Repo: the genetic role play: War of the Repo men

Name: Larze

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Side: Gen-Co

Weapons: The Iron God Killer (


Personality: Very proper but can be a total ass

History: He took over Gen-co after Rotti Largo died.

Larze's voice came over the inter-com. "Will all new arrivals report to my office."

Leo nodded. "Just be careful." he said giving Candy a kiss. "I'll see you later." he said.

Axle smirked. "So, what types of weapons do you use?" he asked.
candy walked among the streets and sighed looking up at the sky.Miss spencer lisened to the inter-com and after a while of geting lost she finley found the right place and knocked on the door"um am i in the right place?" she asked pushing her glasses up.
Leo walked around for a bit. He sighed looking up at the moon. "So beautiful."

Larze looked up from some paper work. "Yes you must be Miss Spencer." he said with a small smile. "Yes you are in the right place."
Miss Spencer smiles "thank god i got a little whens my first repo?" Spencer was always ready to get the job done.

Candy sat on a park bench feeling lonley but she knew thatwas her fault
Larze smiled and pulled out a folder. Inside was the picture of a boy (its Leo) "Your fist assignment is him." he pointed at the boy.

Leo was walking in the park. He saw Candy sitting on he bench. He walked up to her and sat down. "Hey." he smiled.
Candy jump and pulled a gun on him"oh sorry" she sighs sitin back down

Miss spence nodded only taking the picture she got her gear and went off to find him soon spoting candy she yelled" Miss Welsh?!?!" candy stood "Teach?" miss spencer runs up to candy huging her to death
Leo turned to the woman. "Um..." he was a bit confused. "Who are you?" he asked.

Larze walked into Reno's office. "WILL YOU GET THE F*CK UP!!!!" he yelled seeing Reno sleeping with a copy of Gen-terns weekly on his face.
"im Miss spencer miss welshes old theacher" candy crossed her arms "its candy now!" miss spencer looked at the picture "oh im sorry but i have been sent to repo you" candy froze she was not loseing another person she cared about."over my dead body!!" candy snaped
"WHAT THAT FUUUUUUU....." Reno's chair falls over with a loud crash "What?!? What do you wan......oh hi boss. Whats up?"
Leo pulled out his cross bows."Make that two!" he yelled pointing them at the woman. "She was your teacher?" he asked Candy.

Larze smirked a bit."Follow Miss Spencer. She may need your help" he said the he walked back to his office.
"yes...." candy said and looked away until miss spencer kicked Leo in the face."LEO!" candy yells runing by his side and keeling down to check on him.
Leo went down like a sack of potatoes."Ow!" he yelled. He looked at Miss Spencer. "Who sent you?" he asked getting back up. He shot an arrow. It grazed Miss Spencer.
"Larze i think it was" Miss spence was not one for lieing or avoiding to answer asked thigs like most.she grabed candys arm spining her around and bent her over her knee spanking her in the rear end wich made candy very angry as she was pushed off.Miss spencer turned back to Leo and tackled him.
Leo moved quickly. He jumped over miss Spencer and kickedher in the head. He landed next to Candy he pikes her up. "Are you okay?" he asked. Then he turned to miss Spencer. He put his cross bows away and pulled off his compound bow and shot an arrow in the air. The arrow bursted open and a net came out and landed on miss Spencer.
"no she spanked me!" she growls.Miss spence gets up and fixes her glasses.she hits him in the nose with her elbow pads and turns to candy before candy tryed to atack .they ramed into each other and fell bckwards.
Reno watches the fight from behind a corner stroking the chain of his chainsaw "soon my dear, soon, the newbie doesn't seem to be doing so well" he pulls out a small push dagger and throws it at the net over miss Spencer slicing the top and letting her out
Spencer got up but paused just to fix her glasses wich confussed cand and she tryed to atack but miss spencer moved to the side and put her hand up makeing candy run right into her fighting gloves knocking her over.
As Candy runs into miss Spencer's glove Reno burts out laughing and falls over giving away his hiding place "uh....shiit......" <.< >.>
Leo snapped his fingers. "Damn thought for sure that would get her." he said then he heard a thud and turned to see a man on the ground.

Axel walked up to Ash."Hey sorry for earlier." he said looking down.
the girls both look at the man."hey stop laughing at me!!" candy yelled charging for him until miss spencer steped infront of her causeing candy to fall on her rear."hey!"
Reno gets up and dusts him self off. "Oi Spencer you want some help? I can take the loser while you take the whiny one?" His chainsaw revs on the ground. "Seems like Blade likes the idea."
Spencer looks at him and smiles."that would be lo...." candy hat hit spencer over the head with a beer bottle and she falls to the ground."ha!" candy laughs and puts miss spencer on her stomach as she grabs both of her legs bending them all the way back untill candy was laying on spencers diidnt seem to bother spencer much and she jerks her legs forward fliping candy on her took a bit because of miss spencers heels but she soon got up and blew her hair out of her eye's.candy does somthing her brother used to call kiping up.she uses her hands and flips up on her feet.miss spencer waits for her to stop showing off then takes her belt off her skirt being tight enough to stay on.she wraps it around her fist and punches candy dead in the face.(wich probly didnt feel to good)
"Ill take that to mean yes." Reno stomps on the end of his chainsaw and as it flips up he grabs the drawstring and yanks it making it rev loudly as it starts up, falling neatly into his hand. "Bring it on wimp" he rushes at Leo with Blade swinging for his face laughing maniacally.

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