Repo: the genetic role play: War of the Repo men

Canys eyes slowly opened though she was to sore to move."ow my head" she groaned and painfully grabed her head where it hurt.
"leo?" she asked rolling off the couch."ow! leo!" she lifted herself up slightly.she wanted leo she wanted him to hold her to be with her just like before.
Reno spins around behind her and pulls off his mask. "What do you want now? Haven't you made me look bad enough and infront of larze too."
Leo turned around and looked at candy. He walked over to her and held her close to his body. He sat there by her side. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before." he said looking at the ground.
Candy smiled and huged him tightly."its fine just another lame thing in life.." she joked in the fun punky way she aways did.she uses his shoulder to help her up and she kicks off her huge boots that really gave her the killer kicks she had and her hight so now she was way shorter then leo but she diidnt seem to mind as she brushed off the pain dusted herself off and played music to dance around the room to.

Spencer blinked turning around."I'm sorry but your just gonna have to deal with me if you like it.....perfect if not shove it up your pretty little a*ss.." she fixed her glasses and walked past him like a angery teacher..wich is what she was right now.
Leo smiled as he watched Candy dance he got up and sat on the couch. He bobbed his head to the music.

Axel walked out side. He walked into a bar. "Beer." he said flatly. Then he started to drink.
Leo shrugged. "I don't know." he said. He gave Candy a kiss. Then he kissed her jawline then moved to her collar bone.

Axel sipped his beer.
"hey that tickles" she giggled and kissed his neck right back.she loved leo more then life its self and she couldnt ask for anything more then to be with him.
Leo smiled and laughed a bit. "Hey that tickles." he said then he kissed Candy deeply. He loved her. He loved everything about her every little flaw. He loved her more then he loved his ex girlfriend. He wanted to be with Candy and nothing more.
Candy kissed back even deeper.she frowned jumping to her feet and pulling leo up as well.she was strong for being so much shorter.she looked up at leo and sighed."why do i have to be so short with out my boots." she growled crossing her arms
Leo smiled. "You are really cute when you are shorter but you are sexy when you are taller." he said. He walked up from behind Candy and wrapped his arms around her waist. "I love you wearther you are short or tall." he said. Then he kissed her neck again.
"cute huh...." she still had her arms crossed as she looked up at him.she really hated being short but leo could easly take everything stressing her out off of her mind with his kisses."what if i dont wanna be cute..."
Leo looked at Candy. "Then you can be sexy." he said kissing her collar bone. He smiled. "Like I said what ever you decide I'll love." he said.
Candy smiled and turned jumping up and wraping her legs aroun his waist."ok i can work with that." she smiled kissing him deeply.
Candy pulled away in ateasing way and droped to the ground.she sliped her boots back on regaining her hight and walking outside."come on lets go out".(im trying to make it where your other carry isnt lonely at the bar xD )
"hmm a bar?" she said then turned to him"but first i get changed im filthy i have a friend we can go to for that though." she winked at him and walked into a run down apartment building.she went to room 203 and walked in."she is at work now so she shouldnt pop out of no where holding a shotgun to your head.
Leo smiled. "A bar? yeah sounds good" he said following her into an apartment "This is where your friend lives?" he asked looking around.

Axel sipped his beer. "This sucks." he said. He knew he was going to get repoed any day now.
"yeah what a dump right? but she never seems to mind" candy smiled walking into the bed room."i used to live here so i still have clothes here.but no peeking!" she calls as she starts changeing."hey leo you know that woman that kept calling me miss know my names not really candy i just though you should know its Rebecca i was raised at an Orphanage...Spencer was my teacher for 3 years...." candy paused before wwlking out with a fake smile."anyway how do i look"

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Leo smiled. "Yeah but what ever. "Hm... really?" he asked. "That's a nice name. But I like Candy a bit better." he said. He looked in aw as she walked out. "You look amazing." he said staring at her. she was a very beautiful girl.
"hey what are you stareing at?" she asked looking down to see if somthing was wrong.she sruged not finding anything ad grabed his hand.she lead him to the nearest bar and sat next to Axel.with her new heels she only a few inches shorter then leo and she enjoyed being able to kiss him with out him seeing it comeing.she looked at the tv up in the corner as it showed the nomal boreing news.
Leo looked around. "Um nothing." he said then he winked at her. He followed her to the bar. he sat down next to Candy. "I'll have a beer." he said. then he looked at the news. "What a boring thing to put on." he said looking at Candy. "You want anything?" he asked.

Axel looked over at the couple that walked in and sat down. They were part of the Graverobbers he knew that much.

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