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Realistic or Modern Resemblia Academy (Accepting)




We are all born with a purpose. Some were born to rule, some were born to create and dream, and the list can go on and on. You, however, are different. You stand out of the crowd greater than anyone else, because you are born with a hidden power. These hidden powers are called semblances, which will be revealed as you get older.

You soon realize you aren't alone, however. You start developing these powers, and begin to wonder how you will meet these fellow superhumans like you. Welcome to Resemblia Academy, the highschool for those abnormal like you.

As you enter this highschool, you will choose a class to be in. These classes will help you train your power, while also sustaining what you desire to become academically. There will be those for you to meet, maybe old, maybe new, but you will never be alone. Every year however, these classes come together in a tournament, to prove which superhuman class is the best!

Now I ask you...Which class are you?

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Everett moved through the halls slowly. Crowds of students rushed back and forth around him. Occasionally bumping into him, he'd always apologize, but they'd be gone by the time he got the "s" of "sorry" out. He put his hands in the pockets of his blue jeans. The sword clinked against his back as he walked.

He blew a strand of hair out of his face, as he heard the intercom "All new and returning students, not handling welcoming activities, are to report to their classrooms, as soon as possible, please help keep the halls clear." He nodded and pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket.

"Beacon, second floor, hallway C" He folded the paper back up and moved through the halls a bit faster, being careful not to bump into anyone. He rushed up to the second floor and looked around for hall C, eventually finding it and locking his eyes on the large symbol from the paper, hanging above one of the doors. He walked into the empty classroom.

He was the first person there... Of course he was, he was always way earlier than anyone else, to everything, anything to avoid being late. The class had about ten desks inside. He'd heard that the school had small class sizes. Small classes were more conducive to learning after all. He looked around. "No teacher." He shrugged and returned his eyes to the desks. "Where do I sit?" There were no names on desks, so he imagined there were no assigned seats.

"Most people love sitting in the back, so it'd be rude to take any of those seats." He brushed some hair back. "A lot of people really like the window seats, and I don't want someone to miss out on their favorite seat cause of me..." He looked down at the seat directly in the front.

"Of course." He gave a slight sigh, and smiled. He always sat directly in front. No one liked that seat. So he always took it. He removed the large sword and sheath from his back and took a seat, leaning the sword against the desk. It creaked under the weight of the blade.

(So everyone just introduce their character(s) for now, do a little intro scene and send them to their class, introduce yourselves to your classmates, all that jazz. I suggest using mine as an example if you're have a hard time figuring out how to introduce them. It's currently morning. No specific time.)
Azu yawned and rubbed her eyes, lugging her backpack on her back. It was her first day at Resemblia, so she was extremely excited, however, she spent the entire night trying to fall asleep because she was so nervous.

Azu sighed, still grumpy as she sipped her coffee, trying to make sure no one bumped her and caused her to spill it. She was extremely short so, that was easier said than done. She glanced down at her paper again, making sure she was heading the right way. "Beacon, second floor, hallway C..." she mumbled, taking note for the last time.

She dragged her feet inside of the classroom, barely scanning the room around her. She huffed and yawned again, barely seeing out of her eyes to just sit right in the front. Even if she sat at the back, she was too short to even see.

She mumbled something, barely even remembering what she thought, and rested her bag next to her desk. As she did, she heard a *clink* and looked over sleepily at it. She sighed and yawned, before resting her head on her desk. "Sorry..." she said groggily.

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“I’m actually here…” Her lips parted in awe. The school was beautiful and all but… there were so many people around who expressed power just like her. A slip of paper was nestled in her palm, the assignment of her classroom. She had already memorized what it was in fear of forgetting, or worse! Losing the paper. All this excitement had Kanon on her toes as if she was totally prepared for something to go wrong.

The smaller teen followed directions on a small map to find where she needed to go. “Haven… symbol and on the....” Her legs already hurt from marching up and down stair and shyly dodging not only the physical bodies of people, but also their critical eyes. Everybody could tell who the newbies were by how they wandered around the halls. Or, maybe it was just her.

Out of the corner of her eye, as the halls were now relatively empty and she was able to see things other than the shoulders and backs of those around her, she saw the Haven symbol mounted above a door. “Ah-” And she rushed to it. Her eyes dragged across the classroom, heart thundering in her chest. She expected it to be full of students by this time but… alas, she was the first to arrive. Kanon didn’t think she was late to many things… just never first. She blinked and wandered past the desks until, yes, the perfect seat. Right in the back corner and practically leaning out the window. “First come, first serve…” She murmured sheepishly to herself.
Hunter walked through the halls wearily, looking like he hadn't slept for a good two days or so. While he was exhausted, he pressed on, not wanting to be late on the first day. At this point, however, he was just wandering, having a general idea of where to go.

Shadow. Sounds edgy.
He thought to himself, holding a hand to his mouth as he yawn. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he walked on, bumping into several students on the way but not giving a fuck. He was too tired to give one.

After a good while of stumbling about and finding literally every other class but Shadow, Hunter finally found the place he was supposed to be. Totally meant to do that. Was just exploring the campus. He told himself as he looked around at the available seats. He chose one in the middle of the front row, basically falling into the chair. He had the urge to lay his head on the desk and rest his eyes a bit, but didn't feel too safe being off guard in such an environment yet. Just hold it off, Hunter, there's been worse days.
Everett looked up as he saw a young woman walk in. He sat up and smiled, waving. "Good Morning." He said cheerfully. She simply ignored him and took the seat next to his. Her bag smacked against his sword. "Sorry." They said simultaneously. He tried to move the sword, but there weren't many places you could put a sword the size of a child... He just moved it to the other side of the desk.

He looked over at the young woman seated next to him. She had her head down on the desk. He understood, not everyone was a morning person like him. He pulled out his phone and began texting his mother. She wanted to make sure he was fine each step of the way, so he had to text her every couple of hours.

Azu perked her head up once again, the coffee now starting to kick in. She yawned extremely loud, shaking her head as she did and smiled. She blinked twice before grabbing the rest of her coffee and downing it down. She sighed in content, and looked over to see someone on their phone. "How long was he there!?" she thought, suddenly starting to feel embarassed. "Did he even see me just now?!"

She blushed slightly, her face moving to say something, but she stopped halfway, leaving her hand slightly pointing at the person and her mouth half open.

She immediantly regretted this.

This was the first time Yana was in a plane, and it was exciting. The turbulence was a little scary, but once it passed, her face was glued to the window. After the flight, she spent another hour in a car ride and finally, she made it to the school. Looking out the window, she saw hundreds of students walking into the campus, bringing a bright smile to her face. She waved the guards a final goodbye (her father was too busy to drop her off), and leaped out of the car with her luggage...

That was yesterday. Today, with a blaring alarm, it was a miracle that Yana woke up in the first place. However, she buckled down a managed to make herself presentable to the world. She grabbed her bag and the map she got yesterday of the school, and left her dorm. Following the directions of the map, it didn't take long for her to find her class, Haven. Yana peeked in and saw... Another person. She panicked a little, but took a deep breath and walked into the class. "Hi there! I'm Yana! Are you in this class too? Nice to meet you!" She greeted to the smaller woman. Yana was taller than most women, for it was a common trait found in her family.

Scanning the room, she mentally selected the seat in the top left corner, as to get front view and window view. She wanted to get all the information she can get, and at the same time the outside looked beautiful, so she wanted a view of that too. However, since she was engaged in a conversation, she didn't want to leave the girl. But worried that her seat might be snatched away from her, Yana did a quick polite bow and even quickly placed her bag on her table and went back to the girl.
Kanon raised her head only to meet the mid-section of a girl. So tall! She squeaked within her head. Her mouth became chapped as her shyness took over. This new person was bubbly and seemed really, really nice. "H-...hi. I'm Kanon. Mhm, it looks like we're classmates." She murmured, flitting her eyes everywhere but the subject of her conversation. However, it seemed as if she was going to walk away, so the small girl's voice faded out to a sheepish hum. It was only a moment between then and the return of... Yana, was it? But it was enough for Kanon to suck in a shy breath. As her nature permits, she only stared up at her classmate, waiting for some sound to respond to. She would have loved to be sweet and strike up interest, but her lips quiver just thinking about it.
Everett looked over at the girl who was now awake and pointing at him, with her mouth wide open. "Hi there." He smiled, and extended his hand, "I'm Everett..."

Azu soon snapped out her thoughts, and gave a small yelp. She subconciously backed away, before blinking and huffing. She went back to her normal position and smiled widely. The coffee was really helping her. She shook his hand and noticed his pink hair, not like she should have complained since her hair was cyan or bright blue. "Hiya! I'm Azurine! or Azu...Or Rina...Either works.." she grinned.

Rocky walked through the hallways feeling very content with her life. Having finished her morning workout about an hour ago, she was pumped for this new school. She pushed through the crowds of people (which wasn't hard for a person of her size) with an unusual amount of optimism. Maybe the kids here were different. Hell, of course they were! There was a kid with a sword earlier!

Rocky wandered the hallways for a while, searching for her class. She had been given some stuff including a map, but she threw it away because where's the fun in a map? Eventually, after some trial and error, she found the room she was looking for and walked in.

There were already two students in there. One was the boy with the sword (badass) and the other was a girl with some coffee. They seemed to be having some sort of... Something, so Rocky decided to just look for a seat. She found one in the back corner of the room near the window and took that one.

"My lucky day." She mumbled to herself, wondering why no one had taken this seat.

She sat there, bored, waiting for something to happen. She contemplated pulling out a cigarette but decided that the first day was a little too soon for drug use.

"I'm so friggin bored!" She said out loud and slammed her head into her desk.
"Nice to meet you, Azurine." Everett bowed his head a bit, in greeting her. She was a bit of an odd one. Just a moment ago she was knocked out almost drooling on her desk, now she was all up and lively. Her hair was a bright blue, in contrast to his long pink hair. While he was focused on Azurine, another young woman walked in and took the seat in the back. Everett looked at her. "Good morning." He waved his hand a bit to get her attention.

@Adira @SassyGaySenpai
Azu squinted her eyes and smirked at the other lady. She looked extremely tall however, and she growled slightly at being the only short person. She sighed and stood up with a smile on her face, walking over to the girl. She tapped her desk and then rested her hands on her hips, grinning. "You should have at least Hi, ya know..."

@theDoc1420 @SassyGaySenpai
Rocky lifted her head off her desk at the sound of the boys voice, her hat falling off as she did so.

"Oh shit, whaddup." She said, pushing her short blue hair back and placing the hat on her head again. "I'm Rocky. I was gonna introduce myself earlier but you guys seemed busy."

Rocky looked away from the boy and towards the girl.

"I love your hair!"
(Omg, instantly thought of Dat Boi...)

Azu was slightly taken back by the exclaimation, but she smiled widely. "Thank chu~" she said. She a hat on the and assume it was hers, so she bent and picked it up, resting it on Rocky's desk. "Well...Rocky? I'm Azurine...You can call me Azu or Rina if you want..." she grinned. holding out her hand to shake hers.

@SassyGaySenpai @theDoc1420
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Everett narrowed his eyes, he realized he was in the presence of greatness. This girl's meme game was on point. He smiled "I'm Everett." He said bowing his head once again.

@Adira @SassyGaySenpai
Rocky smirked.

"Alright Azu, nice to meet you." Rocky fist bumped Azu's open hand without realizing it was for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you to Everett." She smirked at him. The meme game was afoot and Rocky would be damned if she lost.
Azu looked between the two, confused. It's like they were having some kind of...battle. She sighed and shrugged it off, walking back to her desk. Grabbing a book from her bag, she took the empty coffee cup and threw it away by the window, then sitting down on the window sill. She opened her book and began sketching random things, doodles even.

@theDoc1420 @SassyGaySenpai
Rocky was very interested in whatever Azu was drawing, but decided to respect her privacy.

"So... I heard the classes were small, but I was expecting a few more than 3..."
Yana gave a big smile and nodded. "I'm excited to learn with you this year!" She exclaimed before falling to the rooms silence. The moment was awkward and looking down, Yana could sort of tell that something was wrong. Kanon's face was still and with her glasses, Yana could see a very faint tremble in her lips. "... I'm sorry, did I do something wrong? I'm really new to all of this. I've never had to make a friend before." She sheepishly admitted. True, she never had to really make a friend. Usually she only had her brother, her house workers, and her teachers. They were required to be friends with Yana, so the social skill of "making friends" is completely foreign to her. Hopefully Kanon will forgive her for that.

Everett looked at both of them, then blew another strand of hair out of his face. Both of them had blue hair. He sighed a bit. Strill the only person with pink hair. "Yeah, three people isn't really a class." He chuckled, scratching his head a bit. "I'm thinking we'll have more people, maybe." He looked up at the clock. Still early. "So where are you two ladies from?"

@Adira @SassyGaySenpai
(Guess who just woke up?)

Nona walked quickly through the hallways of the school, about an hour ago, she had been sleeping peacefully on her bed, not realizing this was the first day of school, however when her mother woke her up, needless to say, she was panicking more than a little bit, however, she decided to play it cool, but since she was a little late, she decided to just eat on the way to class, so that's what she was doing, chewing and swallowing a half-eaten hot dog.

She took the final bite out of her hot dog, surprisingly not dropping her things while bumping with the bodies of other people, she looked at the map in her hand, and found the destination of her class "Haven..." She whispered to herself, she quickened her walk, and finally found the classroom, she stopped dead on tracks when she realized she wasn't alone in the classroom, and stared at the two girls there for almost a minute. She didn't say anything, and just sat on the middle front desk, putting her backpack on the floor.
"Um... Everywhere?" Rocky scratched the back of her neck. "Ive lived on a boat my entire life with my mom and brother. We move a lot." She hoped this answer was good enough and looked towards Azu.
Azu didn't feel comfortable talking about that, not after what happened. She sighed and smiled sadly, engrossing herself within her sketching, hoping they wouldn't notice her smile. "I recently..moved from France..." she said softly, but loud enough to be heard

@theDoc1420 @SassyGaySenpai

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