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Realistic or Modern Retaliation

Tris Callahan

The girl sighed as Benjamin mentioned the rooming situation. Tris didn't really know any of the girls here well enough that she would want to room with them. Brec, maybe, but that would still be awkward. Oh hey we haven't talked in like 10 years but now were sleeping in the same bed haha yeah. She would prefer to avoid that awkward confrontation at all possible. If she really had to share, she'd probably end up doubling up with Greyson. Yeah it wouldn't be ideal sharing with him but he was the only person here she knew and didn't hate. Besides, it's not like he hadn't seen her changing or stuff like that before, so it wasn't that big of a deal. At all costs, Tris would avoid rooming with that spoiled Sarah chick. She didn't know how much more of her she could take. She shoveled some more food into her mouth before replying to Benjamin. "I'd prefer to avoid Janitor duties at all possible. I'm not much of a cleaner. At all." She paused, her eyes flicking to Lexi humorously. It wasn't in a mean way, it was more of a joke and she meant no harm. Hopefully the girl knew that. "I'd like to head up the research committee. We can't just stay held up here forever. We need to get out there and learn some more information about the case against us. I intend on proving us innocent and ain't nothing going to stop me." Tris spoke the words with authority and dedication. It was true, she wasn't going down for a crime she didn't commit.
"I might be able to make some alterations to your camera. Photography is a real skill you know? We can get some evidence if we find something and you can capture it at that very moment. In fact, I have something among my blueprints . . . As for the training? Understood" Benji replied to Lexi as he made a mental note to himself. "Got it! Welcome to the "committee" then, Tris" Benji grinned before taking a bite of his pasta.

"I can fight" Grey said not getting too into detail since Tris was at the table. "Got some street smarts too. Parkour under my sleeve as well as fixing stuff up. I ra- . . . um drive nicely" He continued in a slightly vague tone. Benji understood though. The younger teen would just ask for clarification later. "I'll stick to the car stuff for now though. I believe it's one of the more urgent things since it's our escape way 99 percent of the time" The older teen said finishing up his meal.

Lexi Montreal

Lexi couldn't help but laugh when Beatrice said this, "Well.. imagine living with a bunch of guys. Someone's going to have to obviously take up being the janitor here." She grins at her, hinting to her that these guys were probably messy, as a joke of course. She then turned to look at Benji, "That's cool! I'd love to do that." She says excitedly when he tells her that the camera would actually be very useful. "I still have my polaroid one from the party and then brought one from my house." She tells him, nodding. "It would be good to teach a couple of us some fighting skills, you know, for self defense if anything happens."
Adélia had been wandering the house for some time while she decided on a bedroom at last. She placed her things on the foot of the bed and walked down to where everyone was eating. She kept her hands shoved deep in her jacket pockets as she walked since she wasn't really comfortable with everything. As she approached the dinning area she heard people talking about fighting or something of that sort. Adélia quietly peeked her head into the room with a slightly shy expression as she looked around. She saw some familiar faces, including her brother so she relaxed her tensed up shoulders. Adélia walked over to where the food was sitting and she looked at it, yet didn't feel that hungry. So instead she got herself a glass of water and walked over to where they were all sitting. She grabbed herself a seat and just sat there, looking around at everyone, trying to see if she remembered every name and face.
"I'm not just going to be the chef around here...I can train you guys and teach you guys how to shoot a gun...and other things..." She said as she grabbed a cheesy bacon garlic bread then bit into it. "And for janitor duty...I'm most definitely not doing it...cooking for you guys is already going to be a lot...so you can scratch me off the list for that position..." She told then as she grabbed her cup of juice and drank the rest that was inside of it. She looked at the rest of the food that was on her plate then stood up heading to the kitchen. She was full and she only ate half of the food that was on her plate. Maybe she should't have made that much food food. It was too late now she went over to the counter grabbing Emet's sandwich and walked back over to everyone else and placed it on the table. "If Emet doesn't eat the pasta I made him this...one of you guys can clean the rest of the dishes...I'm not feeling so well..." She said then left the dining room heading to the room where she had her weapon duffle bags in. She grabbed her two duffle bags which were in the hallway that Benji and the others brought with them and entered the room closing the door. She wasn't feeling well and she just needed to get some out but first a long hot shower.

Ashlynn listened quietly for the longest time as they ate. She wasn't a picky eater and thought the pasta Brec made was really good. She watched the older teens converse and was happy that they were discussing such important topics. The things that were brought up, had been questions that were on her mind when the whole mess initially started. When she heard they would have to share rooms, Ash looked around. The younger girl wasn't close with very many of them, and she had no idea who she would want to be with. At first she considered her brothers, but immediately scratched that off the list. They wouldn't want to room with her, and she wasn't particularly comfortable rooming with them. Sometimes it sucked being the only sister... Sighing, Ash thought about Emet. He was the only brother she would want to room with. Just to look out for him. Though, she would let Emet decide if he wanted to be with her or one of their older brothers.

The question was still hovering in her mind when Tris mentioned bringing Emet along with to the stores. Ashlynn tensed up, and nearly objected. She was not comfortable with the suggestion. However... Tris made good points, and Ashlynn didn't want to argue about it. She bit her lip, unsure. The girl relaxed a little when Grey said that they could have Surge do it instead.

Then Benji brought up the skills question. It was basically the same thing Grey had asked her earlier. Ash didn't speak up for the longest time, thinking about what could be helpful. "... I'll watch over Emet a lot. Make sure he's staying out of trouble. Also I like to think of myself as a pretty good problem solver..." She looked down. The whole bragging thing was not her strong suit. "I just want to help prove we are innocent in any way that I can." Her eyes lit up as an idea came to her. "Benji, if you ever need any help, I would willing to! You can consider me your lab assistant." She smiled at him. "I mean I'm not overly technical, but if you tell me what to do, I can do it... Just a suggestion." One other thought came to her mind, and Ash pursed her lips, "But... I'm not much of a fighter." She made it sound like she just wasn't good at fighting. While that may have been true, Ashlynn just hated fighting in general and couldn't bring herself to hurt anyone.

Sarah ate her food and thought about the conversation that was going around. She saw the girl Adelia enter the room, and cast the girl a soft smile. She hadn't ever really spoken to the girl, and suddenly found herself curious about her. The rooming situation both made Sarah upset and excited. She disliked the fact that she wouldn't get a ton of space, but was happy because she would have someone to talk to. So long as the person was decent. She considered her options, but never had a chance to fully decide on who she wanted.

Suddenly Benji asked about their skills. Sarah had to think about what she knew and how it would come in handy. An idea came to her, and a small grin fell upon Sarah's face. Tris had complained earlier about Sarah's makeup and beauty products, but maybe now the older girl will see how they could actually come in use. Sarah spoke up. "I'm really good with makeup." She cast a glance at Tris, "And before you say that's not useful, hear me out. I brought enough here, that I can really change up how somebody looks. I don't have costume makeup or anything, but maybe we could buy some. I think if anyone ever has to leave this place, we should put a disguise of some sort on them. Try to change how we look, so we don't caught and put in prison for the rest of our lives." She looked around at the others, with a serious expression.

She ate quietly while listening to other talk around the table. She took a sip of her water when the question of skill was brought up. She thought about the possibilities skills she had., she had been trained most of her life in martial arts much like her other sisters, she was also very good when it came to finding information, even if it wasn't exactly the most legal way of getting it. She listened to the others and their skills and nodded slightly Sarah's suggestion of using make up was actually a really good one. She nodded slightly to her. "That actually sounds like a really good idea. Last thing we want is to be spotted after going through all the trouble of hiding. If we're going to be using our cars to get around It might be smart to swap the licence plates out. They're going to be looking for our cars." She suggested. It was a thought that crossed her mind on the way over to the hideout but she didn't have enough time to swipe someone's plate. "As for skills I'm a decent fighter, I also know my way around a computer fairly well and really good at research and information gathering." She offered.
Tris Callahan

Tris contemplated her physical condition for a moment as the others talked. Fighter? Tris wasn't really a fighter. She knew how to throw a few quick punches and could probably do some damage if she really wanted to. Her main advantage in a fight would be her quickness for sure. Other than that, she might have to get some help from Cameron or one of the others when it came to technique. Tris turned to face Ashlynn as she spoke. The girl was what, 14 or 15? And here she was acting a hell of a lot older than she looked. Thatta kid. Maybe Tris would room with her. Oh well, that was something Tris would deal with later. Right now, she had to deal with Sarah. Tris rolled her eyes as the girl spoke and targeted Tris with her eyes. It was a valuable point, but Tris wasn't exactly in the mood to pat the girl on the back and tell her how great she was. "Okay, great. So, you can go play with your makeup and stay out of the way while the rest of us adults actually get shit done." Oops, that last part came out snottier than intended. Hopefully Emet didn't mind the cussing. Tris had a feeling Ashlynn wouldn't like it but ya know what she could deal with it.

As she entered, she immediately ran to the bedrooms before anyone could speak to her and halted in the middle of the hallway where she'd found the rooms. Benji had told her that it was "first come, first serve", but she figured it didn't really matter because there were only six rooms, leading her to assume that they'd all be sharing anyway. Blowing her hair out of her eyes, she poked her head through each of the rooms, examining them all before she chose what she liked to think was the best one. She tossed her duffel bag on the side of a bed, and was going to sit down on it, when all of a sudden, she heard someone calling everyone for dinner. Ingrid stepped out of her room and even from there, she could already smell the delicious aroma of the food. She took her seat and ate while everyone exchanged ideas, listening quietly. Soon enough, she finished her meal, and grabbing her plate, she hopped off her chair and went to the kitchen sink to wash her dish. Once she was done, she excused herself and walked to the hallway, looking around the rooms. As she reached the one she'd chosen earlier, she realized nobody else had chosen it yet. She would be alone for now, at least. Grabbing a towel from the dresser drawer, she took out some fresh, clean clothes from her bag and picked out one of her more comfortable outfits. Quickly, she entered the bathroom, locking the door behind her before she peeled off her clothes and stepped in the shower. She closed her eyes as the hot water ran in rivulets down her back, and Ingrid took her time bathing. After she finished, she stepped out and dried herself, dressing up in an oversized band t-shirt of the Neighbourhood with the upside down house and all, and a pair of Nike jogging shorts. Ingrid brushed her teeth before getting in bed, leaning her back against the wall. Her hair was still wet so she tied it up in a towel and left it in a pile on top of her head. Ingrid sketched in her leather notebook for a while before she decided that it was still early for sleep, so she got out of bed and ventured down the hallway once more, finding the others still talking. She listened in the corner quietly.
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Sarah smiled at Avery when she agreed, and nodded to the girl's other suggestion. Then... Tris had to speak up. Ashlynn felt herself tense up slightly, both from the swearing and the arguing. Sarah turned to look at Tris square in eye, her anger rising again. "Okay you know what?! I'm trying to offer valuable ideas here so why don't you back off a little! You cannot deny that that will not be helpful! And it's not the only thing I'm capable of. I can do more than that. You're not the only one here who wants to clear our names We all do, so stop pretending that you're the only one who cares! We're all in this mess together, so stop pushing my ideas to the side. Because for all you know, they could end up saving your ass!"
Hunter Jameson / Tris Callahan

Hunter had refrained from entering the kitchen and eating with the others, being content alone drinking a can of pop. It was only when he heard a familiar voice yelling that he decided to investigate. Entering the room, Hunter saw Sarah engaged in a tense arguement with Tris. Damn, those two could really go at it. Hunter moved swiftly into the space next to Sarah. "Easy, Sarah, just chill." He nodded at her gently and turned to Tris. "Would you stop acting like you're freaking miss perfect over there? Maybe if you did you would realize that other people here are actually talented in things beside lame ass sarcasm like you?" He remained standing next to Sarah with his arms crossed.

Tris sat there, looking bored as Sarah dug into her. Tris could have argued all day if she wanted to, but she wasnt about to let her emotions get the best of her. "Oh you're good at other things too? Like what, spending all your parents money?" Tris spoke calmly without raising her voice. "Yeah, that takes some real talent." Her voice was practically oozing sarcasm, but her countenance remained calm and composed.
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While he moved closer to the window to peek out it, Cameron notice his toe hit a rather hard box. Cursing in a low tone, he looked down to find a boom-box beside the desk that was in front of the window. Brilliant. Cameron bent over and placed the radio on the tabletop, plugging it into a nearby outlet. Luckily enough, it instantly started up. This brought a smile to the young man's face, who instantly changed the station to one of his favorites, the local hip-hop one, of course! And yes, there was only one. There was music playing on the station, which had satisfied Cameron. He put the volume up a little bit, so that it teetered on the edge of being slightly too loud.


It was pitch black outside. Cameron couldn't make out the shape of anything - but he heard the rustling of various leaves. It was also rather windy outside, as proven when a gust of wind found itself entering room #4 through the open window. Withdrawing his pistol, Cameron turned the brightest light on in his room to reveal what was immediately outside of his window. What he found, was one full-sized cat alongside four kittens. The mother cat hissed as it locked eyes with Cameron, who immediately shut the window as a result.

"... Fuck that shit."
Brec finished taking the hot long shower she deserved and was dressed in some pitch black joggers and a loose captain america tank-top. Oh how she loved him, that was her bae so was the guy who played him. She would tackles both of them and just-she shook her head at the images. She just really loved Captain America and Chris Evans let's end it at that. She had a light jacket and her moccasins on but she was missing something and she knew exactly what it was. Her stuffed lion Fangs. Yeah it's true she sleeps with a stuffed animal...when she would get mad she would crawl into bed and hold it close to her body and he would start to calm her down. She also slept with it when she had nightmares. She hated nightmares especially the ones she would have, they would keep her up the entire night and she would have a hard time going back to sleep. She sighed feeling her whole fall in front of her and she didn't know how to fix it. She walked back to the dining room heading to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water when she heard Tris say something she knew she wasn't suppose to. She knew Tris had a tendency to say things she didn't mean to, at times she would stop her and other times she would let her say and face the consequences. This time she came too late and Sarah went off on her. She would sit and watch but...actually she will sit and watch. She quickly went to the kitchen opening the fridge and grabbing a cold bottle of water then sat back in the seat she was at before she left and looked at Tris and Sarah wondering what will happen. Would they fight? Or would they kiss and make up? Surprisingly this is what she wanted to see that and SPARTACUS!!! She still needed to finish the first season, she'll most definitely do that tonight.

Grey glanced at Benji's watch and looked back at the food. It was 10:00 pm. Surge was probably getting one of his fighters ready before leaving his house. Grey stood up, "I'll be back". Benji tilted his head up to Grey, "Where are you going?" "Garage. Open it in 10 will ya" The older teen responded leaving their dining room. Grey went into his room after lifting his bags into it. He took out a half ski mask and wore it as he left the hideout through the back.

"Hey Adelia!" Benji waved. "I think I might set some schedule up to maximize our times. People may adhere to it or not. Your guys' choice" He said finishing up his meal. "Sweet! Thanks Ash. Sounds good Sarah. Alright I'll tell Grey about the license plates though I'm sure he's got that in mind already" Benji replied. He slightly flinched at the tension in the room. The young teen saw Hunter enter and figured that Sarah would be okay. "I'm gonna start my set up now so see you. Oh and don't forget to tell your drivers to bring their cars in the garage" Benji stated leaving the dining room and walking into the garage.

Lexi Montreal

Dinner was going all fine and great as everyone chipped in their useful ideas till
Beatrice had to make a snarky comment and Sarah lashed out at her. It made Lexi frown. "Guys.. it's not a good time to be arguing right now." She mutters at the two, "We're all we've got right now so why don't we all just get along as best as we can?" She asked the two, trying her best to not make the situation worse than it already was. She shook her head for a moment and stood up, "I'm going to go get changed into something more comfortable. I'll be back to clean up." She gave everyone a small smile before walking out the room. As she walked out the room, she spotted a figure stood near the doorway and looked over to see Ingrid, "Oh hey Ingrid. You not hungry?" She asks her as she never really saw her after they left the Parker's house.

Ash noticed the tension building up. She saw some people fleeing before the situation got worse, and some people being drawn in by the argument. She got frustrated when Hunter joined in with Sarah, and was relieved to hear Lexi speak some words of sense. Unfortunately, Sarah didn't want to hear it. She was already snapping. She felt strength when Hunter join in with her, and even though it may have been his intention to calm her, it only made her want to say more. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Benji leave, and had to bet he was disappointed. Then Tris's comeback at her made Sarah narrow her eyes ever so slightly. However, she wouldn't give the girl the glory by defending herself. Instead she tried a different move. Sarah had seen Tris's mother at the party and knew something was off with the women. She wasn't sure what it was, but knew Tris had to be aware of it too. "Well. At least my parent's are all the way there. Maybe that's where you get your personality from? Your insane mom?" She smirked.
Benji turned the lights on and looked around, "Woah. Bigger than I thought . . . Grey?" He looked around the garage not spotting the older teen. "Hm" Benji looked down at one of his gadget bags. Oh well. Time to get to work. He thought to himself while lifting two large rectangular tables over to the center of the plain area. Benji hauled over his bags and unzipped them. He pulled out his three monitors as well as the wires that came with them.

Grey hopped over a fence, a few cars . . . what? Excuse me. Why would he stop for cars? Anyway, Grey made it to Surge's house and entered from his unlocked back door. "Who's there?" A stern voice questioned before Surge turned a corner. Grey pulled down the mask. "The whip? I'm here for a pick up. Also, I'm gonna need ten fresh plates and five new VINs" The teen requested as he followed Surge into his loud opening garage. "BINs?" Surge questioned flipping the switch on. "Vehicle Identification Numbers. VINs" Grey clarified. "Oh VINs. Gotcha" Surge said reentering his house. Grey shifted his gaze from "The Rock's" doppelganger and viewed the beauty before him. "So beautiful . . ." Grey commented eyeing his hard earned reward.

Ingrid looked up and smiled as Lexi spoke to her."Oh, I already ate, but thanks for asking," she informed her as she took a seat on one of the chairs, making herself comfortable. She heard Tris and Sarah fighting, but Ingrid didn't make much of it until Sarah made a comment about Tris' mom. Ingrid's eyes widened as she said, "Now that's way too far,"

Lexi Montreal

She nodded her head a little bit, "
That's good." She says with a smile. She heard what Sarah had said about Beatrice's mom and it did shock her for her sister to say something like that. She didn't expect for her to stoop so low.. She turns around to stare at her, "Sarah!" She hisses. Being her older sister somewhat made her feel responsible of her, "Apologise now!" Everyone knew that the Callahan's went through a rough time when their dad left but for her little sister to make a comment like that, that was just.. low. At first she did blame Beatrice for being so horrible but after that, Sarah's comment was so uncalled for.

Brec was pressing her head against the table to stop a headache but it wasn't working like she thought it would. She quickly looked up when she heard Sarah talk about Tris mom. If there was one thing you do not talk shit around with Tris it was her mom. She found that out the hard way when Tris almost beat her to a bloody pulp. "Take it back right now..."She said to Sarah.

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Nora ignored the call for dinner all together. More than anything, she was tired and sore, and a kitchen full of teenagers with wildly different personalities all eating together didn't seem like something she wanted to be a part of. Not that she didn't want to talk to people, but it was still a little bit overwhelming. Instead, she had settled into a room and set up her stuff. The photo of her family went on a bedside table, turned to such an angle that she hoped casual onlookers wouldn't be able to see it. She had changed into loose flannel pajama pants and a Death Cab for Cutie tank top, and actually put the effort into forcing her hair into a hair tie, out of her face. Nora sat on the floor of the room, staring at her little secret: the pointe shoes. She would probably never dance in another competition, and she knew that Brec would probably say they were illogical, and a waste of time and energy, but something about her shoes made her calm. If it weren't for all the people wandering around, she would have danced.
Hunter Jameson / Tris Callahan

"Sarah!" Hunter half whispered and half yelled as the girl opened her mouth to undoubtably fire back some insult. But it was too late, the damage had already been done.

Tris was fuming. Not only was Sarah a spoiled brat, but she also had no sense of boundaries. Anyone here would know that Tris's mom was off limits. Too. Fucking. Far. Tris eyed the smug look on Sarah's face and nearly lunged across the table to wipe it off herself. But, she didn't. Instead, Tris held her plain poker face with an air of maturity. She wanted so badly to defend her mom's state but knew that would only make things worse. Tris decided to try and calm things down a bit before she ended up beating the crap out of Sarah. So, she laughed. "It's funny because you think that I actually care about what you think of me, or even my mom for that matter. Your opinion is completely irrelevant." Tris leaned back in her chair, at ease. She wasn't about to let Sarah walk all over her, and she would pay for that comment about her mom later, but now was not the time. Tris remained emotionless as the other girls got pissy at Sarah, but felt a bit better inside that the others had her back. Your move, bitch.

Ignoring the drama was the way to go. So when Cameron slipped out of his room and heard a bit of commotion coming from the kitchen area, he decided to forgo the formalities of joining into the fun and instead opted to take a left out of the front door. He closed it behind him, as quietly as he could. The buzz which he had accumulated from the reunion had long since gone, and instead the yearning for more alcohol took its place. Being drunk wasn't such a bad idea; hell, Cameron was all ready as high as he was going to get. The night provided little chirps from grasshoppers, but otherwise dead silence. Traffic provided the loudest background noise - and by traffic, of course, it's relevant to say that every couple of minutes a car's headlights beamed in the darkness, follow by it's advancement down the street.

Cameron sat on the porch out front, leaning his head against the one-story abode. It was not half as bad as he was expecting, though it had provided little comfort. It certainly wasn't home. Enjoying the outdoors every now and then was nice, though - especially in new places. Aside from that, it wasn't a complete waste of time. Someone had to be look-out, right? If sleeping wasn't in Cameron's immediate future, than being awake was. Digits traced the length belonging to the barrel of his pistol, which sit upon his lap. Hues did not follow the same pattern of movement. Instead, they continued looking out onto the street, despite Cameron's head being cocked back to meet the shingles of the safe house.
Breckenridge held Tris hand in her and looked at her. "Tris...I'm proud of what you did...you don't have to listen to what she is throwing at you...I know the subject about your mom is hard but what you're doing right now is way better than lashing out at her...don't what stupid thing she said get into your head..." She told her placing her head on her shoulder. Tris is her best friend and is basically the only person who understands her unlike her sisters and the others. She could actually let her emotions out in front of her and not be judged for it. She then looked at Sarah and stood up walking over to her. "Sarah it's late and I'm pretty sure everyone is tired...you should have never said that...I'm surprised Tris hasn't jumped over the table and strangled you at this very minute...please don't let it happen again..." she told her, her voice deepening a little to show how serious she was. Tris could knock a bitch out.

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