Repo: the genetic role play: War of the Repo men

Leo smiled as she left. 'Wow she's amazing' he thought. he got up and went into the kitchen. "Do you not like me?" he asked feeling like she was avoiding him.
Candy jumps and turns around punching him again just like she did at the grave yard."LEO DONT SNEAK UP ON ME!" she yelled looking at him."sorry" she sighs and rubs her head."A-are you ok?"
He dropped to the floor. "Ow!" he said. he rubbed his face. "Yeah but you really need to stop that." he said. "I mean I know I move like a ninja but still you don't have to punch me." he said
candy couldnt help but laugh at his comment."sorry i just..." she snickered some moe and grabed his hand pulling him up with ease."sory about that" she said and searched fo somthing good to eat.
Reno grabs Spencer's hand and spins her back around. "no you're not going any where you're helping me with this" he says trying to calm down so he doesn't yell any more. "I helped you, now you're gona help me."
"Hey I never asked for your help! "Miss Spencer crossed her arm's and pushed up her glasses. She turned back around and started walking away. "Besides you seem bad enough on your own "Candy ignored him and walked into the living room with a bag of chips. "Do you think they will be back? "
Leo sat down next to her."Maybe." he said looking up through a whole in the roof. The moon was full. "So beautiful." he said then he looked at Candy. "Just like you." he said softly then smiled.
Candy paused."oh um th-the moon yeah beautiful..." she looked at him and inched closer to him.she really didnt know what to do after that but she still liked being next to him she felt safe in a way.
Leo smiled and put his arm around her and pulled her a little closer. He gave her a small kiss. "I really need to ask you something." he said.
Candy blushed looking at him."um..yeah what is it?" she asked leaning on him.she opened the chips and tossed a few in her mouth.
Leo looked down. "Do you like me?" he asked. He was really nervous about asking this. The last girl he liked was killed. He didn't want that to happen again. "You know I'll protect you." he said.
Candy's went blank and she stood."you did not just ask that...he just asked me that why?was i not signing enough or am i just weird?" candy kept talking to herself about it and punched a wall spliting open her knuckle.she pulled him up by the shirt and pushed him back down on the ground."i dont like you no!!" she got on top of him and pulled him close.she looked in his eyes as hers told pain and sadness."of course she liked leo she more then liked him she was crazy for him but geting asked does she like him adftr everything she did hurt her.
Leo looked into her eyes. His eyes were filled with pain."I'm sorry..." he paused. "I was justtrying to make sure you didn't get hurt." he said almost in tears. "The last girl I liked was killed and I didn't want that to happen to you." tears fell down his face. "Candy I'm sorry I hurt you. I love you Candy but since you don't feel the same way. I guess there isn't a reason for me to live." he said pulling out his kunai. He placed the blade on his wrist. "Good bye Candy" he said.
Candy takes the blade out of his hand"NO! if you die i will kill myself to...leo you dont get it!im so mad at you because you dont get it!" she gets up and walks to a corner siting down."i cant lose some one else...the whole reson im in this is because of my brother.." she started crying as she remembered theblood he coughed up on her hands the man that walked away after his job was done.she looked at her hands"there was so much blood i tryed to help but there was i just couldnt.i just remember the blood so much blood." she cryed needing leo now more then ever.
Leo looked at Candy. "I do get it." he said . He looked down. "I lost everybody. My parents, my brother, even my girlfriend." he got up and walked over to Candy. He graded her hands. "Candy I love you. I can't stand to see you hurt. Believe me when I say I understand. Candy I don't want to lose you." He began to sob. He looked at Candy with hurt eyes. "That's why I asked you. That's why I asked if you liked me because I love you." he cried. "I just need to hear that you like me. Not even love just the fact you like me." he hugged Candy. "I'm sorry for hurting you."
"Leo i love you i always have i love you so much!" she cryed huging him tightly."you never hurt me leo you cant i love you to much." she pulled away and kissed him deeply.
Leo kissed back tears still falling down his face. "Candy I love you." he said. "I will never let you get hurt. And you will never lose me." he said holding her close.
Candy pulled away.somthing hit her sudenly."leo...why where they after you...miss spencer said you needed to be repoed" she stood backing away from leo feeling betrayed he never told her.
Leo looked down. "I was sick." he said. "They said I wasn't going to make it my lungs won't last very long. So my father signed for new lungs." he explained. "But I was very young at the time. I couldn't make the choice myself." he said. He looked at Candy. More tears fell. "I'm sorry." he said softly.
"you sould have told me...why didnt you tell me!" she yelled and ran out the door.everything was hiting her so fast she had no room to breathe.she only ran faster trying to get away as she left a trail of blood from her hand.
Candy kept runing soon falling to the ground crying.she just layed there in th dirty gravle.she was breathing heavily and she soon passed out from blood loss.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Spencer sighed."men" she growled runing after reno."ok ok i will help just calm down please" she ran infront of him and tryed to stop him by puting her hands on his chest planting herself in the ground
Leo fell onto the gravel next to her. He pulled out a first aid kit and stiched her hand and bandaged it. He picked her up and layed her on the couch. Leo sat in the corner and waited for Candy to wake up.

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