[Requiem of the Gods] The Little Tea House

*audible gasp* OH NOES

I work retail, so last week sucked, but apparently there was a site outage so that compensated a little. Will post momentarily.

Edit: Can I get a few uses out of Banquet of Crumbs to refill my pool before this scene? Also, what is your AIM name?
Bad news, folks. Our intrepid Storyteller's computer is temporarily disabled, it seems. There was an accident with some paint thinner, and I believe I speak for all of us when I say we don't need Thorn posting while tripping out on fumes. The computer may not be seriously damaged, but he wants to wait for it to dry out completely before messing with it, and he has finals next week. He estimated little to no posting for a week and a half or so.
Posting from friend's compy. Yeah, whilst coming home from a painting class, jar of turpentine burst in my bag. CPU is fine, screen has turpentine in it, letting it dry out. Hoping it won't cost a lot in repairs. Also, finals soon, so, won't be posting very frequently for a bit. Game is NOT DEAD though.
Good news is my computer is partially fixed. Turpentine damage repaired, but a few of the backlighting components went out. So, it just means I have a dim screen, not a completely fucked screen. Voided the fuck out of my warranty in the process, but it didn't cover this type of damage to begin with.
Yay... the lighting shouldn't be too much an issue... it may make you feel like an evil genius working in the shadows...
And fixed that, even. A few almost unnoticeable blotches, which I can fix when I feel a bit more patient.
I'm on my phone in a cabin in New Mexico, which lingers a little on the sight I think, which shows me as online.

Oh snap, I have AIM on my phone, also on the laptop I brought with me, but I won't be on that for a couple hours.
Yep, sure, just was away all day and only now came back. I was under the impression that after posting my attack, you calculated my damage to the monk and now it would be someone else's turn to act, that's why I didn't posted after your last post. In case a damage roll is needed, here it is: 2 successes

Sorry for the misunderstanding and for delaying the game. :oops:

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