[Requiem of the Gods] The Little Tea House

Currently waiting for a defense from Maus and blackadder, rest of you, sorry, homework struck with vicious fangs, tomorrow for sure though! Pinky swear!
Sorry for delays, massive homework again, plus halloween is coming up, and the house I live in does an epic trick or treat performance yearly, which I'm assisting building the set for. I am NOT quitting this though, just, hiatus for a weekish or so. Those of you who need to post defenses or such, this gives you time, the others who are waiting on my slow ass, my apologies, ^-^;
Okay, homework rush is over, for now. Sorry about that, it was the pre-midterms dash, and, well, just took my last midterm today, so, if everyone's still on board, gonna start posting in this again. So, roll call! Everyone still present?
And maus just posted, so, that's 4. blackadder and mono just need to check in. But, I'll keep the story rollin for the rest of you, ^-^
Okay, my shit is finally together. Posts for all of you that I could post for. Momo, need initiative, and need a defense from blackadder please, ^-^
Sorry I was a bum and went AWOL for a month. I was sick, then I was busy, then it was my birthday and I was drunk for a week... but I'm catching up now, and will be much more available, as long as you will have me that is :oops:
Also, you should hop on AIM one of these days. I'm usually on, 'cept when I'm at work or in class. Things to discuss, gives me a feeling of where you want the plot to go in regards to your character. My STing style is to work with player story lines, and develop them further...but it requires communication to really stretch things out. Those who regularly chat with me end up getting far more developed plots, and I don't want anyone to feel left out, :)
Sure! I kinda fell out of the fashion of using AIM, but I will certainly hop on for the game. I'll need to get back into the character a bit more, pick up where I left off, before I can really chat about him much.
Not a problem, take your time...I'm just trying to head off a problem I had at a previous game at the pass before it becomes an issue...a few of the players talked to me CONSTANTLY about their characters, which means I had tons and tons and tons of plothooks for them, but, the few who only left me the stuff in their initial writeup felt left out, and I don't want that to happen again. Just, the more time you spend chatting with your ST, the more plot you get, ^-^
Apologies, homework assignment once again came first. Returning tomorrow afternoon with a vengeance. Get thy game faces on

Correction: I lied. House drama llamas. TOMORROW!
Well, I managed to test SWTOR during a couple of weekends and I must say I enjoyed it, even though I didn't play long due to various technical issues, including the need to re-download and re-install it to another pc so that it can work. As for Skyrim, I don't think I'll enjoy it any time soon, except through a good friend's computer perhaps, given that my pc most likely isn't up to the task. :D

Oh well, I can still have a Skyrim wallpaper on my screen all the same. :wink:

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