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Realistic or Modern Resemblia Academy (Accepting)

Azu floated over on her glyph, kind of regretting this decision. "I suppose this wouldn't hurt..." she mumbled before continuing ahead. She entered the dorms, looking for a swimsuit her size, although that felt impossible since she was kinda tiny.. She smiled when she found one, taking off the coat while collecting her swim gear, and began finding a place to change.

"Eh, sorry." Rocky apologized to Josef as he fixed his hair. She then walked in to the dorm and grabbed the biggest towel she could find and walked back out to join the boys.

@Schadenfreudmeh @Adira
Hunter froze when the other girl began explaining her power, his stomach going cold and eyes wide behind his dark sunglasses.

He couldn't think straight. What if that night came back to haunt him? What if he saw and felt everything all over again? His throat dried up. He wasn't sure if he could handle it. If he could get away with it, he'd probably shoot this girl in the face right there and then and just not worry about potentially having an uninvited mental breakdown in the place he thought was a safe haven.

Despite all these relatively complex thoughts, Hunter only managed to mutter, "Oh, fuck me." He blinked blankly once out of his trance, hoping neither of the girls had heard him. "Uh... Yeah, cool power...?" He added on nervously.


Azu finished changing, and streched so it was more comfortable, while trying to take a towel down, but she was too short. She tried again and again, huffing everytime she couldn't reach it. She walked back out, holding the coat in one of her hands and handing it to Everett. She sighed as she turned over to Rocky, not even looking her in the face. "I can't reach the towels i need..Can you get them for me..?" she started to fiddle with her thumbs, feeling extremely embarassed at the fact that she needed to ask for someone to help her reach a towel.

Josef hummed to himself as he followed the group, being more than happy for a bit of swimming. Though he'd rather be at home, continuing his little project, he figured it was good to take a break once in a while.

Besides, he had seen what stress does to a person. Extensively.

He picked out a nice pair of red swim trunks and a white towel, looking around for a place to change. The bathroom seemed to be the best place, so he went in and quickly got himself pool ready before walking back out to the rest of the group.

@ All the Beacon bros
Aya directed her attention to the other girl as she began talking. "I'm Kou. I can grow flowers superfast... Oh, and water. I-I can control that, too." Kou? She thought. That's a cute name. I wonder where she's from. She quickly snapped out of her thoughts as the girl came toward her. "I think they match you best... the pink looks pretty with your eyes," she said, taking Aya completely by surprise.

"Thank you..." Said Aya, taken off guard a little. "That's really sweet! Thank you." A cute name for a cute girl, apparently. She tucked the part of the Japanese Lace behind her ear, and the rest she arranged carefully in the pocket under her armrest. Her face had gone a little pink, but she pressed on with the conversation. "I'm actually from Japan...I lived there until I was seven. What about you?"

"Fuck me," said the boy on her left quietly. "Uh...yeah...cool power?" Aya turned, noticing how nervous he looked. "Are you ok?" She asked, and then with a touch of urgency, "Is it happening now?"
"Oh, sure." Rocky smiled and walked in to the towel shelf to get one. She was happy to help her new friend.

She return to the hallway with a blue towel and handed it to Azu.


She turned to the boys.

"Alright then. Either of you gonna join us? Probs not Everett but Josef?"

@Schadenfreudmeh @Adira
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"Ja~" Josef called out cheerily, moving out into the hall and grouping up with Rocky and Azu. "It's been a while since I've been to a pool... But I used to be a lifeguard, you know?" He spoke to the other two, looking hyped as fuck. Where he got all that energy from, nobody knew.

@ fuck it, Beacon shit
Azu rolled her eyes, nodding her head along with Josef's words. "Well then, perhaps you should dive to show off your skills.." she grinned, walking away from the two. She used her Glitch to teleport over to the diving board near the deep end, walking onto it carefully as it bounced slightly under her feet. She reached the edge and caught her momentum as she jumped. Once she was high in the air, she tucked herself in a ball, flipping first before streaching out to dive down perfectly. She splashed into the water, soon swimming back up and surfacing the water. "BEAT THAT SUCKERS!"

@the beacon folks
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Everett took his coat and placed it in his bag. "Alright, let's get going." He said turning around and leading the way to the pool. He was good with directions, so he didn't need to look at the map another time. They arrived at the pool. It was an swimming and aquatics grounds of the campus. There was an indoor and an outdoor pool. He saw Azu run and jump in.

@Schadenfreudmeh @Adira @SassyGaySenpai @Alphaius (Apparently Azu teleported to the pool)
"Fuck yeah!" Rocky said, flinging her clothes off to reveal that she had been wearing a swimsuit under her clothes the whole time.

Gotta beat Azu... Rocky thought, thinking that Azu was talking about splash size. She ran towards the pool at full speed, jumped, and became stone mid air before plummeting into the water with a huge splash.

@Schadenfreudmeh @Adira @Alphaius
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Josef watched Azu just zip off to the pool, shaking his head and giving a laugh. "I'm not a lifeguard anymore, so I'm not going to yell at you to stop going so fast because you might slip and crack your head~" He called out a bit too gleefully. From a distance, he watched the girl dive and stick the landing, nodding his approval. "Not bad. I can probably do better, though." He gave a grin as he approached the pool at his leisurely pace.

Azu glitched out Rocky's way, hoping the splash range wasn't too large and went to the shallow part of the pool. She looked over at Josef, waving him off. "Oh pfft. Like you said, its been years, maybe even a century!" she grinned, crossing her arms as she stood in the pool, ripples forming around her. "I bet you can't beat that...I'd like to see you try..." She was soon hit by Rocky's massive wave of water as she said, almost knocking her down. "ROCKY WHY?!" she shouted, glaring at her jokingly.

@Beacon people
Everett was hit by the splash back, and sighed, as he watched them swim around. He walked over to a pool side chair and took off his bag, and the sword, before taking a seat. The water that had hit his skin was already becoming ice and falling off of he put the sword on his lap, and stared down at it. "I can't do anything fun with you..." He sighed and patted the sheathe. Then looked back at the girls.

Everett liked swimming, but that wasn't really an option for him anymore. The moment he touched the pool water it would freeze over, along with anyone inside the pool. It'd happened before. One of the reasons he got sent out here, was because of all the trouble he started causing back home. People liked him, but their patience eventually began running thin...

@Schadenfreudmeh @Adira @SassyGaySenpai @Alphaius
"It's only been a year, Dummkopf, I'm not that old." Josef rolled his eyes before getting hit with the splash caused by Rocky. He laughed to himself as he took off his glasses, briefly wiping them off before setting them aside. "Now, watch and be amazed!" He called out, walking onto the diving board. He steadied himself before taking a few jumps in place, gaining height with each one before gracefully diving forward, making a minimal splash. He swam up a second later, taking a deep breath and moving the wet hair out of his eyes.

@Beacon bros
Azu raised up her hand, only to give a thumbs down at Josef, sticking her out at him. "BOO.. You suck!." she laughed, swimming her way back over to the two. She splashed the both of them lightly, before turning over at Everett. She frowned and swam to the edge, looking up at him. "Sorry you can't join us Everett..."

@Beacon peeps
"I'm too fabulous for your petty criticism." Josef fake scoffed, doing another little hair flip for emphasis. And god damn he was too fabulous in that moment. Until he flinched when he was splashed by Azu. "Don't make us get into a splash war." He warned, but couldn't help but grin as he said it.

@Beacon bros
Rocky resurfaced after taken the time underwater to stop being made of stone.

"Everett! You should freeze the pool sometime! We could go ice skating or something!" She smiled with wide eyes.
"Huh?" Everett looked up at Azu. "Oh... yeah, don't worry about it." He smiled and ruffled his hair a bit. "Swimming isn't really my thing anyway, ya know." He lied keeping the smile on his face. He didn't want her to worry about him.

@Schadenfreudmeh @Adira @SassyGaySenpai @Alphaius
Azu nodded slightly, still upset over it but kept the smile on her face. She teleported out of the pool, and went up to the edge, kicking her foot in the water to splash Josef. "Riiight..whatchu gonna do?" she taunted backing up slightly in case her started to run after her.

@beacon duuds
Josef glared at Azu and gave a fake pout, folding his arms and just pretending to be a grump. "Oh, I don't know, I might just-" He cut himself off as he swiftly moved his arm through the water, sending a large splash in Azu's general direction.

Azu teleported out of the way, the water hitting the jaggard ground, where she was now to be seen on one leg, tippietoing on the diving board. She stuck out her tongue again at him, humming. "Nah nannybobo! You can't catch me!" she taunted again.

"Well it's not so fair if you can teleport!" Josef called out, but was grinning anyway. He sent another splash of water in Azu's direction, but also splashed in another direction in the hopes that he had predicted her movements.

Azu teleported again, avoiding the first one but completely ignored the second and walked straight into it, still getting splashed. She stood still for a moment, glaring towards Josef, nodding her head, and puttting her arms to the side. "Well..." she said, before cannonballing into the pool, splashing Josef. She stayed down there for a couple seconds, so he wouldn't splash he back automatically.


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