced at the rear view mirror once more as he slowed down, grinning at his friend's green faces. To his delight, they'd already arrived at the Montreal's. It usually took around 15 minutes to get there, but he'd managed in 5. As he smoothly parked the car on the Montreal's driveway, he turned to his friends and smiled. "All good?"
Avery and Cameron

Avery tapped nervously on her dashboard as she kept the engine running. She checked the clock on the dash. His five minutes were up now she just needed to figure out if she should take off or actually wait. Before she could come to a decision The door opened and someone walked out with a ton bags. She blinked a few times wondering what the heck was going on. Ave unlocked the trunk. “Jeez I know you can eat like a horse but I don’t think you can down all this…” She replied as Cameron followed.

“Girl, you got me fucked up. My stomach is an endless abyss. It ain’t all for me, though.”

She figured as much, there was enough snacks and drinks to feed a small army. Avery was counting herself lucky that she had an SUV instead of a little car or something. Then she noticed the swelling on the clerks face and frowned slightly. Taking note of the way he skittered away from Cameron to go back inside. In the short moment the attendant left, Avery punched Cameron in the arm, not holding back either.
“What the hell did you do?”

Cameron let out a sigh as the close fist plowed into his bicep. Yeah, it hurt. Cameron still felt pain from the last time she punched him, two years ago. Every time, in the same damned spot. Hues turned to the female as his eyes narrowed.
“It’s not my fault. He totally hit me first.” What a lying piece of shit. Cameron moved to the other side of the car, using a hand to grab the handle of the passenger side. He opened the door, waiting a moment to get in.

“You ready?”

Avery just narrowed her eyes at his response but left it as is, she could kick his ass latter when they were safe. She shook her head and got back into the car putting the car in drive before pulling back out onto the street.
“You are so lucky we are on a time crunch.”

“You’re a time crunch.”
Cameron responded, well aware that it made no fucking sense. The nice, comfy leather interior of the car somehow resulted in Cameron’s restlessness. God knows how many animals had to die to make that seat. Cameron believed every last life was worth it, even though the situation that both he and Avery in was complete shit. “I think we’re good on places to stop, unless you could think of somethin’ you might need.”

After that last line, Cameron waved a wad of cash erratically in the air.


now w/ moar @Shura !

Lexi Montreal

Lexi got into the front along with Quentin, buckling up as she knew this was definitely going to be a fast ride. As soon as Ashlynn, Amanda and Emet were in the car, all buckled up, he shot off straight away. Her hand found it's way to the passenger assist handle [the handle that's on the roof], gripping onto it tightly as he turns the corner. Once they slowed down, although it was a fast ride, it seemed to have gone slow. "Maybe drive a bit slow next time.." She murmurs at him. Even though she enjoyed that, Emet was in the back so he had to be a little careful. "I'll be back." She tells them all before unbuckling, opening the door and getting outside, heading inside the house. 'No time to lose.' She thought to herself as she ran up the stairs, two steps at a time, walking into her bedroom. She pulled out a duffle bag from underneath her bed and placed it on the bed, moving towards her drawer and opening it - grabbing any clothes that she saw really, along with underwear and bras. She stuffed them into the bag messily, not wanting to waste time for the others and looked around before walking back towards her drawer, opening the bottom draw and searching for a specific rolled up sock. Yeah, she hid some of her emergency money there. She threw the sock into the bag and walked towards her bookshelf, pulling out two certain books and placing them into the bag on top of everything. She zipped it up and easily putting it onto her shoulder, grabbing one of her cameras and walking out the room, back down the stairs and outside the house. She jogged towards the car, opened the door and got inside again. "Back." She says, slightly out of breath.
Quentin nodded as Lexi got inside the car. He quickly locked all their doors and told them to buckle up if they hadn't already, then smoothly drove out as they headed for the Jameson household. This time, he made it considerably slower, stopping at all the red lights and everything. He smiled at them through the mirror as he drove, and in a few minutes they'd arrived at the Jamesons. Their place. He turned to Lexi and Amanda, "D'you guys want to stay in the car or wait for us inside?" @xoloveox @KaoriMei

Putting her switchblade down and stopping at a red light, Brec looked at the address that Grey gave her then scrunched her eyebrows a little confused at the address she was given. It was like she's been there before, she looked at it a little longer then put it away seeing the light turn green and pushed on the gas driving cutting people off not caring if they were yelling or honking at her. She put her blade away since she has calmed down and her mind was cleared. She started driving at a normal speed before taking a quick glance at her little sister Nora. She knew Nora couldn't handle what was going on, unlike herself, Nora was kinda the innocent girl in the family. She didn't want her to be put into dangerous situations like the one they are in now. She sighed looking back at the road before speaking "...you alright?" She asked her

Hunter Jameson

Hunter, who had conveniently appeared in Brec's car because reasons, stayed silent for once in his life. He didn't really know what to say. Oh haha hey guys guess what we can never show our faces in public again lol so funny great times great memories. Not exactly the best way to lighten the mood. He finally gave a look to the girl next to him. Nora, right? She didn't exactly fit the description of the fugitive. But then again, none of these people really did. Hunter sighed loudly and leaned back in the car seat, stretching out his arms.
"Yeah," Nora sighed, catching her breath. "I'm okay." She threw the look back at Hunter, who had conveniently appeared in Brec's car because reasons. She chanced a look outside at the familiar looking houses. "Just...don't drive with a knife, alright?" She was going to be okay. She was with her sister...and Hunter...but she knew that she could trust Brec. Or at least, she hoped she could. Because if Nora couldn't trust one of her family, who else was left?

@Stoked911 @ShatteredSoul
Lexi Montreal

She leaned back into her seat to catch her breath, letting out a small sigh as she ran a hand through her hair. She stared outside the window as
Quentin drove to his house. She was just thinking about where everyone else was - like her sisters and Cameron. She turned her head to look at Quentin when he stopped at his house, "You and Ashlynn should go pack. One of us [Amanda or Lexi] should pack Emet's so we're not wasting time." She tells them.‎

@pulpfiction @goldcat16471 @xoloveox @InsaneEntry

Brec rolled her eyes and continued looking straight ahead. "Oh stop...you know I'm real good with blades and it calms me down when I get frustrated...that and other things..." She said before grabbing her Ipod and used the Bluetooth to play some music to lighten the mood. She never liked that freaking show your location thing and always turned it off. It was weird for people to know where you were posting from. "Anyway...we're almost at the hideout...I think we will be there in about...15 minutes..." she said making an exit off the freeway heading down a street that looked sorta vacant. She continued driving until the song The Only Way Out by Bush started playing and she started to sing along. She didn't care if her sister and the others were listening to her sing, she just ignored them and let the sweet lyrics take her away.

Benji was surprised when Amanda walked into him and suddenly hugged him. Regardless, he smiled and hugged his sister back, "We'll just be apart for a bit. We're going to meet back up remember?" He let go of Amanda and grabbed some of Ingrid's stuff, "See ya!" The younger teen walked down the stairs. Grey looked over at Tris before nodding at her statement, "Alright, let's get out of here". "Let's go! Sarah, you need anything back at your place?" He asked while going down the stairs.

"Okay then, you guys decide who to pack Emet's stuff. We'll pack our things," Quentin gave the two a quick smile and he gestured for Ashlynn and Emet to follow him as he approached the front door. Fumbling for his house keys, he unlocked the door and swung it open, to be greeted by the sight of his house. "Home sweet home," he muttered to himself. Too bad he won't be seeing it for a while. He turned and crouched down to one knee to speak to his little brother. "You go stay with Lexi and Amanda okay? Ashlynn and I are just going to get our things," he said, reassuringly squeezing his brother's shoulder before he turned and ventured up the stairs, where their rooms were. Sighing, he told Ashlynn, "Hard to believe we won't be seeing this for a while, huh?"

Quentin looked around and gave a small whistle before entering his room. His things were cluttered all over. CDs were tossed around on the floor, clothes were in a dump in the corner, and notes were pinned all over the wall. It seemed he'd never really took down his notes; some of them were dating to about a year ago. He read one that was from last year's Christmas: Mom and Dad decided to have a fight in front of their children again today. Happy Holidays.

Quentin shrugged, and tossed the note to his side. His Mom usually fought with his Dad because she'd find out he was doing something that she hadn't been aware about. One time she found out he was still drinking, when he'd already promised that he'd quit. He didn't remember what last Christmas was specifically about, but he guessed it resembled that situation. Shaking his head, he went on one knee as he rummaged through his drawers, taking out clothes and stuffing them into one bag. He collected his savings too, his watch, and his iPod. Quentin shuffled to his feet as he hitched his bag onto his shoulders, then checked on Ashlynn in the next room. "All good?" he asked her.


Ingrid followed the rest of the group, and smiled as Benji carried her bag for her. She muttered a small "Thank you" and ventured down the stairs, out of the house, and to the car as the rest of the group got ready for the drive.

@InsaneEntry @KaoriMei @goldcat16471 @xoloveox @RyanJXavier
Emet smiled at Ashlynn's reply, then got into the car with her and buckled. Quentin drove, and at first he drove pretty fast. A girl got out at the first stop, went into the house and came back out carrying a bag. When the girl was in the car again, they set off. This time, the ride was slower. They came to a stop again at his home, and he got out along with the rest. When they entered, Quentin crouched in front of him , and told him to stay with Lexi and Amanda. He nodded and moved towards the two older girls, then grabbed Lexi's hand.

@goldcat16471 @pulpfiction @KaoriMei @xoloveox

Lexi Montreal

She nodded her head slightly when
Quentin said this and smiled when Emet grabbed her hand, "Hey buddy." She ruffles his hair slightly, "Let's go pack you some clothes, shall we?" She heads into the house, straight for the stairs and walks up them with Emet. She looks around for a moment before spotting a door with the sign 'Emet' on it. "Let's go then." She tells him and gives his hand a small gentle squeeze as they head to his bedroom. Once inside, she picks him up and seats him onto the bed, "Cool room you have here." She grins and walks to his wardrobe, opening it. She grabs a backpack and starts to pack it with Emet's clothes while saying, "Go grab yourself a couple toys. You're gonna want some entertainment." She tells him softly.

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"Hey Grey! Which one's your car?" Benji called out from the first level. Grey paused in his tracks. "We'll just stop by your place after our's" He said looking back at Sarah then continuing his way to the door. "Dodge Challenger R/T. The one over there" He responded finally leaving the house. Grey and Benji put the stuff into Grey's car. "Nice. This looks fast" Benji said trying to make some discussion. "Not as fast as I'd like it to be" Grey admitted. "Hm, I see. So where exactly are we going again?" Benji asked. "Rec center" Grey answered. "Thought you said there was a boxing thing in it" The younger teen said in a confused manner. "It's in the hood. Not as glamorous as you think. Single story work out space with some garages and all that. You'll see" Grey concluded sitting in the driver's seat.
Avery & Cameron

Avery thought a moment and shook her head keeping her eyes on the road. “I got everything packed from my dorm so I’m good.” She glanced over at him. “Put that away!” She hissed softly. “Last thing we need is someone breaking into the car to grab that.” She grumbled under her breath.

“I wish a jigga would.” Cameron said, with an obnoxious laugh. The idea that anyone would break in, especially while Cameron was sitting there, was funny. Hell, he was facing life as it was. An added murder charge would mean nothing. Placing the money back in his pocket, Cameron’s fingers moved to the radio. He turned on a hip-hop station, though allowed the music to remain somewhat low and in the background - in contrary to the usual blasting volume, which he was comfortable with on a normal basis.

Avery sighed softly not even bothering to comment on his antics. Honestly he was acting like a child… Some things just didn't change no matter how much time passes. Then again that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. Possibly the only reason why she was so calm was because of Cameron. Acting like it’s just another inconvenience instead of the huge deal that it really is. She thought a moment and looked over to Cam. “How are my sisters taking all this?” She questioned. She had been so caught up in the immediate actions and getting stuff she had forgotten to ask about them.

“Breckenridge seems concerned, but not too bad. She’s takin’ charge of the situation in her own way. As far as Nora goes, I have no idea. I’m sure she’s worried.” Cameron closed his eyes and crossed both of his arms over his chest. “I thought it was a bad joke at first. Turns out that’s not actually the case. Are we almost there?” It seemed as though they had been driving for years. Cameron was starting to feel restless. Where the hell were they going? He assumed the hideout was exactly as it sounded - a safe haven - but did it have to exist all the way out in fucking god’s kingdom?

Avery chuckled softly hearing how Breck was handling things. No doubt in the most aggressive way possible short of actually using a weapon. It was a trait they both shared however Ave turned her aggression into sass and the occasional punch or kick. Still she was starting to feel better about being late the whole family reunion, if she had… thing might have gotten worse. Possibly. Only time could really tell. She glanced over to Cameron as he started whining and rolled her eyes. She reached behind her and grabbed one of the bags of chips and tossed it at him. “Just eat your chips… we’re almost there.”


shoutout to my treeple
Brec saw the hideout and didn't even show any emotion. She wasn't happy or relieved...OK she was relieved because she really needed to get out of the drivers seat and stretch. She quickly parked in one of the free spots in the garage and turned off the engine. "OK were here now...get your things out..." She tells Nora and the others unbuckling her seat belt and getting out. She closed the door the stood still for a sec before stretching her back, it made loud popping noises that could make a person cringe but made Brec sigh in content. She then popped her neck and shoulder and gave a content sigh. " Mann, die gut gefühlt..." She said in her native tongue. She unlocked the back door to the truck and walked over taking out the three bags that had the guns in them.
Ash clenched Emet's hand tightly as Quentin drove. He was still being careful, but it was definitely over the speed limit. Ash kept scanning the road for any police cars. Thankfully, they ran into none. Once Quentin pulled up, they entered the house. Ash let go of Emet's hand and had him stay with Lexi while she went up to her room. Going up the stairs she heard Quentin mutter, "Hard to believe we won't be seeing this for a while, huh?" The thought of that made Ashlynn's heart ache. She gave a small nod in reply then entered her own room.

She looked around the space she called her own. It was tidy and organized, and Ash knew where everything was. Sighing, she grabbed a suitcase out of her closet and threw it on the bed. She made her way over to her dresser, and dug through it grabbing some clothes, and packing them. Then she walked over to her desk, and opened her safe. Ashlynn managed to save up a little over three hundred dollars from babysitting. She tucked the money into a safe place. Having a little bit of room left, Ash stuffed in a couple more sentimental items. Afterwards, she zipped up the suitcase, then looked around the room once more. She had no idea when they were going to come back... If they were. Ash let a single tear slip then made her way out of the room and down the stairs to the front door.

Sarah followed the others out of the Parker's household, and to Grey's car. She nodded at him about going to her house afterwards. "Yeah, I'm sure I have a huge wad of cash laying around somewhere that could come in handy." She said. She entered the backseat of the car, and buckled herself in. She listened to where there hide out was, and stuck her tongue out, "It sounds like a joyful place." Sarah grumbled to herself sarcastically.
Avery Santini and Cameron Montreal

Cameron mumbled, as his fingers moved to the top of the bag to open it. “... YOU eat YOUR chips…” This was followed by Cameron shoving a handful of delicious fried greasiness into his mug. Teeth chomped down, making an audible crunching sound which was probably half-masked by the music playing from the radio. This was followed by Cameron tilting the bag with his left hand over toward Avery. “Want some?”

Ave cringed slightly at the obnoxious sound of crunching chips and reached over changing the station to something less…. rap. All this stress was starting to give her a headache. She glanced over at the offered chips and accepted a couple. “What the hell are we supposed to do when we get to this place?”

“I don’t really know. I’m sure someone’s got some sorta plan. If they don’t, we’ll make a plan. No biggie.” Opening his eyes, he turned his head to face Avery with a small smile. “I always get what I want, don’t I?” Nothing had ever stopped him before, that was for sure. Such was the way of the Montreals.

A sly smirk curved Averi’s features “Almost everything.” She corrected before looking back to the road.

That small smile turned into a frown. Sassy. Turning his eyes from Avery back to the road, Cameron shoved another handful of chips back into his mouth. He chewed with furrowed brows. She was right. Much akin to an elusive muse. Whether he liked it or not, he couldn’t help but chase her. No matter what, that was the woman he loved. The very same woman whom was his first and only love. Cameron tilted the bag, placing the opened part up to his lips and allowing the crumbs of the chips slide into his mouth.

Avery noticed the frown but and couldn't help but offer a small smile. She didn't mean to be mean or cruel but for the boy who got everything he ever wanted it was nice to see him frustrated. She shook her head slightly “Sorry, didnt mean to tease you so much.” She muttered softly before turning her gaze back to the road. From behind them there was a small meow as Amber was starting to get restless.

“Oh, please.” Cameron said, turning around in his chair to see the kitty meowing. “When did you get this cute li’l guy?” Extending both hands, he unlocked the door of the cat crate. Removing the animal from the depths of it’s cell, Cameron allowed it to sit in his lap - softly petting the top of it’s head. Cameron lifted both legs up onto the glove compartment. “It’s cute. Seems like a nice cat, from the three seconds i’ve seen of it so far…” Cameron kept the window beside him cracked. He always enjoyed the fresh air more than sucking up air conditioning for extended periods of time. Besides, it saved money on gas to just open the windows on days when it wasn’t too hot or muggy.

Avery glanced over as Cameron removed the cat from her crate. “Ah that’s amber. I’ve had her for about a year. She’s pretty docile and really smart.” Avery explained with a small grin. In the short time she had spent with the cat she had become quite attached to it. “Kind of really glad I brought her along now… I could trust my roommate to look after her maybe a few days. And I admit I do spoil her sometimes.” She chuckled softly.

Amber was a bit skittish of this strange human taking her out of the crate but managed to settle since Avery was nearby the cat purred softly as she was petted and curled up on Camerons stomach tail swaying lazily side to side.

Cameron eventually stopped petting the cat, which had been curled up on top of him. He was looking over toward Avery, who had been focusing on the road. The next couple of minutes went in silence, but Cameron didn’t notice. He was too busy focusing on Avery’s features. It seemed so long since the two were able to connect; between her schooling and his boxing, the two were on almost completely different schedules in completely different places. On top of that, Avery had been trying her hardest to distance herself from her parents. Of course, the Montreal boy did not take her absence - and so he always gravitated back. At this point, it had been almost a year since Cameron had actually seen Avery. While the two may have spoken here and there, Cameron was not in town the last time she was. It was safe to say that time was treating her well.

A few minutes of driving later Avery noticed a shift in scenery. The building were older and stress not as well kept. The teen glanced around before looking over to Cameron. “You sure you got the right address?” She questioned as she kept driving unsure where they were even going. Granted no one would expect a bunch a ritch kids to hide out in the hood but at the same time there was a reason they didn't go into this part of time. “Dont have a good feeling about this….”

“Yeah, i’m sure about the address. Definitely wouldn’t screw that shit up. We’re kinda depending on it at the moment, you know?” Cameron took another deep breath. It was obviously in a shitty neighborhood - not that he was nervous. He started out training in some of the worst neighborhoods that their city had to offer. The only unfortunate part about this in reality would be the fact that Cameron would have to live under the same means as those who surrounded them. And yeah, it was fucking snooty. He’s a Montreal!

Living a lifestyle of indoor pools, boxing rings, movie theaters, personal chefs, maids? One could say it would be an obstacle in the foreseeable future. What the hell were they all supposed to do? Share one damn house? Cameron was pretty sure he was going to die if he had to be subjected to that.

Avery sighed softly “Alright… hopefully its not too terrible…” she muttered. Avery had adapted to sharing a living space with others in close quarters. The life of a university student wasn’t always glamor and luxuries. She actually had to take care of her self, do her own laundry, get her own food, basically be an adult while maintaining her studies. She was far from perfect but had gotten much better than when she initially got to the campus. She was starting to think it was probably for the best now that she couldn’t go home. She could survive with the bare basics even if they weren't the best in quality.

Ten minutes later a the GPS finally chimed “You have reached your destination. It is on the, left.”

Avery blinked a few times before looking around seeing a rather shoddy looking building. “You think that’s it?”

Cameron’s eyebrow rose as took his feet off of the glove compartment. He inched forward in his seat, looking passed Avery to see what appeared to be a small collection of garages. “Let’s just pull in. I’ma get a cigarette in. I’m sure the others will show up in a li’l bit, at least…” Yeah, Cameron seemed awfully suspicious right about now. What if he was just lying about all of this? What if it was just some crazy scheme to put some unnecessary excitement into Avery’s life? A small audible chuckle escaped Cameron’s lips as he pondered what she was thinking. He was sure in a matter of time, she would speak about how she was feeling on the matter. Cameron could probably make a lot of money betting on that.

Avery could tell Cameron wasn’t liking the situation. She wasn’t either to be truthful. Driving around the side of the building she found where there looked to be some garage doors and parked the car. She glanced around not seeing anyone and wondered if it would be safe to start wandering around. “You still have your gun right?” She questioned before picking up Amber and putting her back in the crate. Better to keep her safe. While she was reaching back there she grabbed one of her smaller totes and rummaged through the clothing with in. A few second and she pulled out what looked to be can of pepper spray and two different tasers. one which actually shot out with prongs and the other a close range model.

Cameron kept his mouth shut while she removed the kitty from his lap. He narrowed his eyes in response to Avery asking if he still had his gun. “You know what? I think I lost it somewhere outside while we were driving here. We should go back to look for it.” While he was saying this, he removed the gun from his waistband, slipping the safety off in the process. He clicked a small button, dropping the clip from the chamber and checking it with his free hand. When he saw it had ammunition in it, he slapped it right back in and exited the car.

“Just make sure not to shoot anyone we know.” She replied as she got cracked the windows open slightly for the kitten and locked the car. She wasn't going to take more than a few minutes before heading back to the car. There was no way she was leaving her car unattended in this part of town

Fingers grabbed the slide of the pistol and pulled it back, before Cameron deposited it back underneath the waistband of his pants. The very same hand would find itself a cigarette for him to smoke. He placed the filter of it between his lips, leaning against the SUV and looking around. It was quiet, but Cameron did not trust the silence. He believed that in such a bad area it would be foolish to let down his guard.

Avery moved towards the building eyes scanning around for any sign there were people around. From what she could tell the place was abandoned. No sign of life anywhere. She peered through the windows only seeing dark. “Doesn’t look like anyones been here in a while.” She muttered heading back to the car.

“Think it’s abandoned?” Cameron asked, peering over at Avery once more. Exhaling smoke out of slightly parted lips, he spoke once more. “I wouldn’t be surprised, but there is definitely some homeless people or some shit livin’ ‘round here if no one else is. I promise you that.” He could not help but keep his eyes fixated on the female. She was aesthetically pleasing, at the very least.

Avery made her way back to the car and shrugged “That’s to be expected.” She replied before hearing the sound of another car park along the other side. “Hm?” Her body tensed in anticipation of something going wrong. She moved towards the sound quietly hoping that it would be someone she actually knew. She moved along the wall ready to react if her hopes went unanswered and peered around the corner. She caught sight of a familiar car and the person getting out. She sighed softly seeing it was her sisters and a few of the others. Avery looked back over to Cam and motioned from him to follow

written with @Stoked911 @Hexter @ShatteredSoul

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