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Realistic or Modern Resemblia Academy (Accepting)

Hunter had managed to make it back to his dorm, his vision hazy and blurred. He took a few deep breaths, making sure he was alone before allowing a tear or two to roll down his cheek.

Look at you, so weak that you just... Cry thinking about it. He mentally scolded himself as he trudged over to his bed, pretty much faceplanting into the sheets. He felt numb for a good while, staring blankly at the wall. He allowed that particularly painful night to play in his mind. It hadn't been too long ago... Perhaps a bit over a week? He shuddered. The wounds still hurt. The bruises ached. And the burning shame, lack of control... It all hurt.

You let that happen to you, Hunter. You idiot. It's all your damn fault.

He gave the slightest of sobs, but nothing more. Nevertheless, this was him at his most vulnerable and emotional.
Aya pushed her chair back up to the school, working her way up to the floor she knew her dorm was on. She'd been given one at the end of the hall, where they had a few left-over empty ones, in order to distance herself from others as much as possible. She was exceedingly grateful for that, but her tired arms were less so. As she made her way slowly down the corridor, she heard perhaps the quietest sob in the world from the door next to her.

Immediately, she thought, It's him, and then right after that, You're going to make it worse, and then, much more powerfully, You can't just leave him. Nomi wouldn't. Tentatively, she raised a very tired arm and knocked faintly at the door. Letting her head fall forwards to rest on it, she spoke through the door to the boy, making sure she herself was completely calm.

"Listen," she said in a very soft, actually kind of vulnerable voice, "It's going to be ok. I don't know what you're remembering, but I am so, so sorry it happened to you, and I am so sorry that I made you remember." She bit her lip lightly, and then went on. "I'm not very good at this whole 'helping people' thing. That was always my sister. But...it was my fault, and I want to help you. Please."



Helio blinked a couple times as he watched the olive green-haired female anxiously. Did...did Kanon just fall asleep? Leo wondered to himself until both Yana and Nona spoke to him after an announcement sounded over the school's intercom, marveling at both the announcement and wondering what to do next. "That sounds so cool! I've never learned with a team!" Yana reacted to the announcement first, while Nona spoke soon after. "Teamwork, huh? Interesting...So, uhm, what now?" The blonde female had asked, and Leo wondered the same. The announcement itself was quite peculiar to Leo as well, he had to admit, but it wasn't anything to worry about. They could get through this, especially as a team, which they had turned out to become. Leo had to be positive and optimistic, otherwise all of his feelings of guilt would wash over him and drag him under his facade-like surface entirely.

However...Nona's face was poking in a book by then, and Yana herself had drifted off to sleep.
I suppose everyone is tired... Leo let out a sigh before letting his face fall from his usual smile, a sad frown taking its place. Was I maybe...too cheerful? Is that why Kanon doesn't like me...? I'm this way because I want my sister to be happy, as well as those around me...If I'm not, then I'll be the same way I was when Rena was gone... Leo thought with his dirty blond eyebrows knitted together in worry and pain. What do I do...? After contemplating his thoughts for several more moments, the girls began to stir. Leo had moved from beside Kanon's desk to the corner of the room as he thought, being as silent as he could be.

"Hmm?" Kanon yawned as she awoke, Leo observing her momentarily before averting his gaze and avoiding eye contact with the small female. His eyes turned to Nona, who then began speaking. "Oh, you're up, nice. Well, not much was happening, so I began reading a book, I think Yana and Leo left, I'm not sure." Leo raised an eyebrow at this remark made by Nona, but didn't call attention to his presence just yet. Before Nona had even uttered a word, Yana had apparently been awake and approached the teacher's desk, then spoke as well, except it seemed she was talking more to herself when she asked the first question. "The announcement said that there's a lesson for us, so it's probably in the teacher's desk... right? I can't find any sort of papers in here... I guess we really are on our own... So, what do you guys want to do?" The two females continued to converse, Nona having suggested the cafeteria. Leo frowned slightly, a little offended that the three girls continued to neglect his presence in the corner of the room.

"U-um... sure. I wouldn't mind exploring a bit. I've only r...really seen the halls here...So I'd like it if we could see more. What are other st-udents doing?" Kanon uttered quietly, her small voice stammering just like every other time she spoke. Well...might as well make myself known now... "Hey, yeah, I'm still here. Since you didn't find anything, Yana, I think we should indeed explore. The staff of the school probably intended for us to enjoy our first day and get to know the place, as well as get accustomed. The other students appear to be heading to an indoor pool? If that's what you lot want to do, go for it. I can't, since fire doesn't combine well with water. I'll head out and explore elsewhere, I guess. Feel free to accompany me or go swimming." Leo waved a dismissive hand and had a tight smile on his tan face as he walked to the door, not at all like the earlier smile. He didn't appreciate being treated as if he were invisible, but there really was nothing to be done about it. It peeved him a little that he couldn't swim with the others without making steam and boiling the damn water, but he wasn't in a very good mood as is.

Meanwhile, in the Atlas Classroom, Cerena realized she had dozed off and was dreaming. The girl she had imagined in her dream was actually her, which was just...strange. Of course, she had no idea what anything looked like, so the dream world was nothing but shadows, but the dream still felt real nonetheless. She opened her eyes, despite her lack of sight, and was about to sit up from the desk she had been lying on to stretch when she suddenly sensed someone entering the classroom. The heavy door swung open, the bottom of the door brushing against the tile floor gently as it moved, and the sound of footsteps came to Rena's ears even through the low classical music that was blaring to her delicate ears. The heavy footsteps moved to the center of the room, most likely a male's, where the girl in her dream had been seated, and stopped there, although she didn't get the odd feeling she had when someone was normally looking at her. A thud was heard after the footsteps stopped, probably something heavy on the student's desk. A laptop, maybe a book? Either way, the classroom remained quiet. Rena sat up and stretched as she had intended to do so earlier, but flinched at the next interruption made in the silent classroom.

The windows in the room suddenly shattered, each shard of broken glass hitting the ground in such a way that every piece sounded like the thud of the book the other student had placed down. Rena immediately clapped her hands to her ears and shut her eyes, hoping to cut off the sound input she had - instead, she only muffled it slightly. She heard another student's voice, this one also male - probably the one who broke the goddamn window... - mutter a small hello and a faint remark in regard to the pain he must have received from the unintelligent behavior. Rena let out a shaky breath, then continued to listen to the two males as they apparently... 'conversed.'

"Idiot. Would you mind entering the classroom without making a scene?" The one seated in the center of the room initiated conversation first, more than a hint of annoyance in his small voice. The voice of the other male, whom Rena assumed to be the less smart of the two, came afterwards. "I mean if you got a problem, you can take it up with the bottom of my boot..." He was obviously inciting a fight, which Rena was not interested in hearing. She came to this school to learn how to control her problems, especially the enhanced senses she had. With frustration written clearly across her incredibly pale face, Rena turned her face towards the two males in the room. "The level of testosterone in this room does not need to climb any higher, boys. Quit the bantering, it's giving me a headache." Rena snapped at the two, unintentionally sounding mean. She wasn't normally like this, but she really couldn't handle a fight after all that glass had hit the floor so loudly...After a moment of silence, Rena let out a sigh and apologized. "Sorry for snapping at the two of you. I have enhanced senses when it comes to sound, touch, smell, and taste, and all that noise you just made...really hurt." The young female's voice cracked slightly on the last word, since she was not used to saying that out loud. Well, here goes nothing...we've gotta be friendly somehow, may as well give it a go... The female worried slightly, her ebony eyebrows knitted together in a worried manner.


@Bvmble @Popplio Princess @Moon Star Mood: Irritated/Worried/Upset Location: Haven Classroom -> Doorway


@CERBERUS177 @AgotPosts Mood: Irritated/In Pain/Worried (slightly) Location: Atlas Classroom

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By the time Kou had fully registered what had gone down moments before, the only people that were left in the classroom was her and Katashi.

"Oh dear..." She sighed, tightening the grip on her bag. Would it be improper to run after them? Or would it show lack of sympathy? It was things like this that Kou didn't quite understand, and she was at a real loss at this point.

Deciding to disregard any suspicions she had about privacy invasions, the young lady shuffled to the door, glancing back at Katashi.

"Um, I'm gonna go after them... maybe we'll meet later?" She said in a worried tone, finally dashing off in hopes of finding the two.

Of course, that hope was very short lived.

Before long, Kou was in some courtyard surrounded by thick bushes of wisteria and trumpet flowers, the towering plants shading her small frame.

"Maybe Mr. Hunter needs more flowers." Kou said with finality, breaking off a few stems of fragrant wisteria to place in her bag. Perhaps this could be a new form of aroma therapy.

After exiting the maze of brush, Kou picked up the distant murmurs of the student body milling about, figuring that that would be a good place to start looking for her missing classmates.

When she finally reached the winding corridors of the inside of the building, the teen noticed a small figure in the distance along with the muffled hum of words being spoken through a doorway. It was Aya.

Kou approached slowly, minding what her mom always said about eavesdropping.

"Only do it if you know they can't see you."

As Aya came to her last pleading word, Kou stepped up behind her, a worried look masking her small features.

"Mr. Hunter? It's Kou..." She began, fiddling with the pleats of her skirt as she struggled to find the right words.

"I think... I think Miss Aya's ability has a flaw." She began, glancing down to her wheeled partner.

"I'm quite sure the flaw is consciousness... well, um," She struggled, tapping her foot in frustration.

"Just say it."

"I don't know your thoughts, but I'm sure they're
painful. I bet they suck a whole lot," Kou said, her voice faltering a bit, but still continuing.

"The thing is, they only suck when you think about 'em, y'know? So how about we help take your mind off it?" The young lady said, rummaging through her bag for the wisteria she had found earlier.

"Let's see... I have some more flowers... they smell super good," She droned on, searching her bag some more.

"Ooh, I also have tea... and coffee, if you like that better." Her voice died down as her hands came to a stop, realizing Hunter hadn't said anything yet. Was he really in there?

After a moment, Kou's hands found their way to her 'emergency' box of teas and bag of coffee, something she prided herself in having on hand 24/7.

"How 'bout it?"

Mentions: @Schadenfreudmeh

"Oh, Helio there you are!" Yana cheered, giving the boy a big smile. "Sorry, we didn't see you there." She giggled, taking off her glasses, rubbing them clean with the fabric of her shirt, and putting them back on. Hearing the others' suggestion, Yana nodded. If there's nothing else to do, then might as well have a little fun, right? "I saw the other class going to the pool too, but... I'm not really a swimmer. I can't really see anything without my glasses." Yana shared sheepishly.

Yana, like her brother, was blind as a bat. Even before she developed bad eyesight, Yana loved to wear glasses like her brother. When he worked late at night and stared at a computer screen the entire time, tiny Yana would play with his glasses and wear them until she fell asleep in his office, forcing him to carry her back to her bedroom.

Hearing and seeing that Helio was gonna be alone, Yana jumped in. "I can join you!... I-if you'd like?" Yana asked politely. She didn't want to intrude if Helio didn't want her to join and maybe he just wanted to be alone. Fiddling her hands behind her back, she looked at Helio, waiting for an answer. She had a map with her anyway, so she could guide the class to wherever they want to go. Yana was excited to see the rest of the school anyway.

@Anaxileah @Bvmble @Moon Star
Hunter had listened to the two outside his door, feeling dread when they wouldn't go away. It seemed the whole, "I'm bloody sleeping, go away" tactic wouldn't work when he was so clearly shaken. But, they seemed to genuinely want to help. He couldn't really fathom why they'd help a guy struggling with some horrible past, but now wasn't really the time for thinking about morality. With a groan, he sat up in his bed, wiping the tears off his face and putting his sunglasses back on. His vision was hazy, eyes red from the tears, but it seemed the glasses would hide most of that. He trudged towards the door, hesitating before opening it and looking down at the two significantly shorter girls. "Just don't talk about it." He grumbled, voice a bit quieter than normal. He sidestepped away from the doorway, holding the door open and allowing the other two in.

@Deviced @Alnasl
Aya actually seemed somewhat surprised that the door had opened. She wheeled her way past him, uttering a muffled "thank you" as she did (she is Canadian, after all). She found the place in the room, wherever that was, where her chair would be most out of the way, and turned to back into it. She gave Kou a small smile before turning back to Hunter.

"To be honest," she said, picking lightly at the armrests of her chair, "It's good that you are letting your emotions out. If you don't they just...build up and build up, and you can't hold that forever. And you can let them out, cause your trauma doesn't fuck with everyone else's heads." She looked down at the floor for a few seconds, still picking at her chair. "But, anyway..."

If I hear one more person talk to me about trauma... Hunter wasn't letting much of his emotion show in that moment, but it was clear that his patience was already running thin. "Look, I don't know why you two followed me here." He began, leaning against the wall and putting his hands in his pockets. "But I'm fine. Nothing bad happened to me." And boy, was that a horrible lie.

Even as everyone else got themselves situated in the room, Hunter kept near the door. Just the thought of being near a bed while other people were in the room terrified him.

@Deviced @Alnasl
"Don't lie to me, I'm paralyzed, not stupid," said Aya, feeling a bit insulted actually. "Even if you hadn't bolted out of the room earlier, look how close you are to the door. You're getting ready to bolt again if you have to." She moved her hands restlessly from the armrests of her chair to her knees, and back up again, tapping out an unheard melody. "It's okay to have gone through a traumatizing experience. Shit, pretty much all of us have, so no one is going to think you're weak or...whatever, even if it seems to you they are."



Kou was relieved when Hunter opened the door, a victory grin plastering itself across her face as she waddled through the doorway wordlessly.

"Just don't talk about it."

"It's good that you are letting your emotions out..."

"They sound just like an old couple," Kou thought, walking over to the kitchenette and placing her bag on the counter. She waited for a moment, the sound of agitated breaths filling up the room, a heaviness occupying the air. Glancing down at Hunter's bed, the young lady noticed the imprint of a curled up figure left on the sheets, and it made Kou feel sad. Having to cry on your own wasn't a fun thing.

"Hmmm," Kou hummed, picking out the flowers that littered the inside of her bag and placing them on the table. After a moment of thinking, the only conclusion this girl could see was making a flower crown. Look, it's not like she had a degree in therapy or anything.

Kou's hands hovered over the slightly wilted wildflowers and watched as they regained some of their life, the bruised petals finding their brilliant hues again. Once they seemed a bit more healthy, her fingers got to work in knotting each tiny stem to the next, creating a beautiful, thick chain of mixed flora the quickest she could.

Kou had had a lot of practice making these, simply because she was able to. It was one thing she could be good at, so she exercised the talent as much as possible.

Kou then removed a small ball of twine from her bag and snipped off a few pieces with her (handy dandy) scissors, using it to reinforce the back of the crown.

The girl stepped away to take a look at her creation, rather proud of the final outcome. This would work.

"Well, I think how Mr. Hunter copes is really up to him at the end of the day," Kou began, gently picking up the crown and skipping to the doorway.

"But I hope that you start to trust us a little bit more. We're both just girls, y'know? We may not be able to help get rid of the bad stuff, but that doesn't mean we can't outweigh it with good stuff, or at the very least take your mind off of it." Kou finished, stepping up on her tiptoes to try and place the crown on Hunter's head-- unsuccessfully of course. She furrowed her brow slightly, mentally cursing herself for being so short, and opted to hand the crown to him instead.

"Do you like tea? Like I said before, I brought some, but I brought coffee too... for tea I have peppermint, which is good for tummy aches, and it's soothing. So is jasmine, but chamomile might be nice as well," Kou droned on, shuffling back into the kitchen to prepare said drinks if anyone so desired. She liked this part too, since it made her feel important. "Miss Aya, would you like some? I'd be happy to make both tea and coffee," Kou sang, feeling almost like she was back at home, talking to her parents once again. She could get used to having friends.

Mentions; @Schadenfreudmeh

Hunter delicately took the flower crown from Kou, gently placing it on his head. He looked like a Snapchat filter- Wait, it is a filter. He breathed a heavy sigh through his nose. He knew he wasn't the only one dealing with some heavy stuff, but he really didn't give a shit about other people. And he wasn't afraid of the past itself... He was afraid of going back to it. There was still a chance someone was going to find him, bring him back, and make him go through that dehumanizing abuse all over again. The words hurt, the way he was just an object. He shuddered.

Focus, Hunter. He thought to himself.

"Like I said, I'm fine. I really am..." He began, adjusting his crown a bit. "But chamomile does sound nice at the moment."


Kanon cringed at the thought of a pool and decided she would pass as well. "I can't, since fire doesn't combine well with water. I'll head out and explore elsewhere," He said, and she perked up just a bit more. Then Yana, "I'm not really a swimmer." Oh, the olive-haired girl was so relieved. It would have been embarrassing to arrive and just sit on the side of the pool. Or worse, if she had been forced into the water only to have a panic attack--her cheeks rouged. "Ahm, me too. I'd like to do something e-lse as well." It seemed she had been assigned to just the right place and, though it may not have seemed like it to the others, she definitely was relaxing around them. It would be the ultimate test when mixing in with others. Kanon idly played with a little spiral of wind and eraser shavings on her desk, wondering if anybody had an idea of what they could do instead.

@Anaxileah @Popplio Princess @Moon Star
"Well, I think how Mr. Hunter copes is really up to him at the end of the day." Aya turned to Kou as she started talking, and considered this. She herself had needed to not only cope but heal, and incredibly quickly at that. "But I hope that you start to trust us a little bit more. We're both just girls, y'know? We may not be able to help get rid of the bad stuff, but that doesn't mean we can't outweigh it with good stuff, or at the very least take your mind off of it," the other girl went on.

Aya nodded a little at this. "Yes, I'm sorry. I don't want to make you talk about..." She trailed off, unsure what to say next, opting to clear her throat instead. "But if you do end up needing to, my door is always open. Metaphorically and literally, because I can't figure out how to work the damn things in this." She thumped the armrest of her wheelchair for emphasis, and broke out in a small, self-deprecating smile.

She listened as Kou went through a few teas, her smile becoming softer and more genuine somehow as she did so. "Chamomile sounds great to me as well, ありがとう, Kou." She realized she had slipped a Japanese "thank you" in there, and winced a little. Perhaps now was not the time to remind herself of her family.

"Thanks, but no thanks. I'd rather not have people knowing who I am for a lot of reasons." Hunter began to walk to his bed, sitting at the end of it. He wanted to trust these girls, to just tell them everything that had happened and how he felt like a piece of shit. But the words just got caught in his throat, not wanting to leave. This was a battle he'd fight himself. "But either way. I'm fine. I don't want you two thinking that I'm not fine. Because I am. Just... Having a bit of a bad moment. That's all."


Aya shrugged, and then made a sharp intake of breath as her surgical scars twinged. "So...where are you from?" She asked a bit awkwardly, pulling herself out of the corner so she could see Kou in the kitchen as well. "I'm from Japan and India. Well, my parents are. I've only ever lived in Japan and Canada." Holy shit, you're so bad at small talk.

"'Straya." Hunter bluntly replied, getting out his phone and checking out his flower crown. Holy shit, you're fabulous. He thought, effectively ridding his mind of the negativity that plagued him earlier. For the time being. He would've taken a selfie and just made others look at his gorgeous face, but social media was by no means something he should mess around with. Hell, he only had his phone for music, lurker accounts, and the front facing camera. Also the occasional call from his concerned parents, but he preferred pay phones for that.


Sergei began to ponder. There was no way he could possibly win a physical fight against either of them, and if he were to use his "powers," he wouldn't be able to judge its effects. In addition, it seems like the majority in the room want to avoid a confrontation.

"You're weak Sergei, are you really going to allow this brute to get away?" the voices in his head began arising.

"I'm not here to begin petty physical conflicts," Sergei replied to both the voices in his head and the members in the room. "If you want to harm me, then do what it must takes, but let me ask what good does it do to harm someone who is much smaller and visibly weaker that you are."

"Why must you be so petty" the voices continued to ask. "Release me and I shall destroy his mind!"

"No!" Sergei shouted. "Stay away from me! I won't let you take ove..."

Sergei began feeling the room expand and contract. The space he was seeing was slowly changing.

(It sometimes takes a while for his hallucinations to fully take effect. Again those around him cannot experience them unless they're within 2 feet and look directly at his eyes. So it's going to seem like he's going crazy.)

@CERBERUS177 @Anaxileah
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Of course the Beacon classroom was empty. Why wouldn't it be? Gil had made every effort to show up on time. Not too early and not too late. Yet, here he was, alone in a classroom trying to figure out how the theme of team work would work with only one student.

He decided to find a seat and was drawn to the back corner by the window. He noticed that one of the desks had been knocked over with a broken leg.

"Did something... Happen?" He thought aloud, pondering the possibility of the entire beacon class being kidnapped. Horrible thoughts of murderous headmasters swam around in his head until he looked out the window to collect his thoughts.

What he saw was a group of students in and around a swimming pool. They were very blurry from this distance but it looked to be an entire class.

"Maybe that's it..." He whispered.

"Who am I kidding, that has to be them. Just my luck that they would be in the water..."

With that he ran out of the classroom and towards the watery hell that was the school pool.

@beacon bros
AgotPosts said:
Sergei began to ponder. There was no way he could possibly win a physical fight against either of them, and if he were to use his "powers," he wouldn't be able to judge its effects. In addition, it seems like the majority in the room want to avoid a confrontation.
"You're weak Sergei, are you really going to allow this brute to get away?" the voices in his head began arising.

"I'm not here to begin petty physocal conflicts," Sergei replied to both the voices in his head and the members in the room. "If you want to harm me, then do what it must takes, but let me ask what good does it do to harm someone who is much smaller and visibly weaker that you are."

"Why must you be so petty" the voices continued to ask. "Release me and I shall destroy his mind!"

"No!" Sergei shouted. "Stay away from me! I won't let you take ove..."

Sergei began feeling the room epand and contract. The space he was seeing was slowly changing.

(It sometimes takes a while for his hallucinations to fully take effect. Again those around him cannot experience then unless they're within 2 feet and look directly at his eyes. So it's going to seem like he's going crazy.)

@CERBERUS177 @Anaxileah
Cody held his hands up and backed away to his seat and just tried to ignore what just happened, he took his headphones out and put them on, listening to music to pass what time is left of class.


Kou smiled as the once heavy atmosphere was diluted into a somewhat more calm one, and she began working away with getting cups and such for the three of them.

"But either way. I'm fine. I don't want you two thinking that I'm not fine. Because I am. Just... Having a bit of a bad moment. That's all."

Hunter said as he sat on the edge of his bed, honestly seeming a bit distraught. Of course Kou couldn't believe him, but that was that. He could express himself in time.

"So...where are you from?" Aya asked, clearly trying to keep the conversation afloat.

As Kou filled up the kettle with water, she listened to what Aya said about her family coming from India and Japan.

"So that's why she's so pretty..." Kou thought, clicking down the button to turn on the electric burner while absent-mindedly humming a tune.

"'Straya." The female heard Hunter reply as she instinctively pulled herself atop the counter, searching for a vase of some sort.

"Australia? Hm. Could've sworn he was a Kiwi." she thought, but was not met with any further answers as Hunter didn't care to elaborate.

Kou rummaged through a few cupboards before pulling out a deep cup, something that could act as a home for the rest of her flowers.

As the girl let herself down and filled up her cup with water, her mouth began moving before she realized it.

"S-so, you've been to Japan..." Kou stuttered a bit, arranging the flowers in the cup so they would stand nicely on the counter. Now that she thought about it, Aya had said something earlier that definitely wasn't English, but it must've gone right over her head. That's embarrassing.

"Uhm, what's the culture like? I've never done any extensive research on Asia, so I'm afraid I don't know much about it," Kou said, hoping the attention would stray from Hunter for a while. She figured he needed a little break before picking up the conversation again. Noting the kettle had boiled and automatically shut itself off, Kou waited, gently touching the petals of the flowers in front of her. Chamomile always tastes better when steeped in hot water rather than boiling water anyways.

Mentions: @Schadenfreudmeh

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Aya smiled, tilting her head a little as she tried to remember. "I don't know that much, I was only seven when we moved. But from what I can remember, it's really based on family; like, I lived with my entire extended family -- grandparents and aunts, everyone. And the culture has a lot of respect for the elderly, which I don't think the Western world really has. And twins were considered really weird, that's the main thing I can remember, cause me and my twin were always made fun of. I guess they're just less common there."

She rolled into the kitchen, rather enjoying the sound of her wheels on the floor (kind of like someone in really cloppy shoes might). She pressed herself up with her arms against the armrests so she could see better, as she was so short in her chair. "Pretty flowers," she remarked, touching the Japanese Lace behind her ear lightly.

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Whenever Hunter heard the word 'Japan', he just had the unbearable desire to just say, "weeb". Though he held himself off this time, despite laughing in his mind at the notion. He was glad that he felt calmer and more relaxed already, and was sure that the tea would work wonders as it always did. While he waited on Kou to prepare the tea and listened to Aya, he got himself situated on the bed, laying back and getting comfortable. He got out his phone and began playing some music out the speakers on the lowest volume, placing the device next to his head before propping his arms behind his head. This was normally what he did to calm down. Just get comfy, have music, but didn't take away his situational awareness by wearing headphones.




The young lady smiled at the thought of living with so many people. You'd never be lonely! It was just mom and dad back home, and Kou suddenly felt a little pang of homesickness, although it quickly dissipated when Aya complimented the flowers Kou had picked earlier.

"Oh, aren't they just beautiful? I was surprised to see such a variety! I think the Queen Anne's lace looks lovely by the daffodils, and the baby's breath is just starting to pink which adds a nice contrast. I saw some beautiful hydrangeas outside in the courtyard, and the wisteria vines are blooming with the prettiest scent! Here, you can smell if you'd like," Kou babbled, carefully picking up the makeshift vase and lowering it for Aya to take a whiff. It was certainly a habit for Kou to get carried away with these kinds of things with her parents, but this was the first time she's shared with anyone else. It made her little heart beat a bit faster than normal.

"The Japanese Lace in you hair was hidden underneath a big ol' holly bush actually, which was a bit strange...but good thing I found it." Kou said, still proud of her small discovery. The tea was just about ready, so the girl picked out each teabag and chucked them in the garbage, as well as giving each cup a quick stir. She looked around for something to place the teacups on, and finally opted for a thin wooden cutting board.

Carefully picking up the board with both hands, Kou maneuvered out of the kitchen to the table in the middle of the room, placing the arrangement down carefully, her tongue poking out of her mouth in concentration.

"Okay, tea is ready! Unfortunately I don't have any honey to add, but I think it tastes best just like this." Kou smiled, excited to share her creation with her new... friends? Hm. She wasn't quite sure what to refer to them as at this point. The young lady picked up one cup and shuffled over to Hunter, who was laying on his bed listening to music. "As per your request, one cup of chamomile tea, Mr. Hunter." Kou joked giddily, crouching to place the cup on the end table above his bed.

She returned to her spot by the table and picked up another cup, holding it out for Aya.

Mentions: @Schadenfreudmeh

Kou popped a teabag into the cups on the counter, filling each up with hot water from the kettle as well.

"This would've tasted better if I had chamomile flowers instead," Kou thought, leaving the tea to steep as she listened to Aya recollection of Japan.

Aya laughed a little as Kou handed her the flowers, taking a deep whiff. "Wow! You're right, they smell amazing." She had never really payed attention to flowers before, but hearing the other girl so excited about them made them quite interesting. Besides, she liked the way Kou's eyes lit up when she was talking about them.

She reached up to put the vase on the table, sliding them into the centre. As Kou moved over to Hunter, she scooted a chair out of the way, and wheeled herself into its place. "Thank you," she said with a smile as she carefully took her tea. "So, anyway, where are you from?" She asked the other girl, taking a sip. " 'Kou' is such a pretty and unique name."

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Hunter sat up in his bed to properly hold onto the cup of tea, giving a soft sigh of effort from just the small action. He took a sip of the tea, finding it to be the perfect temperature. Not quite scalding, but not exactly warm either. Though rather bitter without honey, he still enjoyed the unique herbal flavor and aroma. Drinking slowly, he listened in on the conversation between Kou and Aya.

They're adorable. He thought as the two otherwise awkward girls were making some decent conversation. The pleasant chatter, the soothing warmth of the tea, the quiet music, the flower crown... All of that was probably the best therapy for Hunter at the moment. He would've slept while immersed in the peacefulness of the moment, but there was tea to be drank.



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