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Realistic or Modern Resemblia Academy (Accepting)

Rocky realized that Azu was uncomfortable, though she couldn't tell why. She decided to change the subject.

"What about you, Everett?"
"Ah cool." Everett chuckled and brushed some hair back. They didn't seem too into small talk. "Oh I'm from Colorado..." He quickly realized where he came from was way less cool than their's, and sighed.

The sword slipped of the edge of the table, and hit the ground clinking loudly. It slipped out of it's sheathe a bit, and a burst of cool air rushed around the room, turning the temperature in the classroom way below freezing instantaneously. "Crap!" He jumped out of his desk and slid the blade back all the way into it's sheathe. "I'm so sorry." He bowed his head apologizing

@Adira @SassyGaySenpai
Azu chuckled, summoning a heat glyph to warm back up the room. She waved him off with her other, saying "Nah,nah it's fine..Happens..?" She turned off her glyph when the room was warm enough again, closing her sketchbook as well. "But..explain why you have a sword..?" she pointed her pencil towards the weapon. "Its basically the same size as me!" she huffed.

@theDoc1420 @SassyGaySenpai
"Holy fuck!" Rocky gasped, a smile on her face.

"Oh... Uh... Sorry I said the fuck word but, wow. That's cool. No pun intended." She stared at the sword in awe. She had never seen anyone actually use their abilities other than her. It was so exciting! She looked at Azu in anticapation, wondering if she would show her semblance too.
"This is so friggin cool!!!" Rocky said after seeing Azu's glyphs.

She was not going to turn down a chance to be cool too.

"Hey guys, watch this!" She balled up her fist and let it turn to stone. She looked for something to punch but didn't find anything not expensive looking, so she just stood there with her stone hand looking awkward.

(I'm on mobile and it's not telling me when someone posts sorry! :,/)
He looked at Rocky, who had turned her hand to stone, excitedly. He chuckled and looked back at the blade. "It's... an heirloom?" Everett bit the inside of his cheek. "Long story really, but I'm a knight, or something, I think..." He looked at them, that must've sounded pretty weird. But that's all he'd really understood from what the mysterious lady had told him. "The Cherry Blossom Knight, that's what they call me back home..." He smiled, and pointed at his hair.

@Adira @SassyGaySenpai
"N-n-no. You didn't say anything wrong. Sorry. P-perhaps I'm just a bit overwhelmed." Her cheeks burned a bright rose color and she shook out the length of her hair. "I look forward to it also, mhm. What is.. your-" She began to ask when the atmosphere changed and another girl wandered into their domain. The both shared an awkward silent gaze for a little more than a moment, then busied on. Kanon expected that the bubblier of the two would welcome in their new classmate.

"What's your p-power?" Was she allowed to ask that? Her curiosity drew it forth regardless.

@Popplio Princess @Moon Star
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Azu grinned and chuckled at Rocky. "Rock..." she rolled the "r". "At least we know where you get your name from..." She turned back to Everett, and smiled, standing up next to it. She lifted up, aligning it with her height. She growled a little at it, because it was indeed almost her size. "Cherry blossoms...Haven't seen one in ages..." she said to Everett. "And being a knight sounds better than being nothing interesting..."

@theDoc1420 @SassyGaySenpai
"A knight! I knew you were a badass!" Rocky exclaimed. "And a cherry blossom knight at that! That's really cool! I tried to die my hair pink once but it didn't look good. You pull it off though!"

She subconsciously pulled out a cigarette and almost placed it in her mouth before she realized where she was and quickly shoved it back in its box, hoping the other two were too preoccupied with the sword to notice.

"So, what do you think this school will be like?"
Nona had taken out a book from her backpack and begun reading it as soon as she sat down, she didn't answer the girl's question, since she didn't know if it was directed at her or not, but she decided to introduce herself anyway, just to get rid of the tense atmosphere, she sighed and raised her head, and looked at the two girls "Sorry I didn't introduce myself, my name is Eileen Abernathy, but you can call me Nona. Nice to meet you." She said, deciding to be a bit more social, and stuck out her hand, hoping either of the two girls would shake it.

@Popplio Princess @Bvmble
"I have a small one back at in my dorm, and a few large ones back at home." Everett said, excitedly. He loved talking about cherry blossom trees... He thought about the ones he left at home. He hoped his parents took care of them right. He laughed at Rocky's comment. He didn't feel very much like a badass. "I don't really have a choice in whether I can pull it off or not, it's natural." He looked at the door. There were still students roaming the halls frantically. "Well hopefully less adverse to me carrying around a giant sword." He looked back at his new classmates.

@Adira @SassyGaySenpai



Earlier this morning...

"Wake up." Cerena muttered to her brother, as she crouched beside his bed, jabbing his cheek with her long, slender, finger. She repeated herself, poking the face of the snoring lion in his futon. She could feel the heat of his cell phone, which she assumed was plastered to his face as he slept, leading Rena to believe he had been up late last night texting random people again. With a frustrated sigh, the pale female stood and crossed her arms across her chest, thinking of what to do to wake him up while she twirled a finger around a couple ebony strands of hair. Perhaps...Hm. Rena tapped her chin with her other hand's index finger before turning and exiting her brother's room, her hand running along the wall as she reached the kitchen. Her feet led her to the sink, and due to her memorization of the kitchen, she was able to grab a pitcher and fill it with cold water from the faucet. After turning the tap off quietly, she tiptoed back into her brother's room and felt around the room, not entirely familiar with his room's layout. Her fingertips soon reached the tufts of blond hair on his head, and once she found his face, she immediately poured the pitcher of water over his head.

With a sputter and shriek, Helio awoke coughing and shaking his head, blinking furiously. He glared at his sister before grumbling in his low, sleepyhead-voice,
"What the hell was that for?!" Rena simply smirked at him and shrugged, the empty pitcher still in hand. "You wouldn't listen to me when I said to wake up." Leo's eyes simply narrowed further at his sister, and with an exasperated sigh he stood and moved past his sister. "At least at the Academy I'll have a different alarm clock..." Leo mumbled in irritation before proceeding to push his sister towards the door to his room. "Now get out, squirt. Even though you can't see me change doesn't mean I want you in here. It's weird." He muttered as he brought her to the door and closed it behind her. Rena chuckled slightly before letting out a sigh and feeling the wall as she returned to her own room to get ready for the Academy.

In the Present...

Leo loosened tugged on the zipper of his gold and red jacket, pulling it up about halfway on his torso, showing the low-rise black tank top he wore underneath it. His red and gold headphones were secured around his neck, the cord leading down the inside of his jacket to the phone he had in his back right pocket. His black converse scuffed against the ground slightly, letting Rena know he was right behind her. She was wearing black skinny jeans and a white tank top, along with her crop top grey and black jacket. Their mother picked out Rena's outfits everyday, but when they shopped Rena was the one who decided material, since she valued comfort. Her combat boots hit the pavement lightly, which helped Rena know what she was walking on. Asphalt felt different in comparison to concrete and grass, and there were other differences she was more aware of than the average person.

The two of them were walking to the Academy due to the short distance between their home and the Academy, so the two of them had time to walk and think as well as talk about things before class.
"Alright, so just to review, you're in Atlas, while I'm in Haven. I've already told the school that I won't fight you, and they've accepted that." "Probably after you bullied them..." Rena muttered in response to her brother, who huffed behind her before continuing. "Yeah, yeah, shaddap. I'll show you where the front of the school is, you should be able to find your way from there, since you memorized the braille map of the school." Rena turned her head to the side and stuck her tongue out before turning to face forward once more, stepping onto the wide strip of pavement. "Well, here's the front of the school. See you later, sis!" Leo called back to his sister as he ran ahead, wanting to reach his classroom as soon as possible.

Since he's tall and muscular, Leo reached Haven, second floor, hallway C in under five minutes, only slightly out of breath. His hair was still damp from the rude awakening his sister gave him earlier that morning, but it made his blond hair glisten in the sunlight of the bright day. With a grin, Helio opened the door to the Haven classroom. It seemed that another student had just arrived as well, but there were a total of three girls in that class, and now one guy. One girl was seated in the back corner by the window - typical - one was next to the window in the front row, and one was in the middle of the front row. Helio's grin never left his face and was quite genuine.

"Hey there, girls! My name's Helio, but you can call me Leo. Nice to meet you all! Sorry if I've intruded upon anything!" Leo spoke cheerfully, waving to each of the three girls. One was quite small and had olive green hair, definitely a petite beauty. Another was really tall and had long strawberry blonde hair, as well as pale skin similar to his sister's. She seemed a little taller than him, even, which was unusual. The last female had white hair and skin also pale, with pretty blue eyes that stood out on her heart-shaped face. If it was possible, Leo's smile grew, because not only was he now in a classroom with three pretty girls, they all looked like they'd be nice people, and he hoped to make friends with some of them, if not all.

Meanwhile, Rena was making her way through the school at a slow pace, trying to tune out the murmur of the students around her. Since her hearing was incredible, she could hear every conversation, but all at once. With a groan she stuck her earbuds in her ears and played classical music in an attempt to calm her senses down as she quickened her pace to the classroom deemed 'Atlas.' However, even after she pushed through the crowds of students and found the classroom door with the symbol engraved on it, she opened the door to find that no one had entered it yet. Rena found her way to the back of the classroom on the opposite side of the windows, avoiding as many sensory factors as she could - the window would only make her feel worse. With a sigh, Rena placed her head down on her desk and placed her bow and quiver beside her on the ground, awaiting the arrival of other students and/or the teacher.


@Moon Star @Popplio Princess @Bvmble Mood: Surprised/Irritated -> Eager/Excited Location: Home -> Academy Entrance -> Haven Classroom

Tag: @Nooneelseisherelol Mood: Amused -> Irritated Location: Home -> Academy Entrance -> Atlas Classroom

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Yana smiled at both Kanon and the new girl, who introduced herself as Nona and looking and her hand, she awkwardly took the other girl's hand, foreign to the gesture. "I'm Yana. Yanamaya Ronshaku. But just call me Yana. And it's nice to meet you too!" She replied. After the strange hand exchange, Yana went back to Kanon's question. "My power? It's a little tricky to explain, so I guess I can show you..." She said, thinking for a bit before deciding what to do. Before she could show them, another person joined them, this time a boy. Yana waved at the boy and introducted herself. "I'm Yana! And no, you haven't. Here, I'm just about to show my powers!" She told him. Smiling at the girl, Yana placed both hands on the top of her head, one on the upper left side and the other on the opposite side, closed her eyes, and sprung her hands up, creating what looked to be white cat ears. "Tadaa!" Yana jest as she showed them off for a bit. "And I can communicate with animals! What can you three do?" She asked curiously.

((OOC: Sorry! Didn't see the last post. Edited this one.))
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Azu grinned. "It's a giant sword the size of a human like me...I dunno if they aren't going to divert their attention from it.." She held the sword next to her, showing hold tall it was. She hated being short, but she couldn't do anything now... "Short people problems..Of course you two wouldn't know..." she rolled her eyes.

@theDoc1420 @SassyGaySenpai
"Big sword problems." He chuckled trying to take the edge off. He looked down at the size difference between his sword and the girl. "Well at least you guys can use your powers, I can't even pull this thing out, without causing a disaster." He sighed and lifted his sword, placing it flat on the table.

@Adira @SassyGaySenpai
"Well, look at it this way." Rocky said to Azu. "You'll never, ever have to worry about hitting your head on a doorway."

She turned her attention to Everett.

"I'm sure you'll figure out how to use it. I mean, isn't that why we're at this school?" She said hopefully, not mentioning that that was not why she was there. She was there because it wa she only school that would take her.
"Well...Isn't it a water based power?..." she asked Everett. She pulled up a glyph hologram of water and started swirling it around with her hands. "I...think i can help you out...Considering i use a lot ice attacks as well with my glyphs.."Azu turned over to Rocky, pouting. "That still sounds like you are making fun of me..."

@theDoc1420 @SassyGaySenpai
Kanon stared at Yana with eyes wide in anticipation. However, her show was cut before it even began as the entrance of yet another character muted their conversations. "H-" This boy was quite friendly, it seemed. Actually, they all were. The only one whom she hadn't heard speak was the pale girl, though she didn't seem too combative either.

Actually, Kanon found it quite amusing when her tall companion marched right up to introduce herself. If she could get past her overwhelming excitement, she thought these people would be good to be around. Maybe it would help me open up...

The smaller lady bit her lip and watched the demonstration with awe. It was... really cute. Kanon took on a bright smile and blush, then tipped her head. She figured she would let others get their show in before hers as... it wasn't quite immediately useful. The little olive popped out of her seat and struggled to slide open the window. It was calm and sunny and pretty outside. From up above she was able to map out the gardens and landscaping pits--Perfect.

Kanon fell back into her seat and dangled a hand out the window, murmuring softly something to urge those greenies below. A long vine, unnatural of course, and dotted with small flowers, snaked its way up the side of the building and reached for her fingertips. They coiled around her hand and up her wrist, then trailed up the girl's arm and around her shoulders until the tip of the vine bloomed in the center of her desk. Other than the quiet mumblings, she made not a sound so that, hopefully, her power would initially go unnoticed.

"H-hi. I'm Kanon." She whispered a moment later.

@Moon Star @Popplio Princess @Anaxileah
Nona stared at the boy for a second before shaking her head "I'm Eileen Abernathy, but you can call me Nona, nice to meet you." She said, then observed Kanon's power "Awe, that's cute, no, really, it is, you could help out in a gardening club, in fact, do we even have clubs?" She asked to no one in particular, then she decided to showcase her own power "I have Supervision, Superhearing, and Superspeed, like, for example..." She said, then in the blink of an eye, she was on the other side of the room, then in another blink of an eye, she was back at her seat, panting just a little bit, afterwards, she shifted her attention to Leo "Judging by your red clothing, I'm guessing you can control fire? Perhaps something similar to Pyrokinesis?" She asked, making wild guesses.

@Popplio Princess @Bvmble @Anaxileah

(Honestly, Anaxileah, your writing style is goals.)
"Hey, bumpin' your head on a doorframe is no joke." Rocky rubbed a ghost pain on her forehead as she watched the pair talk about swords and glyphs. She regretted not bringing a backpack or anything to class. She could be reading a comic book instead of accidentally offending cute girls. She pulled out her phone and checked for messages. Of course there weren't any.
"No not particularly, water is a common tool, but my abilities are just temperature based... I guess..." He thought about it. "The sword can freeze anything it touches, except fire, and the sun, those don't have a freezing point, but anything else, like a person, If you touched the blade it would freeze you blood solid."

He looked down at the sword. It scared him to be completely honest. Not much did, but being responsible for something that could so easily end someone's life was terrifying to him. "Doesn't matter though, right? I'm never gonna pull it out, and no one else can even pick the thing up." He chuckled. "Last time I pulled it out, I caused a full blown blizzard..."
"Snooooow~" Azu giggled and spun around. As she said that, a glyph raining snow raised above her, cascading snowflakes down on her. "I mean...Tempurature doesn't seem bad at all...But..The sword...It seems so cool!" she squealed, and grinned.

@theDoc1420 @SassyGaySenpai
"Ye. Sword is cool af." Rocky said, putting her phone away. "But why can't the temperature just stay at like 93 degrees Fahrenheit or something? It's so cold!"

Rocky was suddenly regretting wearing a tank top and shorts. The metal braclets, necklaces, rings, and piercings she wore were cold against her skin. It never got this cold on her boat.

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