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Realistic or Modern Resemblia Academy (Accepting)


"Oh, t-thank you!" Kou said, taken aback by the compliment about her name. "Ummm... I never really thought about that to be honest... "

The girl tried to recall any instances in which her mother or father revealed something about their past, but she came to a dead end.

"I guess I'm just plain ol' American," she chuckled, taking a sip of her tea.

Kou paused for a moment, furrowing her brow as she stared into her teacup.

"What the hell...?"

She couldn't taste anything. She could only feel a slight warmth travelling down her throat as she swallowed the liquid, but nothing more.

"You didn't forget, did you? About your disease?" Kou's mind rang, and suddenly she was brought back to her familiar self again.

About four years ago was when Kou first realized her taste buds were off, and gradually as the years ticked by she lost her ability to taste altogether. The process wasn't the end of the world of course; 'there were many worse things out there' Kou tried to remind herself, but it still came across as a surprise every now and then.

"I must have forgotten in one of those 'heat of the moment' things," She thought, trying to rationalize how something like that could've slipped by her so easily. It was such a habit for Kou to bring her teas with her everywhere she went while she was in the process of losing her ability to taste, and she supposed she never broke the habit after it was gone.

Kou looked up at the two she was with, noticing perhaps the slightest bit of contempt on their faces. Hunter seemed the tiniest bit more calm since their first encounter, and Aya wasn't fake smiling anymore. If not being able to enjoy the taste of chamomile tea with these people was the only sacrifice for being able to make them feel a little better, Kou wouldn't have it any other way.

"I'd like to propose an idea," Kou began, setting down her teacup and facing the two.

"We should go on an outing. Do something productive. Make something. Work our dexterity." Kou said, trying to formulate a plan that could effectively capture all these elements. Without giving a second thought, the lady leaped out of her chair and planted her hands firmly onto the table in front of her, making the cups clink a little bit as she did so.


Mentions: @Schadenfreudmeh

It is the beginning

Hunter flinched when the smol and adorable Kou slammed her hands on the table out of seemingly nowhere and yelled, "Build-a-Bear!"

He blinked blankly as he looked at Kou, wondering what the hell she was talking about. He sipped his tea again before speaking. "The hell's that? Are we building an actual bear or...?" He raised a brow. The poor guy was genuinely confused and didn't know the slightest thing about one of the best places. But, from the sound of it, it seemed like they were going to build some Frankenbear. Which Hunter was completely fine with, he'd experienced much more dangerous fauna in the past.


Aya turned her left wheel, swivelling on the spot, to face Hunter. "It's like...a toy store, kind of, where you pick out a teddy bear and then some other things and then stuff it? I don't know, I'm kind of hazy on the details, I've never been..." She backed up awkwardly from the table, a bit unused to going backwards. "But screw it, right? We've got nothing better to do. Let's go!"




"Oh, Helio there you are! Sorry, we didn't see you there." Yana was the first one to actually acknowledge his presence, and she remained cheerful, even though their ignorance had irked him. Just breathe, Leo...They're probably like every other girl. Leo thought negatively, but managed to bring a smile up to his face despite the things he was feeling. However, as he had continued to listen to the others before his sudden decision to leave, he noticed Yana's reaction to the pool being an option. "I saw the other class going to the pool too, but... I'm not really a swimmer. I can't really see anything without my glasses. I can join you!... I-if you'd like?" The small female directed towards him, which somewhat shocked him. Is she...asking for permission? Helio was so shocked that he almost forgot to respond.

"Uh...ah, sure. The more the merrier." He gave her a half-hearted smile before looking towards Kanon, who spoke up as well. "Ahm, me too. I'd like to do something e-lse as well." Leo kept his thoughts to himself, but couldn't help comparing the two girls. Kanon was wary towards me before and seems to be uncomfortable with talking. Yana seems constantly cheerful while staying polite. I wonder... Leo thought to himself, considering a thought but then dismissing it. Nah... "Yeah, sure. Do you want to come, too, Nona? You did mention wanting to stop by the Cafeteria for some food." Leo recalled, smiling warmly at the female who was an inch taller than him. It was not normal for females to be taller, but he didn't mind it. He opened the door to the classroom and held it open for the girls, being the gentleman that he is.

In the Atlas Classroom, Cerena could sense that the first student was having an issue of some sort.
"No! Stay away from me! I won't let you take ove..." She heard the smaller male's voice resonate throughout the classroom in such a way it made her ears ache, but she could tell that his words weren't directed towards the other male in the room, who seemed to be avoiding the situation. Do I really have to be the one to deal with people? The blind girl has to be the one to man up? Geez... Rena thought to herself, hating the announcement for stating that they had to be teammates. She stood from her seat and felt the desks around her with her hands as she approached the slightly taller male, using the tremors in the ground she could feel from her boots to find out where he was.

When she felt something that resembled cloth, Rena figured that she was by the student, since he was still standing and trembling. She found his arm and eventually his shoulder with her small hands, her fingertips eventually reaching the sides of his head.
"Calm down." Although Rena's words were short and concise, possibly cold, she spoke softly and gently, then pulled his head down to hers to calm him down. Her healing powers allowed her to give those in need a soothing sensation, like the relaxing feeling of ocean waves drifting back and forth, or a massage. Her hands and forehead were cold compared to his, but she hoped that it helped him. She couldn't see anything, so his hallucinations would not affect her, making her the ideal person to help him.


@Bvmble @Popplio Princess @Moon Star Mood: Uncertain Location: Haven Classroom Doorway


@AgotPosts @CERBERUS177 Mood: Irritated/Slightly Concerned Location: Atlas Classroom

Anaxileah said:



"Oh, Helio there you are! Sorry, we didn't see you there." Yana was the first one to actually acknowledge his presence, and she remained cheerful, even though their ignorance had irked him. Just breathe, Leo...They're probably like every other girl. Leo thought negatively, but managed to bring a smile up to his face despite the things he was feeling. However, as he had continued to listen to the others before his sudden decision to leave, he noticed Yana's reaction to the pool being an option. "I saw the other class going to the pool too, but... I'm not really a swimmer. I can't really see anything without my glasses. I can join you!... I-if you'd like?" The small female directed towards him, which somewhat shocked him. Is she...asking for permission? Helio was so shocked that he almost forgot to respond.

"Uh...ah, sure. The more the merrier." He gave her a half-hearted smile before looking towards Kanon, who spoke up as well. "Ahm, me too. I'd like to do something e-lse as well." Leo kept his thoughts to himself, but couldn't help comparing the two girls. Kanon was wary towards me before and seems to be uncomfortable with talking. Yana seems constantly cheerful while staying polite. I wonder... Leo thought to himself, considering a thought but then dismissing it. Nah... "Yeah, sure. Do you want to come, too, Nona? You did mention wanting to stop by the Cafeteria for some food." Leo recalled, smiling warmly at the female who was an inch taller than him. It was not normal for females to be taller, but he didn't mind it. He opened the door to the classroom and held it open for the girls, being the gentleman that he is.

In the Atlas Classroom, Cerena could sense that the first student was having an issue of some sort.
"No! Stay away from me! I won't let you take ove..." She heard the smaller male's voice resonate throughout the classroom in such a way it made her ears ache, but she could tell that his words weren't directed towards the other male in the room, who seemed to be avoiding the situation. Do I really have to be the one to deal with people? The blind girl has to be the one to man up? Geez... Rena thought to herself, hating the announcement for stating that they had to be teammates. She stood from her seat and felt the desks around her with her hands as she approached the slightly taller male, using the tremors in the ground she could feel from her boots to find out where he was.

When she felt something that resembled cloth, Rena figured that she was by the student, since he was still standing and trembling. She found his arm and eventually his shoulder with her small hands, her fingertips eventually reaching the sides of his head.
"Calm down." Although Rena's words were short and concise, possibly cold, she spoke softly and gently, then pulled his head down to hers to calm him down. Her healing powers allowed her to give those in need a soothing sensation, like the relaxing feeling of ocean waves drifting back and forth, or a massage. Her hands and forehead were cold compared to his, but she hoped that it helped him. She couldn't see anything, so his hallucinations would not affect her, making her the ideal person to help him.


@Bvmble @Popplio Princess @Moon Star Mood: Uncertain Location: Haven Classroom Doorway


@AgotPosts @CERBERUS177 Mood: Irritated/Slightly Concerned Location: Atlas Classroom

(You talking to Cody, or...?)
There was a curious expression on Helio's face, and it startled the smaller girl. Hadn't he been so bubbly and happy before? As a quiet sigh puffed from Kanon's lips she considered a false identity before them--as if he was forcing himself to be joyful. Does it matter...? She chewed her lip and padded through the grid of desks toward the door. The hallway beyond was still quiet as it had ended up being when she left it, so at least she didn't need to worry about her interactions being hindered by the disabling fear of other contact--nonetheless, it was an obstacle to leave. The girls, as she found it, were a bit easier for her to converse with (that is, if conversing is what one could call it). With Helio being the only boy both in her class and, largely, in her life, she wasn't sure what to say.

"Thank you." She stifled a timid gasp while passing by his action. Her face shifted, scanning his out of curiosity toward her previous thought. Maybe he just doesn't like me. Kanon let out a short breath and slipped out into the hall. An unconscious breeze followed her from the window through the classroom, and she stiffened by her accidental use of power. She was distracted, is all. While the others filed out of the classroom in search of some food (and her stomach was protesting their idleness already) Kanon waited, palms crossed and head swaying.

@Anaxileah @Popplio Princess @Moon Star


Kou gasped at the collective misinformation that her two comrades seemed to have, positively outraged that Build-a-Bear Workshop was simply seen as a toy store to them.

"One does not simply 'make a bear' at Build-a-Bear Workshop! One creates a best friend!" Kou began, taking a step up onto her chair, one fist clenched by her chest, the other in the air. "You give them a heart and a soul and a name! You bring them to life!" She continued, placing her other foot onto the chair as well, so she was high in the air. Well, high for her standards. If Hunter was standing, he would still be a good few inches taller than her. But I digress.

"We must go forth at this moment and partake in the heart-warming activity! Onward to victory!" She finished, pointing to the door while her other hand rested on her hip. Fun fact about this maiden: when she is passionate about something, she speaks as if she is leading an army; which she was, in theory. An army of a giant emotionally fragile boy with a soft spot for flower crowns and a young lady on wheels that looked stunning with Japanese lace in her hair.

What an army they were.

Mentions: @Schadenfreudmeh


Hunter could only stare on blankly as Kou did her rallying speech, wondering how this small, shy girl became a commanding presence all of a sudden. Not really having anything better to do, he stood from his bed, chugging the rest of his tea. He probably would've fallen asleep if he stayed there any longer.

From what Hunter gathered from Kou's zealous speech, they were going to be shoving hearts and souls into some bear best friends. It sounded like some necromancy shit, but hey, it could be fun? He strides along, having to walk at a painfully slow pace to let the other two keep up. "So uh..." He began after taking a moment of thought. "How do we know where we're going? Are we just going to wander around outside of the school grounds until we find one of these Build A Bear places?"


Aya was taken by surprise as Kou made possibly the most inspiring speech she had ever heard, and as soon as the other girl stopped speaking, she keeled over in her chair so her head touched her knees and died laughing. Once she got that out of her system, she straightened up, fixed her Japanese lace, and wheel quickly out of the room after Hunter. "Are we just going to wander around outside of the school grounds until we find one of these Build A Bear places?" She heard the boy inquire.

"Not sure," Aya replied, leading them over to the elevator. "But that's why we have..." she dramatically reached into her wheelchair pocket, whipping out her phone, "Google Maps!" Quickly opening her phone, she put in 'Build a Bear' and came up with a location about a mile away from where they were. As her phone was loading, the elevator door opened, and she put her phone in her lap so she could move. "Ok, so I'm not sure if this is on school grounds or not..." she said, wheeling herself into the elevator and looking down at the screen, "but it's in a fairly reasonable walking distance."
Yana jumped a little in excitement and clapped her hands a little. "Yay! We can all explore together!" She says while reaching into her bag to grab her map. The bag was small and white, made of expensive material. Before Yana left home for her new school, her father bought her this bag, hoping that it could last her for at least the first year. With it came with high end school materials and whatever books she needed for school. Yana was never really taught to clean and organize, but she did her very best to keep everything in her bag in a tidy fashion in hope to make the inside materials match the wealth of the actual bag. It was a new feeling for Yana to always be carrying a bag, but she joked with her family that all this bag carrying will make her stronger than she used to be back at home.

At the mention of food, as if on cue, Yana's stomach growled quietly to announce to everyone about her hunger. Blushing, Yana nodded and squeaked, "Food would be nice right now..." Rubbing her hand gently against her stomach, she recalls the fact that she forgot to get breakfast this morning. Since she woke up late, she didn't have time to eat, so she was dying to get a bite to eat. The thought of food stuck with her, though, and she wondered what kind of food they served in the real world. She wondered if people had their own personal chefs to cook every meal for them. Burning with curiosity, Yana got even more excited about getting food.

However, in the midst of all this excitement, Yana was too naive to notice the change in the air. "Are we all ready to go? I have a map if we need it!" She says, looking at them happily.

(Need to give everyone a reminder of my character's wealth ^w^)

@Bvmble @Anaxileah @Moon Star
Sergei felt a soothing feeling, as he began to hallucinate. While the room was still expanding and contracting, the walls began to take a more relaxed wavy form. He could feel himself slightly regain consciousness, and soon put together the shape of a face in front of him. It was the girl from earlier, and it seemed like she was helping him recover from the negative hallucinations. He figured that she must have been blind, as she was able to look at him directly, without feeling any effects. After taking a step back he stated "I'm... functional," and went to the broken window to stare outside. The skies, trees and hills outdoors looked very defined, and lively. "It doesn't matter that you broke the window I guess, out there looks a lot more beautiful than in here," Sergei shouted to the other male in the room, before he went off into wild laughter.

@Anaxileah @CERBERUS177
AgotPosts said:
Sergei felt a soothing feeling, as he began to hallucinate. While the room was still expanding and contracting, the walls began to take a more relaxed wavy form. He could feel himself slightly regain consciousness, and soon put together the shape of a face in front of him. It was the girl from earlier, and it seemed like she was helping him recover from the negative hallucinations. He figured that she must have been blind, as she was able to look at him directly, without feeling any effects. After taking a step back he stated "I'm... functional," and went to the broken window to stare outside. The skies, trees and hills outdoors looked very defined, and lively. "It doesn't matter that you broke the window I guess, out there looks a lot more beautiful than in here," Sergei shouted to the other male in the room, before he went off into wild laughter.
@Anaxileah @CERBERUS177
Cody just stared at him, he hates it when people tick him off then try to be his friend, he rolled his eyes and started to read his book. "...Ok then...fair warning, don't act threatening to me again...please..." he said making sure that the kid doesn't get on his bad side.

(On phone,can't tell how long it is sorry)
Azu stepped out of the pool, drying herself off with her towel. She huffed and walked over to Everett, sitting down near him and giving a small wave. She glanced back over to Rocky and Josef,who were still swimming around. "Guys, maybe we should head back... We might be missing out of stufff..." she shrugged, and crossed her legs, grinning at the two.

(Alphaius has left so we should just continue as normal...)

(Praise @Adira for freeing us)

"Ja, you're right." Josef agreed solemnly, climbing out of the pool. He did (of course) another hair flip to look extra fabulous as he walked to retrieve his glasses. He picked up his towel and dried himself off, draping the towel over his neck once done. "So. What now?" He asked with a slight tilt of his head.
Everett nodded and stood. Keeping his distance from the two girl who were still wet. Being to close could cause him to accidentally freeze the excess water on their bodies. "Yeah, it's best we head on back." He slung the large sword over his shoulder, and brushed some of his hair back.

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