[Requiem of the Gods] The Little Tea House

Did Ishiro's sketch in my freetime.

Just saw it, thanks. I think I have most of my other responsibilities/diversions taken care of, so I will actually be getting back to a regular post schedule now. Thanks for the patience.
Homework's been on and off with heaviness for me, so, posting will spike and decline, as you've noticed, but, will not stop.
Same here. I'm pretty do or die. I may drop off for a little while, but I will never leave a game. I saw one game through two reboots.
No worries people. I'm about to get pretty busy here as well with studies etc, so apologies in advance in case of reduced activity.
Just in case people wonder, huge Metals/Jewelry project due monday, so, my weekend outside of work will be spent in the studio. Monday eve, massive posts incoming though. :)
Oh cool, if you are comfortable with it I would like to see some photos of your work. Always interested in more/new art. I have a friend in the jewelry program at UNT and she does some pretty cool stuff.
Not a problem. It's an intro class, so, won't be anything fancy, but, yeah, I need to take pics anyways for my portfolio
*Le sigh*

My monitor is on the fritz, so I need to RMA it for repairs. This is supposed to take 10 business days, not counting weekends, delivery time, or processing.

This means that I'm going to be in and out for two weeks or so.

*Le sigh*
Posts up, sorry for the delay, current major metals project is turned in, not another one due for 3ish weeks or so, so, should be fairly active once again
Maus is, statistically speaking, THE LUCKIEST. BOY. EVER.

Minutes after I've sent my monitor off for repairs, I text up my buddy, bemoaning my state of affairs.

He replies "Don't be sad! I have a spare you can use! Are you free right now?"


So, Maus has resumed his terrorizing of the Interbutts.
Ah, Thorn wanted me to relay a message here. His Internet is out, but it should be fixed within a few days.
An update from our esteemed ST. It seems the Internet problem is going to last a bit longer, but it should be rectified on Tuesday. He wanted to make sure we all knew.
Posting from crappy school webernets. New modem is in, should be online later tonight, and then, game on!
Hurray. :D

Or as agent Smith (Matrix) would say, if he played with us, "Mr. Darkblade welcome back. We missed you". :mrgreen:

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