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Realistic or Modern Resemblia Academy (Accepting)

Josef gave a smug grin when his second splash hit Azu, though didn't have much time to revel in his victory before she cannonballed into the pool. He swiftly took a deep breath and dove under as well, avoiding the splash. He opened his eyes while under, bearing the painful sting of chlorinated water for the first few seconds before being able to see a bit. However, he could only stay under for a few seconds with such a short breath. Swimming upwards, Josef got his head out of the water, taking in a sharp breath. And, of course, he flipped his hair.

The quiet little girl woke from her snooze with a start and a sniffle. "Hmn?" She whined, yawning with a palm over her mouth. Had she fallen asleep? The soft, warm breeze wafting in through the window had ruffled her hair and soothed her just enough to bring on a spell of rest. Her cheeks immediately darkened and her eyes flitted about the classroom. She wondered if everybody was still there, and if they had noticed their sleepy classmate.

(I'M SORRRRYYYYYY @Moon Star @Popplio Princess @Anaxileah )
Azu saw him open his eyes under water for a short moment, before she too ran out of breath and slowly emerged from the water. She saw Josef flip his hair and couldn't help but stare, however she didn't want to seem like a creep so she truned away her face, splashing him slightly. "I win!" She grinned, before swimming away to the deeper end.

After a few minutes Bobby calls out from the other side of the fence.

"Um...hey...you guys wouldn't be able to help me out would you."

His voice comes from beyond the northern fence,and sounds a bit irritated. "Also the waters great isn't it?"

@Schadenfreudmeh @Adira
Azu looked over the other guy, pouting angrily at him when she heard the slight irritation in his voice. This boi. "What do you want? Cuz clearly i ain't buying that fake act, baka.." she shouted at him, growling a little afterwards.

@Alphaius (Tsundere mode activated)
Nona had surprisingly not fallen asleep, however, she was reading a book, having lost herself in the excitement and the boundaries of imagination, hearing Kanon yawn, she realized that she had been sleeping the whole time "Oh, you're up, nice." She said not raising her head "Well, not much was happening, so I began reading a book, I think Yana and Leo left, I'm not sure." She said not raising her head, making assumptions, even though Kanon didn't ask, finally she raised her head "Being here is boring, do any of you want to go explore the campus, or...?" The starwberry-blonde girl asked.

@Popplio Princess @Bvmble @Anaxileah

(I don't even know-)
Adira said:
Azu looked over the other guy, pouting angrily at him when she heard the slight irritation in his voice. This boi. "What do you want? Cuz clearly i ain't buying that fake act, baka.." she shouted at him, growling a little afterwards.
@Adira @Schadenfreudmeh
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Not much chatter was happening, so Yana just quietly looked around, drinking in every detail she could. From the dirt on the ground, sometimes in the shape of footprints to the board in front of them with writing utensils to compliment it. The window seat was a perfect view for Yana because she got to see down below where a large open courtyard was. Looking out, Yana was surprised to see almost an entire class making their way to what she believed was... the dorms? Did they all forget something? Not much later, she saw them walk a different direction with... bathing suits and towels? "Are they going swimming? Is that even allowed?" She mentally questioned. Seeing other students noticing the act, Yana was more shocked as students in other classes were leaving. Worried as she saw students leave either in groups or alone, Yana got up and walked over to the teacher's desk. The chair was made of fine leather, so she couldn't resist sitting in it. Sighing in the comfortable seat, she spun around a little before going back to the task at hand. From her seat, the desk was blank on the surface, so she decided to look through the drawers. "The announcement said that there's a lesson for us, so it's probably in the teacher's desk... right?" She asked herself, looking through empty drawer after empty drawer.

Sighing again, Yana gave up and looked at the rest of the class. Nona and Kanon was still there, so Yana was relieved she wasn't alone. "I can't find any sort of papers in here... I guess we really are on our own... So, what do you guys want to do?" She asked the two of them.
Josef was about to get all competitive with Azu, but heard someone else speak from over the fence. "Quote a situation you got yourself in there!" He laughed to himself, swimming to the edge of the pool and hauling himself out. He took a second to get accustomed to the lack of weightlessness while on land before strolling up to the fence.

"So, how did you manage that?" Josef asked once he could assess Bobby's predicament. He looked over the fence for a moment before awkwardly scaling it.


@Rest of the Beacon bros
Rocky resurfaced from under the water (which she can spend excessive amounts of time under do to the whole stone thing) and looked at the boy.

"Holy shi- HA!" She burst into laughter at the predicament. "That.. that is... That's fucking awesome bro! Holy shit!" She floated in the water while laughing.

"I'd come help you but damn this water is nice."

@Schadenfreudmeh @Adira @Alphaius
Azu sighed and came out of the pool, looking over at the boy. She huffed, as she started to climb easily over the fence, and droping down onto the ground, next to the boy. She frowned, looking carefully at his body and saw what happened. "You got tangled into something and now it's pricking you...THANKS ROCKY..." she said, looking at the blood on his side. She carefully started to unravel him from the brushes, hoping she wouldn't hurt him in the process. "Why didn't you say something before?!"

"I think the diving board is broken cuz I tried to do a backflip but...I woke up here." He looks at the laughing group.

"I don't suppose you have any sheers? Perhaps a pocket knife?" He asks with a smile that is kinda creepily genuine.

The bush slides out of his his side and his face doesn't so much as twitch, after he gets off the wound closes on its own in just a few seconds.

"Thanks your awsome!" He says in a much less strained voice.

@Adira @Schadenfreudmeh
Azu watched in awe as the wound closed up, basically smiling wide. "Whoa! You have healing powers??" she got extremely excited, because she never saw anything like that. She stood up as well, completely forgetting what she did in the first place. "Oh right! Um..You're welcome..Umm..I'm Azu.." she rubbed the back of her neck, grinning sheepishly. Oh how she hated introductions..

"Astounding..." Josef couldn't help but let the word slip as he watched the boy's wounds heal in a matter of seconds. "Now, I've heard of accelerated healing, but nothing quite like this." His eyes were wide with that dangerous curiosity of his. "Ok, let's say I ah... Cut you open and took your liver. Could you grow it back?" He paused for a moment, just realizing how sketch that sounded. "Hypothetically speaking, of course. I'd just love to know the limits of your regeneration."

How the hell his parents had confused two hours away with six hours away, Allen did not know.

For all his wit, he could not comprehend what unearthly idiocy could have caused such a mixup. Now, instead of arriving at his new school at 7:30, he was going to be there at 11:30. He was already worried about being forced into a new environment, with new people, but now he was certainly going to be at the center of ridicule for arriving so ungodly late.

Finally, he saw the school sink into view.

Wow, it was a lot… Nicer looking than he had expected. Far more aesthetically pleasing.

Hopefully, the people would be just as agreeable.

Knowing his luck, most likely not.

His parents stopped right in front of the gate, Allen's father uttering a harsh:

"We're here." His tone laced with bitter sentiments.

Allen nodded, opening his car door and walking around towards the trunk, popping it open to take out his brown bags, one luggage carrier and one backpack.

Well, this is it. A year without home, without familiarity.

He worried about what was to come.

He took his two bags out of the trunk, slinging his backpack around his shoulders. He closed the trunk's door and stepped away, walking past the door and towards the mighty castle beyond him. He turns to his father's open car window, stopping for a moment.


His father gives a small grunt in response, mumbling an inaudible send-off.

Allen continues to the school, satisfied with the response. He couldn't bring himself to expect anything more from the old bastard.

He stepped nervously onto the path, one hand on his backpack strap, the other lugging his rolling carrier.

With one reluctant foot in front of the other, he finally reached it.

The door.

He opened the mighty barrier, wondering what to do next.
Adira said:
Azu watched in awe as the wound closed up, basically smiling wide. "Whoa! You have healing powers??" she got extremely excited, because she never saw anything like that. She stood up as well, completely forgetting what she did in the first place. "Oh right! Um..You're welcome..Umm..I'm Azu.." she rubbed the back of her neck, grinning sheepishly. Oh how she hated introductions..
Schadenfreudmeh said:
"Astounding..." Josef couldn't help but let the word slip as he watched the boy's wounds heal in a matter of seconds. "Now, I've heard of accelerated healing, but nothing quite like this." His eyes were wide with that dangerous curiosity of his. "Ok, let's say I ah... Cut you open and took your liver. Could you grow it back?" He paused for a moment, just realizing how sketch that sounded. "Hypothetically speaking, of course. I'd just love to know the limits of your regeneration."
"Seems cool at first but it gets boring fast...And yeah I think so you can try later but you gotta put it on YouTube, I'm tryin to be famous."he says regarding each question. "I'm Bobby by the way,beacon class. You guys enjoying the weekend?" He asks as he starts to climb back over the fence.
"Josef's being weird again." Rocky said getting out of the pool and walking towards the others.

"Hi I'm Rocky and wow that's cool man!" She lowered herself to look at where the wound had been.

"I mean, I can prevent wounds but to be able to heal like that... Damn. You ever get in fights?"

@Schadenfreudmeh @Adira @Alphaius
"I'm not weird, I'm just wondering!" Josef called out to Rocky, pouting childishly. "I mean, have none of you ever gotten curious about stuff like this? Studying a healing factor like this would definitely make some breakthroughs in the medical community..." He trailed off, imagining the possibilities of a patient that could recover in such a rapid manner. If he could find a gene or anything that could explain this guy's power...

@Beacon bros
She tipped her head curiously. "U-um... sure. I wouldn't mind exploring a bit. I've only r...really seen the halls here," She wouldn't admit that it was more like only seeing the shoulders of other students rather than the halls themselves, "So I'd like it if we could see more." Her amber gaze trailed across the room, still rather drowsily, to the outdoors. There was so much she would honestly love to see, even alone if she had to. "What are other st-udents doing?" It sounded vaguely as if her voice was smoother than before, though it had only been, well, who knows how long she was out. Kanon believed it was the Yana effect.

@Popplio Princess @Moon Star
Alnasl said:
Aya directed her attention to the other girl as she began talking. "I'm Kou. I can grow flowers superfast... Oh, and water. I-I can control that, too." Kou? She thought. That's a cute name. I wonder where she's from. She quickly snapped out of her thoughts as the girl came toward her. "I think they match you best... the pink looks pretty with your eyes," she said, taking Aya completely by surprise.
"Thank you..." Said Aya, taken off guard a little. "That's really sweet! Thank you." A cute name for a cute girl, apparently. She tucked the part of the Japanese Lace behind her ear, and the rest she arranged carefully in the pocket under her armrest. Her face had gone a little pink, but she pressed on with the conversation. "I'm actually from Japan...I lived there until I was seven. What about you?"

"Fuck me," said the boy on her left quietly. "Uh...yeah...cool power?" Aya turned, noticing how nervous he looked. "Are you ok?" She asked, and then with a touch of urgency, "Is it happening now?"
"Ah, no. I don't know?" Hunter broke out into a sweat. Was this happening? Was he going to relive that nightmare? He took in a sharp breath, trying to get himself under control. But he couldn't, just the mere mention of his fears was already sending him out of whack. "J-just. One of us needs to leave. Nothing personal." He stated abruptly, wringing his hands together. Without waiting for a response he stood up and began to walk out of the class, muttering, "Fuck this," under his breath. He didn't think the panic would hit so hard so soon, his chest feeling tight and mind swimming with thoughts he fought so hard to repress.

Get it together, Hunter. He tried to tell himself. But it wouldn't work. His legs were shaky by the time he got to the door, hand reaching for the doorknob.
Aya turned quickly as the boy got up, and squashed down the inevitable oh my god you really shouldn't be here for her to deal with later. She shut her eyes, took a few deep breaths, and then quickly wheeled across the room to stop about two meters behind Hunter. "Hey, hey, you're ok. It's going to be ok. You're safe now," she said in a very calm voice, not allowing herself any room for fear or nervousness. Noticing how shaky his legs were, she tightened her grips on the handrims in case he fell. "Deep breaths. Everything is going to be ok."
Hunter stopped when he heard Aya try to comfort him, closing his eyes and resting his forehead against the doorframe. He took in sharp, deep breaths, the task honestly looking laborious and painful.

His panic only grew. And now he was panicking over the fact that he was panicking, which only made things worse. Fears arose with the memories, and it was all coming down like a landslide.

"I-I'm fine. Just need some rest." He choked out before opening the door. He didn't bother to shut it behind him as he walked to his dorm, feeling dizzy with fear.
Aya let out a long, slow breath, and then let her head fall back to rest against the top of the backrest of her chair. "Damn it," she said, with a certain concentrated fury at herself. "I'm just going to...go somewhere that nobody else is and be not emotionless for a while."

At least he left the door open, she thought as she wheeled herself through and down the corridor into the elevator. Instead of going to her dorm, she instead went down to the ground floor, wheeling out into the open air. Since the terrain was mostly flat, she moved off the path and around a bend to the end of the property, and just sat under a tree. God, the poor boy. First the nurses, now him? You really can't control yourself at all, can you, she thought to herself cuttingly. You shouldn't be here. You shouldn't even be alive, you don't deserve it! Nomi should've lived. She was the good one. She didn't cause everyone around her pain. Everyone is scared of you, and they're right to be.

Aya knew that no one would want to get near her now. Her emotions were so wild that she had swirled the equivalent of a storm up around herself, alone under the tree. She slowed her breathing, and pulled herself back together, clearing her mind. Nothing you can do about it now. The past is written. Accept, and move on... The storm dissipated.
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