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Realistic or Modern Resemblia Academy (Accepting)

He chuckled. Just like most people, they thought of the sword as an accessory, rather than a weapon. It was best that way after all, there was no harm in just carrying it around, other than the occasionally slip and temperature dunk. "Sorry, even if you heat up the room, where ever I am, it'll eventually get cold again."

@Adira @SassyGaySenpai
Azu stopped her snow glyph, and turned it into a heat one, summoning it under Rocky. "Well, then i'm going to have to wear a coat whenever i'm near you..." she grinned, and turned back to Rocky. "There, you're warm. Don't complain.."

@theDoc1420 @SassyGaySenpai



Helio blinked a couple times when he was spoken to immediately, not used to their sudden responses. Since he lived with his quiet, blind, sister, and his busy, single, mother, he wasn't too used to having immediate responses. The blonde girl introduced herself as Yana and proceeded to demonstrate her powers, which were absolutely adorable. Leo's grin simply grew and grew, almost to the point of where his lips would split, amusingly enough. "That power is absolutely adorable!" Leo exclaimed, reaching to touch one of the tall female's ears but pulling his hand back suddenly in embarrassment. His cheeks were lightly pink and he averted his eyes for them moment, until someone else spoke ever so quietly. "H-hi. I'm Kanon." The small girl murmured softly after standing then sitting down once more, and Leo walked over to her, crouching down beside her desk. As he neared her he noticed the vines that trailed up her arm and around her fingers, reaching the center of her desk where a small blossom was blooming.

"Hey there, Kanon. Nice to meet you. You've got a very pretty power." The young male smiled gently at the pale, olive-green haired girl, his smile looking more natural and welcoming as he spoke softly. When the other girl spoke he straightened himself beside Kanon and watched as Eileen - Nona - demonstrated her powers, which were quite amazing. "Judging by your red clothing, I'm guessing you can control fire? Perhaps something similar to Pyrokinesis?" The blonde now known as Nona guessed correct, and so Leo nodded, then created a flame in the palm of his hand. "That's correct, Nona. Although it doesn't really have anything to do with my clothing. Red and gold were always my two favorite colors, and they happen to be the colors for the Haven and Beacon classes." Leo grinned at Nona before looking between the three of them. "You all have such unique powers. No wonder you're all here." Leo beamed, happy that he was getting along with his new classmates.


@Popplio Princess @Moon Star @Bvmble Mood: Cheerful Location: Haven Classroom

Tag: No one Mood: Irritated/Starting to Relax Location: Atlas Classroom

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Kat walked into Shadow class and took a seat in a far corner, feeling that he should just wait until he is called to introduce himself. He opened a book with old Japan stories and folklore, listening to 'Far From Home'.

(Anyone there or should I have read the previous posts...?)
"Now my ass feels like it's on fire." Rocky smiled. "But thanks."

Rocky felt less cynical than she had ever been.

"I feel like if you two are this good, the rest of the students are probably pretty cool too!"


Although it was quite common for Kou to be unprepared, you would've thought today she could've at least done a little planning; but alas, that did not seem to be the case. In fact, Kou was so unprepared it was laughable. Sure, she had all of her necessities, like her bag and class assignment, but what she hadn't planned for was the people. There were just so many!

The frail girl sat behind one of the large trees that decorated the campus garden and sighed, a little dandelion growing where her finger had just touched the grass.

I don't wanna go inside. Everyone is so big...

Kou shook her head, trying her damnedest to stay positive. It was just school, how bad could it be?

With a deep breath, the young girl stood and firmly squeezed the strap of the shoulder bag her mother had made her, trying to extract some sort of courage from it. It had to be now or never. Kou waddled around the tree and made her way to the entrance, using all of her willpower to not run away as she reached the steps.

It's too late to go back now... I may as well.

The first step was successful. Her feet were firmly planted, and her balance was centered. Now, on to the next.

Kou marched up the steps one by one, focusing on her feet and making sure nothing could enable an ungraceful trip down the large stone stairs. Everything seemed to be going just fine. In fact, only one step left!

As Kou's left foot touched the final stair, she felt a sudden large pressure in the back of her head, sending her to fall face down onto the landing.

Faint sounds 'oh my god' and 'is she okay?' filled up Kou's mind before she pushed herself up onto her knees, gently touching her forehead. Ah, of course.


Kou quickly scrambled to her feet, eyes wide while she backed away from the students who were slowly forming a crowd around her.

"You're bleeding!" someone yelled.

"I-I'm okay! I'll just... be going now..." Kou uttered as loudly as she could, giving a small bow to those in front of her. She had to find her classroom quickly before any other mishaps began. The young lady darted low beneath the other students, trying to find her way out of the godforsaken maze known as these damn corridors. It was all too confusing.

Before long, she finally reached the room in which the crest she had remembered from her letter was hanging above the door. Kou already had enough people trying to stop her because of the blood that was on her face, so she was glad she didn't have to search for much longer to find the place she was supposed to be in. Digging through her peachy-hued bag, the young lady pulled out a blue cloth and held it against her forehead, whilst turning the doorknob and entering the classroom. She nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw the other figure slouching in his chair, his eyes covered with a pair of sunglasses. Hadn't she been early?

Kou peered down at the rest of her body, and felt utterly embarrassed about how disheveled she probably looked. Both knees were grazed and had small blood drops forming through each little cut, and her pale blue skirt was all shades of dirtied. Not to mention the blood that inevitably streaked her bangs and slid down her cheek was still fresh and pigmented.

Should I say something...? Kou thought, eventually deciding against doing so. She closed the door behind her and continued to press the little cloth to her head, peering around the classroom. It seemed there was a sink in the back. Kou quietly shuffled to the area and wrung out her cloth with water, mopping up the blood that was around her face. She sat her bag at the edge of the sink and pulled out her first aid kit (something she certainly couldn't leave home without), wringing it out once again with water, and pressing it to her forehead. Oh dear. It didn't seem the first day was going too well.

Mentions: @Schadenfreudmeh
sup my dude

Yana's cheeks filled with red as the hand came up to her, but she smiled. "You can touch them if you'd like. I don't mind. Gotta be quick, though. This hurts after a while, so I can't do it for long." She explained. As she said this, Kanon demonstrated her power, causing Yana to watch with excitement. "Wow! That's so cool!" She exclaimed. She knew that this school was for students with powers, but she had no idea what to expect. It caused Yana to be slightly jealous, but thinking back to how her powers brought her here in the first place, she was happy she had them at all.

Snapping back to reality, she listened to the others' powers with fascination. "Is this what it's like to be out in the real world?" She thought to herself. Surely not, since this was a special school, but it was as close as Yana will get for now, and everything was amazing to her. Sure, it wasn't top classed and fancy like everything back at home, but it was the real world and Yana was prepared to learn every little thing about it.

@Anaxileah @Bvmble @Moon Star
"Well, your powers are pretty amazing too, being able to control fire is so cool, I kind of wish I had something like that, Telekinesis would be very awesome, then again, if there's anything 'Carrie' taught me, is that having a psychic break is not pretty..." She said, then suddenly, something struck Nona as odd "Hey, where's the teacher? We've been here for quite a bit of time already, also, does anyone have a schedule? I'm hungry, I want recess already." She said, speaking more than she ever had the entire time in this classroom, so far, everything had been going smoothly for them, SUDDENLY- "Sorry, I ain't sorry, I ain't thinkin' 'bout you!" Her phone had begun to ring, and Beyoncé's song 'Sorry' was set as ringtone, she jumped a little bit as she quickly answered.

"Hello? Oh, hey Mark, what's up?... Wait, what...?" Nona made a confused face, as if she didn't, or pretended to not understand what she was being told, suddenly, she got up very quickly, knocking her chair over in the process "SHE DID WHAT!?" She shrieked "Uh-uh, uh-uh, that ho is NOT getting away with this bullshit, call you later!" She said as she hung up, she put her chair back in place, and sat on it, she took out her laptop from her backpack, put it in her desk, turned it on, and opened the web browser, she began typing at the speed of light.

(Hey, she's a teenager, drama is bound to happen, don't judge!)

@Popplio Princess @Bvmble @Anaxileah
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The little plant girl wasn't sure what to think about this boy. He was so sugary sweet that it frightened her. Though, not to a point to drive her away. "Thanks..." She mutters while tipping her head. The vine poked at her cheek, then she allowed it to retreat through the window. After all, grass doesn't pair very well with the idea of... fire.

She swallows dryly, watching him. Her gaze would have been undeniably wary, but she didn't particularly wish to make it known. After all, Kanon couldn't be sure how he would react.

"Mhm. Everybody's really cool. I'm glad there are other like me." She tips her head, managing a shaky smile. Kanon curses her shyness. It sounds so nice to be outgoing as Yana. "Is this everybody?" She wondered if there were others still missing.
Azu sighed an turned off the glyph, snpping her fingers as she did. She glanced up at the clock, and growled at it. "How long does it take for some students to enter a classroom...!?" she pouted angrily at it now, wishing the time would speed up quicker.

@theDoc1420 @SassyGaySenpai
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"Hey..." Rocky said, bored of sitting in one place. "Do you think there's time to go visit other classes? Or should I just stay here?"
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Deviced said:


Although it was quite common for Kou to be unprepared, you would've thought today she could've at least done a little planning; but alas, that did not seem to be the case. In fact, Kou was so unprepared it was laughable. Sure, she had all of her necessities, like her bag and class assignment, but what she hadn't planned for was the people. There were just so many!

The frail girl sat behind one of the large trees that decorated the campus garden and sighed, a little dandelion growing where her finger had just touched the grass.

I don't wanna go inside. Everyone is so big...

Kou shook her head, trying her damnedest to stay positive. It was just school, how bad could it be?

With a deep breath, the young girl stood and firmly squeezed the strap of the shoulder bag her mother had made her, trying to extract some sort of courage from it. It had to be now or never. Kou waddled around the tree and made her way to the entrance, using all of her willpower to not run away as she reached the steps.

It's too late to go back now... I may as well.

The first step was successful. Her feet were firmly planted, and her balance was centered. Now, on to the next.

Kou marched up the steps one by one, focusing on her feet and making sure nothing could enable an ungraceful trip down the large stone stairs. Everything seemed to be going just fine. In fact, only one step left!

As Kou's left foot touched the final stair, she felt a sudden large pressure in the back of her head, sending her to fall face down onto the landing.

Faint sounds 'oh my god' and 'is she okay?' filled up Kou's mind before she pushed herself up onto her knees, gently touching her forehead. Ah, of course.


Kou quickly scrambled to her feet, eyes wide while she backed away from the students who were slowly forming a crowd around her.

"You're bleeding!" someone yelled.

"I-I'm okay! I'll just... be going now..." Kou uttered as loudly as she could, giving a small bow to those in front of her. She had to find her classroom quickly before any other mishaps began. The young lady darted low beneath the other students, trying to find her way out of the godforsaken maze known as these damn corridors. It was all too confusing.

Before long, she finally reached the room in which the crest she had remembered from her letter was hanging above the door. Kou already had enough people trying to stop her because of the blood that was on her face, so she was glad she didn't have to search for much longer to find the place she was supposed to be in. Digging through her peachy-hued bag, the young lady pulled out a blue cloth and held it against her forehead, whilst turning the doorknob and entering the classroom. She nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw the other figure slouching in his chair, his eyes covered with a pair of sunglasses. Hadn't she been early?

Kou peered down at the rest of her body, and felt utterly embarrassed about how disheveled she probably looked. Both knees were grazed and had small blood drops forming through each little cut, and her pale blue skirt was all shades of dirtied. Not to mention the blood that inevitably streaked her bangs and slid down her cheek was still fresh and pigmented.

Should I say something...? Kou thought, eventually deciding against doing so. She closed the door behind her and continued to press the little cloth to her head, peering around the classroom. It seemed there was a sink in the back. Kou quietly shuffled to the area and wrung out her cloth with water, mopping up the blood that was around her face. She sat her bag at the edge of the sink and pulled out her first aid kit (something she certainly couldn't leave home without), wringing it out once again with water, and pressing it to her forehead. Oh dear. It didn't seem the first day was going too well.

Mentions: @Schadenfreudmeh
sup my dude

Kat saw that the girl next to him was bleeding and needed some help with cleaning, he took his pink headphones off and and opened his bag, he always kept some medical things in case he got hurt, since he likes to go walking in the forests to read in peace, "Um...H-Hey, do you need anything? I got some bandages and disinfectant." he asked nicely.
Hunter glanced back at the girl that walked in, seeing that there was a lot of blood and scrapes on her. That's rough, mate. He thought to himself, but wouldn't dare say that out loud. He contemplated whether he should help her or not, and opened his mouth to speak before someone else decided to go assist. Well, that helped out a lot. Stifling another yawn, Hunter focused back on the front of the classroom.

@Deviced (mention)

@CERBERUS177 (mention)


Kou was startled by the faint voice behind her and jumped, whirling on her heel to face the person. She nearly screamed when a boy, no shorter than six and a half feet, offered his help in dressing her wounds.

"Uhm..." She squeaked in reply, her face flushing a bright vibrant red. "I-- I think I'm okay...? I took a face plant earlier, but I'm doing fine now..." Kou tried, her eye contact faltering to her feet and her words fading with every syllable she uttered. Kou could barely handle herself around people who were closer to her in height, so this guy managed to scare her beyond anything she had ever experienced. The young lady reached for her first aid kit to prove she would be okay, but upon opening it she noticed she had no band aids left.

"Are you serious?" she thought, mentally slapping herself for not restocking the kit. She glanced back up at the ginormous stranger with big eyes and a pleading look on her face.

"Um, it looks like I... I don't have any band aids left... do you mind if I steal some of yours? I kinda... ruined my face and stuff." She said in a small voice, a tiny smile stretching onto her mouth. Kou removed the cloth from her forehead and touched around the area. It seemed like a pretty big cut, but the bleeding was letting up. She wrung out her cloth with water once more and cleaned around her hairline and wiped her bangs, as it seemed that lots of blood accumulated in those areas. Kou put her back to the sink and hoisted herself onto the edge so she could get a better look at her knees, which seemed to still be bleeding a bit. The young lady gently wiped around the afflicted area, being careful not to contaminate her wound.

As she lifted her leg up onto the back of a chair, Kou noticed the little flowers that had fallen out of her pocket were scattered on the floor. She frowned as they seemed to be taken by a breeze across the classroom, landing on desks and chairs. Kou noticed one, a white daisy, gently fall atop the desk of the only other person in the room, suddenly

embarrassed about the instant mess it made.

"I'll have to clean up after I'm finished with this."

Mentions: @Schadenfreudmeh

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Deviced said:


Kou was startled by the faint voice behind her and jumped, whirling on her heel to face the person. She nearly screamed when a boy, no shorter than six and a half feet, offered his help in dressing her wounds.

"Uhm..." She squeaked in reply, her face flushing a bright vibrant red. "I-- I think I'm okay...? I took a face plant earlier, but I'm doing fine now..." Kou tried, her eye contact faltering to her feet and her words fading with every syllable she uttered. Kou could barely handle herself around people who were closer to her in height, so this guy managed to scare her beyond anything she had ever experienced. The young lady reached for her first aid kit to prove she would be okay, but upon opening it she noticed she had no band aids left.

"Are you serious?" she thought, mentally slapping herself for not restocking the kit. She glanced back up at the ginormous stranger with big eyes and a pleading look on her face.

"Um, it looks like I... I don't have any band aids left... do you mind if I steal some of yours? I kinda... ruined my face and stuff." She said in a small voice, a tiny smile stretching onto her mouth. Kou removed the cloth from her forehead and touched around the area. It seemed like a pretty big cut, but the bleeding was letting up. She wrung out her cloth with water once more and cleaned around her hairline and wiped her bangs, as it seemed that lots of blood accumulated in those areas. Kou put her back to the sink and hoisted herself onto the edge so she could get a better look at her knees, which seemed to still be bleeding a bit. The young lady gently wiped around the afflicted area, being careful not to contaminate her wound.

As she lifted her leg up onto the back of a chair, Kou noticed the little flowers that had fallen out of her pocket were scattered on the floor. She frowned as they seemed to be taken by a breeze across the classroom, landing on desks and chairs. Kou noticed one, a white daisy, gently fall atop the desk of the only other person in the room, suddenly

embarrassed about the instant mess it made.

"I'll have to clean up after I'm finished with this."

Mentions: @Schadenfreudmeh

(Jeez that's a ton words, I'm on my phone now sadly) Kat smiled, "You look fine to me, that cut on the other hand needs cleaning though, if it bled that much, it needs to be cleaned" Kat took a small gel like substance and put a drop on a small cotton ball with disinfectant, he made it with a special cactus from the Arizona desert, it has antibiotics in it to clean wounds if you don't have anything to substitute for it. He stood up and walked over to the girl and dabbed it on the far edges of the cut, then took a small head wrap, the width of it was the size of a pencil, and put some drops on it, then wrapped her head, going under the hair, trying to hide it. "There, that shouldn't sting or bubble." he said and moved on to her legs, he did the same process as before, but used bandaids for small cuts, and took small pebbles from her knees that she had no idea about, then took a large bandaid and put it on her knees. "There, that should do it, my names Katashi, mind if I ask yours?" he asked politely.
Hunter was half asleep by the time the flower landed on his desk, its sudden appearance making him jolt slightly. After his initial reaction of shock wore off, he calmed down when he realized it wasn't a scorpion or spider trying to kill him. This isn't Australia, just calm down. He told himself as he picked up the flower with his thumb and forefinger, examining it for a moment. Only then did he notice the other flowers scattered across the classroom. He figured they must've come from that girl that walked in just now. She's a mess. He laughed to himself quietly as he got up from his desk with a grunt of effort, feeling several joints crack as he did. Well then. After actually making the effort to get up, Hunter began picking up the flowers littered across the classroom, bundling them up the best he could before approaching the girl.

"I believe these are yours." He spoke in a deep, calm voice as he offered the girl her flowers back.

Rocky stared out into the hallway and watched as a small flower floated in the sea of marching feet. The flower looked so free, so not bored. Rocky decided her new classmates could do without her until class started and she got up to roam the halls. Perhaps she'd walk into some classrooms and socialize.



Helio glanced back at Yana when she blushed and chuckled lightly as she offered for him to touch her fluffy ears. He reached up towards her ear and caressed it gently, his eyes widening in surprise. "They're incredibly soft!" He marveled, his eyes gleaming. After he petted her ear for another moment, he lowered his hand and looked back down at Kanon, his smile faltering slightly. Her wary gaze troubled him, and he frowned slightly, momentarily looking sad. However, Nona spoke and Leo let a smile slip back onto his face once more. "Well, your powers are pretty amazing too, being able to control fire is so cool, I kind of wish I had something like that, Telekinesis would be very awesome, then again, if there's anything 'Carrie' taught me, is that having a psychic break is not pretty..." Leo nodded along, agreeing with the tall female. "I suppose you're right, yeah..." Leo allowed the flame to disappear before he glanced back at Kanon.

"Mhm. Everybody's really cool. I'm glad there are other like me." The small female had responded to his remark, confusing the male further. Did I do something wrong..? He wondered silently before looking towards Nona. Her phone had begun to ring with an amusing ringtone, and her conversation was perplexing. After she finished her call, she rushed to her desk to type furiously on a laptop. He'd have to ask about that later, as well as who 'Carrie' was. With a sigh, Leo looked back between Yana and Kanon. "It may be everyone, I'm not sure." Leo replied to Kanon, his tone dulled a bit due to his worry over what he might have done.


@Bvmble @Popplio Princess @Moon Star Mood: Worried Location: Haven Classroom

Tag: No one Mood: Same Location: Atlas Classroom

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"Hello all new and returning students to Resemblia Academy, we're glad to see that you made it here safely. I'm sure all of you are eager to begin your new year here Resemblia, but first we must go over a few things for all of our new students here. I'm sure that all new students have noticed some particularities within their classrooms, such as the lack of a teacher, and wide variety of ages within your class.

No, that's not on accident, here at Resemblia things are a bit different from normal schools. For one, your grade is not dictated by your age, it is dictated by the year you arrive at Resemblia. So any and every new student here at Resemblia, is a Freshman, no matter what your age. Another thing that is different about Resemblia, is that every grade is given a specific theme. The theme for Freshmen is
Teamwork. This is the reason that your classes are the size they are, and the reason you don't have a teacher.

Freshman year at Resemblia is used to focus on cooperation between peers, and for this reason, you will teach yourselves! Everyday you will be given your curriculum, and will be expected to work together to learn the topics and information given to you. There will be tests at the end of the semester, and if you fail you will be kept back, so make sure to stay focused. Thank you, and we hope you enjoy your time here at Resemblia Academy"

@Adira @Sugar Honey Iced Tea @Riore @Everyone
Petting Yana's ears made her jump a little and blush a lot because it felt so good. Once it was done, she pushed the ears back in and held her hands to her head as the pain slowly ebbed. She vaguely saw Nona busy herself with her computer and smile before hearing Kanon's remark. "I'm so happy to be around people who are like me! Everyone is normal- well not normal, but different than what I've had all my life!" Yana rambled.

Before she could continue, an announcement was made in the speakers. Listening, Yana got more and more excited. "Is this what normal school is?" She questioned to herself, letting the last of the message finish. "That sounds so cool! I've never learned with a team!" She giddily said. "This year is going to be an exciting year," she declared to herself.


(Oh my, all these polite boys taking care of Kou... it's too much for her poor heart)

Kou was taken aback by how the tall man used his medical supplies on her; very gently, and with purpose. Her breaths were short and choppy because of the close proximity, but she felt happy. "There, that shouldn't sting or bubble."

Kou let out a small laugh when the man said this, remembering that falling on your face was supposedly painful for other people.

"There, that should do it. My name's Katashi, mind if I ask yours?" He said once he was finished with her battered knees.

Kou suddenly felt a bit vulnerable and self-
conscious at this point, her reason for being so being a bit fuzzy. This Katashi person was so big, and he obviously had abilities just like Kou, and that put her on edge a bit. She hadn't ever talked to a person for so long before either, besides her parents of course.

"I-It's nice to meet you... Mr. Katashi, was it? I'm Kou."

The young female mentally applauded herself for the most successful introduction she had ever experienced and smiled-- a genuine smile this time. She picked up her first aid kit and tucked it away into her bag, but before she could slide off the edge of the sink, another large man came up to Kou.

Again, she almost jumped out of her damn skin.

"I believe these are yours." he said in a deep voice, holding a bundle of flowers in his large hands.

Kou looked up and the gentleman, the one who had dark sunglasses covering his eyes. How curious.

"Oh, t-thank you," she cooed, gently placing her hands around the bruised daisy stems and pulling them close to her chest. As she did so, the petals became a little more vibrant, and a little less dead. Sometimes her ability was unintended.

Kou offered another smile, although she was still a bit shaky. They really were towering over her.

"Um, would you like some?" She said in the best voice she could muster. Picking out four flowers, Kou held them out to each boy, two for both of them. The young lady was a firm believer that everyone deserves a few flowers from time to time, especially good people. The two gentlemen before her were proving to be quite that.

Suddenly, the speakers in the classroom boomed with a voice, and Kou (unsurprisingly) jumped in her sitting position. She continued to feel quite sheepish and flushed, eager for the flowers to be received by her two companions.

Mentions: @Schadenfreudmeh

(I'm back with my stanky self.)

Nona stopped typing momentarily and listened to the announcement "Teamwork, huh? Interesting..." She said in a somewhat low voice, having calmed down a bit, she typed a few more words, then turned off her laptop, and gave a sigh "Sorry if I freaked you all out a bit, I had a small problem with a... 'friend'," She said doing air quotes "of mine." She finished, then looked around a bit awkwardly "So, uhm, what now?" She asked.

@Popplio Princess @Bvmble @Anaxileah
Azu looked over to see Rocky walking away and she sighed. She overhead the intercom, and huffed, rolling her eyes at it. "No teachers huh?...That sounds extremely hectic..." she nodded, glancing back down at Everett. "I guess we are a team now..?" she shrugged and grinned, slightly nervous at the fact that so many people were going to be towering over her now...

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"I suppose we are." Everett smiled. Teaching each other seemed as an exciting idea, of not a chaotic one. He looked in the direction of Rocky, who's already walked out. "I hope she doesn't do that, when we actually have to do academic stuff. He chuckled nervously, a bit scared about his other teammate. The temperature was still dropping in the room. It was about to become freezing.

Hunter watched with curiosity as the flowers the girl held somehow became more... Alive. He figured that was her power, something to do with healing perhaps. Just as he thought that their small run-in was over, the girl offered him two flowers.

Hunter. You are a manly man. A rugged, weathered assassin with an admittedly callous disregard for everything. You know this... He thought as he looked at the flowers. But you need to put these flowers in your hair. He told himself sternly in his mind.

With a smile, he was about to reach for the flowers, but his actions were interrupted by a voice over a speaker. He listened carefully to the words, absorbing them, and raising a brow when the speech stopped.

"Well, that's a rather strange way to run a school." He spoke mostly to himself as he delicately received the flowers from the girl. And, of course, he submitted to the urge to put them in his hair. As Hunter prettied himself up, he spoke to the girl and the other student standing nearby. "I suppose we have to learn about each other now, if we have to be a team."

@Deviced @CERBERUS177

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