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Realistic or Modern Retaliation

Hunter Jameson

Out of the corner of his eye, Hunter noticed a somewhat familiar girl wave at him. Was that one of the Santini sisters? Dang, she looked different. A good different. He sent Avery a half smile by slightly turning ip the corners of his lips and then turned back to the older boy next to himHunter nodded casually as Cameron talked about his boxing practice. Although on the outside he seemed calm, Hunter was actually really excited to be talking to Cameron about this stuff. He was practically good enough to go pro already and Hunter eagerly took in his words. When the older boy asked Hunter about himself, the boy smiled at bit. "Yeah, still been working out. Coach Phillips says that if my throwing arm gets stronger at the rate it has been I'll be able to rack up some serious football scholarship in a year or two." Hunter boasted casually, but his left foot was unconsciously tapping quickly as he talked. He didn't want to sound lame in front of Cameron and he got a bit nervous standing there. When the older boy mentioned working out with him, Hunter was both equally terrified and thrilled. Cameron wanted him to work out with him! That was awesome and all, but Hunter didn't know how to fight worth shit. A small step back caused Hunter to lean back against the wall and laugh. "Yeah haha I guess maybe I'll show up just so I can beat your ass." Hunter smirked as he mimicked Cameron by crossing his arms. It sounded serious, but oh who was he kidding Hunter could throw a side hook and that was about it. "So other than this whole situation, life is good."

A half-smirk was followed by Cameron's retort. "Easy there, big guy. I'm not trying to get hurt." And with that, he grasped a bottle of water out of the fridge and began walking out of the kitchen. Avery and Breckenridge had been busy putting everything together for dinner - something that Cameron was not interested in at the moment. Perhaps that bag of chips in the car really hit the spot? It was more likely that Cameron was feeling too tired to be hungry. That was the truth, after all. Walking out of the kitchen, he raised an arm up to wave back at anyone who had watched him go. Not bothering to stop, he just called out from another part of the house: "We're gonna be up early as hell tomorrow, Hunter. Just a warning for you."

This was followed by Cameron picking his three bags up off the ground and walking them to the other side of his house, with a few rooms on it. In reality, the house was only one story. There couldn't possibly be one person per room, either. Whoever was going to share with Cameron was going to have a hard time, though there was only one person whom he hoped would decide to share a room with him. Probably the only person whom Cameron could bare sharing a room with either - though he was sure the same couldn't be said so easily.

Shutting the door behind a room which was still empty, Cameron looked at his surroundings. White walls, bare. One window with the shades on; opening them up would reveal a view of another building, separated by an alleyway. Street view wasn't nice, but it was not like Cameron had windows in the basement. Otherwise, he'd be looking at dirt constantly.

Removing a handful of marijuana from one of the pound-bags, he tossed them into the lone desk the room had in it. This was followed by a pack of two cigars, which he placed aside. No internet, no television... What the hell was Cameron to do with himself? Rubbing a hand down his face vertically, he removed the chair from the desk and sat down at it. Then, he rolled himself something nice and thick. And brown. ;D

Placing the end result in his lips, Cameron lit the cigarillo and laid back on his bed, puffing smoke rings while staring at the ceiling.
"Hm good to know. So then you're okay with helping us find out who framed us based on the evidence we have?" Grey asked tilting his head a bit. He suddenly heard someone announce something about dinner. "Looks like we found someone who can cook" Grey said walking toward the kitchen area. "Come on Ash, I'm hungry" The older teen stated over his shoulder. Benji smiled, "I'm awesome. And you?"

Lexi Montreal

I'm good too." She tells him with a smile, "Let's head inside so we're not the only ones out here." She adds on with a small chuckle. "Plus, I heard something about food and I'm starving." She murmurs as she starts to head inside the place, where everyone else was heading.

"Yes ma'am" Benji replied walking next to her. "I hope all of us can work together. We'll need to in order to achieve this whole "mission"" He said slightly bowing his head down. The young teen knew the chemistry between most of the people around them. "Um so I notice your calm-ish composure. Ya mind helping me get some things in order around here?" Benji asked Lexi.

Lexi Montreal

She nodded her head a little when
Benji said this, "Yeah. I just hope this whole thing manages to get us all back to how we were." She smiles slightly even though that was kind of big to ask for as it'd been a while since we all properly hung out. She sets her bag down on the floor when they walk inside when he asks her his question and responds, "Sure, the more help we have, the more easier it will be handle this. I'm trying to think of this more as an adventure, which is why I brought my camera." She grins, "I want to take pictures."


She saw Cameron wander off to where the rooms and was tempted to get him ti eat but new he did what he wanted either way. For the moment she was content with watching everyone else gather around the able where the meal had been set out. It smelled amazing, no surprise there. She picked a chair towards the end of the table and sat down stomach growling in hunger. It had been nearly 8 hours since she had anything other than small snacks to ear. Instead of digging in right away though she waited for everyone else to take a seat.
Benji walked back inside their hideout and smelled some food. "I'd say we're off to a good start. We can probably get the basics set while we all eat some dinner" He said going toward the table. "Be careful with the pictures you take though and when you take them. Ya might take some during the wrong time from the wrong angle" Benji advised. Grey made his way over to the table and took a seat. "You weren't at the reunion earlier" He said looking at Avery.

Lexi Montreal

Lexi nodded her head slightly as she followed him towards the table also. 'Finally food.' She thought to herself as she hadn't eaten ever since coming back from school. She got confused for a second about what he was talking about but then realized they were basically 'criminals' now. She also took a seat at the table, "The food looks good and smells good." She says as she smiles. "Who cooked?"



Sorry I was driving)

Breckenridge sat down and looked at the food. The others were now starting to come in and she could tell they were basically starving. She looked up at Lexi when she entered and asked who cooked it.
"...I cooked it..." She told her waiting for the others to sit down so they could all eat. She didn't mind waiting but her stomach was going against her. She needed to eat and fast or she will pass out.

Withdrawing as much smoke and air as he could hold into his lungs, Cameron closed his eyes. He had spent so much time without problems. Thinking back on the amount of time he had spent doing whatever he wanted whenever he wanted, and how that all had to change. If Cameron wasn't careful, he along with everyone else in the safe haven could be put away for an undetermined amount of time. Even the limited amount of freedom that they were forced to live with currently would be stripped.

Well, Cameron wasn't going to give away his freedom without a fight. If he deserved it, well then that would be one thing. But he was innocent. There had to be some force responsible for the propaganda being leaked through the media like a faucet. Cameron wondered if the news had still been focusing on them. With their faces spread about stateside, possibly even countryside? Traveling was not going to be easy. Licking the pointer and thumb fingers of his left hand, he put the burning ember of the cigarillo out before dropping it on the ground beside his bed.

He had Avery. His sisters. Any one whom Cameron was supposed to be around for. He was lucky to be there with them. Cameron passed out with a small smile on his face.

Lexi Montreal

She nods her head a little bit, "
Nice, thank you Breckenridge." She says and shoots a smile at her. "I'm pretty sure we're all starving right now." She laughs and waits till everyone seats themselves down at the table also, tapping her fingers against her kneecaps as she rests them down on her legs. "Where's Cameron?" She looks around but doesn't spot him, frowning a bit.
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Brec looked up when she saw that Cam wasn't at the table. "huh..." She said to herself, she liked eating as a family when she was younger and she still does. "If he's not coming down that's fine...we need to eat and we can eat without him...if we have enough left over he can eat that...but...I did make the cheesy bacon garlic bread..." She sat still for what seemed like forever trying to figure if she should go convince him to eat dinner or drag him out by force then tie him up and feed him herself. She finally made the decision and stood up "I'll go drag him out and force him against his will to eat..." She said then left the dining room heading to Cameron's room. Sad part was she didn't know which one was his, so that meant she had to go into each room to figure out which one was his. She really didn't want to, she just wanted to eat then take a hot shower and go to bed or play video games. She stopped at one room and knocked on it hoping it was the right one. "Cam...you in here?...please be in here...I can feel my stomach start to eat itself..." She groaned hearing a loud growl erupt from her tummy.


Brown eyes opened when he heard a door being knocked on. It wasn't his own, but he heard the pressure being applied to the wood and his name being called. Obviously, the voice was Breckenridge's very own. Cameron was not happy about being awoken. Sitting up on the somewhat tiny twin-sized bed, he rubbed his face. What was that nap, all of three seconds? Taking a deep breath, Cameron frowned. He would have preferred to have been left to sleep, but someone must have been waiting for him to eat. The young man was still uninterested.

"Breckenridge, if you don't go back downstairs before I kick your butt..."

The grumpy older teen pushed himself off of the mattress after shifting the position of his legs. He moved to the duffel bag of money and removed a pack of cigarettes from the side. He lit one up as he started lying cash out into the drawers - packing them completely full in the process. He kept a total of one hundred thousand dollars out on the table for display, right next to a small pile of sticky green plant matter. Cameron then crawled back into bed.

"...Stop using my full first name you know I hate that..." She told him sighing then rubbed the back of her head. "And you can't kick my butt...I have to kick yours first...anyway...I'll save some pasta for you...it sucks that you're missing out on my delicious cheesy bacon garlic bread that I think you said you "loved" so much...but I'll save you some of those too..." she mumbled to him a small smile forming on her face. "...Well...get some rest...you most definitely need it..." She quickly replaced her smile with a stoic expression then backed out of his room. She turned around walking down the hall back to the dining room where everyone else was sitting. She sat down then looked at the others "He's really tired and needs to sleep...so we can't mess with him or he will kick our butts...which I doubt will happen..." She mumbled then let another smile take over her face. "Well everyone bon appétit!"

@Everyone cause I'm too lazy to tag ya'll
Hearing the announcement of dinner made Ash aware of how hungry she actually was. She hadn't eaten anything at the reunion and dinner sounded like a very pleasant thing at the moment. She smiled softly at Grey, "I want to help prove our innocence any way I can Grey. So if you have anything for me to do, just tell me. Now let's go eat!" She walked towards the dining room, and sat down at the large table where others were gathering.

Sarah had taken the time to get settled into the building. She had calmed down from earlier and now sat at the table, waiting to eat.
Grey watched as Benji sat down. He looked around the table Lexi, Benjamin, Avery, Sarah, Ash, and Brec were responsible people. Plus according to Brec, there was no way to get Cameron down there. "Alright let's get started" Grey said looking back at Benji. He was sure the younger teen had something to say. "Full inventory, basic needs, and responsibilities" Benji started while taking a piece of bread and setting it on his plate. "All of you here at the table now will be listened to by the rest of the group for sure. We need to help each other out with this whole thing. To start off, this place needs order. Let's start out with basics. Food, water, shelter, and clothing. Shelter and clothing are both obvious checks" Benji continued then looked at Brec. "You just finished cooking. How well are we stocked up on food and water? About how many days does it look like it will last us?" The younger teen asked.

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The absence of Cameron was no surprise. When Brec went to bring him to the table she was going to simply say she was wasting her time but figured she would try anyway. She couldn't blame the girl for worrying but Cam was a big boy, he could get his food if he was really hungry so Ave wasn't worried about him. The table slowly filled up with the other hideaways things finally seeming to settle and started to eat. Ave took a small portion of the pasta and some sides making sure there was enough to go around first before taking any more. The teen listened as Benji and Grey talk and start to get things a little more organized.

Lexi Montreal

Lexi also listened to Greyson and Benji speak as she served herself some pasta after Avery was done with serving herself. "There aren't that many bedrooms here either," She says, "So we're going to have to share." She digs her fork into the food and puts some of the pasta in her mouth, enjoying it. "I don't mind sharing but we should sort of the more important things first like food and water." She adds on after swallowing the food in her mouth, staring at the bunch sat on the table.
Tris Callahan

After throwing her bags in an empty room, Tris heard the call for dinner and moved into the main room. She didn't realize how hungry she actually was until this point. Dang, being a fugitive really takes a toll on a person. She grabbed a plate and sat down next to Greyson after piling it with some sort of food. Her fork mingled with the substance before finally scooping up some food and delivering it into her mouth. Not bad. Not exactly great, but not bad. The girl looked up from her plate as she heard the conversation take place. "We should be good on food and supplies for a while. But, when we do need to make a run, I say whoever does it takes the kid with 'em." Tris flicked her wrist at Emet. "They're less likely to be suspicious if they have him with them. Besides, they aren't looking for a kid anyway."
Brec grabbed the bowl after Tris was finished with it making sure to get enough for her. She looked at Benji when he asked about how they were stocked up. "The whole kitchen is filled with food and water and other things...we might be good for 6 months..." She said as she started eating. "...you can thank Ave for getting the food...I just make it..." She mumbled but was still able to be heard by the others sitting at the table. "I don't really care about the rooming arrangements as long as they don't touch my stuff..." She told lexi as she took a bite of her shrimp.

Lexi Montreal

I don't mind who I share with either." Lexi replies with a small smile, "And I can always help you out with cooking Brec." She adds on and nods her head. "Cook food faster, you know?" She looks up at Breckenride as she puts some pasta into her mouth. Once she swallows the food, she speaks up again. "And yeah, that's a good idea. No one will think a person with a little child is suspicious. Just have to be careful though to not get hurt, especially Emet. Some shops will recognise some of us because of the news." She mumbles.
"Right. Didn't think about the rooming situation. Thanks Lexi" Benji smiled then bit into his bread. Grey looked over at his sister after putting some pasta on his plate. "Next order of business. First come first serve with the whole room thing. Three people per room I guess since there's only six bedrooms" Benji concluded as he finished up his bread. "We don't know who and what we're up against. Benji, there's a plain space in the right side of the garage. You should be able to get to your set up right there" Grey suggested before taking a bite of his food. "I'll get right on it. So, while we do that I guess we need to gather some stats up. Skills. Example, Brec can cook. We can't waste any time so we need to share our skills. Fighters like Cameron can teach non-fighters some basics or at least condition them. Ya get where I'm heading?" Benji said looking around the table.

"Pretty sure you'll be the intelligence man" Grey said looking at Benji. "I'll be spending most of my time in the garage. Tell your drivers to bring in their cars. I'll mod it if they don't mind" He continued. "Ey car dude. So, what can the rest of you do? Don't be shy. Brag. Seriously, we need to know the truth so we can train each other" Benji said suddenly feeling like he was in some sort of action movie.

"To be safer I can just have Surge get some stuff for us" Grey suggested looking at Lexi and Tris. "Only if we're in this area though" He concluded.

Times like these it would have been nice to have some music. Cameron would have to invest in some compact disks, for sure. The short nap that Cameron was supposed to enjoy was actually far too short to actually enjoy. Instead he was conscious, lying on his back. Tired, but relieved to be lying down after such a long day. After contemplating the uncomfortable clothing he was wearing, it was probably best to get changed. Walking around in a tight-ass vest, with dress shoes and pants happened to look nice but not be as comfortable. Surprise, right?

There was so much shit shoved into the clothing duffel bag that Cameron wanted to just start chucking shit in random directions until he found something comfortable. Fortunately, he saved himself the hassle of a clean up and settled for throwing his shit in the corner of the lone closet which the room had to offer. When he came across comfortable items of clothing, he put them on. This resulted in a deep purple sleeveless shirt, with the sides cut open ten inches from under each armpit. White gym shorts for the lower half of his body. When he was finished changing, Cameron walked over to one of the windows and opened it as wide as he could.

Lexi Montreal

She sat quietly as she listened to
Benji and Grey speak. 'They were good at this.' She thought while putting more pasta into her mouth. She was really curious to find out who these people that were framing us. Even though we were just a bunch of teenage kids, she thought they were all pretty clever for their age, especially being in a situation like this. "I'm only good at cooking and cleaning." Lexi mumbles, "Other than photography but I don't think that's any use at the moment but I'd be pretty cool with someone training me, y'know?" She grins widely at the guys sat at the table.

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