[Requiem of the Gods] The Little Tea House

oh, on a random note, since someone asked.

How I handle stunt dice in pbp is I award post action auto-successes for stunts. It's on the same 1-2-3 scale as normal, with the same mote/WP award. Yes, this is a bit more generous, but I judge forum stunts a little stricter than on tabletop. I just do it this way to not tie up the board with waiting for me to award stunts. If you have charms that affect the amount of stunt die (as in the case of some infernal charms), you may opt to roll instead of taking the bonus successes.
A cautionary tale, kids! Make sure you and your GM are on the same page regarding character design before you spend points!

...Or you may end up looking like a putz at two in the morning.
Posted my prelim background (it is what I posted before, it's going to change) and what I have of my sheet (almost all of it except artifacts and intimacies) as a show of good faith.

I'm not a flake, I swear, I've just been oddly busy. I have tomorrow off though to actually catch up because that didn't happen Monday.
Yeah, I'm gonna try and stick to that and Heart-Stealing Kiss for motes for the most part, since outright feeding can sometimes anger people.
You will have to bear with me a little bit with you though, I've never had a fae PC in a group before, sorry if I don't have anything really play to your strengths, :(
Silk and Rijin's matches shoooooooooould be up tonight. I have some sketches to do for schoolwork too though, so, no gaurantees
Also, for the few of you who don't already, add bronzeentropy to your AIM lists...I am on it nearly all the time, and will almost always respond unless I am in class. I like talking to my players, lol
Because Fearless Leader said I could...


Artifact: N/A (The Phonograph of Infinite Noise)

Long ago, when Creation was whole and the Chosen of the Sun had not yet vanished, a curious item appeared in Yu-Shan, in the office of an unremarkable Sidereal who shared space with a God of loud music, drunken brawling, and philosophy.

It bore a passing resemblance to trinket owned by many who could use essence, a small engine that would reproduce a recording, usually music. Except this one had no visible means of adding music, or anything else for that matter, which wouldn't have bothered anyone that badly, except it played music that none, not in Creation OR Yu-Shan, had ever heard.

Of its own volition.

Eventually, a series of hilarious misunderstandings and a Solar/Siderial couple having an extremely embarrassing meme named after their sexual habits later, it was discovered that the Phonograph of Infinite Noise (as it had come to be called. Hell if anyone knew what a 'phonograph' was though...) played music that directly related to a Celestial Exalt's current situation and disposition. The majority of Yu-Shan wrote it off as a curiosity, and left it be.

However, the curio was something far, FAR more than a useless bauble.

Contained within the housing of the device was a force beyond reckoning; an ancient Raksha, confined within an arcane container after it greatly annoyed a Twilight artisan and sorcerer. The Fae followed her about for months, singing the same song, over and over, mostly because it amused the Raksha to see the variety of colors the Chosen could turn and the epithets that spilled from her mouth. Finally, her frayed temper snapped, and she went on the warpath, fueled by righteous anger and irritation more potent than a thousand suns, rampaging about until the Raksha was all-but dead.

...Well, would you be any more charitable if someone followed YOU around for a year and a half singing variations of "This is the song that never ends" at all hours of the day and night?

However, instead of merely destroying the creature, the Chosen indulged her inner sadist. "If it wants to sing," she was reported to have said, "Then let it sing. It will certainly be better than what it was warbling before." Thus, the Phonograph was born...but it's maker knew not what she had created. The Phonograph resonated with the fragments of divinity that lay within the Celestial Exalted, that much went as planned. However, what followed was totally unforeseen; as a creature of pure chaos and probability, the Raksha had a literally infinite well of music to draw from, an endless procession of singers, languages, instruments...even from those outside of Creation itself, far beyond the borders of what even the Primordials could conceive.

It plays music none have heard before, because the Phonograph is literally reaching across realities to build a playlist. Let's see your iPod do that.

The downside is that it can be tuned to only one Celestial Exalt at a time, Solar, Lunar, or Sideral. That...and that the Raksha has a playlist for the Exalt all laid out in advance. The Phonograph is a more accurate predictor of future events for Celestial Exalts than even the Loom; after all, dead air is the greatest sin a DJ can commit, and despite the circumstances, the Raksha within rather enjoys it's work.

Now, if only the bureaucratic nightmare that was Yu-Shan hadn't forgotten where they put the damn thing...

Meanwhile, a Sidereal with a penchant for slacking (and in possesion of the same shard as the Sidereal that found it the first time, and in the same office with the same God) comes into work every day to something different playing, and rather enjoys the unique sounds.

It would be one of the few things he truly missed about 'work' after he cut a deal with the Pattern Spiders and fled Heaven and the reach of the Forbidding Manse.
Doin some sexy updates from school today. Ishiro's will have to wait till I'm at home, only had enough bag space for corebook and his monsters are in another cast...err, book.
No worries. Take your time. Besides I started first and had already some action, while the rest just got their first taste of the arena event. :D
Get thy game faces on folks. Massive break between classes on tuesdays, so, all the herp that you can derp mid afternoon today, :D
Whoo! Finally finished. Sorry Chargen takes me forever, especially with Fair Folk artifacts.

I'm usually a post every other day if not every day kinda guy, so, one last round of apologies for me.
In my taking a break from creative writing, I decided to do a short sketch of our Dawn Caste, so...


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