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Realistic or Modern Retaliation

Benji carried some of his stuff out of the car. "Sarah!" He said in a low voice and gave her a look. That was a mean statement. Besides, Tris wasn't the only Callahan there. Grey glanced at Sarah after she made her comment. He took a deep breath and grabbed some of his stuff out of his car. "Ey" A voice said followed by a strong grip on Grey's shoulder. Grey turned around to view a rather large guy. He almost looked like "The Rock". "You're at the wrong place little man" The stranger said staring coldly at Grey. The teen dropped his bags and glared into the guy's eyes in silence. Grey clenched his fists.
Sarah ignored Benji and looked at Tris as she pulled her bags out and laughed bitterly, "Oh no, I think this is all fun and games! It's quite the exciting adventure we're going on!" She told her sarcastically, acting cheerful and dumb. Sarah laughed again, the spoke more serious, yet taunting. "I don't know Tris. Sounds to me like you're jealous." She smirked then walked past the girl, entering into the building, not realizing the man that just walked up to Grey. She looked around the building and raised her eyebrows. It wasn't very nice, but she understood it was the best they got. She would have to make do. Sarah sighed.

Placing some soda into the fridge, he looked up at Hunter and shrugged. "I'm gettin' better everyday. The more I train, the closer I get to my first real fight." Cameron was planning on making a living out of it, but he did not mention this. That was rather obvious. Winking toward Avery momentarily, hues would find Hunter once more before he continued speaking. "What about you? You still workin' out?" Cameron shook his head with a smile on his face. He nodded toward Hunter, before crossing his arms over his chest. "You should wake up early and work out with me. My regimen might kick your ass, but you'll get even bigger if you stick with it for a couple weeks."

Cameron cleared his throat. "I'm tryna get bigger, right? So i've been on this diet where I literally eat anythin' I could get my hands on. Bacon jerky, chips, steak, anything. Pizza, fuck it. I eat as much as I could, and every mornin' I do nothing but strength and cardio training until I fuckin' pass out. I've been gaining some weight, but shedding it down because of the workout. It's pure muscle." For normal people, probably much older than he, such a diet was idiotic. Cameron knew how his body worked, and the best way to beef up was exactly this.

"You seem like you're doin' all right though, li'l bro."

@ShatteredSoul @Shura

Quentin started the car again, running his fingers through his hair, and took out the piece of paper where the address was written. He looked in the rear view mirror, making sure everyone was there, buckled up and ready. "Okay," he muttered. "Off to wherever the hell this takes us," he said as he read the address and pressed on the gas pedal. They made a few twists and turns, and he realized the trip to this hideout place seemed to be longer than it took to get to any of their houses. He wasn't lost, though, he was fairly sure they were on the right track since he knew the street where the place was. In a few more minutes, the building was already in view, and he made his way to the driveway and parked as the car came to a halt. "We're here," he told everybody, and exited the vehicle. He went around the car and popped the trunk. "Just grab what's yours," he told them, as he snatched his own duffel bag, making his way to the entrance and into the building. He found that most of them had already arrived, and smiled as he set down the bag on the floor.


Ingrid looked around. The place was
huge. There were staircases leading to different rooms she had yet to find out looked like. She turned to Benji, bewildered, "Um, where do I put my things? Do we have, like, assigned rooms or something?" she asked, tilting her head.

Lexi Montreal

Lexi buckled up as soon as she got inside and rested back into her seat with a small sigh, stretching. 'God knows how long this drive was going to be..' She thought to herself and looked over at Quentin who was staring at the small sheet Grey had given to him. 'Where exactly was this place and where were we going?' She frowned for a moment but when she felt the car start moving, she glanced outside the window for a couple of minutes before leaning down, resting her head against it.

Once she felt the car stop and the engine turn off, her eyes opened slowly as she rubbed them. She unbuckled her belt, opened the door and got outside as she stretched her legs and body really. "
Finally.." She says and looks at the three that were seated at the back, giving them a small smile before heading towards the trunk. She grabbed the duffle bag she had packed earlier on and looked around, "Looks like we got beat." She says when she spots most people here.
"First come first serve" Benji said to Ingrid in a monotone voice. Benji slightly furrowed his brows when Sarah ignored him and went ahead inside. His facial expression relaxed as he followed her in and put his stuff down off to the side. He quickly turned around and walked back out to see Grey and some random big dude having an intense stare off. It was one of those stare downs where it looked like they would fight any second. Benji stayed put and watched.

"The Rock" and Grey approached each other. They both furrowed their brows as they got closer. "Don't call me Little Man . . ." Grey said pausing a bit after. They both laughed and did their simple handshake. "How's it going man? I heard from the news. Ya didn't really do that did you?" The man asked. "I didn't. It's okay if we stay here right?" Grey asked. "All good" The guy replied. "Got the whip though?" Grey questioned. "Earned and deserved. Quite the rumble last week" The man handed Grey a key. "Won't be going back for a while" Grey mentioned looking over his shoulder. "I'll come over later. Ima get them settled first" Grey and the guy nodded at one another and went their separate ways. The teen picked his stuff up before walking into their HQ.
Once they arrived, Ash looked out the window of the car to see where they wold be hiding. It wasn't glamorous, but at least it wasn't a cave either. She sighed and looked at Emet, "Come on Emet, let's go." She unbuckled both of them, then hopped out of the car and grabbed their bags. Just when she was about to enter, she saw a large man confronting Grey. Her eyes widened and she clutched Emet's hand while still holding onto the bags. The guy did not look happy, and neither did Grey. Ash stood where she was preparing for the worst, then suddenly... They laughed and shook hands. What!? She gaped, confused but relieved and went up to Grey pulling Emet with her. "Who is that?" She asked the older boy, falling into step with him.
Once all the bags of groceries were put away Brec looked at the stove wondering what to make for dinner. She sighed scratching her head then closed her eyes wondering what to cook. After about a few minutes her eyes opened and she walked over to almost all the cabinets knowing what to make for dinner. And it was most definitely going to have bacon. If there was one thing she loved it was bacon. She took out a couple pots and pans, some pasta, spinach, sauce and other things. She started to make dinner knowing if they did not eat it she will rain hell on all of them except Emet.
"Surge. He's a bro. Don't worry . . ." Grey said putting his stuff down off to the side. " . . We're safe here" He looked around the place. Another group meeting would do before everyone could fully settle down.

Benji walked off into a plain area in the rec center and thought to himself. Full inventory, basic necessities, and responsibilities. The young teen finished his thought as he walked back to the entrance of the place.

"How are you and the others holding up?" Grey asked.
Hearing Grey's response made Ashlynn relax and she nodded, "Okay..." She looked around at the others, thinking about how to answer his question. "I think everyone is internally freaking out. But... We're managing." She told Grey. She sighed and whispered so Emet couldn't hear. "Do you actually think we'll be able to prove our innocence?" She eyed him, "And be honest."
"It's possible. If something's possible, then I know we can do it" Grey responded. "Come on. I'll show you around. You could probably help me facilitate some stuff around here with your sophistication" He said looking at Ash. Grey picked up a few bags and began to walk off toward the garage.
Grey's words took Ashlynn aback, and she paused for a moment, then a smile spread across her face. She turned to Emet for a moment, "Emet, go inside and go find somebody in there to help you settle in. Everyone here is nice, so go ahead." She smiled at the little boy, then rushed over back to Grey. She smiled and grabbed some bags as well, following him to the garage. "So how did you know about this place?" She asked him.
Benji scanned the area for someone to talk to. He just needed to speak to someone who had a "clear mind". Got it. Benji thought to himself once he saw Lexi somewhere outside. He walked over to her and greeted her with a slight wave, "Hey there".

"Surge. We work together and his house is pretty close by. Sometimes I would visit him and pass by this area. So through connections and observation" Greyson replied arriving at the garage and flicking the light switch on. He put Benji's gadget bag down next to the wall, "Here's the garage. I'll have the drivers move their cars in. It's pretty large. Has a plain area over there". Grey nodded at the plain area, "Probably gonna have Benji do his tech stuff there. I'm thinking that we need to figure out some people's skills. Cookers, fighters, all that". He took one of the things Ash was carrying and flicked the light switch off as he walked out toward another room.

Ave stood back and watches as the other slowly filtered in with belongings and supplies. She kept out of the way knowing that tensions over all were running relatively high. In the back of her mind she was a bit worried about how things would play out with so many teens in one location. She found it kind of amusing how she had already graduated but it felt like she was right back in highschool crowded in small quarters with people who didn't want to be there. It had been years since she had seen some of the people in the room, not because she was avoiding them but they were just in different circles. A side from her sisters she only knew the other Montreal siblings mostly through spending time with Cameron.

The older teen sighed as she half listened to the conversations buzzing around her, thoughts starting to focus in on the issue at hand. She had been out of the loop on any family on goings for several months so there was no telling what new people may have had an issue with her family. However she did have several others in mind who had tried to pull lawsuits and stir up other troubles for the family. Then again all five families were involved in this... there was no telling what enemies or rivals their families and made, or each teen individually had made on their own. One, or more of them, could have ties to the media.... or even the government if the charges were real. She hadn't heard the news report or its details. Surely if it had already reached the news the cops and investigators would already be involved. They had to have started searching houses or digging things up. Why no one was already a rested was a small miracle in itself.

All the while Ave was thinking she watched and half listened to the others while bit softly on her bottom lip. A habit since childhood she hadn't been able to shake off.
Ash listened to Grey's explanation and nodded along. "Good use of your resources." She told him. "I just hope nobody finds us..." She muttered quietly. Ash looked around the garage when Grey turned the light on. It was large, just as he had said. "That's a good idea. Everybody could get assigned roles or something to make living as a fugitive slightly easier." She ended her sentence a little more bitterly than she had started it, and laughed nervously, then followed him out of the garage. "I can't believe we're all fugitives now..."

Brec continued cooking dinner, she was currently chopping up the spinach to put in the pot when she saw Avery enter the kitchen. She stopped putting the knife down then looks at her. "...Is there something I can help you with?" She asked her voice nonchalant. She didn't want her sister to be talking to her at all. She felt like she had to compete with her all the time. She hated it.

(Just so they could at least talk)

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"We'll pull through" Greyson said looking into a room. "There are ten bedrooms here. Some of us will have to share some rooms. Better than nothing" He said then looked back at Ash. "So what skills do you have?" Grey asked pausing for a bit so that they could make some productive conversation.
Ash stopped as well. She wondered who would share a room with who. She looked around the building at all the faces, unsure who she'd want. Grey's question snapped her out of her daze. "Um... Well I know how to cook. And keep people from causing messes. Also if anyone here gets in a fight with another, come find me. I've been a peacemaker for as long as I can remember." She let out a quiet laugh. "I don't know, Grey. I guess I'm just a good problem solver." She told him.

Avery made her way into the kitchen wanting to grab something to drink when she saw her sister lingering there. Holding back a sigh she moved to where the sodas were being kept and grabbed one from the fridge. The can was still slightly room temp but for the most part had chilled over to be drinkable. Her sister voice reached her ear, for once not growled out or with a bite of aggression. Still Avery was weary of her sister, more so because she had enough on her plate to deal with being hated. "Not really, I was just grabbing a soda..." she muttered softly. Part of her wanted to ask how she had been doing the past few weeks but she was treading on very thin Ice as it was.
Brec looked at her again before picking up the knife and going back to chopping up the spinach. "...How have you been?" She asked putting the batch in the pan that had olive oil chopped up garlic and cooked shrimp in it. She walked over to the giant pot that the pasta was cooking it and checked to see if it was almost done. Sadly it wasn't and needed a few more minutes. "...You think Emet will eat this?"

She popped the top from the can and took a sip before looking over to her sister as she went back to cooking. "I've been.. alright." She replied. "Spending most of my time studying so nothing really new." She added watching as the other teen continued cooking. That was one of things Brec was always amazing at. Ave never understood how she could cook so well even when she followed a recipe, it would still be amazing. "Hm? Emit? I think so..." she muttered not really sure of the boys likes or dislikes.
"...ok..." She did care about what she was doing but she's not going to show it. She looked at the food before thinking if Emet would eat it or not. When it came down to children they always change their minds. "...I'm not gonna risk it..." She mumbled and grabbed an extra pan some cheese and mayo then decided to make him a grilled cheese and bacon sandwich. "...yeah...he would love this..." She told herself as she started multitasking and not only cooking dinner for the older teens but for Emet as well asks if he didn't eat it she wasn't going to penalize him. She'd just put it in the fridge for later. "...Since you're not doing anything productive...set the table...I'm pretty sure you can do that..." She told her sister while focusing on the food. It was going to be amazing it has to be and if it wasn't she will blame herself for it. She was real good at that, blaming herself for things that were or weren't her fault and sometimes the punishment she gives herself is brutal. Sometimes she would go without food for days and other times she would train to the point she made herself pass out. It's just how she is. While the food was cooking she started making garlic bread. Well it was already like made all she did was add cheese and bacon on top and tada cheesy bacon garlic bread. She loved cooking, it was a passion she enjoyed doing and would love to try new and ancient recipes.

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Another sip of her soda as she watched her sister prep the food letting her have her space. When Brec was moving it was bet to just leave her be. Ave did resist the urge to roll her eyes at the teens passive aggressive comments and simply walked out of the kitchen. Its only temporary.... she reminded her self before continuing on her way. She knew nothing about this place or where anything was. And it seemed the person who did was off doing something else. Joy. Finishing her soda ave tossed the can out before shifting to the dinning area where a long table sat. She vaguely wondered if everyone would even be able to sit and eat at once. Shaking her head Avery shifted through the near by cabinets and draws managing to find some plates and cutlery. Setting the table was done quick enough, the place setting memorized from years of meals with the family.

It was done. Dinner was done and it looked great. In her mind she gave herself a pat on the back and a thumbs up. Now all she needed to know is if the others would like it. That's what she needs right now...to see if the others liked it. She put the pasta in a huge bowl and picked it up walking over to the long dining table and putting it in the middle of it. She went back and got the other side meals putting them down on the table. She backed up and admired her meal for the last time. She put her hair in a loose bun before taking a deep breath yelled "DINNER IS READY!!!!!" She walked back to the fridge getting out the juice and cups putting them on the table then leaving to wash her hands again.

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Lexi Montreal

She stood there for a couple moments when she got out the car, looking around. '
This place is huge.' She thought, 'Not as huge as the house though.' She couldn't help but think. She shrugged her shoulders, not really caring if it was big or small, she was just grateful she had these lot and somewhere to stay. She sets her bag on Quentin's car to grab her camera to take photos just as Benji walked up to her. "Oh hey, Benji." She smiles at him, as she opens her bag and takes it out before zipping the bag back up. "How are you?"


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