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Realistic or Modern Retaliation

"Of course they are." She said with a sigh. "I mean, everyone wants to hear their name on the news." She said, turning her body around so that she could face Cameron, her legs not yet wrapped around him. "But not in that way!" She said, frowning as she tried to think back to what the broadcast said. "It has to be a prank." She repeated; as if saying it again would make it true. @Tree
Ashlynn looked at Lexi, gulping. "Let's pray to god, that it is just a silly mistake the news reporters made. But something tells me that we really have been framed for the crimes... They were talking about kidnapping, arson, drug dealing, robbery, and... And murder." She bit her lip, "I'm sure some people here are capable of this stuff, but... Not to this scale... Not to the point where we've all been declared criminals... When everyone stops talking over each other, maybe we can replay the news, so you guys can see... But I don't think we have a lot of time. I just..." She put a hand to her forehead, eyes watering. "I don't know how we're going to prove our innocence!" As if in realization Ash exclaimed, "We're criminals Lexi! The world is looking at all of us like criminals!"
Lexi Montreal

Lexi eyes widen a little when she lists the crimes, 'Jesus. Who would do something like that?' She snaps out of her thoughts and looks at the girl in front of her, raising her hands and setting them onto Ashlynn's shoulders, "We aren't criminals, Ash, you know that and we know that. Don't let the news get into your head!" She exclaims as she shakes her body a little bit as if telling her to snap out of it. "Stop freaking out - I'm sure whoever is framing us just wants money, right? Our parents can deal with that. We barely know anything so don't cry just yet. We need to see the proof and evidence." ‎

Ace was wandering around the pool, when felt a slight tug on his jacket, looking around and seeing Violet, a bit worried from what it seemed, mentioning something about the TV.
Fuck, fuck fuck fuck! was all that was running trough his mind, he wasn't suprised to come up and see his name, if that was the case, but running away from the cops isn't like in the movies, it took a lot of effort and being hiding low. Violet rushed him trough all the house, going upstairs and seeing a crowd of people on the TV, he quickly let go of Violet, standing still aside Ingrid and staring at the TV. "Arson, national drug dealing, and robbery Ingrid Parker, Cameron Montreal, Sarah Montreal, and Ace Jameson"

''Shit.'' he said, a low, rushed, worried tone, so many emotions were going trough his find, he'd done all of them, roberry, drug dealing and arson, and he's suddenly of TV? He didn't believe the others were in these stuff too, Ingrid or Sarah, Cameron maybe, and him surely, but, why? Was this all set up? And if it was, it'd be a very bad prank, taking note that Ace had actually done this.

@All in room
"I'm not freaking out as much...it's upsetting...and it needs to be fixed right away...but I'm not furious to the point I'll lash out..." She said looking up at Cameron. She stood up fixing her dress before looking at him. "I'm kinda hungry...I'm gonna go see what they have to snack on...wanna come?" She asked him fixing her hair a little then slowly started to walk.

"Yeah, i'll come inside with you." Cameron replied, expecting Amanda to follow as well - unless she wanted to sit outside by herself, that was. As he opened the sliding door and walked into the room after Breckenridge, eyes gravitated to her behind momentarily. Like, how could it not? This was before he looked around to see the expressions fixated on everyone else. One in particular whom Cameron was sure should be worried was Ace, who was undoubtedly behind something. Though, Cameron wasn't about to walk up to him and start talking about it. The two didn't have that type of relationship.

He would, however, address the entire room around him. "There's some fun stuff goin' on in the news today, ah?" A small chuckle was followed by a rather hearty sip of his alcohol, which had almost been drained completely. On that same note, Cameron was completely intoxicated. Though his face was not flushed, his eyelids were certainly low. That could also be attributed to the amount of marijuana he had ingested throughout the course of the day, however.

Hunter Jameson

Hunter grinned as Sarah returned, but that happiness was short lived. Something was off. None of the people were laughing or smiling anymore. Sarah seemed to notice this too because she slid next to him and voiced her concerns. "I honestly have no clue. Let's go check it out."

Short post sorry, I have to go.)
Amanda had, of course, followed Cameron. She hated being alone. She rolled her eyes at his announcement, and simply stayed quiet. His announcement made him seem like he had plotted the whole thing.

Violet followed after ace as panic filled her. This was bad, and definitely not a joke. "You sound more happy about the whole thing than you should." Violet growled at Cameron.
Ashlynn closed her eyes shut at Lexi's words. Yes. She was right. She had a voice of reason. What Lexi said made sense. However, that didn't stop the worry from filling her up top to bottom. This was no joke. If this truly was breaking news, then it had been aired in nearly every home. Everybody could have seen it. If that was the case, then it was only a matter of time before people come knocking down the doors. Opening her eyes, Ash whispered, "You're right... But..." She gulped before admitting, "I'm scared."

Sarah nodded at Hunter in agreement and then started moving around the house for answers. Walking past the living room she listened to people talk about the news. "What is everyone talking about...?" She grumbled to herself. She finally got the full story, and gaped. "What the hell!? I am not a freaking drug dealer! I didn't do any of that!" Fury boiled up inside if her, and she stormed to the living room where she saw Cameron and Violet, and some of the others. She glared at Cameron noticing his drugged state, then looked at Violet. "What is this? Is this a joke!? Please tell me this was just something to scare all of us!" She asked her sister, desperate for it to be fake.
Violet frowned, putting a hand on her forehead as she felt an urge to ignore her sister. She didn't talk to her brothers or sisters, and she didn't want to break that habit now. Yet, she felt like she had too. "Well, to be honest..." She started, looking over to her sister, the girl she had never talked to in such a long time. "I have no idea. Its probably a prank or a mistake. Or we're being framed." @goldcat16471
Sarah narrowed her eyes. Not at Violet, just from her words. The true meaning of being framed hit Sarah. If they had been framed, and this wasn't a joke, they were all about to have a lot of problems. She took a deep breath to calm herself. "Oh. Wow. Well... Let's uh, hope it's a sick then..." She muttered to her sister. Very sick joke. Sarah bit her tongue and looked around at all the others. They were all talking about it. She ran a hand through her hair. This was bad.
Nora was shaking as she ran through the hall, her phone clutched in her hands. She rounded the corner, turning into the room where most of the kids were. "What's going on?" She held up the phone with trembling hands. "Someone please tell me this is a joke. I went to check my texts, and I have over 1,000 emails, and the news is covered in..." Nora covered her mouth as she opened yet another article with the family's names written all over it. "It's everywhere. Someone tell me this isn't real."
Violet looked over at nora, fear continuing to drown her emotions, though she pushed it away. "I guess we can rule out that this is a joke, then." She said, looking at her sister and then back at nora. The first thing that popped into her mind was school. Damn, it would be hard to go back.
"We're all on this...list that they put out." Nora took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. It wasn't really working, but it was a good practice at least. "It says that I was involved in the kidnapping, trafficking, and killing of-" She choked. "I can't read this. CNN is posting live updates, as is BBC. The New York Times has released a full list of the individual crimes they think we've committed." She looked straight at Violet. "The world thinks we're some sort of murder clan."
Lexi Montreal

Lexi let out a small sigh and bit her bottom lip, "I'm pretty sure we're all freaked out and worried." She says and gives Ash's shoulder a small pat before removing her hands off her shoulders and looking around at everyone. 'Everything and everyone is acting hectic.. Someone had to do something to calm everyone down.' She thought to herself and sighed, walking over to a table and stepping up on it. "Guys!" She calls out, hoping it would catch everyone's attention. "We all need to calm down and think this through! Someone is obviously framing us!"
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Violet rolled her eyes. "I mean, I'm calm. But obviously, everyone else isn't." She growled at the girl, before looking around. "Whats the worst that can happen? We go to jail for a month? Big whoop." She sighed. "They're probably looking for us, you know. It'll be even more suspicious that we're all together."
"You think we'll get a month for murder, treason, conspiracy, kidnapping, human trafficking, and drug dealing?" Nora asked, her face very stony now. It was like she was going into some sort of bizarre calmness. "At least a life-time in prison for each of us, especially now that other countries are involved, and we're lucky if they don't decide to bring back capital punishment." She looked nervously around the room. "We need to go."
Lexi Montreal

groans when Violet says this, 'Talk about making people even more worried and scared by mentioning jail.' She runs a hand through her hair and shakes her head. "No, that's not fair. Why the hell should we go to jail at all? We haven't even seen the evidence they have!" She explains and raises her eyebrow at her, "This is why we need to calm down, guys. How is worrying going to help out? We need to sit down and think this through." ‎
Once again, violet sighed. "Think of the odds of us getting the capital punishment." She growled at the girl, suppressing her panic, though it seemed to show. "We'll have a lawyer if we go to court. Plus, if we're really all innocent, we can win the case."
"You're right," Nora admits, shoving her phone into her purse, and sitting on the floor. Inhaling and exhaling a couple more times, she tried not to think about the situation too much. "Okay then. Let's talk." She looked expectantly at Lexi, hoping the calmer and usually more cheerful girl could say something to stop her internal panic attack.
Lexi Montreal

"Great idea! Now tell that to everyone once we've all calmed down." Lexi mutters at her and shakes her head, 'Even Violet was panicking.' She claps her hands loudly to grab everyone's attention and looks at Nora, "As much as I don't want to say this, we all need to take a chill pill. -" She looks at everyone else before continuing, "We shouldn't be worrying that much for something we haven't done, even though the news basically just ruined our image and turned us into the bad people, it kind of makes us more suspicious."
Violet sighed and rolled her eyes. "Don't play leader..." She said, looking in any direction other than her sisters. "I don't think too many people will follow along too well." She mumbled, before sitting down next to nora.

Lexi Montreal

"Well someone has to calm everybody down." Lexi says when Violet says this, "I'm just trying to get everyone to not worry as much." She lets out a small sigh. She really didn't want to argue with anyone right now with this whole situation going on. "I think it's best we all hide-out somewhere for a while just so we can think this through. There's definitely going to be reporters everywhere we go so we need to move fast.."
Violet gaped at her, anger filling her veins. "You want us to hide?! Are you kidding me?! Are you dumb?" She growled at her. "If the cops are looking for us, then it looks suspicious when we hide!" she contemplated.

Lexi Montreal

"Jesus, calm down Violet." Lexi mutters when she literally growled at her. 'She definitely needed to take a chill pill out of all of us.' She thought to herself. "I didn't say hide from the cops, I said reporters. Big chance as soon as we step out this house, there'll be reporters right now. Any normal person, celebrities, would hide from the reporters."

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