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Realistic or Modern Retaliation

Benji opened his mouth to respond to Ingrid. However, before he could do that THE WHOLE GROUP OF FAMILY FRIEND KID/TEENS went to his room. He saw some people getting all hectic and blah blah blah. His gaze shifted over to Grey who looked unfazed by the sudden appearance of people within Benji's room, but seemed to be staring at something. The older teen's gaze was followed by Benji's observant one that eventually arrived to the air horn. Benji picked up the air horn and blew it around. "MY ROOM PEOPLE! Geez . . . If you won't listen to the person next to you, then listen to me! Or Grey he works too since he was here during the whole thing" The younger teen announced before putting the air horn away and sitting on his spinny chair.

" . . . I'm sure all of you know what's going on. Benji check other sources for verification and roll the evidence reels on each monitor" Grey said eyeing the second monitor coldly. Benji nodded doing what he was told. He didn't mind it. Although he was the genius, he knew that the older guys didn't respect him at all. Hopefully the whole group or at least the majority would listen to Grey. The evidence reels with hidden camera shots and videos began to roll as Grey explained, "Benji as you all know is a genius. Why the heck would he pull a prank like that? WHO the hell would pull a national breaking news prank". He shifted his gaze around, "We're going to do this the right way in the right order. Know which crimes you have been accused of. Memorize this evidence. They're masks of our faces. Who did it? The hell should I know! The hell should ANY OF US know! Benji, send it to our parents down stairs". Benji nodded after quickly storing the recordings onto a USB. The younger teen clicked a few buttons and sent it to the big screen in the living room. Within moments the parents could be heard yelling with loud voices.

"We don't have that much time. I know a place not that far from here. Your phones? They're tapped. Your addresses? They're being pursued. Listen, I know we only just reunited, but we have to work together here. We need to find a safe location before figuring out who did this . . . " Grey paused seeing Emet next to Ash. "This stuff. All of us are in deeper trouble than any of our parents are. We'd have a longer sentence than any of them. Kiss your parents bye for now because we need to get to some place safe" He paused to rest a bit. "Anyone not want to hide? Be my guest and rot in a cell! Yeah that's right, we're hiding. But guess what? I'm going to go and prove my innocence. Hide for now, fight for later. You don't need to follow me if you don't want to. Have fun dying alone in a concrete box" Grey concluded going over to Benji.

"Alright thank ya captain" Benji stood up to look over at the people in his room. "Any stuff you got on you now, is all you got! EXACTLY! Not much eh? Basic needs must come first! How do we get our necessities? Money" He glanced at no Montreal in particular. "For us. We need it for us. Once we somehow prove our innocence we'll get that money back! I promise. As of now, banks may begin to close some of our accounts asap or just lock it for the time being. First stop bank, second stop hideout" Benji said looking over at Grey.

"Fine we'll speak of everything else later. As of now we all need to move" Grey said then looked around the room. "Any objections? Go against me. See if I care" He dared grabbing some of Benji's gadgets. "Rides. How many cars do we have? There's quite a number of us here. We need to stick together" Benji questioned opening a gym bag and dumping some of his blueprints in it before Grey stuffed some gadgets in.
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Nora refused to cry. Biting her lip, she raised her hand, and asked, "Where will we go? Are we just going to pack our bags and abandon our lives to go hide in a bunker or something?" She sort of didn't want to know the answer, but needed to hear it. Nora already knew that if this was really happening, she was never going to dance competitively again, but saying goodbye to her parents? Leaving the town she'd lived in her for her entire life? She wasn't sure she could do it.
"Violet shut and Nora calm the fuck down! We have no other choice but to hide! Now this shit is basically everywhere...if we stay here were dead...now do you want to run and try to clear your name or die a fucking criminal...answer me that..." She told Violet. She was tired of her innocent bullshit. She moved her hair out her face and looked at Gray. "Look all my weapons are in my room...I need to get in there and get them...please let me...I can be in and out in a few minutes...at least let me do that..." She tells him.

"I understand that!" Nora growled back at her sister, standing up and glaring at her. "I'm just concerned about where the heck we are going to hide! And since when do you have weapons in your room?" She stared at Brec, like she was looking at a completely different person than her sister. In a normal situation, if her parents knew that Brec was storing weapons, then she would be in so much trouble. But then again, this was far from a normal situation.
"Abandoned rec center. It has a boxing gym in it, other exercising equipment, so on and so forth. Been in there once. Didn't memorize it" Grey responded zipping up the gym bag. He put his hand on Violet's shoulder and said in a monotone voice, "Everything will be okay". "Fast Brec. How far is your place from here. You aren't going alone. All of us are going together. No cute little groups. This ain't an art project" Grey concluded.
Ingrid & Quentin

Ingrid, without thinking, rushed to her room, then started rummaging through her things. They probably wouldn't be allowed many luxuries where they were going, but they least of all needed cash. She'd hid all her savings in a small vault under her desk before, and only she knew the password. She'd never spent anything from it, since her parents usually bought things for her so there was never a need to use her own money. In the vault was cash that her relatives or her parents gave to her, but most of it was earned when she used to model or when she sold her animations. Ingrid quickly stuffed all her cash in the bag. It would estimate to about... 3,000 dollars? At the least, yeah. As she finished, she quickly walked back to Benji's room. "I've got money, but if the rest of you have some too, then that's great," she told them, "Now for the questions. Has anyone informed our parents? And what'll happen to those that are underage here? Ashlynn, Hunter, I'm sure there are others... and Emet. What happens to Emet? I'm pretty sure his name wasn't mentioned, and I'm glad for that, but who's going to take care of him?" At that, Quentin turned around, his full attention to her, then to Benji and Greyson. The names she mentioned were his siblings, for God's sake. And they were underage. Quentin, eyes wide, asked in a low, serious tone. "What happens, to Emet? Can we bring him with us?"
Brec gave her sister the deadliest glare then moved closer to her. "Talk to me like that one more time...I'll give you something to worry about...now you don't need to worry about where were going...we're not going home that's all you need to know...my place is only 10 minutes away from here...if we leave now before federal start looking for us I can get what I need and leave..." She told Grey. "Bring whatever cash you guys have were going to need it..."

Lexi Montreal

Thank god someone sensible took over.. I definitely wouldn't have been able to handle all these lot.' She thought to herself as she looks around the room, watching everyone as they got up to do their stuff. She stepped off the table and stretched, letting out a small sigh. "Benji sent the all the information to all our parents." Lexi tells Ingrid and gives her a small smile. Her attention moves onto Quentin when he asks this, "Wouldn't that be dangerous to bring Emet with us?" She frowns. The last thing she wanted was for Emet to get hurt but then again, there were loads of us to protect him and being with his parents probably wasn't that safe either.
"That's why I said kiss your parents good bye. They know the news, but they don't know what we're doing. We'll see them again. Don't say bye just hug them tight. They might get put on a truth detector and you know what happens next" Grey said thinking about the worst scenario. Thinking like that was the safest way to think. "Us underaged kids are in just as much trouble as all the rest of you. I'll put this in one of the cars. I'll be back" Benji replied lifting the gym bag up and running down the stairs. "Quentin, you and Ace decide. He's your brother. I wouldn't leave my sister with my mom even if she was seven and had no crime at all" Grey said. Grey nodded at Brec, "How many can you fit in your car?"
"I have a truck so maybe five or six and our best option is to bring Emet...if we don't bring him the government will use him as bait to get us out of hiding. We just need to make sure Emet is not hurt period...now Nora, Cameron, Ingrid and Lexi you're all coming with me...if there is anything you need from your houses I suggest we leave now to get it..." She told them
Emet watched, his eyes wide with curiosity as more and more people entered Benji's room. His eyes flicked from the tv to the others multiple times, then centered on Benji and another person as they started talking to the whole room. He heard his name mentioned soon after that, and his eyes drifted over to Quentin. He made no move and continued to watch, but moved closer to Ashlynn, unsure of most of the people in the room. Either he hadn't met them, or had forgotten about them, and the overall feeling in the room unsettled him. His name was spoken again and his eyes flicked to the source once more.

Quentin turned to Ace with a frown on his face. "I think we'll have to bring Emet, even if it'll be a bit unsafe for him, at least he'll be with us. And he's not accused of anything, anyway," he reasoned, hoping his brother would agree with him.


Ingrid quickly checked her satchel: her leather notebook and a good supply of pencils, cash, a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, and a water bottle. She shook her head at Brec, "No, I suppose I don't need anything else," Her drawing tablet, maybe, but it's not like she'd have time for animating where they were going anyway. And she figured if they didn't have food or anything, they could always buy from somewhere. The others had money too, for sure, and she wasn't lacking cash herself. "I'm ready," she told her.


Lexi Montreal

Lexi glanced around, biting her bottom lip. She didn't really like the thought of being separated from everyone. "I think we should all get into groups where there are a mix of us - young and old." Lexi says as she looks at Brec. "And maybe you guys should take another guy, just in case." She adds on, nodding her head slightly. 'Better to be safe than not.' She thinks to herself. "Emet should stick to his brothers."
"Shit, spendin' money is what us Montreals do best." Cameron added, removing a rather wad fat of cash from one of his back pockets. There was more from where that came from, but there was easily over a thousand bundled up in the random amount he brought out alone. "Let's just get movin'. The best thing we could do is figure out how to cover our asses. We got cash, we got grass, and alcohol. We'll be good for a lil while. I ain't afraid of showin' my face in public if I need to get shit. Where the fuck are we gon' hide out though?" Eyes turned to look at Breckenridge, who was busy making a plan. He was all down for it, especially the 'stopping at his house' part. There were a couple of things he could have used to bring with him if they were going off the grid for an undetermined amount of time.
Brec looked at Cameron then nodded. She told the others to come along and they headed to her car. She got in the drivers seat and waited until the other got in before starting the engine and driving off to her house. Once they got there she looked around before pulling in the circle thingy and quickly got out heading upstairs with Cameron while the others were keeping watch. She enters her room with him then walks over to her closet grabbing five duffle bag and tossing two to Cam. "Grab whatever clothes you think I'll need and get the basic neseccesites I will need..." She tells him before walking over to her huge portrait taking it off and unlocking the safe that was there then takes out all of her guns, blades and ammo needed. She filled all three bags before looking at Cam. "OK I got all I need..." She tells him.

Violet simy shrugged. So much talking... It was confusing. She was trying to listen to multiple conversations at once. "You guys... All ive been able to retain is that we're leaving? Why dont we just stay here?"
Grey gave Brec the address to the place before she left. "Cameron we might need a bit more cash. We don't know who we're up against. Mind getting some more?" Benji asked as the whole Brec crew left. Grey looked back at the room, "Benji where'd you put your bag?" Benji replied, "Downstairs didn't know which car. "Just put it in my car" Grey responded.
Nora knew that if Brec saw what she had taken in her bag, she would kill her. While her sister had been busy getting weapons, Nora had simply slipped 2 pocket knives into the waist of her leggings, and had packed her bag with a couple of spare pairs of clothes, medicine (mainly painkillers) , the basic remedies that the she had for dance injuries (athletic tape, hot cold pads), a toothbrush and a bottle of toothpaste. But, as Nora sat in the back of the truck, she knew that her sister would be more than upset if she saw the framed photograph of their family tucked in between two pairs of pants, and the pair of pointe shoes that she had snuck in at the very bottom.

Lexi Montreal

Lexi looks around to see who was left as Brec's group left to head to her house. She walks over to Amanda and smiles, "Hey Amanda. I never really said hi to you before but as much as I would love to chit-chat with you, we should probably start leaving soon." She says, "Grab all the things that you need from your room and meet back here, you can tag along with me and Quentin, if he doesn't mind driving." She explains to her.

[Had no idea what to write, heh..]
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Amanda frowned. "This is stupid." She sighed, taking the girls' hand with a gentle tug as she began to walk up the stairs. "You're Lexi, right?" She said, smiling, trying to light up the mood. [ditto...]

Lexi Montreal

She doesn't say anything when the girls grabs her hand and tugs her along as she starts walking. "
Yeah, I am." She nods and smiles back at her, quite glad that she still remembered her name. "How've you been doing, Amanda? It's been long since we've actually spoken to each other and you've definitely gotten prettier." She tells her, also trying to lighten up the mood.
Amanda laughed lightly and felt her cheeks flush. 'Dont you dare let your homo side show.' She scorned herself. "Hah." She said, turning her head to hide her flush from the compliment. "I guess thats just a part of growing up, seeing how you grew up to be beautiful, as well." She said, pulling the girl to her room. "Damn. I really don't want to leave this room."

Lexi Montreal

She laughs to herself when she sees her turn her face and smiles at her compliment, nodding slightly. "
Thank you." She says softly, accepting it as they walked into her room. She looks around for a moment, just examining her bedroom before saying, "Yeah. I don't really want to leave my room either. It took me forever to hang up loads of photos on the wall and now I won't be seeing them in a while." She mutters the ending.
Amanda gently bowed her head, instead of saying 'welcome'. She continued to look around the room, fear eating her up on the inside. But, it would never eat her whole, if she was optimistic. "We'll be fine." She said with a small smile. "I mean, there are tons of people who've survived worse!"

Lexi Montreal

I hope so.." She mutters. She didn't really want to think about what would happen to the lot if they were caught. "You're right, I'm sure we'll be fine. This whole situation was definitely misunderstood.. I think." She frowns a bit before walking to her bed, sitting on the edge of it and placing her hands in her lap. "Jesus, how did we even get here? We're all just living our lives, going to school and bam, we're all of a sudden on the news as criminals."

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